#because what the hell


TW: Topics of abuse

I feel like it’s high time that someone pointed out that abuse shouldn’t be used to excusea terrible character’s/villain’s actions. It should be used to explainit.

Many authors and media developers try to down play heinous displays that their characters exhibit by giving them dark, gritty, abusive, and bloody backstories to rouse pity in the audience, effectively erasing anything they’d hold he/she accountable for.

Dark backstories shouldn’t be given to characters for the audience to pity them and justify everything they do. It should be used to understand them and their motivations and what shaped their identity that we’re shown on screen.

It shouldn’t be expected that victims of abusive backgrounds will automatically become evil or spawns of satan or a brutal antagonist to the protagonist.

Does it happen in the real world? Of course it does. Many individuals who grew up like this end up directing their anger at the world and do terrible things. Does it always happen? No, it does not. There are people out there who rise above their abusive pasts and are motivated to be good people.

Like, it’s so tiring to see people of abusive backgrounds being condensed into this stereotype. There are books, movies, and shows that manage to stray away from this misguided idea, but that doesn’t stop the audience from taking it out of context.

So, the next time you see someone murder a person for absolute no reason other to further their goals, destroy a planet, take over the world, and/or steal candy from babies, it shouldn’t be excused because they were abused. It should understood,explained, and notjustified.

TL;DR I’ve seen this trope way too many times and I think what made it worse are fans defending awful people or label abused people as potential serial killers. If you want to write a villain/criminal/character tat has an abusive background, go right ahead. But don’t use it to defend and coddle them because of their unfortunate background.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

I don’t know why my friends were so shocked when they watched the season finale of Miraculous Ladybug and realized it was so bad. Like, I’ve been mentally preparing myself for how ass it was going to be (note: i was kinda caught off guard by how much the stupidity was kicked into overdrive). Everyone and their mother knew that the season 4 finale was going to be just as underwhelming, terribly executed, and downright stupid like it’s predecessors.


Anonymous asked:

miraculous ladybug is a girl?? empowerment??? show???? why does marinette get bashed every episode even when she’s done nothing wrong then? why does adrien never face the consequences of his actions and have the entirety of paris fawning all over him  then? heck, the recent finales are all catalysts to worsen maribug’s mental and emotional health. do they want her to suffer that much?

Anonymous asked:

Can someone kidnap Marinette and put her in another show already? Give my poor girl a break

I thought they couldn’t screw her up more than season 3 finale did but here we are

I’ve never seen writers so determined to absolutely destroy their female protagonist’s mental state just for the sake of propping up their male love interest.

Like–if the guy was so great, maybe they wouldn’t need to do it??

And at that point, it just feels like they have to keep tearing her about and dragging her down until she’ll accept AdriChat. Pre-umbrella scene is probably the “best”(?) Marinette will ever be (tbh I’d even prefer pre-Ladybug Marinette because she might grow better without it so longer as she has a good support system) and everything past that is a fall off a cliff.

Adrien just serves as the ground she’s going to crash into in the end.


Anonymous asked:

My God does Strike Back really culminate in the writers’ ethos on how the LS works. That FUCKING breakdown actually enraged me a bit like holy shit. it’s clearly framed as this huge manganimous thing Chat’s doing and uwu superhero corner is winning out guys uwu.

LB breaks down in the saddest fucking moment and the writers still have to have her say ‘I didn’t trust you and kept secrets from you’ to him  as if Kuro Neko ain’t still fresh in all our fucking minds of just HOW untrustworthy this guy actually is, like my god….

They really had the gall to have “Kuro Neko” be, what, two episodes away from the finale? And did it all with a straight face.

And if you insert “Miraculous New York” into the canon (where Ladybug rightfully said that she couldn’t trust Chat Noir anymore), then he was the one who’d already proved that he couldn’t be trusted, yet two episodes into Season 4 they’re pretending it didn’t happen.

“I didn’t trust you!” wow I can’t imagine what perfectly valid reason you had for doing that, Ladybug, but I guess there’s no time to talk about that (nor the trauma they gave her explicitly so she’d be afraid to get close to him)

Anonymous asked:

Considering how Angstrien’s plot this season involved him whining about how MariBug is learning to rely on people that aren’t him, I should’ve seen it coming that they’d take away all the residual miraculous.

Now she has to fall in love with him, guys! She’s isolated, miserable, and overwhelmed, so much so that any remaining standards she has will fall by the wayside as she falls for the only person she has left. They’ve been breaking her down to rock bottom so that even someone as unreliable and self serving as AdriChat would look like a good choice!

What an amazing Girl Power show this has turned out to be!

I genuinely feel like people forget that this is supposed to be a girl power show and not “The Adrien Agreste Show.”

God, season five is going to be so bad. I bet the narritive will force Maribug to fall in-love with Adrichat. That’s not even mentioning the smug gloating of the toxic adristans and love square stans. I’m crying just thinking about how much the stupid is going ti be kicked into overdrive.
