#basira hussain


so. they put a lot of pepper into one “Jon” “martin”, huh? 

Commission meko-fiinprnt

[ID: the image is a digital illustration from MAG 197, it is of Jon, Martin, Basira, and the silhouette of Annabelle Cane. They are standing precariously on a thin web above a purple void. Basira is the furthest to the right, Looking forward and to the left at Annabelle, she is stepping forward cautiously and has a hand outstretched to jon and martin, prepared to steady them. she looks concerned. Jon and Martin are in the center right. They are in mid movement, Jon’s facing martin, arms outstretched mid catch, feet planted on the web. he is looking forward and his mouth is open as if speaking, he looks afraid. Martin suspended just within Jon’s arms, face hidden from view, errant bits of web still connect to him. In the left is a silhouette of what is almost a person, apart from the extra thin appendages and mandibles. the entire thing is lit from below by a vivid purple light. end ID]


Trevor Herbert is trying to hunt something again.

Basira bites back her annoyance and follows in his wake.


A small fic about Basira during ep 176. Spoilers for everything up to that point, obviously.

Read it on AO3!

Trevor Herbert is trying to hunt something again.

Basira bites back her annoyance and follows in his wake.


A small fic about Basira during ep 176. Spoilers for everything up to that point, obviously.

Read it on AO3!

Lockdown is a great time to binge podcasts and practice linework… the next season starts toni

Lockdown is a great time to binge podcasts and practice linework… the next season starts tonight  and I may not be able to handle it.

✨Check out my RedBubble, Ko-Fi, and Patreon in my bio!✨

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here’s my headcanons for the lesbian squadlook they are all smiling! isn’t that nice? wouldn’t it behere’s my headcanons for the lesbian squadlook they are all smiling! isn’t that nice? wouldn’t it behere’s my headcanons for the lesbian squadlook they are all smiling! isn’t that nice? wouldn’t it be

here’s my headcanons for the lesbian squad

look they are all smiling! isn’t that nice? wouldn’t it be nice? if? they were all smiling?

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hecate-mist:Here’s spooky podcast lesbians, just in time for the end of Pride month! Daisy Tonner


Here’s spooky podcast lesbians, just in time for the end of Pride month!
Daisy Tonner is the textbook definition of ACAB. #DaisyTonnerStopTryingToSolveEveryProblemThroughViolenceChallenge
And Basira,,, I honestly love Basira, I hope she gets to just chill and read books. I doubt that will happen, but I can hope.

I just realized I forgot to give Daisy pupils… y'know what, it can be an aesthetic choice

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tw // blood/gore, weapons


forgiveness, or the lack thereof


if someone could draw this as jonmartin and basira (at time of apocalypse) i will be the happiest person alive

Hope that this will make you happy=)
