

Control me. Violate me. Make me yours - in every sense of the word.

I bite and I claw and I snarl, but babe when it comes to you, I roll on my back and demand for your attention with sharp red eyes.

You’ve done so well denying your urges. Closing your lips when you feel your fangs appear, squeezing your fists so hard it hurts, breathing through your mouth to give yourself a second’s relief from his scent. But now he’s asleep, curled against you like a napping cat… And you aren’t sure you can hold yourself back anymore. You’re thirsty - and nothing has ever smelled so delicious as him.

Whimper and cry for me, love. It makes me want to devour you all the more.

Like the bonfire, you were never changing and constant - a safe haven from a truly terrifying reality. Foolishly, he didn’t consider that, like the bonfire, you were also dynamic and raging. A true beast you had become; it was only a matter of time before his weapon found your heart.

I’d burn your name into my skin if I could - wear your initials like a brand. Mark me as your own, shackle me, claim me utterly. Cage me like a bird or tether me like a horse.

Tame me, master. I am yours.

You walk on eggshells around me, expecting me to cut you down at a moment’s notice. I can see the trembling in your fingertips and the hesitation in your speech. It’s cruel to make you wait and suffer. 

But I never claimed to be kind.
