

recipe time!!

it’s my fav sweet safe food rn, it’s under 300cal and super filling!✨

you need:

150g no fat greek yoghurt (84cal)

10g of your preferred protein powder (41cal)

15g oats (54cal)

3g chia seeds (15cal)

50g of your fav fruit (30-50cal depending)

(optional): 10g granola or crunchy cereal (about 44cal)

i used raspberries and vanilla protein powder :)

1. mix the yoghurt and the protein powder so the two are combined well

2. cook the oats, chia seeds and the fruit with water together until the oats and chia seeds seem done

3. pour over the protein yoghurt and mix well

4. (optional) add granola as a topping

enjoy, i hope you like it :)

My go to tahini kale salad

You will need:

  • 3 cups of lacinato kale washed and chopped
  • 1 tsp of olive oil
  • ½ a lemon
  • ½ tsp of salt
  • ¼ tsp crushed red pepper
  • ½ tsp of garlic powder
  • ½ tsp of onion powder
  • 1 tbsp of tahini
  • 1/3 cup of blueberries
  • 1/3 cup of chickpeas
  • ¼ tsp of paprika
  • 1/8 tsp of ground cayenne powder
  • ½ cup of cucumbers sliced
  • 1 cooked beet sliced
  • ½ an avocado cubed
  • Oven
  • Baking sheet
  • Non stick mat or parchment paper

Step one

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees

Step two

Pour chopped and washed kale into a large bowl. Combine olive oil, ¼ tsp of garlic powder, ¼ tsp of onion powder, ¼ tsp of red pepper flakes, ¼ tsp of salt, and the juice of ½ a lemon with the kale. Massage gently and place in the fridge

Step three

In a separate bowl combine the chickpeas with ¼ tsp of garlic powder, ¼ onion powder, ¼ tsp of salt, 1/8 tsp of ground cayenne powder. Mix together and then place on a baking sheet lined with a non stick mat or parchment paper. Place in the heated oven for 12 minutes

Step four

One chickpeas have cooked combine them with the kale salad mixture. To the same bowl add blueberries, sliced cucumbers, sliced beet, and cubed avocado. Pour 1 tbsp of tahini into the salad and mix

Step five

Transfer into a separate bowl and enjoy. Feel free to add additional seasonings, or 0 calorie vinegar/citrus

Honestly this recipe is soooogood!!


Calories: 534 (don’t worry they’re safe calories)

Protein: 18 g

Carbs: 62 g

Fiber: 24 g

Fat: 26 g

Vitamin A: 373%

Vitamin C: 436%




This fast will be a time to cleanse your body, mind, and soul the ana way. By consuming only water and a nutrient dense salads for five days straight you will feel better and look better !!


  • Drink 32 oz of ice cold lemon water first thing in the morning
  • Drink 16 oz of cinnamon apple cider vinegar water (recipe below)
  • For lunch eat a salad with kale, blueberries, beets, ½ avocado, and a tahini dressing. Don’t worry about the calories this is to help fuel our bodies. I’ll include the recipe I use below
  • Drink 32 oz of plain ice water after lunch
  • Drink 32 oz of lemon ice water for dinner
  • Drink 16 oz of hot lemon water before bed
  • Have a 16 oz cup of ice water by your bed just in case
  • BLACK COFFEE and COFFEE with unsweetened or sweetened nut milk (1 cup max a day) is allowed
  • Unsweetened green, black, or peppermint tea is allowed
  • If you can afford to, drink kombucha with your lemon water dinner
  • ONLY light exercises (jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, walks, etc)

So that’s it! It’s pretty simple and easy to do. Feel free to share your progress with me and let me know how it goes. Messages are always open :)

stay safe




I’m walking up the beach, back towards the street. With every step on the sand, a voice in my head says “no, no, no, no, no” and yet my feet continue onwards to the ice-cream shop.

How can my body be controlled by two opposing desires at the same time? I don’t know what I actually want anymore.

I order a single scoop of chocolate gelato. In the city they are stingy, serving the smallest portion they can get away with, and that’s what I was counting on, but the old Italian man adds extra to the top of the cone.

“Oh! No, no, no! That’s enough!” I blurt, panicked.

“I was just trying to make you happy!” he chides, crossly.

I hate how much I enjoy eating it. And I hate how much I don’t, too.

It’s probably just as well there are no scales in this holiday apartment. If I knew how much I have gained it would be infinitely harder to start restricting again with how much I’ve fallen behind in mind.

I have written the word ‘NO’ on my wrist over my old self-harm scars to encourage me to find ways to say ‘no’ to offered food. I am fine when I am in control, but all hell breaks loose when I am surrounded by food I was not expecting. I lasted all day consuming nothing but diet coke, and managed a jog in the evening, until mum insisted on eating out for dinner.

In the most un-Australian display of weather, there has still been no sun so far on this beach holiday, so I spent the day lounging around the apartment. I wish I hadn’t of come. I could be at home doing nothing instead of being here doing nothing and being forced to eat.

It doesn’t occur to me until afterwards the twisted irony in buying kitchen supplies from IKEA when I haven’t eaten anything all day and never fucking eat anything anyway.

I don’t even need a kitchen.

I can vaguely remember using my stove top once or twice when I first moved in, I used my oven for the first time the other day to heat up a single rice cake, and the toaster I bought over a year and a half ago has never been touched.

I guess that’s the genius of IKEA though: manipulating people into buying things they didn’t even know they wanted.

from pinterest


todays meals + had one slice of bread :/

[ 5km ‍♀️ ]

i am not hungry

melancholic thoughts

between purple clouds

are filling my body

i got really high and binged just fantastic

i was so sick today from having a migraine that wouldn’t go away and barely ate and (unintentionally) threw everything up i lowkey wish i could weigh myself in the morning

i got weighed for part of an assessment at the ed clinic but they wouldn’t let me see it :(

What’s the best way to lose weight fast ?

Is it by fasting 3 to 5 days several times in a month and restricting <500 cals the other days? (and also exercising every single day)

Or is it by restricting <500 cals every day and also exercising?

Does “starvation mode” really exist? Is it possible that you lose more weight by eating daily but restricting than fasting/restricting?

I need help and advice please

failed on ana’s secret :/ i’m really mad at myself but here’s my info for today

sooo first post :)) my other account got reported :/

i’m doing the ana’s secret diet and day one has been a success so far and i walked 10,000 steps

Ana Accountability (01.21.22)


12 fl oz can Mountain Dew Major Melon, 160cal

Tyson Any'tizers Buffalo Style Hot Wings (unmeasured), ~190cal

Subtotal: ~350cal



1 banana (unmeasured), ~110cal

12 fl oz Arizona Diet Half & Half Tea Lemonade, 10cal

Wrigley’s Extra Polar Ice Gum, 5cal

Monster Pops Lemon Lime popsicle, 60cal

Subtotal: ~185cal



Wendy’s medium fries, 350cal

Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich, 500cal

Wendy’s medium (~20 fl oz) Coke Zero, 0cal

Beef lo mein, ???cal

Egg fried rice, ???cal

Subtotal: 850cal+


Total Caloric Intake: ????cal (1,380cal+)


Not me failing at high restriction. I was aiming to limit myself to 1,500cal at most, but of course one of my parents has to suddenly decided to bring Chinese takeout home for everybody on the day I start trying to do daily accountability posts again. I guess I should have expected to fuck up the first day back when it’s been quite a while since I actually starved myself anyways. Oh well, I won’t let this stop me from trying to restrict tomorrow or the day after. I’m sure it won’t be long until I start getting restless and begin naturally restricting more and more as time goes on also.

Also, I apologize to anyone that finds the formatting of this post kind of ugly; I’ve never really known how to make my daily accountability posts look particularly nice and neat.

I shouldn’t like corsets quite as much as I do. I’m a fan of a woman’s stomach, yo

I shouldn’t like corsets quite as much as I do. I’m a fan of a woman’s stomach, you see, the little curves of it, the delicate divet of the bellybutton, its susceptibility to being mercilessly tickled. 

A corset covers all of that up, and nothing else. It’s designed to deny me exactly that area, and yet I do so adore the way it looks on a girl. Baffling, I’m sure. 

I suppose you’re forgetting the other thing a corset does. The casual restriction of it, the way it pinches in the waist, restricts the breath, does oh so many things with just a few laces. And it doesn’t even cover up the areas dignity demands covered up. 

I think it’s a fair trade.

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