#barry obx x reader


hi everyone, fics are coming i promise. work has just been absolutely insane recently but i promise i am still here. yes i am currently working on requests. I keep getting ideas for fics but it just so happens to only be for barry (obx). i promise to have the brett request fic up soon. i’ll probably throw in a barry fic too for good measure. yes i am still taking requests so pls keep them coming.

you know when you get a fantastic idea for a fic and you plan it all in your head and when you go to write it down it’s not the absolute masterpiece you expected it to be or do i just have really high expectations for myself?

pls send me some obx requests or ideas for barry, jj, kie, sarah or cleo. i want to write (and i have a rafebarry fic in the works) but i have no ideas. thanks loves <3
