



Bemily Week 2022 - Day 8: Free Choice

WIP meme: Country AU

Every station seems to be country.

Beca frowns as she drives, her fingers fiddling with the dial on the radio. Top country hits. Pop country. Throwback country. For one second she thinks she hears the deep bass of hip-hop, but then it’s overcome by static.

Begrudgingly, she settles back on some DJ boasting Today’s Hottest Country and slumps in her seat.

This, she thinks, this is what she gets.

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Bemily Week 2022 - Day 8: Free Choice

WIP meme: Laundromat AU

Fluorescents make everything look like shit.

Her skin, her clothes, the dirty tiled floor. It’s not subjective; it’s just facts. Scientific, she read once. They can’t reflect certain colors as brightly. 

Sitting in this laundromat at 1AM and it’s not the time that’s making her tired or the dehydration from lack of water all night that’s making her dizzy. It’s not the staring at the time tick down on the machines – exhaustingly, excruciatingly, impossibly slowly – that’s giving her this headache.

No, it’s these damn fluorescents. Fluorescents make everything look like shit.

Well everything, Beca thinks as the door swings open to welcome a newcomer, everything but her.

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Welp! That’s a wrap on Bemily Week! Thanks to everyone who participated! Today is our 8th and final day, as usual, our traditional free choice day! So go wild!!!

As always, we love to celebrate Bemily Week year ‘round, so if you’re still working on your posts, don’t fret! Just make sure to keep tagging bemilyweek or DM us when you finally post and we’ll share your work!

But for now… thanks for another fun year!
