#based off an image



Stepping into our apartment for the first time in a couple of months felt like returning to reality. The drama we’d been filming for Ji-woon was destroying the ratings. It seemed like Lea’s phone was ringing non-stop with offers for me. At this moment my princess and I were just relieved to be home. Leaving our bags to clean up later a warm shower and a change of clothes made us both feel human again.

Collapsing on the couch, I watched Lea war with herself about making dinner. Eventually so charmed by her rattled monologue about her responsibilities I pulled her squirming form over next to me as I promised we’d order something in. Snuggling into my side I can’t help but grin watching as almost against her will Lea’s fingers dance into the open front of my button up shirt. Tracing the definition of my chest, warm and content I can see my angel’s eyelids starting to drift.

“Darling girl,” Gently, sweetly I attempt to bring her attention back to my face.

“Zen?” Sleepy and affectionate, I melt at her cute expression.

“How about we order our food and there is one more thing we should do.” Nuzzling the crown of her head charmed at the thoughtful look that crosses Lea’s face. “Let’s take a selfie to show our friends we’re back in Seoul, princess.” Nodding as she giggles agreeing.

Too lazy to find my tripod stand I prop my phone up on the coffee table using dvds and books. Posing my cherub and then myself I use my small remote to snap off pictures. Maybe it’s the scent of her perfume or the delightful way her oversized tee is draping off her shoulder, but I find my attention wavering as I try to concentrate. “I love you.” Murmuring as I kiss her hair. Barely realizing I’m also taking a photo as I lose myself in my intoxication.

This sweet and soft piece of art was made for my by @meowlayn-art I can’t say enough good things about their work. They capture a realism between Zen and Lea that always takes my breath away. I asked them for the style of a selfie photo and what they gave me is just romance. I love the pose she choose for Zen, the man notoriously obsessed with himself in pictures, but with Lea, he loses himself to everything but her. It’s beautiful. I highly suggest checking out her Patreon. She is so interactive on it and all her work is to die for!!

Did you seriously write a fiction based off my art…? AGAIN????

I’m sooooo so humbled dear!!! And so impressed that you could write a fic based off a simple portrait like this. How do you do it??

Zen and Lea are so sweet and I am absolutely delighted to have another glimpse into their relationship. It was soft and domestic with a bit of longing and it’s just… AAAAAAAAH!!

Thank you so much for commissioning this piece when I opened charity colored sketch coms, it was very generous of you and I loved working with you once again!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
