#beans mag200 project


After months of work! It’s finally done!

animation stats and more in the video desc.

Commission meko-fiinprnt

only 4 scenes left! I can’t believe I’m this close to being done. I don’t know what I’ll do with mysonly 4 scenes left! I can’t believe I’m this close to being done. I don’t know what I’ll do with mysonly 4 scenes left! I can’t believe I’m this close to being done. I don’t know what I’ll do with mysonly 4 scenes left! I can’t believe I’m this close to being done. I don’t know what I’ll do with mys

only 4 scenes left! I can’t believe I’m this close to being done.

I don’t know what I’ll do with myself when it’s done lol. (probably get over-invested in a new animation project) 

Commission meko-fiinprnt

[ID: the images are screenshots from an animated video of a scene from The Magnus Archives episode 200. They are of Jon and Martin. Jon has medium dark skin, long greying hair, solid glowing green eyes, and a short beard. He is wearing rectangular glasses, a long green collared shirt, and a lighter grey shirt under. Martin has light brown skin and dark grey hair. he is wearing round glasses, and a cream colored sweater, with the sleeves rolled up to the arms. They are backlit by green light

In the first, Martin is holding Jon’s hands, which are raised by his face as if he is gesturing as he talks. he is looking down and frowning slightly.

in the second, Martin is in the foreground, he looks to be saying something angrily while trying to pull jon, who is far behind him.

The third is martin hugging jon, Martin’s back is to the viewer, and Jon’s chin is resting on his shoulder, he looks like he’s saying something with a resigned look on his face.

The last is of a similar pose as the third, jons face is buried in martin’s arm, hands clutching it. green tear-like light is leaking from his eyes. end ID.]

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Hello! I am now 69% done with this thing. (nice) So here are my favorites out of the scenes I’ve done recently

Commission meko-fiinprnt

here’s another WIP! I gotta re-do some little things, but aside from that, It’s really coming along! I am learning so much, and sleeping so little.

Commission meko-fiinprnt

guess who decided to animate and color 2 minutes and 50some seconds of MAG 200? that’s right baby. I’m going to be working on this one for a while, but I finished the animatic, so enjoy the wip.

Commission meko-fiinprnt

human words cannot describe how hectic the last however long has been. anyways, here’s my next WIP. things should be hopefully less busy, so here’s to me finishing this soon

Commission meko-fiinprnt
