#connor macmanus


May the smut be with you - 21. pain play - Connor MacManus


I guess this will be again one of those who barely gets a note… but anyway, I really love this and there wil be a second part of it.

warnings: Connor is a bit too motivated…. bondage goes wrong

“Connor! Undo the rope!” you hiss, trying somehow to free yourself from the rope that he has tied far too tight around your wrists. And your ankles, your thighs, your tits. Luckily, in his rush, you were able to stop him from tying it around your neck, otherwise you would probably hardly be able to breathe now. Connor has a real mania for ropes. And he enjoys this with every second that goes by.

He has spent hours, if not weeks, reading up on books that have shown him exactly which knots to tie and how. And if that wasn’t enough, he’s sought out the explicit books that weren’t easy to find, the ones that taught him specific techniques on how to make a pleasurable knot work best.

But today he has gone one step too far. Your body aches and the places where the rope is placed throb. You are surprised that nothing has turned blue yet because it is so tight in some parts.

The stupid thing is that you are lying on your stomach, your upper body pressed hard into the mattress, while he continues to push into you. When his flat hand hits your bare ass, you moan low unintentionally, which confirms him in his plan.

So he speeds up again while he bends down to you and grabs your tits, which are already aching from the rope, with both hands. You moan, and probably couldn’t have explained yourself whether it was from pleasure or pain. Probably a mixture of both.

Because when his teeth dig firmly into your shoulder and he pushes deep into you one last time, an orgasm overtakes you that you only see stars for a moment.

Hot tears run down your face, and when the euphoria subsides and you feel the pain again, you would like to push him off you and go home without words.

“Get that fucking rope off me now!” you hiss into the mattress as he gently spreads kisses on your neck.

“just enjoy it another moment…” he mumbles into your skin, and starts gently stroking your hard nipples. But this is far from pleasant, just like your tits themselves, your nipples ache at the little touch. More and more tears spread down your face from anger and also from pain, and you start to tremble all over your body as you somehow try to escape the rope.

“Fucking shit! Now untie the fucking rope, I said!” you scream through your tears, whereupon he stops. You can’t see his questioning look, his confusion written all over his face. Because for him, it’s all part of the game.

“But…” he begins, and seeing your despair on one face, he curses and rushes to untie the knots. He doesn’t even have to untie it properly because you squirm out of it, and quickly leave the bed. Panting, you wipe the tears from your face, grab your clothes and begin to dress. Any attempt by Connor to stop you or to talk to you, you block out for the moment, even though it’s hard for you. Only when you have your shoes on, your jacket, and you look to him, do you wait a moment. He looks at you like a beaten puppy, and you don’t know whether to laugh or just leave.

“I…I’m sorry…you didn’t…say the word…” he stutters, wiping his face cursing as you just shake your head at first.

“The word?….. You cut off my tits like that, they almost turned blue!… Weren’t my tears enough huh?” you yell at him and try to calm down again. You have to remind yourself that he didn’t do it out of evil intention, but just stupidity. You close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath when you suddenly feel his warm hand on your face and he gently strokes your temple with his thumb.

“Tá brón orm… I’m really sorry my love” he finally whispers and gives you a cautious smile. Tears fill your eyes again, because you need time for yourself right now. Time to think, to know how this is all going to go on.

“I know… Let’s talk tomorrow, yeah?” you ask, pecking his lips gently. He knows he fucked up, and doesn’t try to stop you any further either, because he knows just as well that it would only escalate.

It’s better to sleep on it now and let the emotions boil down. And then you need to make a plan to take your revenge.

Confess your hearts desires 
