#bruce x clark


HELLO i finished this 226k superbat wrestler au fic called “heroes of the squared circle” by @mithen and it was so good i broke my fic reading record and finished the entire thing in less than two days lmao if u love superbat and love long fics PLEASE READ IT their love is so wholesome and the way the dcu storylines get adapted into wrestling storylines is super cool (this is a sketchdump of how i imagined their wrestling outfits to look throughout the story haha)

“Faith, Alfred…Faith.”

I don’t make the rules.

Superbat RULEZ.


Dick: You are my fire…


Jason: The one desire…


Tim: Believe when I say…

Steph: I want it that way…







Clark and the Batkids: I WANT IT THAT WAY

Bruce: I can’t let you all be in the batcave at the same time…

Damian: It was Jason! Jason throw me off Gotham Center building!

Clark: Oh god, I forgot about that part.

kumeko: Title: some walls need to be torn down A/N: For the @superbatexchange! Unfortunately, my gif


Title:some walls need to be torn down

A/N: For the @superbatexchange! Unfortunately, my giftee dropped out, but I had already finished my piece so this is now for the community in general. Hope you enjoy!

Summary: Bruce had never been good at letting down his walls, at letting others in. Even for Clark. Especially for Clark.


“How’s Friday?” Clark asked, flipping through his planner. Red circles, scribbled in appointments, and stickers decorate every month. His finger tapped on one of the few empty dates. “I’m technically on assignment, but I can always hop back for the night.”

“How old school of you.” Bruce pinched the planner between his fingers, dangling it in front of him. “You have a phone.”

“It’s easier when I can write it out.” Frowning, Clark swiped the planner back. He smoothened the page, clearing any wrinkles. Unfortunately, it didn’t do much good; there was a permanent crease where Bruce had gripped it too hard. “Damn. You’re lucky the year’s almost over.”

“Or what?” Bruce asked dryly, taking a sip from his coffee. He never understood Clark’s preferences for diners, but at least this one had a decent coffee. Leaning back on his seat, he observed the restaurant from their booth. The breakfast crowd was here, a strange mix of truckers and businessmen hurrying to work.

And of course, one journalist, who was still pouting over his agenda. Clark sighed mournfully. “Maybe I should tell Dick to pick on you.” He glared at Bruce grumpily, tapping on the Friday insistently with his pen. “So. Friday?”

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lovelastart:through the yearsyou carry my heartthrough the timewe fall and risethrough the lifetimes


through the years
you carry my heart

through the time
we fall and rise

through the lifetimes
I’ll always find you
and carry you through the treshold

It’s not really fit into @superbatbigbang week 2 prompt: Fireman carry, because I only took the “carry” prompt and turned it into another type of carry lol

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Superbat Reverse Bang 2020 MasterlistAnd we’ve officially come to the end of the 2020 Reverse Bang!

Superbat Reverse Bang 2020 Masterlist

And we’ve officially come to the end of the 2020 Reverse Bang! Most of our teams that went into claims made it across the finish line (with some bumps and a lot of coronavirus along the way)… for which everyone deserves a huge round of applause. Scroll down to see all of the work posted during the 2020 bang.


June 5
Bruce/Clark, 10k, Explicit

When a new surprise attack from General Zod’s Kryptonians is won, Clark and Bruce must rush to prevent a codex believed to be aboard the scout ship from falling into the wrong hands. Little do they know that Clark himself is the bearer of the codex and that their presence together in the Genesis Chamber activates a whole new series of events.

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June 6
Tropical Vacation (Sun, Sand, Sea, and Superman)
Bruce/Clark, 12k, Mature

Or, three times Clark made Bruce take a vacation in a tropical paradise, and one time Bruce returned the favor.

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June 7
The Man From Metropolis
Bruce/Clark, 20k, Mature

A private eye, a millionaire and a heatwave collide in a big city world of danger, corruption and deceit. If they can stay alive, they just might make a difference.

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June 8
A Fine Specimen
Bruce/Clark, 36k, Teen and Up

People are going missing in Gotham, an d that’s absolutely part of Batman’s area of expertise. When it turns out those people are being smuggled through an intergalactic slavery ring and passed off as an alien race known as Kryptonians? That’s less his territory.

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June 9
Dying Star
Bruce/Clark, 5k, General Audiences

Kryptonians age differently than humans.

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June 11
Let’s go flying
Hernan/Kirk, 6k, Explicit

Batman held him years ago, to his surprise Superman hugged him back. Now it is natural and easy for Batman to be lifted up off the ground or just be wrapped by the strong arms. Even when Kirk loses track of time, or when Hernán is absorbed by the real hero idea, they can hold onto each other and all thoughts of science or blood can fade away.

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June 12
Bleeding Love
Hernan/Kirk, 6k, Explicit

After an attack on the Tower of Justice, a depowered Superman searches for Batman, worried the injuries his teammate suffered have left him disoriented and defensive—a disaster waiting to happen if he runs across civilians. Hernan eventually finds Kirk in a bad state, but can he offer the other man the help he needs to survive?

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June 13
Put My Money Where Your Mouth Is
Bruce/Clark, 8k, Mature

Batman overhears the Justice League gossipping about his Brucie Wayne alter ego and, through a series of escalations (and Clark being accosted by Hal for coming to Bruce’s defense), decides to use his secret identity and a visit to the Watchtower to troll them all. Only it turns out maybe Batman is not the world’s greatest detective, as he realises his feelings for Clark (and Clark’s feelings for Batman) might make things a little more complicated.

Cue Identity porn, team shenanigans and a couple of hopelessly oblivious superheroes and a lot of fluffy crack.

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June 14
Under the Cover of Shadow
Bruce/Clark, 8k, Mature

An alternate meeting in an alternate world where Clark discovers the Gotham Bat is not just a myth and gains a little piece of himself back in the process.

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June 15
Double Date
Bruce/Clark, Midnighter/Apollo, Bruce/Clark/Midnighter/Apollo 14k, Explicit

Clark really wants to be public about his relationship with Bruce, or at least Superman’s relationship with Batman. Bruce insists it isn’t possible. If only there were another world’s finest couple to show them how it’s done.

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June 16
Probably Should Have Knocked
Bruce/Clark, 6k, Mature

Gently, Diana places her hand atop his knee and shakes her head. “He’s never seen anything like the device before, Kal. He surmises that some of the tech is either alien in origin or it’s possibly tech from the future. He believes it’s the latter option, rather than the former, as he did confirm the parts Bruce had been studying before, were parts to a temporal time machine.”

“Oh,” Clark breathes out, his whole body slumping as if his strings have been cut.

Or, Barry touches something he shouldn’t, and Clark sees what’s right in front of him.

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June 17
think I feel too deep (and it hurts so hard)
Bruce/Clark, 16k, Explicit

The Flash is dead and the Justice League scrambles to pick up the pieces after him. Except they didn’t, the crippling weight of grief causing them to rush into situations Batman could barely see them getting out of.

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June 18
One Night Only
Bruce/Clark, 7k, Explicit

Bruce crashes on an unknown planet as he returns from a League-related mission. Fortunately for him, he manages to survive the accident with nothing more than big bruises to show for it. Even more fortunately, he finds himself rescued by the hottest alien he’s met so far.

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June 19
the warmest and most ardent of colours
Bruce/Clark, 5k, General Audiences

Bruce has been to dozens of countries. Hundreds of cities. And now, here, bathed in radiant sunlight hundreds of miles from the ever-present gloom of Gotham, Bruce feels the way Vermeer must have felt when he found that girl with the pearl earring, or when Van Gogh looked in the mirror with those bandages on his head after he’d tried to cut off his own ear. It feels like a compulsion; a need. He has to record the image of this statue-still man sitting on the steps of the Florence Cathedral, because if he does not, no one else will ever see what he does right now in this instant.

Or: the one where Bruce is an artist.

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June 21
The Long Night
Lord Batman/Lord Superman, 8k, Explicit

He tells himself that Lord Superman loves him, so there’s no harm in having a single night together.

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June 21
Inside Your Light
Bruce/Clark, 33k, Mature

Superman isn’t breathing. There’s no pulse. There’s a hole in his chest that Bruce can see right through, and were Superman human he would be dead. But he’s not human - as Bruce is all too aware. A failing Bruce had tried to kill him for - has perhaps succeeded - is unquestionably responsible for the hero now lying broken before him.

But Superman should be as indestructible as a god, Bruce won’t accept that he’s dead. There’s something they’re missing and Bruce trusts noone but himself to take the body, keep it safe, find the perfect combination of stimuli to bring the man inside it back from his state between life and death.

The more time Bruce spends with the body, with Superman, with Clark, the closer he feels to a man he never let himself know. The more Bruce realises how much he’ll lose if he can’t find the answers to bring Clark back.

Bruce had expected to solve a puzzle, to right a wrong, to save a life. He never expected to find redemption. He never expected to fall in love…

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June 22

With Matches
Bruce/Clark, 35k, Teen and Up

Clark is investigating a story in Gotham, where he meets the criminal Matches Malone. Despite their differences, Clark finds himself drawn to the other man but things can go terribly wrong when mingling with the criminal underworld.

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June 23
You’re Looking At Me (Like You Don’t Know Who I Am)
Bruce/Clark, 11k, Teen and Up

Batman really hates Bruce Wayne. Superman isn’t so sure.

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June 24
Flutter your wings, Flutter my Heart
Bruce/Clark, 7k, Explicit

Sometimes, being a superhero is awesome. Sometimes, it’s just really, really weird. This falls under the really, really weird category.

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June 25
Last Moscow Sunrise
Jol Balrok,vesper_house
Bruce/Clark, 6k, Explicit

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Batman knows this rule. In order to prepare the plan of Superman’s ultimate destruction, he has to come closer than he could ever imagine.

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June 27
Our Season Love (Is Forever)
Bruce/Clark, 23k, Mature

They meet in Gotham Park in the middle of Autumn. Then fall in love during Winter. Spring is the beginning of a new chapter they’ll open together. And Summer? That’s when they finally find time to rest.

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June 27
A Name He’ll Earn  
Bruce/Clark, 22k, Teen and Up

When the gods of Krypton uncover a plot to lay waste to humanity, a champion is chosen to rally the people and defend the mortal realm. However, the solution sits ill with Kal-El, who feels it would be more helpful to offer direct aid. Disguising himself as a mortal, he descends from Krypton to fight alongside this champion, but finds he must contend with more amorous distractions than he anticipated. This king of Gotham is a legend in the making, indeed.

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June 29
The Tailor
Bruce/Clark, 12k, Explicit

When Clark is assigned to cover the Wayne gala, he find himself in need of a professionally tailored suit. His tailor though is drop dead gorgeous, which brings up a lot of awkward situations during their appointments.

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June 29
A Game You Can’t Win
Ms. 3,nightfoliage
Bruce/Clark, 78k, Teen and Up

Injustice is the hottest MMORPGs currently available to play! Set in a world where superpowers exist, players can become civilians, heroes, villains, and anybody in between. The game has everything from a great story, missions, big in-game events, and weekly battle royales to determine the top rankers.

Despite the game’s young age, one player has quickly risen in the ranks. S41838, or as his fans call him: Superman. The famous farm boy utube star from Kansas has made his mark in Injustice. He’s the reason why the last in-game world event triggered! Now he is the talk of the town, in game and out.

Bruce, who funded the game after Jason’s unfortunate accident, is irritated that a man who is just a video game player is such a big topic among the kids. After the nth time they mention his name, Bruce decides to take matters into his own hands and see what all the fuss is about.

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June 30
The Shape of Hope
Bruce/Clark, 39k, Teen and Up

Post-BvS AU: In the aftermath of Superman’s death and Lex Luthor’s imprisonment, the best Bruce can do is belatedly conduct the investigation into Luthor’s “scientific” endeavors that he should have undertaken months ago. He thinks he knows what to expect, going through Luthor’s secret labs one at a time, picking through the logs and research notes Luthor left behind.

He’s wrong.

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July 1
wrap yourself around me
Bruce/Clark, 11k, Teen and Up

It was just Batman’s luck that his run in with a magic-user ends up with him being swapped with Superman for two whole weeks. Post-Justice League with minor adjustments.

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July 3
Across Mountains (And Over Cornfields)
kriitikaloaf, TheSaltiestDog
Bruce/Clark, 38k, Explicit

[DCEU] The theft of Superman’s body leads Bruce to a plot that needs unraveling, and a second chance.

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July 5
The Signal
Bruce/Clark, 69k, Explicit

The year is 1940, and the world is slowly erupting into all-out war. Safe at Wayne Manor, and unable to affect any larger change, Bruce Wayne is desperate to help in any way he can.

He just doesn’t expect it to involve racing Nazis through the heart of Europe to find the origin of a mysterious signal that could change the course of the war.

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July 7
Fear and Delight
Hernan/Kirk, 5k, Explicit

Hernan returns from a bad mission with a heavy weight on his shoulders. And when Kirk expresses concern (Kirk has a habit of watching Hernan too closely, knowing him too well) Hernan realises there might be a way Kirk can help relieve the burden. With the help of kryptonian level restraints and Kirk’s thirst for blood, Batman and Superman find a way to navigate through their unspoken feelings and land on an unexpectedly healing use of deliciously (unfamiliar) painful control.

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July 8
(A Superhero’s Amateur Guide to Saving a Life, Falling in Love, and Preserving the Space-Time Continuum Despite) Time Travel
Bruce/Clark, 18k, Teen and Up

There isn’t anything unusual about the day Bruce dies.

Clark wishes there had been. He wishes he’d known it was coming; he wishes he’d been ready and waiting to stop it before it happened at all.

But having the chance to fix it after the fact is the next-best thing. He’ll take it.

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July 10
Pull, Take, Break
Bruce/Clark, 7k, Explicit

The Joker doesn’t like it when Batman plays with other toys.  So he’s going to break one.

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July 11
you and me ‘round about midnight
Bruce+Clark, art only, General Audiences

Batman solemnly gazes at a new presence in the skies above Gotham, and a super-powered stranger makes himself known in a spectacular way.

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July 13
Hernan/Kirk, 18k, Explicit

For a mysterious reason Superman loses his heat vision, x-ray vision and ability to fly. Even his super strength is starting to fade away.

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July 13
from that unknown
Bruce/Clark, 26k, Teen and Up

For three decades Clark Kent has been haunted by an unsettling spectre with fiery eyes, and at last seeks to understand and confront the genesis of his fear. In the present, Bruce discovers an unfortunate truth, and must come to terms with certain ghosts of his own.

Or: Superman is dead, but not exactly gone.

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July 14
Dragon Heart
Bruce/Clark, 27k, Teen and Up

Kal wants to make up for his past. Bruce tries to move on with his future. They eventually meet in the middle.

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SRB Inktober


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Title:  Dragon Heart
Word Count: ~27k
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairing(s): Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: Alternate Universe, DCEU
Summary: Kal wants to make up for his past.  
Bruce tries to move on with his future.
They eventually meet in the middle.

Read the fic!|See the art! 

Title: from that unknownAuthor: flirtygaybrit (ao3) | dragneto (Tumblr)Artist: nowrunalongWord Count

Title:from that unknown
Author:flirtygaybrit (ao3) | dragneto(Tumblr)
Word Count: 26k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing(s): Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: DC Extended Universe
Summary: For three decades Clark Kent has been haunted by an unsettling specter with fiery eyes, and at last seeks to understand and confront the genesis of his fear. In the present, Bruce discovers an unfortunate truth, and must come to terms with certain ghosts of his own.

Or: Superman is dead, but not exactly gone.

Read the fic!  | See the art!

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Title:Pull, Take, Break
Author: butterflyslinky @ TumblrandAO3
Artist: Jule
Word Count: 7862
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Joker (DCU)/Harleen Quinzel, Joker (DCU)/Clark Kent, Clark Kent/Harleen Quinzel
Continuity: DCU Comics
Summary: The Joker doesn’t like it when Batman plays with other toys.

So he’s going to break one.

Read the Fic!|See the Art (NSFW) 

Title: (A Superhero’s Amateur Guide to Saving a Life, Falling in Love, and Preserving the Space-Time Continuum Despite) Time Travel
Word Count:18,532
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: DC Extended Universe
Summary: There isn’t anything unusual about the day Bruce dies.
Clark wishes there had been. He wishes he’d known it was coming; he wishes he’d been ready and waiting to stop it before it happened at all.

But having the chance to fix it after the fact is the next-best thing. He’ll take it.

Read the fic!  | See the art! 

 Title: The Great Boom of ‘98Author: flirtygaybrit / @dragnetoArtist: Cheese_kun / @gg-kinkoWo

Title:The Great Boom of ‘98
Word Count:32k
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences
Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
Continuity: No Specific Continuity / DC Extended Universe

Summary: During the height of the Klondike Gold Rush in Yukon, Canada, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent attempt to unravel the mystery behind a string of disappearances, mine closures, and unfamiliar minerals being unearthed by hopeful prospectors; along the way, they gain a number of unlikely allies, and make a discovery or two that just may change the world.

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 Title: yours & mineAuthor: susiecarterArtist(s): sdiosb (Tumblr | AO3) & Ms.3 (AO3)Word Cou

Title:yours & mine
Artist(s): sdiosb (Tumblr|AO3) & Ms.3 (AO3)
Word Count: 51k
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: DC Extended Universe
Post-JL 2017, Bruce and Clark are starting to figure each other out. Clark’s also starting to think he wants to get to know Bruce a lot better than either of them expected.

And then, to help the dangerously depleted ranks of the Green Lanterns collect evidence against an intergalactic slave trader, they have to go undercover: Clark as the Kryptonian overlord who conquered Earth and has proven able to hold it against even the incursions of the New Gods of Apokolips … and the pride of his personal collection, a human warrior he subdued and trained himself. Which means Clark has to pretend he really is the nightmare Bruce once believed he would be, and he also has to keep it together in the face of leading a collared, naked Bruce around on a chain—when all he’s starting to realize he actually wants is to get on his knees for Bruce instead.

read the fic|see sdiosb’s art|see Ms.3’s art

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 Title: I could love youAuthor: Mar_69Artist: @magpiebeeWord Count: 16kRating: GeneralPairings: Bruc

Title:I could love you
Word Count:16k
Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent, Minor Clark Kent/Lois Lane
Continuity: No Capes AU
Summary: Bruce and Clark had been friends since college, and during all these years they had been pining for the other, no one was bold enough to make a move, until one Dick Grayson arrived at their lives.

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Title: The Same Sky, Day and Night Author: Atanih88Artists: mashimero & @with-your-poncho-onWord

Title:The Same Sky, Day and Night
Word Count:19,989
Pairings: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane
Summary: Clark and Lois separate as the sun rises over Metropolis. Clark and Bruce find comfort in each other’s company as night settles over Gotham. A look at the quiet moments that sew together something deeper.

[read the fic | see mashimero’s art on AO3orTumblr | see with-your-poncho-on’s art: post 1andpost 2]

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 Title: This Is Not My Beautiful WifeAuthor: MeduseldArtists: Sazzysavvy and architeuthisWord Count:

Title:This Is Not My Beautiful Wife
Word Count: 16k
Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: No Specific Continuity
Bruce wakes up in a nice house in the suburbs next to the love of his life. Clearly, something nefarious is going on.

[read the fic | see sazzysavvy’s art on TumblrorAO3|see architeuthis’ art]

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 Title: Let Your Hopes Shape Your FutureAuthor: OuiBeeblesArtist: with-your-poncho-onWord Count: 13k

Title:Let Your Hopes Shape Your Future
Word Count: 13k
Rating: T
Pairing(s): (Eventual-Past) Clark Kent/Lois LaneClark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: No Specific Continuity
The funeral is a week later. The church is sterile and nearly empty. Bruce sits next to Alfred in the front row. His eyes are fixed on his shoes the whole time. His eyes are dull and unfocused. The speakers, for there are so many, talk and talk and talk until he thinks about screaming for them to shut up. He doesn’t care what they have to say! Alfred always squeezes his hand when he feels that very strong thought and he knows he can’t do that to Alfred because he loved his parents too.

The last one to speak is an old priest, his dad’s childhood one, he thinks. He wants to summon enough energy to look up and pay attention but the words about God’s love and kindness curdle the thoughts sour before he even manages it. God is cruel if one or more even exists.

He thinks to himself that maybe if he were to meet one what he would do. Maybe he would shout at them until his voice was gone. Maybe he would fight them. He thinks he would make them weak though. That makes the most sense to him. If he were to make a god or more mortal then, they would be subject to the misery they created or, at the least, didn’t stop.

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Title:  Be My Mirror (My Sword, My Shield)
Word Count: 36k
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: DC Extended Universe

   "Six days"

   Nightwing shrugged. “We don’t know if each of them lasted the full 6 days, but on the seventh day after the abduction, the body is always found in Crime Alley.”

   "And on the seventh day he rested,“ Alfred murmured, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "That does not leave us a great deal of time.”

   Barry shifted a little, nervous. “So, um, have you guys ever - um, found one alive still?”

   Clark desperately wanted to hear a yes. Somewhere where his alter-ego had been stopped. He hoped that there had been places where murdering in cold blood, torture and desecration had been stopped.
   2021 Superbat Big Bang

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Title:In for a Penny
Word Count: 11482
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: No specific continuity

‘Bruce is doing something stupid, and we need you to save him.’

‘Me? Clark Kent?’ If Bruce needed to be saved, Superman was a more logical choice.

‘He’s auctioning off a date with him for charity and we need you to win.’

Or: Clark finally gets the full Bruce Wayne experience.

[read the fic|see the art]

 Title: Lux in TenebrisAuthor: Percilout / eLOCInArtist: Bonanza_NutsWord Count: 19kRating: TPairi

Title:Lux in Tenebris
Word Count:19k
Pairing(s): Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane (Past)
Continuity: DC Extended Universe

When he starts losing his powers half a year after his return to the world of the living, it is up to Clark to figure out how to live without them. Through Lois, he finds himself doing charity work. Through the charity work, he finds much more than he ever could have hoped for.

(Or, Clark Kent’s guide on how to beat depression.)

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Title: LifelineAuthor: colonel_bastardArtist: nowrunalongWord Count: 13.7kRating: Teen and Up Audien

Word Count:
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: DC Extended Universe

Summary: It’s not the first time Martha Kent has been woken up by a phone call from her son in the middle of the night. It is, however, the first time that Clark has asked her if she can talk to Bruce instead.

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