#baseball is life

hundredthousands-art: sketches for @gottalovev‘s fic Turn Two and a fill for PoTS(18+) Discord serve


sketches for @gottalovev‘s fic Turn Two and a fill for PoTS(18+) Discord server bingo!


This is perfect @hundredthousands , I love it SO MUCH!

I don’t know what I prefer, the amazing transformation of cheetah-Tony or how perfectly besotted centaur-Steve looks! You really captured the soul of that ficlet, thank you so much!

Have I told you lately how much I love your art? So pretty, clean lines, lovely coloring, the sense of movement… I adore it. I think I need to put this on my wall too! ♥️

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petite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insppetite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insppetite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insppetite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insppetite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insppetite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insp


Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)

Vintage baseball trading cards inspired by the legendary 2016 “Team Cap Vs Team Iron Man” fight (and also by the latest campaign of a famous US clothing brand ^^). Note: I chose the numbers on the shirts at random, except for some characters: it’s their birthday.


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petite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insppetite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insppetite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insppetite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insppetite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insppetite-madame: Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)Vintage baseball trading cards insp


Marvel League - Team Cap vs Team Iron Man - (2021)

Vintage baseball trading cards inspired by the legendary 2016 “Team Cap Vs Team Iron Man” fight (and also by the latest campaign of a famous US clothing brand ^^) Note: I chose the numbers on the shirts at random, except for some characters: it’s their birthday.


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