#bedtime reblog



facedown on my bed (thinking of you) (Drarry, 10k, M)

Sometimes the feelings you have for your enemy-turned-roommate-turned-bff are not as platonic as you think.
Sometimes you’re the last person to realise it.

this one requires three big squishy hugs to be delivered. one for @the-starryknight, for being their beautiful wonderful magical self as per usual, for listening to me chatter about this for days on end and for all the editing help; one for @softlystarstruck, for being actual royalty when it comes to girls!Drarry — this one wouldn’t exist if bee didn’t inspire me in the first place; and one for the lovely @skeptiquewrites for the help and the cheering and the fixing!!




Moodboard by me

Pairing: Dieter Bravo x Fem!OC (nameless, third person)

Summary: It’s time to make a movie!


Word Count: 11.9K. LISTEN. This installment contains a large portion of what originally would’ve been a one-shot when I was in the early planning stages of this fic. And then, as per usual, I couldn’t control myself, and well, here we all are.

Rating:E | Semi-explicit PiV smut; drug & alcohol use; references to canon-related drug OD; language. My blog is 18+ only!

Warnings: PiV sex & sexual situations, alcohol & drug use, food mentions, pining & yearning, self-doubt, a little angst, feelings, some fluff… honestly, this has a little bit of everything.

A/N: All my love to @radiowalletand@astroboots who both allowed me to throw several tantrums while writing this. Sometimes it takes a village, and I’m so blessed to have you both with me on this ride.


Redding, California | May 2022

Without fail, the first day of filming always made her nervous.

It didn’t matter how much she prepared, how many deep breathing exercises she did, or how long she spent reviewing her lines—nerves bubbled in her belly like a pot simmering on a stove, creating a thick haze she had to act through. 

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Pairing:Dbf!Bucky X Reader

Summary:It’s your dad’s summer barbecue and all his friends are there. Including the man who’s spent every moment he can with his head between your thighs. The only problem? He’s brought another woman.

Warnings:Language, Light Angst, Fluff, Smut (oral (f receiving), pussy slapping, choking, degradation, kinda rough, breeding kink, slight voyeurism, name calling), Age Gap (Reader is 21, Bucky is mid-forties),

Word Count:3.4K

A/n:here’s part two for you guys! I’m shocked at the response to part one, so thank you guys so much!! I love you all and I hope you enjoy this!

Part one


“C’mon down, Kiddo! Everyone’s here! You gotta make an appearance!” Your dad shouts from the bottom of the stairs, waiting until you finally emerge to head back to the kitchen.

He’s been planning this summer barbecue for weeks, and now the backyard is packed full of people who are all his age, drinking and laughing and having a good time.

And then there’s you.

You’ve been cooped up in your room since the first guest arrived, but it wasn’t his presence that made you hideaway. No, it’s the plus one on his arm.

Bucky showed up an hour early with a blonde woman clinging to his arm and kissing his cheek.

The smirk on his face when his eyes met yours was enough to hurt your heart and bruise your ego, so you took your leave.

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Pairing:Alpha!King!Bucky X Omega!Reader

Summary:Your father always said that if it weren’t for your presentation, he’d think you were an Alpha. There’s a reason for that. Growing up in a world where Omegas are treated like garbage, you’ve fought for the respect that you have. Until you’re sold off to an old King desperate for a bride. But you will not lay down and present for your new husband. No, you will fight back.

Warnings:Angst, Dark Themes, Violence, Death (kinda graphic), ABO Dynamics (Scenting, Marking, Knotting, etc.) Fluff, Soft Smut, Unprotected Sex, Oral (f receiving),

Word Count:2K

A/n:And just like that, she’s finished! I really hope you all liked this, and I cannot wait for you guys to read everything I’ve got planned! As always, I love you all very very much! Also this aint the smutty smut I was talking about in my ‘lex speaks’, that one is coming in a new fic, don’t worry lol




You knock on the door to his chambers softly, waiting until he beckons you inside to move.

When you do, you keep your eyes on the ground, even when you hear him rise and walk toward you.

“What’s wrong, my love?” He asks softly, taking your hands in his and squeezing them gently.

You let out a shuddering breath and finally raise your gaze to his.

“I accept full responsibility for the role I played in causing this war. I confess to treason and conspiracy against the crown, and I am willing to face the consequences of my actions,” you whisper, your voice wavering.

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a mask for the warden of the substation

(paper mache pulp, air-dry clay, acrylics)

fuck with me
