

don’t forget to cut holes into the backs of ur dresses so u can more effectively use ur tail and pull ur gf into a valentine’s day kiss

i’ve seen you, i know you,

and i’m not going anywhere

“i’m not gonna, like, act on it or anything…”

can u believe they’re both lesbians and in love

here are a bunch of CR doodle requests for a shippy art meme i was doing over on twitter

you wanna be friends forever, i can think of something better

my baby’s sweet as can be; she’d give me toothaches just from kissing me

“And for a moment I forget just how dark and cold it gets“

“And for a moment I forget just how dark and cold it gets“

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can i offer u a nice beaujes in this trying time

(originally a secret santa gift for @feypact!)

She ruled the day, and I ruled the night…

She ruled the day, and I ruled the night…

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old beaujester stuff i love them


“Yes yes yes I do like you. I am afraid to speak the strongerword.”

beaujester as a ship to me is: being gay and lowkey crushing on your best friend, but being resigned to the fact that she’s straight, until one day she jokingly flirts back 
