

Day 8 : Behind Icha Icha


Jiraya : It’s for you !

Kakashi : A gift…? Why ?

Jiraya : Minato says that you lack of good readings, so here am I !

At Minato’s house.

Jiraya : Minato ! You’ll be the first one to read my new book ! Open it !

Minato : It’s an honour, sensei ! … But it’s your first story…

Jiraya : … Oups…

Meanwhile Kakashi is holding the Icha Icha book on his chest as someone give him something for no (visible) reason.

Day 7 : Rivalry / Bonds


The eternal rivals !

Do you recognize this scene ?

It has taken me 5h30

And I may need to stop taking a canvas that long if it’s to let a void at the top…



Hey all! Thank you so much for participating in Kakashi Week this year, and making it such a fun event! We were thrilled to see all your works!

Our late submission period is over now, and we’ll be putting up a summary and some stats soon of our works and participants (though there will likely not be an overall detailed masterlist). We had over 100 works again this year!

We’d love it if you would take a couple of minutes and give us your feedback on this year’s event, and any suggestions for next year if you’d like us to run again!

Theform(https://forms.gle/PwvaUtkL1i6ZSsgi8 ) will remain open until October 16th! Then we’ll let you know the results and answer any questions posed to us via the form. We’ll still be checking asks/messages and answering questions here after the form closes, as always!

(We ran @kakashibingo​ after getting some requests and suggestions via our form last year!)

Currently we plan to run again next September, the week of the 11th! (That would again place us inviting your prompt suggestions sometime around February.)

Thank you again!
~Kakashi Week Mod

Yes, you are more than welcome to give us your feedback even if you didn’t create for the event this year!

~Kakashi Week Mod

Three days left to give us your thoughts if you’d like! Survey will close October 16th!

~Kakashi Week Mod


Hey all! Thank you so much for participating in Kakashi Week this year, and making it such a fun event! We were thrilled to see all your works!

Our late submission period is over now, and we’ll be putting up a summary and some stats soon of our works and participants (though there will likely not be an overall detailed masterlist). We had over 100 works again this year!

We’d love it if you would take a couple of minutes and give us your feedback on this year’s event, and any suggestions for next year if you’d like us to run again!

Theform(https://forms.gle/PwvaUtkL1i6ZSsgi8 ) will remain open until October 16th! Then we’ll let you know the results and answer any questions posed to us via the form. We’ll still be checking asks/messages and answering questions here after the form closes, as always!

(We ran @kakashibingo​ after getting some requests and suggestions via our form last year!)

Currently we plan to run again next September, the week of the 11th! (That would again place us inviting your prompt suggestions sometime around February.)

Thank you again!
~Kakashi Week Mod

Yes, you are more than welcome to give us your feedback even if you didn’t create for the event this year!

~Kakashi Week Mod


We had 110 individual works by 32 participants this year! Thanks so much to all of you for making it a great event!

(Those 110 individual/unique works totalled 204 posts across the platforms we were tracking.)

Our most popular prompts (excepting Kakashi’s birthday ;) with 17 works) were Any AU (13 works) & Chakra Exhaustion (10 works).

Every prompt had at least one fanart and one fanfiction work!

Thanks again to our participants, each of whom are tagged/linked below!

You will also find a link to our tag here on the blog for each one posting on Tumblr, and a direct link to their Kakashi Week 2021 works on AO3 for those posting there!

@dooilimx​​ (Dooilimx on Twitter) - 2 fanart & comic works! (our tag)

@kalira​​ (Kalira on AO3) - 16 fanfiction works! (our tag) (on AO3)

@sakurinhatake​​ - 8 fanart works! (our tag)

@animetrashmuffin​​ - 10 fanart & comic works! (our tag)

@newt-scarmander​​ - 6 fanart works! (our tag)

@whatshernameis​​ (whatshernameis on AO3) - 3 fanfiction works! (our tag) (on AO3)

patricia27 - 2 fanfiction works! (on AO3)

@mylittlesyn​​ (mylittlesyn on AO3) - 4 fanfiction works! (our tag) (on AO3)

@depressedhatakekakashi​​ (androgynousclintbarton on AO3) - 8 fanfiction works! (our tag) (on AO3)

@sannas-spot​​ - 8 fanart works! (our tag)

@sukea-of-uzushio - 2 fanart works! (our tag)

@byefolkals​ (punch0ut on AO3) - 1 fanfiction work! (our tag) (on AO3)

@lemony-snickers(lemony_snickers on AO3) - 6 fanfiction works! (our tag) (on AO3)

@myaekingheart​ (myaekingheart on AO3) - 7 fanfiction works! (our tag) (on AO3)

WyrmFood - 1 fanfiction work! (on AO3)

@inspiringbeauty​ (Flowers_and_moss on AO3) - 1 fanfiction work! (our tag) (on AO3)

@microrockets​ (microrockets on Twitter) - 1 fanart work! (our tag)

@mp-doodles-kkir​ - 1 fanart work! (our tag)

@frankiealexquin​ (frankie_alex_quin on AO3) - 1 fanfiction work! (our tag) (on AO3)

@maiikawriter​ - 2 fanart works! (our tag)

@kaoruhana​ (kaoruhana on AO3) - 2 fanfiction works! (our tag) (on AO3)

@sweetysamaa​ (Sweetysamaa on AO3) - 5 fanart & fanfiction works! (our tag) (on AO3)

@skykashi​ - 1 fanart work! (our tag)

@the-japanese-wagtail​ - 1 fanfiction work! (our tag)

InuKidGakupo - 1 fanfiction work! (on AO3)

@reineydraws​​ - 1 fanart work! (our tag)

@azuzeldraws​​ - 1 fanart work! (our tag)

@nki-stories​​ - 1 fanart work! (our tag)

@ennajones​​ - 1 fanart work! (our tag)

@winnowings - 2 fanart works! (our tag)

@mangoissour​​ - 1 fanart work! (our tag)

@ami-neve​​ - 1 fanart work! (our tag)

We hope you all enjoyed playing in our event, and to everyone else, we hope you enjoyed all the fantastic works our participants came up with for it!

Whether you participated as a creator or not, we invite you to give us your feedback on the event (form open until October 16th - the post for that is here) an any other comments you may have, to guide us as we make plans for another Kakashi Week next year!

~Kakashi Week Mod

Hey all! Thank you so much for participating in Kakashi Week this year, and making it such a fun event! We were thrilled to see all your works!

Our late submission period is over now, and we’ll be putting up a summary and some stats soon of our works and participants (though there will likely not be an overall detailed masterlist). We had over 100 works again this year!

We’d love it if you would take a couple of minutes and give us your feedback on this year’s event, and any suggestions for next year if you’d like us to run again!

Theform(https://forms.gle/PwvaUtkL1i6ZSsgi8 ) will remain open until October 16th! Then we’ll let you know the results and answer any questions posed to us via the form. We’ll still be checking asks/messages and answering questions here after the form closes, as always!

(We ran @kakashibingo​ after getting some requests and suggestions via our form last year!)

Currently we plan to run again next September, the week of the 11th! (That would again place us inviting your prompt suggestions sometime around February.)

Thank you again!
~Kakashi Week Mod


For@kakashiweek Day 8: Sukea

As a presumed-dead-rogue-nin and a jinchuuriki, Kakashi has to get creative in order to visit Konoha


Day 8 : Behind Icha Icha


Jiraya : It’s for you !

Kakashi : A gift…? Why ?

Jiraya : Minato says that you lack of good readings, so here am I !

At Minato’s house.

Jiraya : Minato ! You’ll be the first one to read my new book ! Open it !

Minato : It’s an honour, sensei ! … But it’s your first story…

Jiraya : … Oups…

Meanwhile Kakashi is holding the Icha Icha book on his chest as someone give him something for no (visible) reason.

animetrashmuffin:For @kakashiweek Prompt: Sukea based on the gorgeous fic that @depressedhatakekakas


For@kakashiweek Prompt: Sukea based on the gorgeous ficthat@depressedhatakekakashi wrote for today!

AnnnnnnnnnD THAT’S A WRAP! I have officially completed both Iruka and Kakashi weeks this year!!!

Post link


Fic Title: The Cook Of Rokudaime


Pairing: Sukea/Iruka - Kakashi/Iruka

Fanfic Rating:Explicit

Content Warnings: Kakashi pretends to be someone else? otherwise it’s fluffly and will be bit angsty in the last chaps but with a happy ending!

Summary: Iruka is ordered to be the cook for Kakashi’ s birthday. The problem is that Iruka doesn’t really know how to cook. Fortunately, Iruka will meet a lovely cooking teacher bearing the sweet name of Sukea, who will make Iruka forget the painful loneliness that haunts him. Or when Iruka falls in love with a man who turns out to be… someone else.

This is for the Sukea prompt of the @kakashiweekand for the Birthday prompt of the KakaIru Week hosted by @kakairu-fest!


Summary:  Kakashi goes undercover and meets the editor of his favorite series.
Word Count:  3,119
Warnings:  references to Jiraiya’s passing/his creepy nature, fem!reader



day 8 is so special, y’all.

it’s special because it’s my first-ever collaboration with my first-ever tumblr friend @kakashi-with-the-good-hair​.  it took me a whole week to work up the courage to ask her to create art to go with one of my kakashi week pieces, and i have to say, i’m totally head-over-heels in love with what she’s made and think you will be, too.  my dear, dear friend, thank you so much for your constant support and for sharing your artwork; we’re all very lucky you’re as in love with kakashi as the rest of us.  <3

Keep reading


I’m a bitlate but here my little tribute to “kakashi week 2021” - Day 7 ~ September 18th

Prompt 2: Bonds …

  • Kakairu… so cute
  • Kakayama.. so adorable
  • Kakagai.. so lovely and energetic!!!


  • Kakaobi.. so heartbreaking!

I hope I’m not off topic …

P.S. the proportion size of the hands are totally random/Obito is cross-eyed/please don’t watch the detail ahah .. sorry!

azuzeldraws:For @farpegi for the Kakaobi Cult server gift exchange and @kakashiweek. The prompt was 


For@farpegi for the Kakaobi Cult server gift exchange and @kakashiweek. The prompt was ‘A long forgotten gift’ and Kakashi’s birthday. Kakashi finds an old box full of memories. Text by the lovely @syusukerambles      

Post link