#behrad tarazi



Legends of Tomorrow fans the power hour is almost upon us! Get the tag trending on Twitter! Do it for the lovely band of time traveling gays in the temporal zone including these in love ldiots <3

It’s ridiculous how they force Nate into relationships. They make him look like his only specialty is being a hopeless romantic but it isn’t.

He is a brilliant historian who has figured out about the Legends’ existence all by himself -and he even knew exactly who and where they were. He is a great Legend and was a successful Time Bureau agent. He is so nice and funny. And he’s a good friend to everyone on the ship.

He is much more than a lovesick guy and they need to show it more often.

Honestly I think it’s amazing that they made the 100th episode about Gideon, I feel like it was about damn time she got the recognition she fucking deserved, she’s been helping them since the beginning and going out of her way to make them safe and happy, she’s an OG legends and it’s awesome that they showed her being there through it all, also they gave us new cute scenes with old legends, they making a party to celebrate all the holidays in one? Gideon gossiping about Constantine going to the Harry Potter premiere? The OG legends going at each other throats all the time for nothing? And knowing how Gideon felt when the legends got hurt or died and she couldn’t do anything to help or make them feel better? It was truly breathtaking and heartbreaking seeing it all, I really love this show guys


Yeehaw!Behrad requested by @ soft_luthor on twitter ❤️


when i saw this headline i had but one thought n it was the tarazis

jalapenyochips: my favorite superhero siblings <33


my favorite superhero siblings <33

Post link

and for me, it’s always you

Rated: T

Words: 10k

Status: 1/1 (Complete)


Ava moves to the block the summer she turns seven, freshly adopted and terrified of the prospect of calling somewhere home permanently, but Mr. Hunter, her social worker, told her that it isn’t the worst thing in the world – to have a home, to find a place where living doesn’t have to hurt all the time.

Within the first week, she decides that he was unbelievably, hilariously wrong.

Kids on the street have already made friends, and it’s hard to make her way into dynamics that already exist. Besides, she’s convinced herself she doesn’t really need to get close to anyone. In fact, she’s decided she doesn’t want to.

But, two weeks into summer, when the sweltering heat has driven most kids inside or into their sprinkler systems and pools, someone comes to the door. Of course, she hasn’t heard Ava’s rule about people.

(Or, a childhood best friends AU. There’s such thing as love before you know it’s love. There’s such thing as love that terrifies you. There’s such thing as love that makes you tell the truth. Snapshots in the lives of Sara and Ava until they’re finally ready to be honest.)

[read it on ao3]
