#death cw

 Wonktober day 17 - Disintegration + hylictober day 17i finished the main drawing late last night +  Wonktober day 17 - Disintegration + hylictober day 17i finished the main drawing late last night +

Wonktober day 17 - Disintegration + hylictober day 17

i finished the main drawing late last night + i felt like making something showing off gibbys full outfit lol 

i would like to state that in my hylics fanon thing the only reason people initially liked gibby before he yknow, yeeted their brains was because he was attractive

im not going to say what killed him there, because reasons

the reasons being that it was brutal and Not Nice

Also damn I guess some people really liked him enough to just like, reanimate his corpse huh
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fun alternative: cruise ships. cruise ships exploit workers and can pollute as much as a million cars on a daily basis while dumping endless shit into the ocean and endangering all passengers on board because the on board air quality rivals some of the most polluted cities in the world while being a breeding ground for disease. cruise ships deserve to have negativity associated with them


stop using hospitals as horror settings

also all crimes commited aboard a cruise ship is under the juristiction of whichever country they’re registered to once they’re a certain distance away from land so you have the added bonus of the crimes being very unlikely to be properly investigated (due to usually being physically so very far from the actual police whose juristiction they’re under)


On top of THAT cruise ships tend to have their own morgue, as people tend to die on ships all the time. Good for those spooky scenes.

plus u can just like…leave a hospital. good luck escaping a killer or a monster or a curse or w/e in the middle of the fucking ocean

As an ex cruise ship employee, let me give you some stuff to work with!

Water tight doors! You get a special training video on interacting with these correctly because they will literally cut you in half if you try and go through them while they’re closing!

Freezer vaults for food in the sub decks - you can only get into these with the correct code and they have very thick walls. Good luck if you get shut in one of these just after the last round of checks bucko

There are cameras everywhere…except in the crew cabin corridors. Also there are no windows down there because unless you’re an officer, you live below the waterline. Day and night have no meaning because everything is in the same slightly unsettling yellow light.

Don’t piss off the guys who deal with the rubbish. They have machines down there that can crush metal barrels

As well as morgues, cruise ships usually have one basic operating theatre with all the attendant horrifying equipment in it

One cigarette thrown carelessly in the wrong place WILL start a fire that will gut half the ship.

When we’re pitching side to side, the anchor swings out and then back in, striking the metal outer shell with a noise that shakes half the ship

People disappear overboard more often than you’d really want to be a thing

A lot of cruise ships now have theatres on board (usually towards the front) with all the potential for dark corners, creepy costumes and electrical calamities you could want.

And as op says, you can’t really escape a ship in the middle of the ocean. Particularly during a storm, as then you can’t even evacuate to lifeboats unless the whole ship is going down. On the upside being on board during a storm means most guests hide in their cabins and the staff walk around like drunks, which would likely throw off a skilled murderer’s plans.

Takes notes

You also have the bonus of a corporate overlord who doesn’t give a shit about anything but profits and can be reliably counted on to downplay any disaster in an attempt to avoid publicity.

This is not a headcanon, and may be considered a controversial idea, but rather than looking at a piece of fictionalized media as a factual reference source, we as a fandom need to separate the source material (aka the strike) from the fictionalized media (the movie and stage production). If you would like to include more women in your fanfiction or productions, you do you, go right ahead, but don’t claim historic accuracy. If you are looking to romanticize the poverty and hardship the boys went through by reducing them all down to children, this blog is not going to give you the basis for that. 

When wanting women and girls to be included among the historic newsboy strike or among fandom spaces, we need to acknowledge that our labor laws we have today in the US were created based on the abuse and the deaths of millions of lower class, primarily immigrant women who worked in factories and sweatshops. Women were the ones to effect change in strikes, to hold the picket lines, to bring attention to the injustices that were faced. 

Just one example, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory tragedy, of the 146 deaths, 123 of those were women. They were literally locked inside a burning building, and forced to jump out of a 12-14 story building or be suffocated or burned to death. This history is horrifying. It makes my stomach hurt just to think about it, because at the end of the day, realistically, many of us on this website would have historically been there, working 14-18 hour days for pennies. 

As for divorcing the source material from the show or movie, the newsboys lost their strike. No matter what the musical may say.  They only got one of their demands, and at the end of the day, it took adults to make the changes. This is a much more depressive view of the events than the musical portrays. When studying history, it is important to keep in mind that even if you do not like how something turned out, you can not deny it. You can not change something just because it does not fit how you would like it. 

The newsboys should not be romanticized. Hundreds, close to a thousand, of CHILDREN, CHILDREN died each year as newsboys. And that is not counting those that fell sick or were injured in other jobs. Boys living in the lodging houses who passed were placed into blank pine boxes, without their names attached, without anyone there to mourn them and their small pine boxes were stacked in wagons just high enough to not tip on their way to mass burials.  Here is the source for those of you who want to read, unfortunately, it’s behind a paywall that I get access to through my work. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3790564?seq=1

This stuff is depressing as F&%#. And I’m sorry for this long post but it needed to be said. Though Newsies is a musical, it is not a Disney-perfect story. 






“rural areas need cars” do y'all think rural areas were invented in 1910

shit sucked before 1910!

Feel like we can do better in the genre of anti-car arguments than ones that could be applied as easily to antibiotics or the printing press

You can’t because cars are also an incredible technological advance that have made everyone’s lives better, including those who don’t use them themselves.

The correct arguments are a) a lot of violent crimes committed with cars are treated less seriously than similar crimes without and b) governments mandate that huge amounts of valuable land be given rent-free for the use of cars.

In both cases the correct thing for an urbanist to want is for cars to be treated like normal, not (as currently) like a privileged kind of actor. If you charge market rents for roads and parking cars will vanish from cities, and if you treat vehicular murder like any other murder you’ll see fewer dead kids. No need for bans, in the city or elsewhere.









TIL that child beauty pageants are illegal in France to prevent the hyper-sexualization of young children. Punishment can be up to two years in prison.


We should adopt this

Yes, we should

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the French are rigth for once.

Can we change “two years in prison” to “public guillotine-ing” when us Americans adopt this law? Please?

Every time I see something like this, I add it to a notepad file I have called ‘Good Ideas From Around The World’

Here’s some others from France:

  • French preschools serve four-course lunches (including a cheese course) to educate them in taste and stimulate their senses.
  • Planned obsolescence is illegal in France; it is a crime to intentionally shorten the lifespan of a product with the aim of making customers replace it. In early 2018, French authorities used this law to investigate reports that Apple deliberately slowed down older iPhones via software updates.
  • There is a law in France stating that models have to provide a doctor’s certificate attesting to their overall physical health, with special regard to their body mass index (BMI)


There’s a lot of problems in France but these are genuinely good ideas that should be implemented everywhere.

no, nobody should be unable to work because of their BMI, which is not a good measure of health even if you think it’s okay to exclude people from work because of their health. (can you just not have disabled models or models who have a health condition of any kind? you said it wasn’t just BMI!)

ffs, models are the workers here; they’re not the ones to persecute

The school lunches have in many cases been un-accommodating to children with dietary restrictions.

We should not publicly execute people for having their children participate in beauty contests. Seriously. Even when parents are severely abusive, their children often do not want them executed! Be less execution-happy, internet.

Having a weird, weird day. My employer chose me as the company MVP for last quarter, and then 2 hours later my grandfather died.

I don’t have much to say about either of those happenings other than 1) due to my spinal disc emergency I basically didn’t work for 1/3 of the last quarter, so I’m a little confused why the company picked me and 2) my grandfather has been sick with cancer for so long that I had quite a while to pre-grieve and begin to cope with the idea of losing him. I’m sad now, but I feel…prepared to handle it?

All I can do is shrug, cry a little, use my MVP gift card to buy a little somethin’, and eat some quiche about it all.

The Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Nott and RowleErgi, the Rowles calleThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Nott and RowleErgi, the Rowles calleThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Nott and RowleErgi, the Rowles calleThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Nott and RowleErgi, the Rowles calleThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Nott and RowleErgi, the Rowles calleThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Nott and RowleErgi, the Rowles calleThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Nott and RowleErgi, the Rowles calleThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Nott and RowleErgi, the Rowles calle

The Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Nott and Rowle

Ergi, the Rowles called them
And sneered,
But the Notts only smiled
And wove on in silence.
They might be ergi,
but they were seiðmenn
And they would never be blót.

The common wizards and witches of Britain had their own version of a very muggle saying - out of the frying pan and into the fire. Theirs was a little… different. For it went like this:

Fleeing the Blacks
only to cross the Notts.

The Blacks were dangerous, but nine times out of ten you knew precisely where you stood with them - they wore their hearts on their sleeves. If you insulted them, you could rest assured they would curse you, probably using some obscure dark curse no one had heard of and things would be well. Mostly.

But if you crossed a Nott, you’d never know it. They merely smiled and continued as though nothing were wrong at all. Excessively well-bred, always courteous - haute ton. But once you had left, they would return home, still smiling, and take down an ancient distaff and spindle; magical objects passed down from generation to generation for each Nott versed in the magical art of Seiðr.

Magical Britain laughed at divination and called it a fuzzy art with no magical grounding, for charlatans and their ilk, and the Notts agreed with them. Crystal balls, tea leaves, reading sticks - amateurs. The future was what people made it, what a talented seiðmenn orseiðkonurcould make it. The future was whatever the Notts chose to weave on their tapestries. Each thread, carefully placed, turning thought into reality, fiction into non-fiction, lies into truth.

None knew this better than the Rowles. They had learnt firsthand, many centuries ago, that mocking the Notts - these students of Odin - came with a price. A blood price that might have been honor to those who paid it but was a blood price nonetheless.

The Rowles might have been warrior-shamans; berserkers invulnerable in battle; but the might of the sword or even crude magical power could not withstand the implacable weaving and reweaving of reality and fate that the Notts took part in. Theirs was deeper magic, darker magic, terrifying magic and when the Rowles and Notts came to England with the first of the Vikings to rule Scotland, they brought rumours of what the Notts could do to people when crossed and people fearedthem.Fearedthese mild mannered men and women who refused to let this new religion called Christianity and its sociopolitical order sway them; who failed to conform to the new order’s strict regimentation of gender and male and female occupations; who smiled when people spurned them and smiled even wider when their mockers were slowly ruined piece by piece.

So not a murmur was heard when Proserpina Nott, aged 16, took up the family seat in the Wizengamot in 1734 though she was the youngest of the Notts and had not yet finished her schooling. The Ministry kept mum when Tiresias Nott refused to use their curriculum when teaching divination and instead taught his pupils trance magic and weaving: the beginnings of Seiðr. Wizengamot members cast their eyes downwards when Isembardus Nott stood up to make speeches, lest he see the judgement in their eyes when he painted his face and persisted in wearing pompadour wigs in public (it was 1854). People turned the the other way when Cantankerus Nott, pureblood fanatic extraordinaire, put half his fortune into muggle stocks and bonds. And no one dared say a word when Charles Nott stood a little too close to Antinous Lestrange at Ministry press conferences. 

No. Only the foolish with a death wish ever crossed the path of a Nott. For they would have their revenge, these children of Guðrún, protégés of Odin and their revenge would be cold, dark and terror-filled as the houses of Hel.

[Picture sources: Shadows on Parade by Nicol VizioliCALLE 20 by Jose HerreraThe Essence by Spencer HansenNorns BrukA Golden Thread by John Melhuish Strudwick, screencaps from Vikings and 1066: the Battle for Middle Earth]

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There’s no way to enter the underworld and leave unchanged.

Death changed me.

Death takes not the body but the mind.

In my mind, I come back to my mother. I stay.

Say goodbye.

Paul Tran, from “Year of the Monkey,” All the Flowers Kneeling

                                     & death has a face

     into which you pool fury

                                 miniature tornado              necessary violence

                                                something to touch      

                            instead of something      

                                                                       touching you

Natalie Wee, from “Blood Triptych,” Beast at Every Threshold

imrisah: if you chose to sacrifice the chargers at the storm coast you need a lot of jesus


if you chose to sacrifice the chargers at the storm coast you need a lot of jesus

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[nightmareblogging—sibling death cw]

wow i had a really and truly awful dream just now where some sort of terrible unspecified large-scale disaster had happened and Baby Sister had gotten—killed or possibly ““just”” braindead?? unclear—and i had to call a hospital—or possibly morgue, that also wasn’t clear—and tell them her birth date and find this out over the phone, and literally the dream ended with the nurse(?) confirming this to me, in the brusque not-really-sympathetic way cranky overworked nurses often have, because i’m pretty sure i distressed myself so much i woke myself up??? just like. immediate gasping surfacing out of full deep sleep, heart racing, sweats, etc. writing this out to put some distance between me and the very viscerally immediate emotional experience of it bc wow that was. extremely extremely distressing!!! god. might actually be the worst thing that could happen to me. anyway. really very sincerely sucked, terrible dream, F minus minus, would NOT order again. package-contained-bobcat-xkcd-strip.gif. god. full-body wet-dog-shaking-itself-off shudder.


The system is unjust. Broken. Evil.

Her name is Ma’Khia Bryant and she was 16


george shelley talking about how he spent 4 years pretending to be someone he’s not and how he hid his sexuality as union j were just a product for young teenage girls. in this same documentary he talks about how he had a big perm because his team was trying to make him look like harry

I know it’s a sad moment because we find out who killed Ichigo’s mom, but Grand Fisher is such a dumb name. He sounds like a small town fishing champ going through a midlife crisis

Today we lost a special boy. A true Good Boy. I will miss you Monsieur Long.


“The only thing I’m ashamed of is that I didn’t do something to save him, when we had the chance. That instead I listened to you

Eyes deep like blackness, black like catastrophe, catastrophic like silence, silent like screaming.

- Faraj Bayraqdar

Her word will be the last word for this place”

He is well aware you would die for him - it’s howhe’s going to kill you that he hasn’t quite decided.


Because attacking Shireen’s funeral wasn’t already an impressive display of shamelessness and cowardice, the IDF is also attacking Waleed AShareef’s funeral, who’s been struggling with his injuries since they attacked Al-Aqsa in Ramadan


the israeli murderer who shot shireen claims during the investigation that he didn’t “see her” and he “didn’t know” he shot her. just let that sink in. he’s a sniper, he was in his car 190 meter away from shireen and armed with a sniper rifle with a scope, but he didnt see her? these constant and ridiculous lies about how they murdered her are only making the situation worse. hope they all choke and perish.
