

For I am still thy lover true, come once again and love me. Castles, quests, and adventure! Below are my Top 5 Favorite stories:

Change Your Stars” (M, 52) by histoires_eternelles,JJK

“No, wait.” Steve reached out a hand to stay Sam, overcome with a terrible, or maybe a brilliant idea. “All he has to do is not fall off his horse,” Steve said, with a slow smile spreading across his lips.

Sam frowned at Steve.

“One of us could ride in his place.”


A Steve/Bucky Knight’s Tale AU with a double dose of Identity Porn, featuring fake-knight Steve and secret-prince Bucky.

+ Steve pretends to be a knight and Bucky pretends to be a squire. Jousting, banquets, falling in love, and chivalry.


A Simple Breeze, A Single Spark” (T, 36k) by leveragehunters

Like he’d been waiting for his cue, a tall, dark-haired man appeared behind the jailer. He wore a fighter’s leathers, all in black, with a long sword peeking over one shoulder. His eyes were a complicated grey, flecks of blue giving them richness, but they were…empty.

Steve fought not to recoil from the blankness, letting his gaze flick to the bird perched on his other shoulder. It was some kind of hunting bird, maybe a falcon or a hawk, no hood or jesses, and it mantled, staring down at Steve like he was a mouse it was considering for dinner.

They were something from a legend or a nightmare and they were here for Steve.

+ Ladyhawke AU. Bucky is a wolf by night and Sam is a hawk by day. Steve joins them on their quest to kill Pierce. 


silver and gold” (E, 19k) by Claudia_flies

Bucky wakes up to the sound of the rooster, like he’s done every morning since he arrived in the village. The crow echoes through the yard and makes the horses move in their pens below him, they too waking up to the day.

+ Omega Bucky escapes Pierce and finds a home in a new village. He gets an anonymous partner for his seasonal heats and a crush on Lord Steve


The Tale of the Silver-Armed Knight” (E, 5k) by BeaArthurPendragon

After being exiled from Ireland, Steven Grant is quietly making a new life for himself in York crafting the finest armor in all of England. One late December afternoon, a legendary knight visits his smithy to commission armor with very specific requirements.

Mr. Grant has a few requirements of his own.

+ Part 1 of a series where Blacksmith Steve and Knight Bucky spar and get frisky 


A Midsummer Knight’s Dream” (E, 29k) by cobaltmoony,GoldBlooded

Sir Steven, knight, alpha, and baron of a small countryside estate, receives an invitation to a Royal Tournament: It’s a winner-take-all competition, and the prize? The hand of Prince James, the kingdom’s most eligible omega, in marriage.

It seems like a lifetime ago that young Steven left the palace – and his best pal, the prince - to attend to his familial duties. Since that time, he’s dreamed of reclaiming his friendship with the prince; if not as a companion, then perhaps as a member of the prince’s guard.

Prince James, royal, omega, and heir to the throne is tired of being reduced to his designation and pressured into an arranged marriage like a political pawn. He devises the tournament as a means to an end: winner claims his hand in marriage, but if he wins? He’ll get to claim his own future.

Let the tournament begin…

+ Omega Bucky fights for the right to avoid arranged marriage. Childhood friends, requited feelings, heat/rut. Dense King George and awful Rumlow


+ More Medieval stories here
