#scheduled reblog





Inhabitant Adjective(s):Lenayan

Holeph is divided into factions, groups of similar but ultimately different subcultures, each ruled by a monarch. Monarchs of Holeph are clairvoyant-empaths; they can see inside someone’s mind and endure uncontrollable visions of any point in the future. They are rare among the lenaya, therefore are chosen to rule at birth despite the fact that being a clairvoyant-empath takes a heavy toll. Suicide rates amongst the monarchs are discouragingly high.

They have lived underwater for many centuries after an unknown cataclysmic event caused the already-overwhelming oceans to submerge the entirety of their lands. The four moons in orbit around Holeph are responsible for baring random islands that are known to only stay surfaced for hours at a time, and while the lenaya have adapted to their circumstance, they prefer to dwell in communities in the deep ocean.


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Inhabitant Adjective(s):Lenayan

Holeph is divided into factions, groups of similar but ultimately different subcultures, each ruled by a monarch. Monarchs of Holeph are clairvoyant-empaths; they can see inside someone’s mind and endure uncontrollable visions of any point in the future. They are rare among the lenaya, therefore are chosen to rule at birth despite the fact that being a clairvoyant-empath takes a heavy toll. Suicide rates amongst the monarchs are discouragingly high.

They have lived underwater for many centuries after an unknown cataclysmic event caused the already-overwhelming oceans to submerge the entirety of their lands. The four moons in orbit around Holeph are responsible for baring random islands that are known to only stay surfaced for hours at a time, and while the lenaya have adapted to their circumstance, they prefer to dwell in communities in the deep ocean.


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If you’d like to support a queer, non-binary author of color, buy book one of a ten-part sci-fi/romance series!

Thriving on Amazon (paperback and e-book)
Thriving on Barnes & Noble.com (paperback only)

Warren Cougar has always been passionate about outer space and the beings that supposedly live far beyond the realm of his knowledge. He works for an organization that deals with the possibility of the otherworldly, after all.

And then an alien by the name of Orthrive’poliea crashes into the lake near Warren’s cabin. Everything he’s dreamed about has become real, and now faces the likelihood of becoming a lab experiment at the grotesque hands of ETHOS.

Driven by his virtues and an instant powerful, enigmatic affinity for Thrive, Warren puts his life at risk to separate himself from ETHOS—to keep Thrive from falling into their clutches. It’s the right thing to do.

But when the journey toward Thrive’s freedom is further endangered by a looming threat far out of either of their control, the fight for survival doubles, and the chances of success fall sharply away. Whatever the right thing happens to be, it begins to look like the one thing that would break Warren’s heart the most.

Within the Thriving series, you’ll find

LBTQ+ representation
a diverse cast of characters
disabled characters and neurodivergence
an action-packed love letter to both classic and contemporary sci-fi
a slow-burn between the two main characters

A quick summary of the first five books (the M31Arc)—

The dramatic collision of Orthrive’poliea’s vehicle with a nearby lake upends Warren Cougar’s life more than he ever expected. Along with conspiracies, intergalactic war, and waking up two centuries in the future, he has to survive a hostile alien army and a semi-omnipotent sentient darkness doing everything in their power to destroy Earth and the rest of the Milky Way—and Thrive’s native galaxy, Andromeda. Navigating their way through seemingly endless battle after seemingly endless battle, Warren and Thrive also find they must navigate themselves as well as their growing relationship with each other.

Book two, Thriving: Destiny, will be out on June 1st, 2022*!

*subject to minor delay due to self-publishing

Information for writeblrs below the cut (which may not work for some)!

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If you’d like to support a queer, non-binary author of color, buy book one of a ten-part sci-fi/romance series!

Thriving on Amazon (paperback and e-book)
Thriving on Barnes & Noble.com (paperback only)

Warren Cougar has always been passionate about outer space and the beings that supposedly live far beyond the realm of his knowledge. He works for an organization that deals with the possibility of the otherworldly, after all.

And then an alien by the name of Orthrive’poliea crashes into the lake near Warren’s cabin. Everything he’s dreamed about has become real, and now faces the likelihood of becoming a lab experiment at the grotesque hands of ETHOS.

Driven by his virtues and an instant powerful, enigmatic affinity for Thrive, Warren puts his life at risk to separate himself from ETHOS—to keep Thrive from falling into their clutches. It’s the right thing to do.

But when the journey toward Thrive’s freedom is further endangered by a looming threat far out of either of their control, the fight for survival doubles, and the chances of success fall sharply away. Whatever the right thing happens to be, it begins to look like the one thing that would break Warren’s heart the most.

Within the Thriving series, you’ll find

LBTQ+ representation
a diverse cast of characters
disabled characters and neurodivergence
an action-packed love letter to both classic and contemporary sci-fi
a slow-burn between the two main characters

A quick summary of the first five books (the M31Arc)—

The dramatic collision of Orthrive’poliea’s vehicle with a nearby lake upends Warren Cougar’s life more than he ever expected. Along with conspiracies, intergalactic war, and waking up two centuries in the future, he has to survive a hostile alien army and a semi-omnipotent sentient darkness doing everything in their power to destroy Earth and the rest of the Milky Way—and Thrive’s native galaxy, Andromeda. Navigating their way through seemingly endless battle after seemingly endless battle, Warren and Thrive also find they must navigate themselves as well as their growing relationship with each other.

Book two, Thriving: Destiny, will be out on June 1st, 2022*!

*subject to minor delay due to self-publishing

Information for writeblrs below the cut (which may not work for some)!

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If you’d like to support a queer, non-binary author of color, buy book one of a ten-part sci-fi/romance series!

Thriving on Amazon (paperback and e-book)
Thriving on Barnes & Noble.com (paperback only)

Warren Cougar has always been passionate about outer space and the beings that supposedly live far beyond the realm of his knowledge. He works for an organization that deals with the possibility of the otherworldly, after all.

And then an alien by the name of Orthrive’poliea crashes into the lake near Warren’s cabin. Everything he’s dreamed about has become real, and now faces the likelihood of becoming a lab experiment at the grotesque hands of ETHOS.

Driven by his virtues and an instant powerful, enigmatic affinity for Thrive, Warren puts his life at risk to separate himself from ETHOS—to keep Thrive from falling into their clutches. It’s the right thing to do.

But when the journey toward Thrive’s freedom is further endangered by a looming threat far out of either of their control, the fight for survival doubles, and the chances of success fall sharply away. Whatever the right thing happens to be, it begins to look like the one thing that would break Warren’s heart the most.

Within the Thriving series, you’ll find

LBTQ+ representation
a diverse cast of characters
disabled characters and neurodivergence
an action-packed love letter to both classic and contemporary sci-fi
a slow-burn between the two main characters

A quick summary of the first five books (the M31Arc)—

The dramatic collision of Orthrive’poliea’s vehicle with a nearby lake upends Warren Cougar’s life more than he ever expected. Along with conspiracies, intergalactic war, and waking up two centuries in the future, he has to survive a hostile alien army and a semi-omnipotent sentient darkness doing everything in their power to destroy Earth and the rest of the Milky Way—and Thrive’s native galaxy, Andromeda. Navigating their way through seemingly endless battle after seemingly endless battle, Warren and Thrive also find they must navigate themselves as well as their growing relationship with each other.

Book two, Thriving: Destiny, will be out on June 1st, 2022*!

*subject to minor delay due to self-publishing

Information for writeblrs below the cut (which may not work for some)!

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Pairing:Alpha!King!Bucky X Omega!Reader

Summary:Your father always said that if it weren’t for your presentation, he’d think you were an Alpha. There’s a reason for that. Growing up in a world where Omegas are treated like garbage, you’ve fought for the respect that you have. Until you’re sold off to an old King desperate for a bride. But you will not lay down and present for your new husband. No, you will fight back.

Warnings:Angst, Dark Themes, Violence, Death (kinda graphic), ABO Dynamics (Scenting, Marking, Knotting, etc.) Fluff, Soft Smut, Unprotected Sex, Oral (f receiving),

Word Count:2K

A/n:And just like that, she’s finished! I really hope you all liked this, and I cannot wait for you guys to read everything I’ve got planned! As always, I love you all very very much! Also this aint the smutty smut I was talking about in my ‘lex speaks’, that one is coming in a new fic, don’t worry lol




You knock on the door to his chambers softly, waiting until he beckons you inside to move.

When you do, you keep your eyes on the ground, even when you hear him rise and walk toward you.

“What’s wrong, my love?” He asks softly, taking your hands in his and squeezing them gently.

You let out a shuddering breath and finally raise your gaze to his.

“I accept full responsibility for the role I played in causing this war. I confess to treason and conspiracy against the crown, and I am willing to face the consequences of my actions,” you whisper, your voice wavering.

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I may have finally started to actually play ACNH so if any of my moots wanna be pals you can add me ☺️



My Girls

Rating: Mature (18+ only)


Warnings: Drug use, true crime talk, fluff, and Clint Barton

Written for this ask from @trashpandagamer: Currently thinking about BP!Nat, BP!Reader, and BP!Alpine kicking the others off the bus for a girl’s night in

If you like it, please give it a reblog! Your friendly neighborhood smut peddler loves that shit!

Backstage Pass Masterlist|Main Masterlist|Ko-fi

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My Girls

Rating: Mature (18+ only)


Warnings: Drug use, true crime talk, fluff, and Clint Barton

Written for this ask from @trashpandagamer: Currently thinking about BP!Nat, BP!Reader, and BP!Alpine kicking the others off the bus for a girl’s night in

If you like it, please give it a reblog! Your friendly neighborhood smut peddler loves that shit!

Backstage Pass Masterlist|Main Masterlist|Ko-fi

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My Girls

Rating: Mature (18+ only)


Warnings: Drug use, true crime talk, fluff, and Clint Barton

Written for this ask from @trashpandagamer: Currently thinking about BP!Nat, BP!Reader, and BP!Alpine kicking the others off the bus for a girl’s night in

If you like it, please give it a reblog! Your friendly neighborhood smut peddler loves that shit!

Backstage Pass Masterlist|Main Masterlist|Ko-fi

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Welcome To My Masterlist

Everything I write is explicit. 18+ only, please.

You do not have permission to translate or repost my work. The only places I post my work are tumblr and Ao3, under the username luxeavenger

If you like what you read, please reblog to help others find it!



What’s New:Ours[Backstage Pass]



Backstage Pass (ongoing)

Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x female!reader

Series Masterlist


Kinktober 2021 (COMPLETE)

Multiple pairings (for days/prompts/pairings, please see series masterlist)

Series Masterlist


Put Your Trust In Me (COMPLETE)

Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers

Series Masterlist


I Wish I Was Your Girl (COMPLETE)

Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers



Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers

Saturate My Soul

Kinktober prompt

My Good Boy [Pre-War/Pre-Serum Stucky | Praise kink]

Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Reader

You Feel Like Paradise

Kinktober prompt

It’s Rude To Tease [Mob Boss!Bucky x Mob Boss!Steve | In public]

Bucky Barnes x Reader

On My Knees For You

Tie My Feet To Rocks And Drown

Man, He Never Had A Chance

We Can’t Go To Hell If We’re Already There

Run Zaychik, Run (Run Rabbit, Run)

Whiskey And Charcoal [Dad’s Best Friend!Bucky]

Kinktober prompts

Do Something For Me? [Biker!Bucky | Spit kink]

A Bet. Sort Of. [Best Friend!Roommate!Bucky | Dubcon]

It Makes His Palms Sting [Mob Boss!Bucky | Impact play]

Throw Some Benefits Into This Friendship [Best Friend!Roommate!Bucky | Sex toys]

Open Wide For Me [Biker!Bucky | Face fucking]

Steve Rogers x reader

Kinktober prompts

Give Her Something To Remember You By [Nomad!Steve | Overstimulation]

Say It Again [Nomad!Steve | Daddy kink]

You Really Wanna Do This Now? [Mob Boss!Steve | Thigh riding]

Loki Laufeyson x Reader

Get Me High When I’m Low

Kinktober prompt

Bargaining Time Is Over[Edging]

Don’t Leave Me To Suffer So[Bondage]

I Need Your Worship[Begging]

Curtis Everett x Reader

The Corners Feel Friendly

Kinktober prompt

Can I Try Something? [Nipple play]

Ransom Drysdale x reader

Kinktober prompt

Wool Sweater, Silk Scarf [Dirty Talk]

Pent Up [Orgasm delay/denial]

Destroyer!Chris x reader

Kinktober prompt

I Said Hush[Breathplay]

Jake Jensen x reader

Kinktober pompt

Stay Put, Be Cool, And Quit Squirming [Cock warming]

Ari Levinson x Andy Barber x reader

Kinktober prompt

Anything We Give You [Neighbor!Ari x Neighbor!Andy | Double penetration]

Andy Barber x reader

Kinktober prompt

New Neighbor[Voyeurism]

Robert “Mr. Freezy” Pronge x reader

Kinktober prompt

Freezy Baby [Temperature play]


Lance Tucker

You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me (Bucky&Alpine fluff) [Backstage Pass]

This Is How All Their Debates End (Bucky x Steve) [Backstage Pass]

Meoow (I Let Alpine Name This Chapter) (Bucky & Alpine fluff) [Backstage Pass]


Caught Speeding (dark!Lee Bodecker x reader)

Linen Closet (Ransom Drysdale x reader)

Gentleman’s Agreement [Backstage Pass]

In Lieu Of Divorce (dark!Andy Barber x reader)

Little Pearl [Backstage Pass] (Loki Laufeyson x reader)

Mouse | Sugar [Backstage Pass] (Nat x reader)

Your Boss’s Desk (Ari Levinson x reader)

Do You Like Me? (MCU steve x bucky)
