#bean the dynamite



I am once again asking for their release from Classic Sonic hell

Do you think Bark and Bean can even function without Nack aroundDo you think Bark and Bean can even function without Nack around

Do you think Bark and Bean can even function without Nack around

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Context.Because I just couldn’t stop at writing stupid fanfiction, have a bunch of rough doodle comiContext.Because I just couldn’t stop at writing stupid fanfiction, have a bunch of rough doodle comiContext.Because I just couldn’t stop at writing stupid fanfiction, have a bunch of rough doodle comiContext.Because I just couldn’t stop at writing stupid fanfiction, have a bunch of rough doodle comi


Because I just couldn’t stop at writing stupid fanfiction, have a bunch of rough doodle comics of that one story idea I talked about earlier. I’m putting some dialogue transcripts under a cut, because I know my handwriting is somewhat on the illegible side. 


Mina: So?

Nack: WHAT?

N: Wh–Hey! 

M (imitating Nack) : ‘Hey chump, dontcha worry about it! Just get me my money and we got a deal!’ 

M: You are SO full of it, weasel. 

N: (My accent doesn’t sound like that.) 


M: ?!

N: Alright, listen up. I’m no happier with this crap than you are. But I’m gettin’ paid a LOT for it, so we’re just gonna be puttin’ up with it. 

N: Alright, Popcorn? 


N: If you hate it so much, go whine to Sonic. I get stuck with you because he’s too damn BUSY. 

N: (Causing problems, I bet.) 

N: ….The hell are you doin’? 

M: (crying sounds) 

N: ……

N: Bean n’ Bark will meet up with ya in th’ morning. See ya then, popstar. 

M: Huh? But….uh, your hat…

N: Whatever. Just give it back tomorrow. No one wants to watch ya embarass yerself sobbin’. 


M: You….YOU….!!!

M: ….you suck. 

Bean: Hey, where’s your hat? 


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Some humanized SanicsI might ink some of these. I really like how the full body of Bark and Bean camSome humanized SanicsI might ink some of these. I really like how the full body of Bark and Bean camSome humanized SanicsI might ink some of these. I really like how the full body of Bark and Bean camSome humanized SanicsI might ink some of these. I really like how the full body of Bark and Bean cam

Some humanized Sanics

I might ink some of these. I really like how the full body of Bark and Bean came out. I pretty much just drew Knuckles simply because I needed some practice drawing some riggedy ripped dudes. But as usual a lot of Hooligans because if I’m anything its predictable. 

I started this intending to do a bunch of Nacks and ended up doing way more Beans. Dammit Bean. 

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I haven’t really drawn any pure Hooligans garbage in a long timeThis mostly just started with me wanI haven’t really drawn any pure Hooligans garbage in a long timeThis mostly just started with me wanI haven’t really drawn any pure Hooligans garbage in a long timeThis mostly just started with me wanI haven’t really drawn any pure Hooligans garbage in a long timeThis mostly just started with me wan

I haven’t really drawn any pure Hooligans garbage in a long time

This mostly just started with me wanting to practice drawing Nack, who quite honestly I’ve never been that good at drawing. Though that’s probably because I base my doodles of him on the later designs in the Archie comics, where the artists had something of an anything goes approach to drawing him. I dunno, I always thought Yardley’s art was the best designs for all three of the Hooligans.

Bean is like, really good at espionage, you guys. All the best spies yell at the top of their lungs how they’re in disguise.  

I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to let go of the Archie Sonic comics you guys

The IDW ones just don’t fill the empty void for me

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Title: Eon of Aurora

Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog (Archieverse)

Rating: T (swearing, violence, smoking references, drinking references, etc)

Genre: Adventure/Mystery

Summary: Separated from their old ward and back to their old shenanigans, the Hooligans end up dragged into one last dance with the lunacy of the Frost family when Stella Frost digs up secrets about her missing parents. Only this time it won’t just be Nack, Bean, and Bark who she has roped into the conspiracy deep within the Aurora Ice Fields…and deep underneath it. (Notes in the link)

Status: In Progress

Read on FF.net!

Read on Ao3!

Bean the Dynamite and Han Orcylia the Owl The characters are not mine: vHan the Owl is from: @e09etm

Bean the Dynamite and Han Orcylia the Owl 

The characters are not mine: v

Han the Owl is from: @e09etm

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The Final Suncs!**

**Most certainly probably

Thank you for following me on this silly journey, and poll results that Animal Crossing will be the next game I tackle!

Due to the astronomical amount of characters in Animal Crossing, I will likely do them in batches, with breaks in-between for games with smaller rosters.

So stay tuned for that!

