#ben kenobi x reader



  • Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi x Female Reader (no y/n, no she/her)
  • Rated: E for Explicit, 18+ only
  • Word Count: 2.245k
  • Summary: A generous gift bestowed upon a very pretty desert hermit
  • Song Inspo: I Saw You Close Your Eyes by Local Natives
  • Warnings: female masturbation; cumplay if you squint (i have a brand to uphold here); female orgasm; male orgasm; clothed male naked female; that’s it for this one!
  • Author’s Note: I haven’t written in like 85 years. Anyways, this is set between Obi-Wan arriving and the events of Kenobi. So he’s not *completely* broken yet but… you know, he’s getting there. He deserves this :) Enjoy, share what you can, and be well ~

Ben had a hard time receiving the first gift you had given him. He had returned to your stand later that afternoon when he discovered an extra plum carefully wrapped and tucked into his parcel. 

“Keep it,” you shrugged. “I ordered too many and I don’t want it to go to waste." 

He finally relented when you closed his hand around the fruit with a kind smile. He disappeared into the crowd of people going about their errands while you went about your day, each stray thought about the mysterious man in the cloak. 

A few weeks later under the blistering heat of the twin suns, Ben returned. He stayed a little longer this time, carefully watching you pack up his order. 

"I don’t need any extras,” he mumbled as you tried to sneak two pears into his satchel.

“They’ll go bad before I can sell them,” you shrugged, tying the bag in a double knot. 

He sipped slowly at his thermos as you packed away the rest, ever hyper-observant while in the market. Though you really couldn’t be sure what all he could see with his cowl up. When you finished he thanked you with a half bow and it became your dance, every few weeks more of the same. 

“I can pay for those, you know." 

He was leaning in slightly and you were wondering how his cowl stayed up in the wind but the thought quickly fled your mind when you saw the sparkling blue of his eyes and the little upturned corner of his mouth. 

For being a desert hermit, the man was exceptionally pretty. 

"I never know what’s going to sell. A few lucky patrons get to benefit from my poor inventory skills." 

You earned a small huff at that, like he had forgotten the sound of his own laughter and was startled by the noise building in his throat. The suns were beginning to disappear behind the clouds and you decided it had to be now or never - 

"Do you know anywhere nearby with a vacancy tonight?" 

His question caught you so off guard that you almost dropped the box you were moving to get into the coarseweave scraps he was after, like he could hear your thoughts in the building winds. 

"Not with the incoming storm, but there’s a spare couch at mine." 

"No, no,” he protested, putting both hands up. “I couldn’t impose, if I go now I should -" 

"You’ll never make it,” you said bluntly, having lived your whole life on this maker-forsaken planet. “It’s really no trouble. If you feel like you want to earn it, you can help me close everything up." 

He rocked on his feet for a moment before agreeing, getting to work tying down anything loose that might be carried away by the sand storm quickly rolling in. Once finished he took his neatly tied bundle and followed you through the alley and up a set of painted stairs before entering your humble flat and standing awkwardly at the door. 

You looked over at him as he took in his surroundings, seeming to make note of each window that you were quickly closing. 

"I realize I’m in your home and you don’t know my name." 

Ah, manners. You took the opportunity to finally learn something about the stubborn stranger and walked over with your hand extended, providing him with your name, as you had done countless times before. 

"Ben,” he said quietly while lowering his hood, shaking your hand in return. 

It took you a moment to recover because as it turns out he wasn’t just pretty for a desert hermit - he was pretty for anyone. You realized you were holding his hand for several moments too long when you shook your head and cleared your throat, gesturing into the sitting space. 

“Right, Ben, ah, well, make yourself at home. I’m going to go - cook something up?" 

You nearly tripped walking away and you cursed every god, young and old, for gifting you with two left feet and incredible eloquence. You watched him over your shoulder as he neatly folded his cloak and placed his parcel on top of it before stepping out of his boots and slowly making his way over towards where you were heating two ration packs. 

"Inventory trouble?" 

You had to laugh at least a little bit. "It’s my stand so if I want to give a kind stranger an extra item here or there, I am allowed. But really, I always seem to order more than what I need and I would hate to see anything fresh be wasted, especially here." 

His smile was warm and genuine but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. You couldn’t imagine what would drive someone to Tatooine, let alone the Wastes or wherever far off place he had made his home. 

Your meal was enjoyed with conversation, though you noticed he still gave little information about himself. Typical of someone who didn’t want to be found, and nothing that bothered you in the slightest. With the winds howling and no end in sight you decided to break into your bottle of sunfruit juice, offering him a glass. 

Ben seemed to weigh his options and accepted. 

"Just a taste, though, if that’s alright." 

And of course it is, he’s pretty and polite and he has some sense of humor. So you pour a sip for him and a sip for you, savoring the bright citrus flavors as they danced across your tongue. He hummed when he tasted his, looking a little surprised by the warmth but he seemed to enjoy it all the same. 

"That was quite nice." 

You nodded your agreement and your conversations flowed late into the night, at least until he caught you stifling a yawn for the third time. After some back and forth you finally got him to agree to a blanket and pillow, as well as a fresh towel in case he wanted to use your sonic shower. It was a luxury here, one you were more than happy to share. 

"Fresher is down the hall, help yourself to whatever you need." 

He thanked you for your generosity - always sincere in his gratitude. He looked as exhausted as you felt, so you hoped he would be able to rest as you went back into your room, drawing the curtain for the night. You laid down and closed your eyes to the low hum of the shower, thankful that he was willing to indulge himself just once. 

Ben jumped up from the couch when he heard you pad into the room, scaring you in the process. 

"My apologies,” he started, your words mixing with his as you tried to figure out who startled who first. He stood a little straighter when you slowly approached him, twisting the end of his beard between his fingers.  

“You haven’t slept, have you." 

It wasn’t a question, not with the way you leaned in towards him, looking him up and down. 

"It’s not that I’m uncomfortable,” he started, feeling like he should have climbed out the window when he had the chance. 

You smiled knowingly at him, reaching a hand towards his elbow before dropping it to your side. 

“I understand, sometimes I don’t sleep well either." 

Ben made a sort of non-committal noise, not wanting to discuss the issue any further. Maker knows why but you felt bold in that moment and your mouth started moving before your brain could catch up. 

"There is something though, that will often help me fall asleep. If you want to come to my room we can… try it… together?" 

Your pitch went up as you spoke and he could feel his own ears burning, able to extrapolate your offer before you had even finished speaking. Time seemed to slow around him and his heart hammered inside his chest and he wondered exactly when he lost so much of his control. 

Probably when he lost everything else, when he couldn’t take the pain and started to close himself off from the place he once took so much solace. When he had been pushed away, to build his home in the sand, each day letting himself fade further into the dust - knowing that dust would ultimately consume him. 

But he couldn’t focus on that now, not when you’re here in front of him, saying something and - walking away? 

"Wait,” he said, maybe a little too loudy, grabbing at your hand. “I don’t know how much I can -" 

He struggled with his words and yet still you smiled, curling your fingers around his. 

"Ben, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want. You can… watch, if you want, to relax." 

"Watch,” he repeated slowly, letting the word fill his mouth as he thought. “I think…" 

He never finished the sentence, letting it trail off into the night, but he followed you all the same. 


So that’s how you ended up here, legs spread wide, being studied by a man named Ben.

He had arranged himself at the foot of your bed while you shed your nightclothes and for a moment you were tempted to ask him to come closer, but a single glance told you that wouldn’t be wise. He watched you with such intention that the suns themselves may have been jealous, their light all but forgotten between your duracrete walls.

You ran your hands down your body and watched him shift on his knees, hearing his sharp intake of breath when you reached your slit. With his shuddering exhale you slowly eased yourself open, searching out your bundle of nerves. 

With a soft sigh you found it, legs relaxing slightly while you circled your clit with just one digit, letting your body relax into your own practiced touch. With every pass you could feel the heat growing, slick building between your folds. Ben shuffled as close as he could, hands bunching your sheets. 

You sighed again as you parted your lips further before dipping your fingers into your warmth, back arching just slightly under Ben’s enraptured gaze. The lampdroid outside let a small amount of light leak into your room, letting him see the silvery strands of your arousal between your fingers. 

You thought you heard him curse when you brought your fingers to your mouth, licking them clean before traveling to your nipples, tweaking them before heading back to your pussy once more. You know you heard him when you whispered his name, letting it fall off of your tongue and fill the small room. 

"Anything you’d like,” you soothed, thrusting your fingers back into yourself, searching against your walls for that spongey place that always seemed just out of reach. You’re not sure what sound he made, a grunt or perhaps a moan, but you did finally feel his calloused hands on you, pulling at your hips, begging you down. 

You shuffled down the bed towards him, watching his hips roll at the foot of your bed. He leaned forward, keeping one hand pressed into the flesh of your hip, like he was afraid you would float away if he let go. A divine vision in the barren sandy sea. 

You sighed his name again and bucked your hips when he dragged his other hand down your leg, pushing on your knee to open you as wide as he could. He felt greedy, taking so much. But it would be far worse to refuse such a gift.

He could feel his knees trembling as you rocked against yourself, nearing your release. You were spurred on by the feeling of his nose traveling up your thigh, the fan of his warm breath over your center. He was so close to you, watching every detail. Each turn of your hand and flick of your wrist he cataloged, whining as you panted how close you were. 

“Please, let me see -" 

You pulled your fingers out and went back to circling your clit, toes curling as your mind went blank. With his name and a curse on your lips you came, sticky warmth coating your fingertips. 

You opened your eyes to find him mesmerized, fingers still bruising your flesh. You wiggled yourself back up the bed and beckoned him forward with your glistening hand, smiling when he climbed into your bed. He crawled up next to you and took your wrist in his hand, bringing your wet fingers towards his mouth. 

With one broad lick of them he came, a range of pleasure and shock passing through his features. 

"I’m-” he started, but you shushed him, patting the pillow next to you. 

“I told you it would help you sleep,” you smiled, watching his eyelids flutter. Tempted as you were to wrap your arms around him you stayed on your side, unwilling to cross any boundaries he might have. You yourself fell asleep soon after, his pinky just over yours. 

When you woke the bed was cold and your window was open, bright light streaming in. There was no trace he had even been there, and you would have thought it was a dream if it weren’t for his thermos and a small piece of folded flimsi beside your bed. 

It was filled with hot tea, a kind you had never tasted before. You sipped it as you unfolded the note, his handwriting neater than you expected. 

“All in due time,” it said, and you grinned. 

He would definitely be back for the thermos. 


Full Masterlist//Star Wars Masterlist

