

Confess your hearts desires 

hey guys, I’m so sorry for my long absence. I could put a laundry list of excuses but I’ll just settle for life tends to happen and at the worse times. I won’t abandon ya’ll again I promise. So please submit away! The box is empty and waiting for some juicy confessions.

Again I am so sorry!

Well guys I’m just dropping in to let you know I might not be able to post too much in the near future. Without getting into too much detail life just got very difficult both emotionally and financially.

Seeing as there are no confessions in the box maybe this won’t be an issue. I just didn’t want to leave anyone hanging again. Please continue to submit confessions, I will do my best to post them ASAP! I’m still going to do everything in my power to stay around and post your fantasies.

I just want to wholeheartedly say sorry now.

The confession box is now empty! Enjoy the new goodies and submit more loves!

Mod here has no confessions and I just know y’all got some nice (or naughty) things that you just need to let out! So confess!

Also, how we feeling about the confessions on gifs?? Thought to try something new but all input is welcome. 

I started this blog 5 years ago, yep 5 years. I haven’t been the best at keeping it up but lately I have tried to bring it back. All you amazing followers make that possible. Thank y’all for giving this blog a chance! 

Submitted by Anon.(Same, anon. Same! C’mon that’s an invitation)

Submitted by Anon.

(Same, anon. Same! C’mon that’s an invitation)

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Take this screencap. You might need it.(SAVED AND PLAN TO USE OFTEN!!)

Take this screencap. You might need it.


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Right now your loving mod is online and ready to make confessions as they roll in! 

Submitted by Anon.(I showed the credit for the person who took this screencap, all credit to them fo

Submitted by Anon.

(I showed the credit for the person who took this screencap, all credit to them for this lovely pic)

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