#beetlejuice fandom

Had to draw fanart for my latest obsession. His face is so squishy and perfect for expressions, both

Had to draw fanart for my latest obsession. His face is so squishy and perfect for expressions, both demonic and adorable!

Post link

Have some shitty mini comics

Oh boy, first post. Now’s a perfect time to tell you dudes that I have no fuckin idea what I’m doing and the only thing im hoping to get out of this is followers with similar interests.

I really need to work on my posture when I’m drawing, my back is killing me lol..

Also I’m sorry about the last slide it’s just something I feel like he’d do to annoy Lydia, ya know, take really old bad trends and do them, if he found tik Tok he’d probably learn some cringy old dances to annoy everyone too. All I can imagine is Lydia waking up one night at like 3 am and beej’s doing this really old tik Tok dance at the foot of her bed.

Edit: ya boy really fuckin sucks at drawing hands…

Edit 2 oh boy I just looked at the clock and it’s 5 am and it does not feel like I actually spent 3 hours on this

Welcome to my new series I like to call I “have way too much fucking time on my hands” where I spend 2 days making Beetlejuice themed pants while watching the bootleg on repeat the whole entire time…

Ceo of having a new hyperfixation every 5 months
