



Bemily Week 2022 - Day 8: Free Choice

WIP meme: Country AU

Every station seems to be country.

Beca frowns as she drives, her fingers fiddling with the dial on the radio. Top country hits. Pop country. Throwback country. For one second she thinks she hears the deep bass of hip-hop, but then it’s overcome by static.

Begrudgingly, she settles back on some DJ boasting Today’s Hottest Country and slumps in her seat.

This, she thinks, this is what she gets.

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Bemily Week 2022 - Day 8: Free Choice

WIP meme: Laundromat AU

Fluorescents make everything look like shit.

Her skin, her clothes, the dirty tiled floor. It’s not subjective; it’s just facts. Scientific, she read once. They can’t reflect certain colors as brightly. 

Sitting in this laundromat at 1AM and it’s not the time that’s making her tired or the dehydration from lack of water all night that’s making her dizzy. It’s not the staring at the time tick down on the machines – exhaustingly, excruciatingly, impossibly slowly – that’s giving her this headache.

No, it’s these damn fluorescents. Fluorescents make everything look like shit.

Well everything, Beca thinks as the door swings open to welcome a newcomer, everything but her.

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Welp! That’s a wrap on Bemily Week! Thanks to everyone who participated! Today is our 8th and final day, as usual, our traditional free choice day! So go wild!!!

As always, we love to celebrate Bemily Week year ‘round, so if you’re still working on your posts, don’t fret! Just make sure to keep tagging bemilyweek or DM us when you finally post and we’ll share your work!

But for now… thanks for another fun year!


Bemily Week 2022

Day 7: Airport

Beca and Emily are doing the long distance relationship thing while Beca is working with Theo and unknown artists. They see each other as often as they can, Beca usually flying into Barden from all over the world. The Bellas all make fun of Beca being a softie for Emily but Emily is proud and honored to call Beca her girlfriend.

Alright our 7th and last themed day of Bemily Week this year is Airport/Airplane! Stick around for tomorrow, which is our last day!


chapters: 1
rating: general audiences
relationship: Emily Junk / Beca Mitchell

the AU where they meet cute at an airport. theres some coffee and some ribbons and definitely some cute shit.



Bemily Week 2022

Day 6: Supernatural

Beca is a loner vampire who was cast out and disowned by everyone she ever loved. She walks through a forest and encounters a fairy named Emily. For some reason, Beca can’t get Emily out of her mind and the same is true for Emily about Beca. They are two loners who end up being alone together and falling in love. Beca is a little reserved because she worries she’s going to hurt Emily solely based on being a vampire. Emily is certain that Beca would never hurt her. They live their days in the forest grateful to have met each other.



Bemily Week 2022 - Day 6: Supernatural

Ever since she was little, Emily has heard the whispers. They call to her from behind the veil, an invisible place she can’t quite reach. The whispers have always been a mystery she hasn’t been able to answer, until one day she stumbles, quite literally, through the curtain to the next dimension and right into Beca Mitchell – a girl whose musical talent might have something to do with the phenomenon that has plagued Emily for as long as she can remember. As Emily discovers the nature of the whispers that call to her, she’ll learn all about the true power of music, destiny, and, above all else, love.

*x-files theme plays* Okay who’s excited for Day 6, Supernatural?! Spooooky


Bemily Week 2022

Day 5: Wrong Number

Emily gets a weird wrong number text and just plays along with it. Her curiosity wins out after that first conversation and asks who the person is for real on the other end. She finds out it’s a girl named Beca going to Barden where she will going next semester. They develop a friendship and eventually a relationship. They meet and they are attached at the hip from day one. Their friends make fun of them but they don’t care because they wouldn’t have it any other way.



Bemily Week 2022 - Day 5: Wrong Number

Beca:Hey dude, congrats on the album release, 10 Years of Ari is already on its way to number one! Thanks for letting me be part of it

Unknown Number: Uh I think you have the wrong number HOLY CRAP DO YOU THINK THIS NUMBER BELONGS TO ARIANA GRANDE


Beca:Sorry dude… Number was one digit off. My bad…


Beca:My bad

When music producer Beca Mitchell means to text a refused-to-be-officially-named colleague of hers but accidentally texts the wrong person, she doesn’t think anything will come of it. Why would it? But through a series of continued texts, she strikes up an unlikely friendship with grad student and resident dog walker, Emily Junk. Suddenly Beca finds herself texting all night, sending endless Snapchats, and sharing several specifically curated playlists. So maybe she has a crush on this random girl she’s never met. It doesn’t mean anything, right? Right?!


Bemily Week 2022

Day 4: Library

Beca goes to the library on campus to get a book for a class. As usual she’s too short for the book she needs. A tall and beautiful girl named Emily helps her out and they strike up a friendship. They normally hang out in the library where Emily reads anything and everything. Beca finds herself catching feelings for Emily and asks her out. Emily agrees and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Months into dating, Emily finally convinces her girlfriend to read a book and now both of them read almost non-stop.

Call me beep me if you wanna reach me… it’s day 5: Wrong Number!



Bemily Week 2022 - Day 4: Library

Shortly into her freshman year at Barden University, Beca Mitchell discovers the magic of the library. Not for studying, obviously, but because it’s one of the only places on campus she can escape from her annoying roommate for a few hours. She’s not the only one not studying, though… almost everyday she sees the same girl napping on a notebook of song lyrics at the table next to Beca’s. She probably wouldn’t care, honestly, it’s just that her lyrics are really good, and maybe the girl is really cute…


Bemily Week 2022

Day 3: Space

Along with music, Beca has always loved space. Always wondered what was out there and if she could one day go, she would. A program at Barden opened up and Beca jumped right on it. With the support of her girlfriend Emily and the Bellas, she was able to go to space for three weeks. While in space, Emily works on her music and spends time with the Bellas to make up for missing Beca so much. The Bellas are invited to an event in town and Beca surprises Emily with being home two days earlier than expected. Emily is glad to have her girlfriend home safe and in her arms once again.
