#behind icha icha



Day 8 : Behind Icha Icha


Jiraya : It’s for you !

Kakashi : A gift…? Why ?

Jiraya : Minato says that you lack of good readings, so here am I !

At Minato’s house.

Jiraya : Minato ! You’ll be the first one to read my new book ! Open it !

Minato : It’s an honour, sensei ! … But it’s your first story…

Jiraya : … Oups…

Meanwhile Kakashi is holding the Icha Icha book on his chest as someone give him something for no (visible) reason.


Summary:  Kakashi goes undercover and meets the editor of his favorite series.
Word Count:  3,119
Warnings:  references to Jiraiya’s passing/his creepy nature, fem!reader



day 8 is so special, y’all.

it’s special because it’s my first-ever collaboration with my first-ever tumblr friend @kakashi-with-the-good-hair​.  it took me a whole week to work up the courage to ask her to create art to go with one of my kakashi week pieces, and i have to say, i’m totally head-over-heels in love with what she’s made and think you will be, too.  my dear, dear friend, thank you so much for your constant support and for sharing your artwork; we’re all very lucky you’re as in love with kakashi as the rest of us.  <3

Keep reading
