#beauty vlogger

 T E C H N O P A G E N lip tar by OCC Makeup is sooooo bombbbb! Been wanting to create a look around T E C H N O P A G E N lip tar by OCC Makeup is sooooo bombbbb! Been wanting to create a look around T E C H N O P A G E N lip tar by OCC Makeup is sooooo bombbbb! Been wanting to create a look around

T E C H N O P A G E N lip tar by OCC Makeup is sooooo bombbbb! Been wanting to create a look around this lip for the longest and this is what I can up with IG: Instagram.com/jaythomasbeauty

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We complain waaaay too much. And I’m not saying that shit ain’t fair. I’m not sayi

We complain waaaay too much. And I’m not saying that shit ain’t fair. I’m not saying privilege doesn’t exist, glass ceilings ain’t right above our heads, or that the pay gap between men and women ain’t real. We can holler and scream all day until we’re blue in the face, but ‘they’ still aren’t going to see your worth.

I had a conversation with someone. She told me she had an issue getting the help she needed from her family. I told her that’s because they don’t see her value. They don’t see her vision, her dream like she had. If they don’t see, then they aren’t going to support. Because they don’t believe. I told her, “You gotta keep it moving and find creative ways to get the help you need. And don’t dwell on the ppl that’s not gonna bring your vision into fruition. Pray about it. And push on. Envision it. Live it. And breathe it in. Energy is real.”

I’m bringing this up because, I was recently contacted by a business for a collaboration. Mind you, when I first started blogging, I’d contacted them several times to write for them. For free! They ignored me every single time. Because they didn’t see my value. But guess what? They are in my inbox now…

So what I’m saying, keep going. Keep at it. Because right now, your knocking at doors, but one day, they might come knocking at yours.

IG: Lvernon2000

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