

Title:  Be My Mirror (My Sword, My Shield)
Word Count: 36k
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: DC Extended Universe

   "Six days"

   Nightwing shrugged. “We don’t know if each of them lasted the full 6 days, but on the seventh day after the abduction, the body is always found in Crime Alley.”

   "And on the seventh day he rested,“ Alfred murmured, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "That does not leave us a great deal of time.”

   Barry shifted a little, nervous. “So, um, have you guys ever - um, found one alive still?”

   Clark desperately wanted to hear a yes. Somewhere where his alter-ego had been stopped. He hoped that there had been places where murdering in cold blood, torture and desecration had been stopped.
   2021 Superbat Big Bang

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