#shifter au

hundredthousands-art: sketches for @gottalovev‘s fic Turn Two and a fill for PoTS(18+) Discord serve


sketches for @gottalovev‘s fic Turn Two and a fill for PoTS(18+) Discord server bingo!


This is perfect @hundredthousands , I love it SO MUCH!

I don’t know what I prefer, the amazing transformation of cheetah-Tony or how perfectly besotted centaur-Steve looks! You really captured the soul of that ficlet, thank you so much!

Have I told you lately how much I love your art? So pretty, clean lines, lovely coloring, the sense of movement… I adore it. I think I need to put this on my wall too! ♥️

Post link


First of many short stories for @lost-opium-artblog shifter au. Hope y'all enjoy it.

I would have had it up sooner, but writer’s block and life decided to postpone it without my permission.

Zain’s Teddy Bear.

Soft sobs, pulled Salim from his light and fitful sleep. His body moved instinctually before he even had a chance to open his eyes. The blankets trailed behind him as he slipped off of the couch and into a low crouch. Sniffing the air, he noticed the faint bitter scent of fear. The scent was drifting from the hall. At first Salim thought it was Dalila, since the scent of fear and disgust clung heavily to her since he had been turned. 

If Salim had know how negatively the bite would affect his family, he would have never accepted it. He should have talked it over with Dalila and put more thought into the consequences of becoming a werewolf. Instead he had only thought of how it would benefit his family. Now he had to deal with the consequences of his good intentioned, but foolish decision. 

Sighing, Salim shook his head to clear the pointless thoughts from it and focused on locating the source of the smell. He drew closer to the beginning of the hall and took a deep breath. His head snapped towards Zain’s room. The scent seemed to be coming from there. Turning and tilting his head to the side, he used his keen hearing to pinpoint the sound of sobs. Confirming that it was coming from his son’s room, spurred Salim to padded quickly down the hall. 

The door to Zain’s room creaked a little when he opened it. Peering inside, his eyes landed on a trembling form that was curled up and hidden away under covers. 

“Zain.” Salim softly called out as he crossed the short distance between them. The bed sank under his weight as he sat next to his boy. Setting his hand on Zain’s back, he tried to reassure him. “It’s ok. I’m here.”

The little boy threw the covers off of himself and quickly crawled into his baba’s lap. Bunching up his baba’s shirt in his tiny fists, Zain pressed against him. Salim instantly cradled his son and gently rubbed Zain’s back. The smell of fear thicken with a hints of salt from the boy’s tears. It pained Salim that his son was in such a state. With his left hand, he wiped tears from son’s cheeks.

“What’s the matter? Did you have a bad dream?” Zain nodded his head. His body wouldn’t stop trembling even though he knew that he was safe in his baba’s arms. “It was only a dream, Zain. You are safe.”

“Why did you and mama abandon me? Why did you leave me all alone?!”

Salim was taken aback by the questions. He would never abandon his son, Zain was everything to him.

What had the little boy been dreaming of? Salim wanted to ask what the dream was about, but thought better of it and instead did his best to reassure his son.

“Oh Zain. Your mama and me would never leave you. We both love you so much." 

"You promise.”

“Yes, my boy. I promise. I will always protect you and do my best to be a good baba." 

Zain’s sobs eventually turned into little sniffles with an occasional gasp here and there. Salim waited till Zain had fully calmed down before attempting to tuck the little boy back into bed. It proved more difficult than it should have. Zain desperately clung to his baba with all his strength and begged Salim to stay with him. No matter how much Salim assured Zain that he would be ok. The little boy refused to let go. 

Salim sighed. Zain’s bed was not big enough for the both of them and neither was the couch. He’d have to come up with a different sleeping arrangement. Picking up Zain with ease, he made his way back to the living room.

Setting Zain on the couch, he tried to pull away to set up a make shift bed on the floor for them. Once more, his boy clung to him and it was a struggle to convince Zain to let go of him.

"You promised you wouldn’t leave me.” Zain’s voice was getting watery and his eyes began to glisten with unshed tears.

“Zain, I’m not going anywhere. I’m just arranging the pillows and blankets.”

“You promise.”

“I promise.” Salim sealed his promise with a kiss to Zain’s forehead. It seemed to calm the little boy enough for him to let go. Working quickly, Salim arranged everything and draped one of his blankets on the make shift bed. He held out his hand to Zain, guiding him onto the pillows and getting him all comfy before joining him. 

They managed to sleep for a few minutes before the smell of fear overwhelmed Salim’s nose. He could feel Zain trembling against him once more.

“Is it the same bad dream as before?” Zain nodded his head. “Do you want to talk about it?" 

"I was alone…mama and you were dead…everyone was dead…” Zain began to sob again. “I don’t want you to die…”

“I won’t die. I’m too stubborn to.” Salim tried to lightened the mood, but didn’t quite succeed. So he pulled his son into a tight hug and tried to sooth him by humming one of Zain’s favorite lullabies. It helped a little, but the little boy still reeked of fear. Racking his brain for a way to make his son feel safe, Salim could only come up with one way. 

He knew how fascinated Zain was with mythology and with his baba’s new state of being. Maybe if he transformed, he could distract Zain from his bad dreams. Though it could all backfire and the little boy could start to act like Dalila. It would destroy Salim if Zain began to fear him too. He began to rethink transforming till Zain’s fear began to grow again. The smell began to make his nose burn.

Saying a quick prayer to Allah, Salim went through with his plan.

“Zain, would you like me to turn? Nothing can hurt me when I’m a wolf.” It wasn’t completely true, but if he could make Zain believe it. Perhaps he could make the little boy feel safe and less worried about his baba’s mortality. 

“Nothing can hurt you?” Salim confirmed that nothing could hurt him and that nothing could hurt Zain or his mama while he was a wolf. That all of them would be safe. It took a moment for Zain to hesitantly nodded his head. 

Taking a deep breath, Salim moved away from the make shift bed and undressed. It would be uncomfortable and painfully to transform, but he was dead set on making Zain feel safe. He warned Zain that he would make weird noises as he transformed, but that he was ok, that it was normal. The little boy nodded and Salim could feel his eyes watching intently. Luckily, it was dark so Zain could only see his form and wouldn’t see all the disturbing details of his transformation. 

Concentrating, Salim called forth his other form. His breathing quickened, interrupted by grunts and groans as his body alter to a new shape. Fur began to sprout from his skin and soon it covered his body completely. Panting softly, he sat down to catch his breath. 

Timid hands reached out to him and he felt his son’s fingers run through his fur. A small gasp followed and Salim held his breath. Afraid that his son would reject him just like his wife had. 

“You’re so soft, like my teddy bear.” Relief flooded him as Zain’s fear disappeared completely and was replaced with the smells of curiosity and excitement. His son’s hands explored his furry face and gently tugged on his ears. If Salim could have chuckled, he would have.

He picked up Zain and set him back onto the pillows and blankets. Curling protectively around his son, Salim tried to get the little boy to sleep. Though it seemed Zain was having trouble settling down, luckily not from bad dreams this time. His little hands explores his baba’s head and shoulders, fascinated by how different they were. He asked questions, but Salim couldn’t quite answer them in this form. 

Zain seemed unbothered by it and soon began to theorizing the answers himself. It wasn’t too long before the little boy began to yawn repeatedly. Finally settling down, he used the crook of his baba’s neck as a pillow and drifted off to sleep, while softly pet the fur on his baba’s shoulder. 

Salim waited till the little boy’s breathing was relaxed and steady, before he himself drifted off to sleep.

I’m so weak for this it is so pure and warm and describes perfectly that drawing I did <3 Thank you so much for that, I can’t wait to see what else you’ll write!
