#bat family x reader

  • Requested by @vintageroses1014516: Hi! I love your writing! Hope you’re staying safe during this crazy time! I was wondering if you could perhaps do a Tim x reader where they’ve been going through a rocky time in their relationship and reader decides to try and make things right by surprising him at WE only to see Tim in a compromising position and run away? It can be an angst or fluff ending (I’m not picky). Thank you so much!

Word count: 1k


Tag list: currently there isn’t one, but if you want to be tagged in my writings leave a message ^^


It’s hard for you to admit but it’s obvious that you and Tim are not like in the beginning. Things have changed, you and Tim changed and you reached a point where you don’t even feel like you are in a relationship anymore. Tim has to do his own thing in regards leading the Teen Titans, dealing with the mad men of Gotham and working at Wayne Enterprises, while you were concerned with college, having a part-time job while studying and also helping out the local animal shelters.

It happened slowly, none of you even realised. But you started talking less and seeing each other less and by the time you came to the realisation that this is happening you were afraid that might be too late.

You were both fine with the situation until you had a petty fight a couple of nights ago when you finally manage to meet after such a long time. It was over something so insignificant that you can’t even remember what it was, but it was, on the other hand, so significant as it made you both realise that you cannot stand being with each other anymore.

It was impossible not to think what is going to happen between you and Tim, and even though you were used to him not being around all the time, he was there most of the time when you needed support, and you were always there for him whenever he needed someone to listen and be there for him.

Looking back, you two shared such beautiful moments that it makes you cry only thinking about them. What happened?  How come none of you saw that this relationship is falling apart? Does he even love you anymore? Do you still love you?

After a lot of thinking you told yourself that this cannot be the end of you and him. You love him too much to simply let him go like that and you were ready to fight for this relationship, for it to go back to normal.

It was Tuesday, a pretty sunny day for Gotham City. You only have classes in the morning and you don’t have any shifts today, so you prepared yourself since last night for the meeting you’re going to have with Tim today. He doesn’t even know that you are going to be there, you couldn’t text him, let alone call him. It was such a strange feeling, that you were not comfortable to text the man you love, the man you shared a bed with and the one who knows every detail about you.

You have to do this.

Perhaps you stayed outside the building for 10 minutes just staring at it, thinking that Tim is inside the building, hopefully. It was easy to get a pass in as everyone was used to seeing you visit Tim before your disruption. Then, you found yourself staring at the door of his office for another 10 minutes, afraid. Of what?

The love of your life was in there and you were not prepared for what was going to happen. He was either going to agree with you that this relationship is worth fighting for, or he will disagree. You were afraid of rejection, of losing him, of spending so much time recovering after a potential break up. That’s the reason you probably decided to ignore your gut and stick to this helpless relationship. You can’t lose him.

As you got closer to the door you couldn’t help but hear giggling from the inside. A girl. There was a girl inside. Perhaps she is a friend? She doesn’t sound very familiar to you, it’s definitely not someone from the Teen Titans nor his family.

‘’Someone might see us.’’ You heard. Then you heard kisses.

You could feel your heart starting to break, but there was still home that he wasn’t behind that door. Your Tim could never do that to you. But does your Tim still exist or is he just a memory? Maybe there were just two of his employees making out. You couldn’t help but find excuses for him.

And, man, how shitty the walls in these company are, you can hear everything! So many thoughts and feelings, but you didn’t care anymore and opened the door.

There he was. Your boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend? You don’t know how to refer to him now. Sitting comfortably in his chair with Tamara Fox in his arms. Can you even blame him? You weren’t exactly expecting him to go behind your back and cheat you, but for some reason you are not even surprised. Just disappointed. If he cared about you he could’ve at least bother to break up with you properly.

‘’[Y/N]…’’ That’s the only thing he said.

Tamara was looking at you confused. You assumed that, perhaps, she doesn’t even know that you two are still dating. Tim, on the other hand, looks sad. Or that’s what you’re telling yourself. You can see that he is disappointed with himself, or maybe with how the things turned out, but that’s about it. She got up from his arms looking confused at both of you, and Tim is just staring blankly at the papers on his office. His eyes moved to face yours when you started talking.

‘’I guess this is it…’’ You almost whispered. But he heard you just fine.

That was the only thing you were able to say. You closed the door behind you and left. By the time you exited the building tears were falling on your checks. Deep inside you were hoping that he will come running after you and give some kind of explanation. Anything! You would’ve taken anything, but not that. Not silence. He could’ve told you that he was lonely, that he didn’t knew what he was doing, that is was just an adventure and it will never happen again. You stayed in front of the building for that it seemed a lifetime, but in real time it was just 5 minutes.

You turned around to face the building again, hoping that you will see him coming towards you.

But he wasn’t coming. No one was.

And you knew.

And he knew.

This is it.

This is the end of you and him.
