#bc mentioned


☆゚.*・。゚ a family photo ˎˊ˗

before the start of and*roma’s schedules really picked up, sunmi figured it would be in her best interest to pay her family a visit. she had just finished recording for iqs yesterday. tomorrow would be another recording although this time it’s for return to superman. it’s a cute show. maybe she should convince her dad to try out for it. he looks good on television. although he’s not a celebrity. that would be his only hindrance at getting it.

although it’s a cute thought in her mind.

euijin’s birthday is coming up soon. because of her schedules she can’t really make it. she’ll be too tired to. she wanted to make it up to her younger sister but she knows she won’t have free time until over a month later. the timing is horrible. her dad doesn’t like having family get togethers if family is missing. that includes birthdays. though the fortunate part of this is that sunmi is going to have some free time for the twin’s fourth birthday. sometimes it sounds her to think that her dad is forty with young kids. he’s going to be retired by the time they’re sunmi’s age.

she’s greeted at the door by the kid’s yells. jenny and james both run up to her for hugs. she covers them both in kisses. her mom had a day off and her dad was at work. she greets her step mother with a hug and a kiss. the twins waddled after them both, determined to get all of their older sister’s attention. she places jenny in her lap. james is content sitting on the table next to where sunmi and jenny sat.

“your father found something interesting yesterday,” her step mom says. she has a twinkle in her eye. sunmi remembers it from her childhood. whenever she wanted to give seungie something special despite not having much money she had the same look. sunmi and seungdong would have the best days whenever seungdong’s mom had that look in her eye. they were precious memories.

“what did he find?” sunmi asks. she tried to feign disinterest by focusing on braiding jenny’s long hair. it was silky and dark. healthy. much like sunmi’s was when she was little. in fact, jenny somehow looks like euijin too despite the fact that euijin and jenny had no blood relation. maybe sunmi was just projecting because she missed out on growing up with euijin.

her step mother smiled, handing over a small stack of photos. when she was finished with jenny’s hair she grabbed them. these were just photos of her and euijin. some of them were ones that charles took. sunmi had asked him to find some because sunmi was still crafting euijin’s present. sunmi furrowed her brows. “that’s what i asked him to do. you’re saying it as if he found something cool.” her mother laughed as if she knew a secret. sunmi didn’t get it.

she got into her car, texting her manager to let him know she was on her way back to the dorms earlier than intended. he told her to be safe. before pulling off, she went through the photos her father had found. some of them he had got them printed. she could tell because they’re newer compared to the other photos. there are some photos as old as a few years ago, when sunmi had first brought euijin home. it was of them smiling and laughing. family dinners, parties and holidays since then.

and then she saw it.

this photo wasn’t as big as the others and it’s definitely older. a lot older. sunmi recognised herself from when she was a baby in the photo. her mom was in this photo too – her actual mother. her father sat next to her on the hospital bed. sunmi couldn’t be older than two in this photo. she’s tip toeing to look at her mother. her mother was holding a baby. sunmi has no recollection of this photo or this time. she didn’t even need to look at the back of the photo for the inscription. she knew what this was.

tears sprung to her eyes immediately. she couldn’t believe it. how has she never seen this? of all the things her mother kept. she swore they already saw it all. or at least, sunmi assumed so. she kept the photo close to her heart for a moment. it was so nice to see.

after taking a moment she texted her manager that she was taking a quick stop at the photo centre to do something. she had plans for a new background photo for her phone.
