
I shouldn’t like corsets quite as much as I do. I’m a fan of a woman’s stomach, yo

I shouldn’t like corsets quite as much as I do. I’m a fan of a woman’s stomach, you see, the little curves of it, the delicate divet of the bellybutton, its susceptibility to being mercilessly tickled. 

A corset covers all of that up, and nothing else. It’s designed to deny me exactly that area, and yet I do so adore the way it looks on a girl. Baffling, I’m sure. 

I suppose you’re forgetting the other thing a corset does. The casual restriction of it, the way it pinches in the waist, restricts the breath, does oh so many things with just a few laces. And it doesn’t even cover up the areas dignity demands covered up. 

I think it’s a fair trade.

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