#obi wan kenobi x reader




To Have and To Hold

Obi-Wan Kenobi x F!Reader

Rated E - 1.6k

Tags - descriptions of fatigue/sadness, smut, sleepy piv, mentions of regret and death, mild illness, hurt/comfort

Summary - Waking up to 4 different kinds of mornings with Obi-Wan

A/N - Happy May the 4th! I have 4 short, 400(ish) word drabbles exploring different aspects of their relationship, through the ups and downs


You should get up.

The old, sun-bleached alarm clock tinkles out a well-know melody, your palm tapping down snooze again. The third time already this morning.

You should get up. But you’re just so tired.

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this is so so so!!! soft, beautiful, spicy where it’s needed it’s-it’s… the perfect crumb I needed! ❤ Thank you!

Ahh Meg, thank you so much!! That means a lot, I am so happy you liked this. I couldn’t resist a little bit of spice in there. Thank you!




To Have and To Hold

Obi-Wan Kenobi x F!Reader

Rated E - 1.6k

Tags - descriptions of fatigue/sadness, smut, sleepy piv, mentions of regret and death, mild illness, hurt/comfort

Summary - Waking up to 4 different kinds of mornings with Obi-Wan

A/N - Happy May the 4th! I have 4 short, 400(ish) word drabbles exploring different aspects of their relationship, through the ups and downs


You should get up.

The old, sun-bleached alarm clock tinkles out a well-know melody, your palm tapping down snooze again. The third time already this morning.

You should get up. But you’re just so tired.

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✨Taglist reblog✨

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This felt so ethereal and soft and perfectly Obi-Wan, and like I was seeing snapshots of a relationship across different seasons. ☺️

Ahh I love the idea of it being like seasons, that is really cool! I did want it to feel like moments during an established relationship, where you’re comfortable and cozy with the one you love. And I am feeling about you using the words softandethereal, thank you so much.



To Have and To Hold

Obi-Wan Kenobi x F!Reader

Rated E - 1.6k

Tags - descriptions of fatigue/sadness, smut, sleepy piv, mentions of regret and death, mild illness, hurt/comfort

Summary - Waking up to 4 different kinds of mornings with Obi-Wan

A/N - Happy May the 4th! I have 4 short, 400(ish) word drabbles exploring different aspects of their relationship, through the ups and downs


You should get up.

The old, sun-bleached alarm clock tinkles out a well-know melody, your palm tapping down snooze again. The third time already this morning.

You should get up. But you’re just so tired.

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Could these be any more brilliant? Obi-Wan my first love! I love the full range of emotion here. Every line felt like the best but then was one upped by the next. Ending with our shining knight! Excuse me while I go sob in the corner.

This was the kindest comment, I had such a smile on my face when I read it (a couple times, haha). Thank you so much!! I am so glad you liked it, it was really fun and new to explore different feelings in this.



To Have and To Hold

Obi-Wan Kenobi x F!Reader

Rated E - 1.6k

Tags - descriptions of fatigue/sadness, smut, sleepy piv, mentions of regret and death, mild illness, hurt/comfort

Summary - Waking up to 4 different kinds of mornings with Obi-Wan

A/N - Happy May the 4th! I have 4 short, 400(ish) word drabbles exploring different aspects of their relationship, through the ups and downs


You should get up.

The old, sun-bleached alarm clock tinkles out a well-know melody, your palm tapping down snooze again. The third time already this morning.

You should get up. But you’re just so tired.

Keep reading

Aaaah I loved this!

Keep reading

Thank you Sam! You write him so well, so this was such a compliment. I can’t wait to see the angst of Kenobi, he has been through so much and I’ve always loved how resilient he is.

the come & go - prologue

summary: a recount of every time obi-wan kenobi fell in love with you and every time one of you left. - a.k.a “the one where your relationship is like a revolving door”

warnings: age gap, mentions of death

reviving this series from 2+ years ago - w some parts edited/rewritten - because i lost direction with it but the new kenobi series has made me fall back in love with him and also this. still tho, no spoilers in this. enjoy xx


Obi-Wan Kenobi could have sworn that he was cursed with the most difficult Padawans.

Okay– technically speaking, you weren’t his Padawan. you’d lost your own master in a battle not so long ago and Obi-Wan had been tasked with seeing you through the final months before your Jedi trials. Initially, it was something that had seemed like a simple task. he’d dealt with Anakin for so long that you couldn’t have possibly been any worse, right?


Obi-Wan would quickly come to learn that Anakin Skywalker had nothing on you. He could tell from the minute he saw you, nonchalantly lounging in an empty council chair with your lightsaber dangling between your fingers and a blasé look of disinterest on your features. It was the sort of expression one might have if they were getting an unwarranted lecture from their parents – and with the way Yoda was going, it was a similar scenario.

At twenty-one years old, you were in no position to have such a demeanour when an ages-old Jedi Master was trying to talk to you. Obi-Wan was almost scared for you – and then your eyes met across the room, and he realised he was the one to be blessed with your difficult presence for the next few months. After that, he was scared for himself.

It was rightfully so, too. It became quickly evident that you had a sharp tongue and your wits about you; every question he offered, every conversation starter he threw out there was met with a backhanded comment or a dry quip.

Your first conversation was enough to knock him for six. he’d half-expected you to be a blubbering mess, a young girl heartbroken by the loss of her master. Instead, you were almost dismissive; a casually unconcerned Padawan with a cynical tone and a mischievous glint in your eye.  

“So,” Obi-Wan cleared his throat, eyes watching Coruscant blur past you as the lift took you to the top floor. “What do you think of the Temple?”

“I mean…it sure is a temple,” you glanced back at him, thinning your eyes with undue suspicion. “I don’t really have many feelings about architecture. It’s just bricks and shit, right?”

He blinked in surprise, almost faltering from his strong stance. "Some people get overwhelmed the first time they’re here.”

“I’m not overwhelmed,” you shrugged casually. "I’m not underwhelmed either. I’m just sort of…whelmed.”

The first ten years of your training – give or take – had been at a smaller Jedi base, much, much further away in the Outer Rims. The village in which it was situated was about a tenth the size of Coruscant and worlds away from the bustling, energetic city. He remembered being a wide-eyed Padawan when he’d first arrived here and yet, you didn’t seem phased. You had a calm manner about you, something for which he had not been prepared. You weren’t acting like a Padawan who had just lost her master, nor one who had been torn from her home and thrown into an urban jungle.

“I’m sorry to hear about Gio’s passing,” Obi-Wan cleared his throat, making a last-ditch attempt to break the thick, awkward silence that had filled the elevator.  Had it always been this slow?

“Eh,” you shrugged again.

Had…Had you just responded to the subject of your dead master by saying eh?

(That moment could be marked as the first time that you actually managed to shock the poor man into silence. Soon enough, it was a regular occurrence).

“I…” Obi-Wan trailed off, pausing for a moment to regain himself. “Gio was a good friend of mine. He was a good man, a good Jedi-”

“- yeahhhhhh,” you cut him off. “He was kind of a dick though.”

The elevator finally came to a stop and you stepped out, breezing down the hallway and leaving Obi-Wan to simply stare at your strolling form in shock. He cleared his throat and regathered himself (for the fourth time in ten minutes), rushing out of the lift just as the doors were about to shut on him.

That’s how things often went between you two over the next few months. he’d try and say something - usually, something completely normal, like a genuine question or an observation - and you would shoot back with something that could knock him off his feet. Just as Obi-Wan thought he was getting the hang of…well, of you, you’d turn it up a notch. 

But you more than just a girl with a sharp tongue - he knew that when he met you, and he knew it even more as the days and weeks passed. You were smart, deceptive in an assuming way. You could draw people in with your young appearance and sweet smile, and then you’d slaughter them in the same way a cheetah did to a hyena. You had the presence of an intergalactic spy more than a Jedi, and the lightsaber moves to go with it. 

There was one incident in particular that stuck with Obi-Wan. It was two months after you’d begun to bless him with your presence and you were in a training session. Anakin, a bright-eyed seventeen-year-old, was sat on the sidelines watching you twirl your lightsaber with the sort of grace one might expect from an ageing master, not a Padawan.

“Did your master teach you that?” Obi-Wan paused for a moment, pushing back a few strewn, strawberry strands of hair. He was red in the face, almost keeling over from your endless stamina and quick moves. 

“No,” you shook your head, a sly grin working its way onto your face. “Itaught me that." 

"Let’s go again,” he announced. "And this time, stick to moves that I"ve taught you.”

“Why?”you thinned your eyes at him. “Scared that you’lll lose?”

“If you spent more time on your fighting than you did try to be smart, you would have passed the trials by now,” he shot back. He was trying to get a rise out of you - he often did. It was his way of sparking your drive. 

“Oh, you didnot just say that.”

You raised your own lightsaber launching yourself forward to swing a hit at him. Obi-Wan easily blocked it, the blue of his blade forming purple smacks as it hit your red one. You drew back, going to swing underneath his legs; he jumped, narrowly avoiding the hit. 

“Just admit it!” you continued to thwack and hit, circling around the mat in the gym. “I’m ready for the trials, Kenobi.”


“- you’re not my Master,” You reminded him, dodging backwards to avoid a hit in a weird, limbo style move. “Gio was my master, and he’s dead, remember?”

You appeared to have zero grievances about your late master. Obi-Wan had never caught you mourning, or even shedding a tear over him. Of all the things he didn’t understand about you, that one seemed to take the cake. It had been eight years since he’d lost his own master and he still struggled with Qui-Gon’s passing - and here you were, more than happy to throw out the name of your deceased Jedi Knight like it was a curse word. 

That was when Obi-Wan realised what your play was. you’d make a comment so blasphemous, so shocking, that he’d have no choice but to reel back in horror - and that was when you’d take your hit. Like I said - deceptive in an unassuming way. 

Waiting for him to pause at your words, you used the Force to pull his lightsaber with your hands. A celebratory grin appeared on your face as you raised the weapon in the air, shutting it down as you juggled it with your own. 

The moment wasn’t particularly different to anything you’d done before; you’d made a comment and won a lightsaber duel. That was pretty much a Tuesday for Obi-Wan - but this one stood out for a particular reason. 

That was the first time he realised how beautiful you were.

You were stood directly under the stream of light from the window, the golden evening glow lighting up your face as you did an odd little victory dance. He could quite literallyfeelyour elatedness through the Force - which was odd, because you didn’t have a Force connection and you were good at blocking other nosy Jedi - and it had uplifted him too. 

Then, you tossed Obi-Wan’s lightsaber back to him as quick as you’d swiped it, giving him a slight wink. 

It wasn’t much, but it was the first sign of trouble. 

The next incident came at the five-month mark. By that point, both him and Anakin had become accustomed to your presence. Obi-Wan was alittleconcerned of your rebellious influence over his young Padawan but if anything, you were simply like an older sibling. The teenager seemed to idolize you and he actually listened to you. 

And you weren’t just developing a relationship with Anakin; naturally, you’d become closer with Obi-Wan. He liked to think that you were friends or at the very least, two people who mutually respected each other. You hardly listened to him but he’d known from the second that you weren’t huge on taking orders. At first, it was a mystery as to how you’d even lasted that long - but then it became clear. 

You were strong with the Force. In fact, you seemed to understand it in a way that no-one else did. You were hardly an expert in using it but you were so sure of yourself and so certain in what you wanted that you could bend it and shape it to your desire. You could use it to fetch faraway items in the same way that you could use it to block other people from using it to understand how you were feeling. 

But Obi-Wan saw through you. The whole world could tell, because you slammed doors and stomped your feet but he was the only one who could sense that was something was deeply off. You put up a good fight - an impressive barricade of fake Force emotions and even phonier smiles - but he knew when you weren’t genuine. Your sarcastic quips didn’t come with that glint in your eyes, and you hadn’t insulted him all day. 

Thatwas how he ended up outside your door; Obi-Wan didn’t mean to worry about you so much, but it felt only natural. He was concerned for you in the same way he was for Anakin. Except, maybe- just maybe - it was a little deeper than that but if he could half-convince himself of it, hopefully you’d believe it too.

He only had to knock once before you opened the door to your quarters. Your eyes were slightly bleary; you hadn’t been crying, but it looked as though you were about to be pushed over the edge. 

“I know that something was off with you today,” Obi-Wan didn’t bother with a greeting. 

“I’mfine,”you shook your head. "It’s late. Shouldn’t old people like you be asleep?”

He thinned his eyes at you. “It doesn’t do well to bottle up your feelings." 

"How do you know what I’m feeling?” you shot back. Turning on your heel, you spun around to head back into your room. Obi-Wan was hesitant to follow at first, but he took the open-ended statement as an invitation. 

He hadn’t been in your room before, but somehow it was exactly as he’d expected it to be. The place was tidy-but-cluttered; your bed was made and your books were organised, but there were robes and random knick-knacks stacked and strewn everywhere. He didn’t understand how you could have possibly used the space to meditate and relax - but you didn’t seem like the sort of person who did either of those things. 


“So what?”

“So how do you know what I’m feeling?” you took a seat at the foot of your bed, folding your arms across your chest. 

“When you’ve been a Jedi as long as I have, sensing other people’s emotions simply becomes second nature,” Obi-Wan replied. “Especially in your...Padawans.” 

“Okay - two things,” you jabbed your finger at him. “Firstly, I am not your Padawan. Secondly, I don’t spend twenty minutes each morning trying to put a Force blockade for you to pretend to know what I’m feeling.”

“There’s no blockade,” he shook his head. “There can’t be, not if I can tell that you’re anxious and you’re scared-”

“- there is,” you cut him off. "I might have not passed the Knight trials yet but blocking people from feeling my emotions was like….chapter one of the Jedi texts.”

There was always the possibility that your attempts at doing so had simply fallen flat, but you were right in saying it was a basic Jedi trick. It was a simple device, something that he’d mastered himself by the time he was eighteen. That left only one option, and it was one that he didn’t like. 

Obi-Wan could see through your facade, through your attempts to hinder people from feeling your sentiments. He could feel your emotions as though were his own, as if he could understand them in a way that no-one else could. You weren’t making yourself vulnerable to him, not intentionally. There was only one possible explanation for it.

It was the beginning of a Force connection - one that neither of you had ever intended to forge. 

He couldn’t tell you that. He’d have to explain why, but he wasn’t entirely sure what it meant. It certainly wasn’t one of a Padawan and her master; that would have taken much longer. It was also worlds away from any kind of connection that friends would have - and that’s what the pair of you were, no?

So Obi-Wan gave you a fake smile. He agreed with you, pretending to admit that yes, he was pretending to feel your emotions. He didn’t admit that he felt everything you were experiencing; he didn’t tell you that he could sense every fleeting thought and every transient connection…

…Including the one where you suspected you might have felt something too.

But, you and Obi-Wan were nothing if not good at pretending you were hiding your feelings. He left your room that night and neither of you ever mentioned it again, even though you both knew what it was. What had started as a simple admiration for the other had begun to grow into something beyond either of your control. 

It was easy at first to pretend that you falling for the Jedi; sliding closer and closer down the slippery slope of unrequited feelings with each passing day. Every smile that you exchanged and every glint of mischief that Obi-Wan sensed whenever you made a sarcastic quip was passed off as normal; nobody else could tell what was going on - and thank fuck, because then you’d both be truly screwed. 

It was eight months in that the cracks in your guise began to show. You were on a mission - nothing particularly dangerous or out of the ordinary. Having been assigned to take down some particularly nasty and rebellious bounty hunters, you, Obi-Wan and Anakin felt a little over-qualified for the job but it was all the more reason to do it. You were desperate to prove yourself, to finally be awarded knighthood.

Perhaps it was that cockiness that lead you to slip up. You ended up with a knife in your shoulder, dangerously close to your chest; it was bad, but not so bad that you were going to lifelessly flail to the ground, or die on the jet home.  With some bacta-spray and a few stitches, you were going to be fiiiiine. 

Obi-Wan didn’t see it that way though. Oh, he did not see it that way at all; the Jedi knight blew his lid in a way that shocked even Anakin, and that was truly saying something when you considered his Padawan’s reckless nature. He yelled - he shouted and he ranted and he nagged until his throat was raw and his face red.

“How could you do something so stupid? I almost - we almost lost you. Do you want to be a Jedi knight? Because you can’t do that if you’re dead, and you certainly won’t pass the trials if you blindly run towards danger like that.”

You weren’t an idiot - and it didn’t take one to know that Obi-Wan’s outburst wasn’t about the trials. It wasn’t about you being reckless; it was far from it. It was the fact he could have lost you, and even though you’d only been in his life for the better part of eight months, he’d never become attached so fast. You’d made him do the one thing he’d always sworn not to and the worst part was that you weren’t even trying

You were just there, simply existing - and apparently, it was enough to drive him insane. 

Then, you’d been there ten months. You’d been prancing about Obi-Wan Kenobi’s life with your beautiful stature and stupid comments for the better part of three hundred days (not that he was counting). Your repressed feelings for one another were simply a fact of life; something you both acknowledged to yourselves but would never, ever admit. You couldn’t and you wouldn’t - or so you told yourself. 

It was common for Jedi to accompany politicians on diplomatic missions; you were to act as a bodyguard of sorts and keep an eye out for any danger. You and Obi-Wan had been assigned to keep an eye on a ball in Naboo. 

It was a beautiful planet; bustling and peaceful, energetic and calming all at once. The weather was beautiful and it was one of the missions that made your job feel worth it. Everything had gone to plan and you’d even retired early for the night, taking to the balcony of your luxurious hotel room to admire the view. 

The sky was tinged pink, bleeding into the remaining blue of the evening as the day faded out into night. There was a slight chill in the warm air, a welcome contrast to the otherwise stuffy atmosphere that had been shrouding the planet during the day. 

You heard your hotel room door open - you didn’t need to turn around to see who it was. You could sense Obi-Wan from the other side of the galaxy if you had tried, let alone ten metres away. He had a calm presence, one of a weathered and levelled Jedi who probably meditated a lot. Neither part of that statement was something you could relate to.

“Nice view, right?” you kept your back to him, arms gently dangling over the rails of the balcony.

“It certainly one of the more beautiful parts of the galaxy,” Obi-Wan replied. A moment later, you saw him mimic your position out the corner of your eye. 

"What brings you to my neck of the woods?” you asked, tilting your head to face him.

He knew what he wanted to say: I can feel everything that you’re experiencing and I know that you’re sad, but this is the best planet in the galaxy and I can’t work out why. 

But because of the slight not-admitting-your-feelings pickle, Obi-Wan settled for a simple “you looked sad today.”

He’d half been expecting an insult; a fuck off, you nosy Jedi or a go back to whatever planet you came from, mullet head. He had never in a million years thought that you would entertain his question, let alone open up to him.

“I used to come here with Gio,” you continued to stare out into the distance. "He worked with the Queen a lot and more often than not, we’d be assigned this exact sort of job. It was kind of our place.”

That was the first sign you’d shown of missing your master. Maker, of course you missed him - you’d spent the better part of your almost-twenty-two years with him. He was an asshole in every sense of the word but he’d been like a brother to you. It also confirmed to Obi-Wan that you were probablya human being and not a sarcastic, person-like droid, something which came of a relief to him. 

“I slag the man off to no end but I loved him,” you continued. "He was the only family I had, the only connection to an identity beyond being a Padawan.”

“I felt the same when I lost Qui-Gon,” Obi-Wan reached across, gently resting his hand on top of yours. “I felt lost without his guidance, as though the world were suddenly a lot bigger. A lot darker.”

“Gio always seemed to know what to do,” you fondly smiled. "He definitely didn’t know everything but he was good at acting like it.”

“Perhaps that’s where youget it from,” he nudged you slightly with his elbow. 

"If I turn out half as good a Jedi as him, then I’m happy,” you replied.

"You are a brilliant Jedi, farmore than half as good as Gio,” Obi-Wan gave your hand a light squeeze. "A little reckless, yes, but you have all the makings of a brilliant warrior.”

“Is this the part where you tell me it’s because of your training over the last ten months?” you fully rotated your body around to face him, a teasing smile on your face.

“Isuppose that might have helped,” he beamed back at you. "It’s not been an easy situation for either of us. I’ve got my hands tied up with Anakin and you lost your master at the worst time.”

“It"s not been that bad though, surely?” you scrunched up your nose. “I’d love to have me, I’m pretty fucking cool.”

“You are.”

“Say it,” you flipped your hand over underneath his, intertwining your fingers. "I’ve never heard you swear before.”

“Say what?”

“That I’m pretty fucking cool.”

Obi-Wan bit his lip for a moment - but then he smiled. “You’re pretty fucking cool.”

It was hardly the most romantic set-up for your first kiss but as the words left his lips, you felt something click. You were miles out from the temple - miles out from all your troubles. At that moment, with the way he was smiling at you, blue eyes distant caught under the pink of the evening and fingers intertwined, it felt like you were the only two people in the galaxy. 

Obi-Wan"s lips were soft, welcoming and warm like a mellow summer’s day. Your bodies slotted together perfectly, his hands on your hips and yours on his neck as though whoever had created the galaxy had crafted them just for each other. It stole the air from your lungs and nothing else - not a single person, not a single issue or single rule - mattered. It was him and only him. 

That was when he finally admitted to himself that he was in love with you. It wasn’t in a simple way either; it was deep and it was true and there was no letting go. 

And letting go would be something both of you struggled with every time the galaxy seemed to want to rip the two of you apart. 


                                          (   gif from the lovely @starwarsfilms​.   )

—   LOVE SICK.   ;

summary:khairyn sar is an important holiday within nabirian religion – it celebrates love and fertility. obi-wan gets a gift for you from the lower-level markets, aided by a helpful women who urges him to buy a certain plant… 
pairing:obi-wan x handmaiden!reader, established in this fic&this fic as well.
word count: 8k
warnings:this is porn with a dash of sex pollen trope / nsfw, 18+
a/n:i am literally not even sorry. here’s a late valentine’s day piece for you all, my lovely lil valentines. pls don’t repost!

It’s a holiday.

Maybe not on Coruscant, but to the Naboo senators and delegates on Coruscant, it is. 

Padmé’s usual senatorial garb is exchanged for one of deep reds and a grandiose headpiece that mirrors the visage of Khairtai, the goddess of Fertility and Love. Beside her, Dormé, Sabé, Ellé and yourself bear a smudging of crimson down the center of your foreheads. It’s from the crushed millaflower – ground into a fine, deep red powder and blessed by the resident royal Pontifex. 

Your outfits mirror Padmé’s, hair pinned back tightly into a tight, neat braids with a golden pin halo-ing your heads. It’s of religious significance; each comb bearing two bounding ash-rabbits. Symbols of fertility.

The Royal house of Naboo, namely the Amidala’s, are one of many devout to the Brotherhood of Cognizance – a polytheistic, monastic, allegorical based religion. Padmé herself was a larger worshipper of Shiraya, the goddess of the moon; Obi-Wan, on more than one account, found himself rather enraptured with the large statue on the outside patio of her Senatorial apartment upon visits with his friend.

In the evening sunset, the goddess’ moon shaped harp frames the horizon quite perfectly. Obi-Wan always wondered if it was some sort of metaphor – perhaps that Padmé was right where she needed to be, away from the throne and serving her people worlds away. 

She’d moved to Coruscant following the ending of her second term of Queen, promptly slipping into her elected position as Senatorial representative. With her, she’d brought Dormé, Ellé, Sabé, and you– along with a small squad of royal guards. Though, Obi-Wan believed she hardly needed them. Padmé’s handmaidens were more than capable.

Youwere more than capable.

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Robes and Rules - Obi Wan Kenobi

“Parting is such sweet sorrow” - Romeo and Juliet

You stirred at a sound of rustling. It was a strange way of waking. For after so long, you were used to being stirred by wandering hands and the dimness of the light’s morning setting, that bathed your quarters in a soft yellow glow. It was a colder way of waking that left you wanting.

And at the sight of Obi Wan is shrugging on his first robes, it’s chill grew. Your chest grew heavy and tension gathered in your shoulders. Every weight you felt, that of the world, the galaxy, this situation, shifted with you as laid on your side to watch your lover leave.

“Is it time already?” Your words came out horse, riddled with the leftovers of sleep and haunted by the blissed-out ghost of your voice from the night before. Obi Wan already slipped his arms through the sleeves as you asked. When he pivoted his stance to face you, you caught a glimmer in his blue eyes.

“I’m afraid so.”

“Pity,” you murmured, turning to rest on your back and face the cold, lonely ceiling. “Felt like there were things we could continue.”

“For both our sakes, I don’t think we should.”

“Careful,” you warned, flicking your gaze back over to Obi Wan. “You’re starting to sound more and more like the collective Council.”

“There are rules, Y/N.”

You nodded bitterly and returned your eyes to the ceiling. The moment you did, you heard Obi Wan’s boot clomp against the floor of your room. It took your every ounce of willpower to keep from watching him as he walked out your door. You simply stayed still, listening for the hiss that would come with the opening entrance and his dulled footfalls.

When the sound of the door never sounded, you turned your head and saw him. Obi Wan stood at your bedside, paces away from the exit, paces away from leaving. He was yours, for a few seconds longer. You reached out a lazy hand in the hopes he would take, prove that he was truly yours. That he would stay.

“There are feelings too, Obi,” you countered softly. “Unless there isn’t?”

“No, there are,” he whispered. Obi Wan took your extended hand and a trembling breath slipped past your lips.

Almost as if he heard the shaking in your throat, he moved to sit on the edge of your bed. The mattress dipped under his weight, incidentally letting you fall closer into his warmth. His bright blue eyes drank in your features and you were thrust back into similar mornings. Mornings of pillow talk and careful caresses before someone’s comm chimed, tore down the peace you built in the peaceful hours of dawn.

“Then we continue.”

“Then we continue,” he replied, but his lips faltered down into a frown. “But you must know that my allegiances to-”

“The Republic,” you interrupted, giving his hand a soft squeeze. You and Obi Wan had talked so many times about this before, what would happen if what you had fell apart. “As are mine, as are all the Jedi.”

“Yes, but my allegiances to you will endure, whether we continue or not. Know that.”

As he spoke, Obi Wan leaned in closer, until his face was tantalizing few inches from your own. His warmth both put you at ease and stole your breath away. When you felt it soak into the sheets of your bed and to your exposed skin beneath, you also became suddenly aware of how vulnerable you were. But as Obi Wan’s free hand moved to cup your face, you knew he would not exploit that fact; he would protect you, always.

“I know now,” you replied once you found your breath again.

A soft silence settled between you then. Obi Wan’s hands remained on you: his left gave yours a gentle squeeze while the right traced your jawline. He drew you in and pressed the lightest of kisses to the corner of your mouth. You smiled when Obi Wan pulled away before you tugged his lips back to yours. He relented, kissed you harder than the last time.

His beard tickled your chin and coaxed your smile to widen. You felt his own mouth mirror your expression. At the sensation, you titled your head back and studied Obi Wan’s expression. How rare it was to see him smile. You leaned back and savored the sight.

“I’ll see you at today’s meeting?” Obi Wan asked, his tone low in a whisper. You merely nodded in response and he leaned forwards once more, pressed yet another kiss to your forehead.

He stood up then, gave your hand a last squeeze, and headed towards the door of your chambers. Watching Obi Wan leave was never easy. Even in those slow mornings of wandering hands, you always felt a pang of loss when he walked away. But then, that morning, with the tingling feeling of his lips on your yours and your skin lingering, it was lessened.

Though, as always, Obi Wan left with a part of your heart in his.

I need some Star Wars, Marvel, DC, & Queens Gambit requests! I’ll be writing tonight so the sooner you ask the sooner it’ll be posted!

Hoping to focus on Black & POC and Chubby & plus sized readers! WLW ALWAYS accepted.

Holiday and seasonal asks are encouraged (also AU, love that for us.)


“Mhmm, well I’m terribly sorry, Master, I’ve been a very bad girl.” you moaned, tossing your head back on the cold concrete wall.

You felt so exposed. There was a code, and well, admittedly you did not follow it. But you maintained innocence around the Jedi. And…this was a bit much. An inch or less and your nipples would be out, and that certainly was against the code. Indecent exposure, it was almost like you were a Mandalorian, with all the dumb rules. How could someone do work while worked up with such pent up lust?

“if you keep saying shit like that, you’re going to get yourself into deep trouble, young one.” He bit down on his lip, hair falling onto his face. A look like that could kill. 

Anakin Skywalker: This guy fucks. But before he married Padme he would always call out her name when cumming. It made every hookup awkward. Maybe worth it because he does go down for hours. LOVES it when his hair is pulled. Obvi choking is his 1# kink.

Obi Wan Kenobi: this guy FUCKS. Bisexual whore trope at it’s finest. fatass big dick and knows how to use it. Has pegged and will get pegged. Somehow hasn’t fucked at least 1 person on every single planet though. All for things to happen “naturally” as he explains. Still witty and talkitive during sex.

Cassian Andor: Pretends he fucks but doesn’t. Actually looking for a committed relationship. Very sweet in bed. Lots of praise and kisses. Fingers like an old lesbian woman ho goes to the new york bars every night (aka very fucking well). likes eating ass for breakfast.

Luke Skywanker: Virgin and everyone knows it. probably was in a BDSM relationship at one point, and he was definitely the sub. Bratty asf, needs praise, will do whatever you want tho. Trims because he looks at his own dick. Once sucked himself off. Masterbates like 2 times a day.

Han Solo: Every thought I have on this man would get me canceled. hard skip. He probably has a big drawer of sex toys and bondage.

Mando / Din Djarin: Virgin with a huge god damn dick. lasts forever, makes a lot of noise (mostly whimpers). Did i mention he was a massive dick? Will finger you with his gloves on then wipe your cum on his cape. Will fuck in every corner of his ship. Big fan of cumming on your face.

Poe Dameron: CLEAN SHAVED, BIG, THICK DICK. Curved a bit too. Aka every woman, man, and thems dream. He doesn’t last too long but foreplay with him is a whole day event. Will cum in the ass as a type of birth control.

Finn: Idk this guy liked getting his dick sucked. Everywhere. Nervous asf but still likes the danger of being seen. Totally not secretly wants a threesome with Poe and his next hookup. Doggy Style is a must. he’s too self conscious about himself to face you. mega Dom after a few years under his belt.

Kylo Ren: If you’re reading this you probably already know. big master dom. Got into it from myspace when he was a teen and never got out. Has a whole sex dungeon in every ship he’s on. Loves using toys, especially big vibrators. hair pulling and choking kink just like his grandpa. likes an obedient switch as his play thing. trimmed but not shaved. lowkey big dick but he really doesn’t care.


Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Force-sensitive F!Reader (no pronouns)
Word Count: 8.7k words
Summary: You first encounter him at twenty, when your mother receives a call from an old friend named Qui-Gon Jinn.
Warnings: SMUT (18+ only): sex pollen (so inherently dubious consent!), fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving), unprotected piv


A/N: Watched the first two eps of Obi-Wan Kenobi on Friday and it made me feel Some Type Of Way about Obi-Wan’s sense of duty, and then this happened, despite the fact that I had no intention really of ever writing Obi-Wan. (Since he’s not officially on my taglist form, I’ve tagged only folks who have signed up for my blanket taglist, but please feel free to clarify with me whether you’d like to be tagged on Obi-Wan fics in the future.) With this particular fic, I encourage you to read it on AO3, as the formatting better suits the structure of the story. But the entire thing is posted under the cut below.

Read it on AO3 here!


You first encounter him at twenty, when your mother receives a call from an old friend named Qui-Gon Jinn.

She’s always had quite a number of old friends, cloaked figures at varying stages of haggard who come through your house for a few days at a time in search of a place to rest their heads in your isolated part of the galaxy. With them, they always bring lightsabers, small and peculiar gifts of gratitude, and fantastical stories of adventure.

This old friend brings with him a queen’s handmaiden, not much younger than you. He brings news of political sabotage and an urgent request for food, water, and supplies to repair his ship.

“I’m afraid I don’t have access to the parts you need,” your mother says. “I know who will, but I must warn you: he won’t bargain lightly when he realizes how badly you need his help.”

Qui-Gon smiles. “You should know by now that I can hold my own in a deal.”

From the way your mother rolls her eyes – not discreetly, either – you know you’ll be asking for a story later. But before he leaves you alone, Qui-Gon adds, “My Padawan and the queen have remained with the ship. Do you know of a discreet messenger who could bring the rest of these rations to them?”

No one needs to look at you—this will be your task, and you know it.

Keep reading

This was incredible!! I never knew I needed sex pollen with Obi-Wan but here we are.

I really liked their backstory of meeting years ago and then again later, and the moments of good ole Obi-Wan snark mixed with the man he is now. This was excellent.


fandom: star wars

pairing: obi wan kenobi/reader

rating: explicit. minors do not interact. my blog is 18+ only and if you do not have an age in your bio you will be blocked. this fic contains inappropriate use of force (force choking, sexual use of the force, and the like.). there is a slight age gap between the reader and obi wan. 

proceeding forward means you are agreeing that you are at least 18 or older. 

Keep reading

Just a little heads up…

I’m in the process of moving and it’s taking up all of my time, I have 5 WIPs that I really want to push out, but I have zero time.

I promise when I get the slightest chance, I’ll work hard on finishing them.

The next chapter in my Kenobi series will probably be out first, then the next chapter in my Khonshu fic. Those are my priority then I’ll work on my oneshots and the next part of my Yancy series.

I hope you’re not too disappointed and I promise I’m trying my hardest.

Thank you as so much for the support, your interactions mean the world to me!


In the mean time, feel free to catch up with my previous works here.


- much love <3


An Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader Fanfic

Author Notes: Ahhhh- 200 followers on the same day the Kenobi show airs? I’m truly blessed. Please enjoy this Kenobi one-shot because I love this man and his pretty hands. Also, there isn’t a set time period where this takes place so imagine whatever version of him you want!

Fandom: Star Wars

Relationship: Obi-Wan Kenobi x AFAB Gender!Neutral Reader

Content: 2.3k words (reminder, I’m awful at using tenses correctly in writing, so if you see a mistake, no you didn’t-)

Summary: Obi-Wan starts to notice how you pay a little too much attention to his lightsaber training and decides to take it upon himself to help you focus.

Warnings: Jedi Code? Never heard of it, Swearing, Shameless smut, AFAB based smut, No descriptions other than reader has a vagina, Vaginal fingering, Obi-Wan is a tease, Anakin is a cockblock.

I Do Not Allow My Works To Be Reposted, Reuploaded, Or Reused- Even If You Give Credit.

While some of my works may not be NSFW specifically, my page is still 18+, minors please do not interact.

[I highly recommend listening to Lana Del Rey- specifically ‘Lust For Life’, ‘Blue Jeans”, and ‘Burning Desire’- while you read this. I wrote this while listening to them and it heavily influenced me.]




It wasn’t your fault that your eyes seemed to linger for a little longer than approprite, Obi-Wan was an attractive man. An attractive man with verynice hands. Could anyone really fault you for staring? He moved like the wind carried him. The slow hum of his lightsaber cut through the air as he recited practiced movements. He was graceful and calculated; there was a reason he was a Jedi Master after all. Honestly, you couldn’t even remember why he had invited you to watch him practice, but you weren’t about to argue. Your stare traveled across his form, appreciating the way his robes clung to his body and his limbs moved in time with each other before your eyes inevitably settled on his hands. Deft fingers clutched at the saber’s handle as it was effortlessly twirled in his grasp. Stars, the things you imagined those hands doing. You blinked away your drifting thoughts as Obi-Wan stilled, spinning the saber between his fingers as he halted all other movement. Confused, you tore you gaze away to look up at him only to find him staring back at you, his mischievous little smirk settled on his lips.

“Focused, darling?” he teased as his thumb brushed against the base of the saber as he deactivated it. You huffed and you quickly cast you gaze away from him as he chuckled. “You know, you really shouldn’t think so loudly in my presence, I don’t need to use the Force when you’re practically screaming your thoughts at me.” Your eyes widened as they snapped to him with a look of horror. He grinned at you as his eyes swam with unabashed mirth. He was teasing you that little shit-

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you huffed as you crossed your arms, narrowing your eyes at him.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” he mused as he slipped his saber into its holster that hung at his hip. You rolled your eyes as your cheeks burned. This man would be the death of you, you were certain of it. You refused to look at him as he approached you, you knew that looking at his unfiltered smirk would make your knees buckle as he all but stalked towards you.

Obi-Wan has always been, for lack of better words, a minx. Strong-willed and confident, yet not overly so, he was modest in the best of times and yet he knew of his effect on people, on you. He was different around others though, a guided leader with an ever present flame for the future. He would no doubt, and already has, lead his people to glory. And yet as he stood in front of you, leaning forwards and peering down at your smaller from, his energy swam with confidence. With you he was no Jedi Master- he was only a man.

“Obi-Wan,” you groaned with a warning as you shifted away from his towering frame.

“Yes, dear?” he hummed, your response effectively widening his grin, “Is there a problem?” You shot him a glare that stirred a chuckle out of him. “No need to be so modest, dear, what happened to your confident stare? Can you no longer meet my eyes?” You went to shy away, but as he lifted his hand, his earthy robes sliding up his forearm as he reached out, you froze in his presence. The soft pads of his fingers found your chin as he tilted your head back towards him, giving you no other option than to look up at him. “Focus, darling.”

“Obi…,” you breathed, air catching in your throat as you met his steady gaze. Fondness licked behind his eyes as he took you in, his fingertips brushing against the soft skin of your cheek as you let yourself sink into his touch. He leaned forwards, hovering over you as you tilted your head back to keep eye contact while he towered over you. He breathed out your name and the sound sent sinful shivers down your spine.

“Would you let me kiss you if I asked?” he hushed out as his tongue darted out to wet his lips. You sucked in a breath as your eyes widened. Maker, yes. Of course you would. He shuddered as his eyes fell closed, lowering himself so his forehead rested against yours. “Do you not even try to silence your thoughts, dear?” he asked with no more than a whisper. There was no doubt in your mind that he knew how badly you wanted him, if his heavy breathing and solid grip against your chin was anything to go off of.

“Would…wouldyoukissme if I asked?” you breathed out as he opened his eyes again to meet yours.

“I would do anything you asked of me,” he hummed as he tilted his head, shifting to brush his nose against yours.

Anything,” you muttered, “that’s dangerous territory, Kenobi.” His confident smirk returned as he lowered his lips to brush against yours, yet he didn’t kiss you.

“I may already have a few ideas of what you want, dear,” he purred as his hand shifted from your chin to brush against the sensitive skin of your throat. His other hand came up to slide around your waist as he tugged you closer, “you need only ask.” Your breath caught in your throat again as your mind wandered into sinful territory. His firm hands on your body only aided in the ache to have them running across every expanse of your form. “Use your words, darling.” His lips brushed against yours as he spoke and you couldn’t resist the urge to seize forwards and capture them in your own. He returned the kiss heartedly, a relieved groan slipping from his lips to yours.

“Touch me,” you hummed out as your tongue slid across his lower lip. His hands flexed against your form as another shameless groan escaped him.

“You’ll have to show me,” he rushed, his hand sliding from your neck to push back into your hair, “don’t worry, I learn quickly. Just show me what you want me to do.” Kriff, he was going to end you with his words alone. One hand slid up his chest to ghost across the skin at the collar of his tunic as your other met his at your waist. His breathing hitched as he tugged your lower lip in between his teeth and your hand gripped his wrist as you started to tug it to the front of your body.

Take my clothes off,” you insisted breathlessly and he didn’t have to be told twice. His hands moved to slide up your shirt, fingers raising goosebumps as they brushed against your stomach. He broke the kiss only to pull your shirt from your frame and he hastily tugged off his robe, your fingers dipping beneath his tunic.

Maker,” he groaned as he pulled back to tug it off his shoulders. Immediately, your hands went to trail up the expanse of his stomach, running up his chest to wrap around his shoulders.

Want you,” you breathed as your head dipped forwards to place feverish kisses against his neck. He groaned again as his hands followed the path yours made against his skin.

“Guide me,” he insisted as he slipped his hands under your own to do with as you pleased. You pulled his hands towards your body, slipping his fingers under the waistband of your pants. He sucked in a breath as he tilted his head back, his fingers brushing against your hips. Slowly, he wrapped his digits around the fabric and pulled them down, the hot skin of his fingers brushing across the curve of your ass as he slid them off of you. You heaved out a groan, softly sinking your teeth into the nape of his neck as his touch set off fireworks in your belly. He shuddered as his fingers worked their way passed the edge of your underwear. Carefully, you slid your fingers through his and aided him in pulling them down. As they fell to your ankles, Obi-Wan pulled back to drink you in. His hungry gaze raked across your naked form as your hands squeezed his into the skin of your hips.

Touch me, Obi-Wan,” you practically moaned as you tugged his hand closer to your front. You released his other hand as it slid up your spine to cup the back of your neck. His eyes searched your reactions as you slid his hand between your thighs. You moaned unapologetically as his hand ghosted between your folds. He let out his own groan as his fingers slid against your wetness.

“All this for me, darling?” he asked, his voice raspy as his eyes darkened with lust. You let out a whine as you nodded, pushing his fingers against your core. “Show me how you like it.” You breathed out another whine as your fingers matched up with his. Pressing his middle two forwards, he dipped them into you with a groan. As you tilted your head back, his lips met your neck as his fingers curled inside of you. With a shuddered breath, you tugged his thumb up and guided it in a circle around you clit.

Yes,” you moaned, your eyes sliding shut, “like that, just like that.” His skilled fingers worked you open, curling inside you as he rubbed delicious circles around your clit. Obi-Wan groaned against your neck as his hands elicited sinful moans from you. He kissed with fervor against your neck, his tongue sliding across your pulse to drink in your moans.

“Beautiful,” he groaned out as he sunk his teeth into your skin, eliciting a breathy whine as you bucked against his hand. He pressed his hips forwards, rutting up against your thigh as his fingers quickened inside of you. Fingertips brushed against your walls perfectly as white hot pleasure shot through your body. Close, you were so close. He took in your reactions, repeating what clearly pulled them from you as his thumb hurried against your clit.

Kriff, Obi-Wan,” you whined as you bucked against his hand, his hips following your movements his he slid his clothed erection against your plush thigh.

So soft,” he groaned as his pressed himself against you. He ran hot against your skin as his fingers worked quickly to pull you into your high, “going to cum for me, darling?” You let out a pitched moan as you gave him an insistent nod.

“Obi-Wan-kriff, almost there just-“ your pleas were suddenly interpreted as a voice called out through the cave.

“Obi-Wan? You in there, Master?” called Anakin’s voice from outside the mountain. Obi-Wan swore unapologetically as you were suddenly ripped from your high. You let out a panicked squeak as you tugged Obi-Wan’s hand from between your thighs and hastily worked to pull your clothes back onto your body. As you tugged your pants on, you glanced up just in time to see him licking his deft fingers clean as he reached for his tunic. Kriffing Anakin-you were going to murder that boy. Footsteps echoed across the walls as the both of you scrambled to pull your shirts on. Anakin stepped through the opening just as Obi-Wan slid his robes back on and you quickly smoothed out your shirt.

“Anakin,” Obi-Wan croaked out as he cleared his throat, “did you need something or are you simply here to bother me?”

“Well I tried reaching you on your communicator, but you’ve been ignoring me all day,” Anakin huffed out as his eyes slid from his master onto you, “clearly you’re busy with something important.” Your face burned and you resisted the urge to bolt out of the cave right then and there. Obi-Wan sent you a sheepish glance as he remembered turning off his communicator to avoid interruptions, clearly that worked so well.

“Yes, I was busy,” Obi-Wan huffed as he folded his arms across his chest, “I’ve been training.” Anakin raised an unconvinced eyebrow.

“Whatever you say Master,” Anakin chided as he turned to walk back out of the cave, “the council is having a meeting and I was sent to come get you since you obviously weren’t responding to their calls either.” Obi-Wan let out a sigh as he sent you an apologetic look. “Just hurry it up Master, I’ll be waiting outside.” And with that, Anakin left leaving you alone with Obi-Wan again.

“I’m sorry, dear,” he sighed as he lifted his hand to brush against your cheek, “I must go, but we can meet again tomorrow?” You shifted as if to contemplate his request, but who were you to say no to his pleading eyes? With a sigh, you nodded and sent him a soft smile. His shoulders slumped in relief as he leaned forwards to give you a quick kiss. “Then I will see you later, my darling.” With a final brush of his thumb against your cheek, he pulled away and hurried out of the cave. He sent you one last wave and a grin that made your heart thump wildly against your chest. You watched him leave as silence settled over the expanse of the cave.

Only one thought made you grin with delight as you readied yourself to head home; Obi-Wan was definitely going to have it out for Anakin for the foreseeable future.




Anakin you absolute menace, how dare you- oh right I made him do that- sorry, not sorry.


summary: after being on the run for 10 years, will you finally see your long lost lover again?

word count: 1700+

a/n: I’m backkkkk! honestly was just watching the new series and had this idea, so of course, I decided to write it. this will be multiple parts, and part two is already in the works, so stay tuned for that!

You wake up with a gasp. A disturbance in the force. The size of which you’ve never felt before - so heavy, it woke you out of a dead sleep. Instinctively, you sit up and reach out your hand, beckoning your saber toward you.

After a quick inspection of your room, you find nothing amiss. It’s quiet. Too quiet, and still. Everything is as it was when you returned from your mission a few hours ago. But despite the calm, you feel it. A dull ache in your chest, a slight pain in your head - something is wrong and the force wills you to listen.

You jump out of bed and grab your robe. You keep your saber in hand as you quickly move through your quarters and exit into the hallway. You knew Obi Wan was on Utapau, and Anakin, well he was probably with Padme. At this time of day, many of the other Jedi who weren’t on missions would be training the younglings, so you decide to start there. Perhaps they had also felt the disturbance and would be able to tell you more.

Keep reading



Summary: whilst on an assignment with Obi-Wan, you find yourself unable to sleep after dreaming about him, and he sits with you to talk about it. (PART i)

CW: mentions of insomnia and ~sexual~ dreams, though not graphic. Both POVs.

Word Count:4,278

Keep reading


  • Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi x Female Reader (no y/n, no she/her)
  • Rated: E for Explicit, 18+ only
  • Word Count: 2.245k
  • Summary: A generous gift bestowed upon a very pretty desert hermit
  • Song Inspo: I Saw You Close Your Eyes by Local Natives
  • Warnings: female masturbation; cumplay if you squint (i have a brand to uphold here); female orgasm; male orgasm; clothed male naked female; that’s it for this one!
  • Author’s Note: I haven’t written in like 85 years. Anyways, this is set between Obi-Wan arriving and the events of Kenobi. So he’s not *completely* broken yet but… you know, he’s getting there. He deserves this :) Enjoy, share what you can, and be well ~

Ben had a hard time receiving the first gift you had given him. He had returned to your stand later that afternoon when he discovered an extra plum carefully wrapped and tucked into his parcel. 

“Keep it,” you shrugged. “I ordered too many and I don’t want it to go to waste." 

He finally relented when you closed his hand around the fruit with a kind smile. He disappeared into the crowd of people going about their errands while you went about your day, each stray thought about the mysterious man in the cloak. 

A few weeks later under the blistering heat of the twin suns, Ben returned. He stayed a little longer this time, carefully watching you pack up his order. 

"I don’t need any extras,” he mumbled as you tried to sneak two pears into his satchel.

“They’ll go bad before I can sell them,” you shrugged, tying the bag in a double knot. 

He sipped slowly at his thermos as you packed away the rest, ever hyper-observant while in the market. Though you really couldn’t be sure what all he could see with his cowl up. When you finished he thanked you with a half bow and it became your dance, every few weeks more of the same. 

“I can pay for those, you know." 

He was leaning in slightly and you were wondering how his cowl stayed up in the wind but the thought quickly fled your mind when you saw the sparkling blue of his eyes and the little upturned corner of his mouth. 

For being a desert hermit, the man was exceptionally pretty. 

"I never know what’s going to sell. A few lucky patrons get to benefit from my poor inventory skills." 

You earned a small huff at that, like he had forgotten the sound of his own laughter and was startled by the noise building in his throat. The suns were beginning to disappear behind the clouds and you decided it had to be now or never - 

"Do you know anywhere nearby with a vacancy tonight?" 

His question caught you so off guard that you almost dropped the box you were moving to get into the coarseweave scraps he was after, like he could hear your thoughts in the building winds. 

"Not with the incoming storm, but there’s a spare couch at mine." 

"No, no,” he protested, putting both hands up. “I couldn’t impose, if I go now I should -" 

"You’ll never make it,” you said bluntly, having lived your whole life on this maker-forsaken planet. “It’s really no trouble. If you feel like you want to earn it, you can help me close everything up." 

He rocked on his feet for a moment before agreeing, getting to work tying down anything loose that might be carried away by the sand storm quickly rolling in. Once finished he took his neatly tied bundle and followed you through the alley and up a set of painted stairs before entering your humble flat and standing awkwardly at the door. 

You looked over at him as he took in his surroundings, seeming to make note of each window that you were quickly closing. 

"I realize I’m in your home and you don’t know my name." 

Ah, manners. You took the opportunity to finally learn something about the stubborn stranger and walked over with your hand extended, providing him with your name, as you had done countless times before. 

"Ben,” he said quietly while lowering his hood, shaking your hand in return. 

It took you a moment to recover because as it turns out he wasn’t just pretty for a desert hermit - he was pretty for anyone. You realized you were holding his hand for several moments too long when you shook your head and cleared your throat, gesturing into the sitting space. 

“Right, Ben, ah, well, make yourself at home. I’m going to go - cook something up?" 

You nearly tripped walking away and you cursed every god, young and old, for gifting you with two left feet and incredible eloquence. You watched him over your shoulder as he neatly folded his cloak and placed his parcel on top of it before stepping out of his boots and slowly making his way over towards where you were heating two ration packs. 

"Inventory trouble?" 

You had to laugh at least a little bit. "It’s my stand so if I want to give a kind stranger an extra item here or there, I am allowed. But really, I always seem to order more than what I need and I would hate to see anything fresh be wasted, especially here." 

His smile was warm and genuine but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. You couldn’t imagine what would drive someone to Tatooine, let alone the Wastes or wherever far off place he had made his home. 

Your meal was enjoyed with conversation, though you noticed he still gave little information about himself. Typical of someone who didn’t want to be found, and nothing that bothered you in the slightest. With the winds howling and no end in sight you decided to break into your bottle of sunfruit juice, offering him a glass. 

Ben seemed to weigh his options and accepted. 

"Just a taste, though, if that’s alright." 

And of course it is, he’s pretty and polite and he has some sense of humor. So you pour a sip for him and a sip for you, savoring the bright citrus flavors as they danced across your tongue. He hummed when he tasted his, looking a little surprised by the warmth but he seemed to enjoy it all the same. 

"That was quite nice." 

You nodded your agreement and your conversations flowed late into the night, at least until he caught you stifling a yawn for the third time. After some back and forth you finally got him to agree to a blanket and pillow, as well as a fresh towel in case he wanted to use your sonic shower. It was a luxury here, one you were more than happy to share. 

"Fresher is down the hall, help yourself to whatever you need." 

He thanked you for your generosity - always sincere in his gratitude. He looked as exhausted as you felt, so you hoped he would be able to rest as you went back into your room, drawing the curtain for the night. You laid down and closed your eyes to the low hum of the shower, thankful that he was willing to indulge himself just once. 

Ben jumped up from the couch when he heard you pad into the room, scaring you in the process. 

"My apologies,” he started, your words mixing with his as you tried to figure out who startled who first. He stood a little straighter when you slowly approached him, twisting the end of his beard between his fingers.  

“You haven’t slept, have you." 

It wasn’t a question, not with the way you leaned in towards him, looking him up and down. 

"It’s not that I’m uncomfortable,” he started, feeling like he should have climbed out the window when he had the chance. 

You smiled knowingly at him, reaching a hand towards his elbow before dropping it to your side. 

“I understand, sometimes I don’t sleep well either." 

Ben made a sort of non-committal noise, not wanting to discuss the issue any further. Maker knows why but you felt bold in that moment and your mouth started moving before your brain could catch up. 

"There is something though, that will often help me fall asleep. If you want to come to my room we can… try it… together?" 

Your pitch went up as you spoke and he could feel his own ears burning, able to extrapolate your offer before you had even finished speaking. Time seemed to slow around him and his heart hammered inside his chest and he wondered exactly when he lost so much of his control. 

Probably when he lost everything else, when he couldn’t take the pain and started to close himself off from the place he once took so much solace. When he had been pushed away, to build his home in the sand, each day letting himself fade further into the dust - knowing that dust would ultimately consume him. 

But he couldn’t focus on that now, not when you’re here in front of him, saying something and - walking away? 

"Wait,” he said, maybe a little too loudy, grabbing at your hand. “I don’t know how much I can -" 

He struggled with his words and yet still you smiled, curling your fingers around his. 

"Ben, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want. You can… watch, if you want, to relax." 

"Watch,” he repeated slowly, letting the word fill his mouth as he thought. “I think…" 

He never finished the sentence, letting it trail off into the night, but he followed you all the same. 


So that’s how you ended up here, legs spread wide, being studied by a man named Ben.

He had arranged himself at the foot of your bed while you shed your nightclothes and for a moment you were tempted to ask him to come closer, but a single glance told you that wouldn’t be wise. He watched you with such intention that the suns themselves may have been jealous, their light all but forgotten between your duracrete walls.

You ran your hands down your body and watched him shift on his knees, hearing his sharp intake of breath when you reached your slit. With his shuddering exhale you slowly eased yourself open, searching out your bundle of nerves. 

With a soft sigh you found it, legs relaxing slightly while you circled your clit with just one digit, letting your body relax into your own practiced touch. With every pass you could feel the heat growing, slick building between your folds. Ben shuffled as close as he could, hands bunching your sheets. 

You sighed again as you parted your lips further before dipping your fingers into your warmth, back arching just slightly under Ben’s enraptured gaze. The lampdroid outside let a small amount of light leak into your room, letting him see the silvery strands of your arousal between your fingers. 

You thought you heard him curse when you brought your fingers to your mouth, licking them clean before traveling to your nipples, tweaking them before heading back to your pussy once more. You know you heard him when you whispered his name, letting it fall off of your tongue and fill the small room. 

"Anything you’d like,” you soothed, thrusting your fingers back into yourself, searching against your walls for that spongey place that always seemed just out of reach. You’re not sure what sound he made, a grunt or perhaps a moan, but you did finally feel his calloused hands on you, pulling at your hips, begging you down. 

You shuffled down the bed towards him, watching his hips roll at the foot of your bed. He leaned forward, keeping one hand pressed into the flesh of your hip, like he was afraid you would float away if he let go. A divine vision in the barren sandy sea. 

You sighed his name again and bucked your hips when he dragged his other hand down your leg, pushing on your knee to open you as wide as he could. He felt greedy, taking so much. But it would be far worse to refuse such a gift.

He could feel his knees trembling as you rocked against yourself, nearing your release. You were spurred on by the feeling of his nose traveling up your thigh, the fan of his warm breath over your center. He was so close to you, watching every detail. Each turn of your hand and flick of your wrist he cataloged, whining as you panted how close you were. 

“Please, let me see -" 

You pulled your fingers out and went back to circling your clit, toes curling as your mind went blank. With his name and a curse on your lips you came, sticky warmth coating your fingertips. 

You opened your eyes to find him mesmerized, fingers still bruising your flesh. You wiggled yourself back up the bed and beckoned him forward with your glistening hand, smiling when he climbed into your bed. He crawled up next to you and took your wrist in his hand, bringing your wet fingers towards his mouth. 

With one broad lick of them he came, a range of pleasure and shock passing through his features. 

"I’m-” he started, but you shushed him, patting the pillow next to you. 

“I told you it would help you sleep,” you smiled, watching his eyelids flutter. Tempted as you were to wrap your arms around him you stayed on your side, unwilling to cross any boundaries he might have. You yourself fell asleep soon after, his pinky just over yours. 

When you woke the bed was cold and your window was open, bright light streaming in. There was no trace he had even been there, and you would have thought it was a dream if it weren’t for his thermos and a small piece of folded flimsi beside your bed. 

It was filled with hot tea, a kind you had never tasted before. You sipped it as you unfolded the note, his handwriting neater than you expected. 

“All in due time,” it said, and you grinned. 

He would definitely be back for the thermos. 


Full Masterlist//Star Wars Masterlist


If Only - Part Two

(Part One)(Part Three)

Plot: It has been four months since the last time Obi-Wan and Y/n saw each other. Reunited on a strange planet, they learn that their feelings for one another still remain. While stranded together, the time apart seems to have only made it harder for them to resist their hidden desires.

Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x GN!Reader

Warnings: Mentions of fighting, violence, blood (not graphic). Not really a warning, but this is a bit of a slow-burn part, but I still hope you like it.

Words: ~5k

General Taglist:@criminaly-supernatural,@caswinchester2000,@imaginesfire,@rexit-moStar Wars Taglist:@hoeforthefictional;@whimsical-daydreamsRequested Taglist:@angelsandarsenic,@havlindzk,@auryborealis (you showed interest in a second part, so I hope you don’t mind me tagging you)


As you stirred the tea in your mug, you stared out the window of your shelter. It was quiet, as usual, with no people for miles. It was just you out here, by yourself, surrounded by trees and mountains.

You had begun to get used to it, but sometimes you still yearned for company. Specifically that of Obi-Wan. You often fondly remembered the long conversations you had together, and how easy it was to talk to him.

You thought you would think of him less, the longer you were apart, but you were wrong. You often thought back on that day when you went on your last mission together. How close you got to breaking the rules. You could still remember the feel of his face brushing against yours, his lips pressed against your skin.

Letting your mind wander even more, you thought back to the day you left the resistance base, four months ago. Yoda had given you this mission, to be a Jedi spy out in the distant system. You couldn’t refuse him, even if he did not give you a reason for sending you off alone.

As you were packing up your things, Anakin and Obi-Wan came to see you off. When you had a moment alone with Obi-Wan, he expressed his concerns.

“Do you not think me ready?” You asked, somewhat offended.

He sighed and shook his head. “I think you more than qualified. It’s just-” He didn’t finish, but instead turned and stared off in the distance.

You spoke softly, daring to ask. “Is it that you will miss me?”

When he turned to you, you had a soft, almost playful smile on your face. A soft smile spread across his own face as well, as he nodded once. “Yes Y/n, I will miss you.” Turning and taking a step closer he peered into your eyes. “I also worry for you, out there on your own.”

You looked down at your feet. “Yes. It’s odd to think of being so alone. Especially after being here with everyone.”

“I only hope your mission does not keep you away long.”

Looking back up at him, you caught something in his gaze that he seemed to quickly hide. You smiled and nodded. “I hope so too.” Turning, you looked at the ship, as the pilot waved to you, signalling he was ready.

“It’s time.” You said softly, before turning back to him.

You were surprised when he suddenly took your hand in his. You felt him press something into your palm, closing your fist around it.

“Do not forget who you are Y/n.” Then he continued, with an even quieter voice “And do not forget to come back to me.” He smiled softly at you, an almost melancholy smile, before he released your hand and stepped back.

You hesitated for a moment, before you turned and walked to the ship. As you boarded, you turned once more, to see Anakin and the others waving you off. Opening your hand, you looked at the object Obi-Wan had given you, and you felt your chest tighten. It was a pendant, for a neck chain, the symbol of the Jedi order. You knew it was risky for him to give you something like this, especially when going off as spy. But you would keep it safe, to remind you of who you were, and where you belonged.

Looking up, you locked eyes with Obi-Wan one last time as the doors closed, you felt your gut clench as you wondered how long it would be before you saw him again.

Getting up from the table, you walked over to the corner of the room, uncovering a trunk. Opening it you reached in, pulling out a small box. Opening it, you pulled out the pendant that Obi-Wan had given you, which you now had on a chain.

You smiled to yourself as you ran your fingers over it. You let out a long sigh, as homesickness washed over you. The Clone Wars seems to be coming to a head, and you were stuck out here, when you should be with the resistance. You felt restless, useless.

Suddenly, your window was blown in by a weapons blast, causing you to throw yourself to the floor. You grabbed your nearby blaster as you waited, heart pounding.

“Come out Jedi scum!” You heard a metallic voice ring out.

‘Droids?’You cursed under your breath as you realized your cover was blown. Someone in the town must have recognized you last time you went. Looking at the still open trunk, you saw your cloaks and light-saber. Grabbing them, and a subspace transceiver, you ran out the back door.

As you ran through the woods, you heard the droid voices nearby, followed by more blasting into shelter you had called home over the last four months.

Hiding behind a large tree you began to send a message to the resistance base. Telling them your cover was blown, and you were on the run. You were unsure of when they would get the message, or how long you would be on your own.

As a tree beside you was suddenly blown apart, you ducked before continuing to run further into the woods, aware you were now being chased.


Obi-Wan listened to your message, as it played throughout the room. Your voice was hushed and panicked, in the background he could hear the clear sound of weapons fire. The rest of the council shared concerned looks as Yoda carefully watched Obi-Wan.

“I shall go.” Obi-Wan said with a resolute look at Master Yoda.

Yoda hummed to himself as he studied Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan knew why he was somewhat resistant to the thought, but he would not back down.

Surprisingly, he did not question Obi-Wan, or resist, but nodded his head. “Yes, go you shall. Find Y/n, you will. And return soon.”

Obi-Wan nodded in thanks, before bowing lightly and turning to leave. His thoughts raced as he hurried to his jet. Your message was hours old, and it would take him much longer than he’d like to get to the planet. He hoped you had not been captured, or killed.

'Hold out Y/n. For me. I’m coming.’ He thought deeply to himself, part of him reaching out with the force, hoping that somehow, you could hear him.

What he found when he arrived at the coordinates of your shelter caused his chest to clench. Your shelter had been completely destroyed, and there was no sign of you.

Following the tracks he could find entering the forest, he knew you had been followed by a small army of droids. Along the path, he discovered multiple droid bodies, clearly cut down by your saber.

Eventually, the woods grew thicker and dark, as the evening fog began to descend on him. Looking down into a distant valley, he spotted the group of droids looking or you.

Feeling a nearby presence, he pulled out his saber. Looking into the dense forest, he saw movement through the fog. He knew not if it was you, a native, or a droid. Slowly, he creeped into the fog, attempting to follow the figure.

As he rounded a small rock mound, he noted the empty clearing. Feeling movement behind him, he swung around, unleashing his saber, only for it to clash with another’s.

“Obi-Wan” Your voice rang out, full of surprise and relief.

Obi-Wan let out a breath as he saw you, quickly redrawing his saber. Putting your own away, you looked at him breathlessly. “You came.”

“Of course I did.”

He saw an odd look in your eyes, as if there was something you wanted to say. Clearing your throat a bit you stepped a bit closer. “Please tell me you have a ship nearby.”

He nodded, “Yes, we should go quickly.” His gaze washed over you and he hesitated when he saw your side covered in blood.

Seeing where his gaze was drawn, you looked down at our bloodied clothes. “It’s not as bad as it looks.” You said with a soft laugh.

Turning, he looked around, seeing a small cave nearby. “Come, in here, let me take a look.”

Watching him walk away, you felt your heart pounding heavily. Taking a deep breath you followed him. “Did Anakin not come as well? You two are usually inseparable.”

Obi-Wan looked back at you and smiled softly. “He was busy.”

Looking around the small cave, you hoped it was not the home to any creatures. You jumped slightly when you felt Obi-Wan suddenly touch your side.

“Sorry.” He said softly as he tugged at your shirt. “You are right, it’s not as bad as it looks, but you’ve been running with this wound, and you’ve lost a concerning amount of blood.” Looking out of the cave, you saw him considering what to do. “The ship is a bit too far I think. And the droids are in the opposite direction. I think we should stay here for the night.”

You looked out at the darkening forest and sighed. “You are probably right. I’ve come across some nasty creatures that prowl this forest at night.” As you spoke, you stretched out your arm, revealing a long scar along your forearm.

Obi-Wan grabbed your wrist, looking at the scar. He felt his gut clench lightly at the thought of what you had to deal with our here. He met our eyes. “I hope this is the only scar you’ve received out here.”

You shrugged your head a bit, suggesting there were more. You saw him frown slightly before he walked into the cave, looking around. You watched him for a moment as you let out a long breath.

Butterflies were erupting through your stomach, and you silently cursed them, having hoped maybe you could have repressed some of your feelings while while gone.

As darkness descended, you sat against the cold cave wall watching silently as Obi-Wan stood just outside the cave, listening and watching. In the distance you heard a long animalistic howl and you shivered. Recognizing the call of the animal that had almost taken your life a month earlier.

As Obi-Wan walked back into the cave he watched you closely. “The droid army is far away from us, we are safe.”

Sitting down across from you, he looked you over. Your hair had grown, and you looked worn out. His eyes stopped on your neck, as he spotted the Jedi pendant. He felt his heart palpitate and his neck grow hot. Clearing his throat, you looked over at him.

“Are things as bad as I hear? I haven’t been able to get any confirmation, only whispers from the people in town.”

“They are certainly not as good as I would like.”

“And things are only going to get worse, aren’t they?”

“I’m afraid so.”

You nodded your head as you looked out at the dark forest. “I felt useless out here.” You admitted.

“You are not useless, and you never have been. I have heard of the information you have gathered. Information that has helped the resistance considerably.”

You fiddled with your hands. “Did Master Yoda ever reveal why he sent me out here? Did I do something wrong? Did he not trust me to be with the resistance?”

Obi-Wan felt his guilt and dejection wash over him. “It was not that he did not trust you Y/n. It was that he did not trust me.”

You looked up at him, “What do you mean?”

As he stared at you silently, contemplating, you felt your ears grow hot as your mind began to race. Slowly, Obi-Wan spoke, his voice hesitant. “He could sense the conflict within me. My feelings for you. He was afraid it would effect my judgment.”

Your heart was pounding heavily in your chest. “So he sent me away?”

Obi-Wan looked down at his feet. “Yes. I am sorry.”

“I understand.” Obi-Wan looked at you inquisitively. “If he could feel the conflict within you, surely he could sense it within me as well. And you are much stronger than me, a better Jedi, more important. If he had to send someone away, it makes sense that it was me.”

Obi-Wan watched your face closely as you stared at the ground. He could tell your mind was racing, as you tried to suppress the strong emotions racing through you.

“But-” You began, slowly looking up at him. “Why did he allow you to come for me now?”

A small, almost unnoticeable smile crossed his lips. “Because he knew I would trust no one else to come”

Your eyes stayed locked, as you felt tension begin to grow. Forcing yourself to look away, you knew the more you talked, the harder it would be to repress your feelings. But, there was something you needed to know, needed to say.

“I-” You began, but faltered.

Obi-Wan watched you as you hesitated. “What?” He asked softly.

“It is possible that I imagined it, out of fear when I was fleeing, but…I thought that I, heard you. Before you got here.”

Obi-Wan felt his heart jolt as he as up straighter. “What did you hear?”

“I heard your voice in the back of my head. Saying ’Hold out Y/n. For me. I’m coming.’” I thought maybe it was just me trying to convince myself that the Jedi were coming to help me, perhaps to calm myself.“

"It was me.” He said abruptly.

You met his eyes and saw them full of surprise. “It was?”

He nodded once as he stood, walking over to you. Kneeling down in front of you he stared intently at you. “When I was leaving the resistance base to come to you, I thought those words. I sent them out with the force, hoping that you could hear me, but I didn’t know if you would. But you did.”

You nodded, unable to find any words. Your eyes were locked as various emotions washed over you. You knew his own eyes were reflecting yours.

As a cold wind blew through the cave, you wrapped your cloak around you tighter and looked away from him.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath as he moved to sit beside you, shielding you somewhat from the cold. His shoulder was pressed close against yours as you sat in silence.

You felt exhaustion begin to wash over you as the adrenaline of the day began to fade. Feeling Obi-Wan so close, you had nervous butterflies in your stomach. But even more, you felt safe, and relieved to be by his side.

As your eyes began to grow heavy, your body slowly began to relax and slump. Your thoughts had begun to grow foggy as you felt your head droop, resting on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. You felt him tense up for a moment before he relaxed. You knew you should move, but you could find no strength to.

Feeling Obi-Wan reach over and adjust your cloak so it was covering you completely, you let out a soft breath. “Obi-Wan?”

“Yes?” His soft voice met your ears.

“Thank you for coming to get me.”

There was a moment of silence as you began to drift into sleep. You thought for a moment, through the fog, that you felt him press his lips softly to your head. Followed by his whispered voice. “Always.”

And then there was darkness.


Staring out into the forest as the dawn light shone through the fog, you and Obi-Wan stood side by side, listening and waiting for any sign that the droids might be nearby.

After a few more moments, Obi-Wan let out a deep breath and nodded his head. “Lets go.”

Following him silently, you looked back once more at the cave, before you headed into the forest behind him. You walked silently, both of you aware you could be ambushed at any moment if the droids had returned to this side of the planet.

When you returned to what had been your shelter, you took a moment to look it over. Obi-Wan watched you silently, before you turned and nodded to him, signalling you were ready to move on.

“The ship is not too far from here.” He said quietly as he looked around.

“Do you remember the last mission we went on?” You asked softly.

Obi-Wan met your eyes and nodded. You were certain his mind flashed to the moment you had on the ship afterwards, just as yours had. But you were referring to that gut feeling, that something was going to go wrong.

“I have the same feeling I did on that planet.” You spoke as you looked into the nearby trees.

Obi-Wan nodded. “As do I.”

Following Obi-Wan away from the shelter, your defenses were up, both of you expecting to run into droids any moment. Hearing something nearby, you both stopped and listened.

Closing your eyes, you listened intently, reaching out with the force as best you could. Feeling as though something was coming up from behind, you did not hesitate. Taking out your saber, you spun and threw it into the woods behind you.

Obi-Wan spun around, watching as the saber went into the darkness, before clearly slicing trough some hidden droids. As your saber came back to you, Obi-Wan unleashed his own, watching you and waiting for more to come out, but none did.

You looked back at him and saw the clear surprise in his gaze at your actions. You shrugged lightly “When you are out here alone for as long as me, its easier to feel a disturbance.”

A soft smile graced his face as you both turned, hearing movement in the distance again. “There will be more between us and the ship.”

You nodded. “I’m ready if you are.”

After a short moment, he began to move, as you quickly followed him. You ventured through the woods cautiously, trying to go around the group of droids, waiting to avoid a fight if you could.

Spotting the ship in a nearby clearing, you saw a group of droids waiting around it, watching for you to come near. You and Obi-Wan crouched down behind a group of boulder-like rocks and watched the droids.

“I count seven.”

“Eight.” You added, and he looked over at you.

You motioned your head at the trees, and he looked up, spotting a hidden sentury drone in the trees.

“Very good. You’ve grown stronger.”

“I had no choice.” You said softly, aware that Obi-Wan looked over at you watching you closely.

“Once we get away from here, you must tell me all that transpired over your time here.”

Looking over and meeting his gaze, you smiled softly. “I’m sure you have some stories of your own too.”

He met your gaze softly for a moment before you both turned and looked back at the ship. “Ready?” He asked and you nodded silently.

Simultaneously you snuck out from behind the rocks and moved through the bushes, going separate directions, and getting as close as you could before you attacked. Getting right behind some of the droids, you looked across the clearing, spotting Obi-Wan behind two other droids. One nod and you both acted.

Slicing though the two droids, you grabbed a blaster and shot the sentry drone out of the tree. Obi-Wan took out two droids before the remaining three began to fire on the two of you. Diving behind a tree, you watched as Obi-Wan advanced on the droids. Firing on one of the droids with the blaster, you could hear droids coming from the distance, having heard the blaster fire.

As Obi-Wan took out the last two droids, you ran for the ship. As a blast hit the ship beside you, you spun around and began firing on the droids coming from the woods. Obi-Wan called out for you as the ship doors began to close.

Quickly diving into the ship, you returned more fire on the droids as the ship door closed. Obi-Wan quickly ran to the cock-pit as you heard more blaster fire hitting the ship. Following him to the cock-pit, you took the fighter seat preparing to fire on the droids as you took off.

“This is the most fun I’ve had in months.” You grinned as you fired down at the droids, taking the rest of them out.

You could see Obi-Wan roll his eyes, but he could barely repress his own smile at your comment.

When you were finally out of orbit, you let out a long drawn out breath as you watched the planet fade from view. You said a silent, but gladdened goodbye.

“At least we escape with less injuries this time.” You said as you leaned back in your seat.

He looked over at you and smiled, but looked at your still bloodied clothes. “How is your wound?”

You gently set your hand on your side. “Could be worse.”

Obi-Wan watched you for a moment before tearing his eyes away from you, trying to repress the memories of what happened in the ship the last time you were together alone.

Some time passed in silence, before you voiced your most recent thoughts. “Do you think, once we return, Master Yoda will let me stay?”

Obi-Wan looked over at you, he had not thought about it. “I do not know. But if you want to stay, I will fight for it.”

“Don’t you think that might make him suspicious?” You asked, half joking.

He smiled lightly. “Perhaps. But either way, his plan failed, so he might as well let you stay. ”

You furrowed your brow. “What do you mean his plan failed?” You asked cautiously.

Obi-Wan paused for a moment, uncertain if he should elaborate. Meeting your eyes, he knew the tension between the two of you was still there, and there it would remain.

Turning his seat to face you, he let out a soft breath. “It was Master Yoda’s intention to separate us, so that, perhaps, over time, the feelings that we have would fade. I know not how, or if your feelings have changed. But mine have not. In fact, I think it only made them grow, us being apart, it simply made me think of you more often.”

You were surprised by his words, surprised that he would so openly admit this to you. You swallowed the lump in your throat. “I feel the same.” Your voice was soft and shy as you held his gaze.

Obi-Wan felt the tightness in his chest growing as his eyes scanned your face. His eyes lingered on your lips, and he felt unsure if he could continue to ignore the tension that grew thick between you.

You recalled what happened last time you almost failed to suppress your feelings. You remembered how close he was, his breath against your cheek as he whispered 'If Only’.

Clearing your throat, you tore your gaze from his “I should go rest.” You said as you stood up.

Your breath caught in your throat as he stood as well. You were right in front of each other, chests almost touching. You met his gaze and almost staggered when you realized how close he was. His hands reached out and gently grabbed your arms, steadying you.

Your eyes were locked once again, but unlike before, you seemed unable to find the strength to look away. Obi-Wan’s breath was uneven as he gently held your arms, keeping you there, keeping you close.

He knew he should let go, let you leave, walk away. He should. He needed to.

He couldn’t.

As if the tension between you snapped like a bolt of lighting, your lips met in a rough kiss. His hands wrapped around your waist as he pulled you as close as he could, deepening the kiss as much as he could. Your hands gripped his cloaks tightly as you returned the kiss fervently, your mind blank, as your whole body seemed to tingle.

You felt one of his hands grip the back of your head, burying his fingers in your hair. You moved your arms, wrapping them around his neck as you felt you needed to be closer, but knew you couldn’t possibly be closer than you already were.

You weren’t sure how long you had been kissing before you both seemed to come to your senses. Pulling apart, your breaths heavy and uneven as your eyes burned into each others.

You felt a sense of unease wash over you as you stepped back, out of his arms. “We shouldn’t have done that.” Stepping away again, you regretfully looked away and left the room, heading further into the ship.

Obi-Wan watched you leave, almost going after you, but stopping himself with a reminder of who he was. He let out a long ragged breath as he closed his eyes. The feeling of your lips against his was still present in his mind, and he knew he would not forget it easily.

Sitting back down, he put his head in his hands, shaming himself, knowing that he failed. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not truly feel shame, because he knew he wanted to kiss you, that he did not regret it, as much as he should. And he knew he wanted to kiss you again and again, if only he could, but he couldn’t. This had to be the last time.

You had not spoken to Obi-Wan the rest of the trip. And as you got off the ship, back at the resistance base, side by side, shoulders brushing, you felt his hand graze yours, and thought for a moment he was going to grasp it. But as you saw Anakin and Master Yoda enter the room, you pulled away.

You smiled as Anakin walked up to you. “Hello Anakin.”

Hugging you, he pulled away. “I’m glad you are alright.”

“Returned safely you have. Glad I am.” Master Yoda said.

You looked down at him and bowed your head. “I am glad to be back Master.”

Yoda hummed as he studied you and Obi-Wan before he nodded his head. “Rest you must. Come, come.”

You spared a glance at Obi-Wan before you followed Master Yoda out of the room, beginning to answer questions Anakin began to trow at you.


Rushing into the room, you saw Obi-Wan nearby. Seeing you enter, he faced you as you approached.

“I heard you are leaving already?” You asked.

Obi-Wan nodded, “Yes. Senator Palpatine has been kidnapped, me and Anakin, have been assigned with his rescue, we are leaving immedietely.”

You nodded your head as you stared past his shoulder. Obi-Wan studied you, seeing that you had a lot you wanted to say. He opened his mouth to speak, but you broke in.

“I have a bad feeling Obi-Wan.” He saw the concern evident in your eyes. “I feel like something very bad is going to happen soon.”

Looking around, he made sure you were alone before he took a small step closer. Gently, he took your hand in his and squeezed it lightly. “I will return soon, and we will continue this fight, together.”

He saw your face fall for a moment before you spoke. “I wont be here Obi-Wan.”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I have talked with Master Yoda. With everything going on, we need to be vigilant, the Jedi will be spreading out along the galaxy, to prepare for anything that might happen.”

“He is sending you away again?” He asked, his emotion rising.

“I volunteered.” You admitted, and you saw surprise cross his face.

“It’s better this way. I’m too much of a distraction, especially now.”

His chest grew tight, as pulled you closer, he spoke softly. “Where will you go?”

You shook your head. “I don’t know yet.” You lied.

He let out a soft breath. “I will see you again. When this is all over.”

You met his gaze, and felt yourself unable to hold back your emotion. You wrapped your arms around him in a hug. He hesitated for a moment, before he wrapped his own arms around you.

“Be careful.” You whispered.

“And you.” He replied.

Pulling away, you moved to step away, but he grabbed your hand. You saw him fighting between his emotions before he stepped closer to you. His face was close to yours, lips almost brushing. Bringing his hand up he gently caressed your cheek. You closed your eyes and let out a soft breath.

Your heart seemed to stop, as you felt his lips gently press against yours in a soft kiss, that ended almost as fast as it had begun.

When he pulled away, you opened your eyes, and met his equally emotional gaze. Grabbing his hand, you pressed something within his fist. “Don’t forget who you are Obi-Wan.” You said, repeating words he had once told you.

He frowned slightly as you let go of his hand. Stepping back, you looked at him one more time before you turned and walked away, fighting tears that threatened to spill. You pushed away the intrusive thought in the back of your mind, telling you, that this was the last time you would ever see Obi-Wan Kenobi.

He watched you disappear with an aching heart. Looking down at his hand, his breath caught in his throat as he stared down at the pendant. The one he had given you before you left for your mission months before.

Looking up, he felt an overwhelming urge to chase after you, but as the doors slid open and Anakin entered, he knew he was too late.

If only he had one more chance to tell you how he felt.

If only this was not the last time he would see you for what would feel like, a very long time.

xx End xx

So this is ending where Episode III begins.

Part Three

If Only - Part Three

Part OnePart Two

Plot: Four years after Obi-Wan goes into exile on Tatooine, he begins to dream of Y/n, someone he thought he had lost. But as these dreams begin to feel more like visions and messages, Obi-Wan begins to wonder if maybe you aren’t gone after all. Meanwhile, a very much alive Y/n is being held captive by Empire allies.

Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x GN!Reader

Warnings: Mentions of blood, injuries, torture, screaming,death. Weapons (blasters).

Words: 3.7k

Notes: Takes place four years after Revenge of the Sith movie. Angst + Whump with a happy ending. This is the last part of this short series.The “Netherworld” is in reference to where the Jedi go when they die. Sometimes you can see or contact them, as seen in some of the movies.


The dream was different this time. He was in a place he didn’t recognize. But he could hear you speaking, your voice was muffled, as if you were under water.

He began walking down the corridor, at least he thought it was a corridor. The walls seemed to be made of water, the path in front of him darkened by shadow.

He stopped as your voice called out again. No longer muffled, but distant, and sad. “If there is anyone left, please. Can anyone hear me?”

“Y/n?” He called you, is own voice seeming to echo around him.

“Obi-Wan?” Your voice returned.

He felt his heart racing. “Y/n! What is this?”

“Obi-Wan, where are you? Why can’t I see you?”

“Y/n, where are you?”

“Obi-Wan? Obi-Wan!”

Suddenly, within the darkness, a scream pierced his ears. You were screaming, you were in pain. You were dying.

As his eyes shot open, he could still hear the sound of your voice echoing in his head. Sitting up, he looked around, as though he expected you to be right there in front of him.

Rubbing his eyes he remembered your scream, piercing, horrible. Was he somehow connected to your memory through the force? Was that you dying? No. No it was just a dream.

Getting out of his bed, he looked out the window, dawn was just beginning. Looking around the room he let out a long sigh. His eyes lingered on a small chest on the floor. Walking over, he opened it, before rifling through and pulling out a cloth pouch. Dumping the contents into his hand he sat back on he bed.

Staring down at the pendant, he thought back on the last day he saw you. That last day. Though it was four years ago, he could still remember the way it felt to kiss you. And how painful it was to see you walk away from him. He thought he would see you again, but then everything changed, and everything ended, and you were gone.

There were very few Jedi left, and he was sure, at least at first, that you weren’t one of them. He had learned from Master Yoda later on where you had been stationed after he left. From what he could learn, every Jedi in that sector had been killed by the Empire. You were one. At least, that’s what he had thought these past four years.

But recently, since these dreams started, he began to wonder if that was true. What you said in the dream. “Where are you? Why can’t I see you?” What did that mean? Why would you be reaching out to him if you were dead?

He had tried to reach out before, with the force, to contact you in the Netherworld, like some could those with those who had died. But nothing happened. Was that what this was now? Him reaching out subconsiously, hearing your last moments some how?

Looking back down at the pendant, he squeezed it tight in his fist. Bringing his fist up to his face he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He felt regret and guilt building up in his gut. Regret at having never had the chance to be with you. Guilt at chasing you away.


His eyes shot open as he looked around the room. Standing up he called out. “Y/n?”

That was your voice, it sounded as though you were right there. But you sounded tired, weak, sad. Taking a deep breath he focused with the force. He could feel you, a connection surrounding him. “Y/n?”

Hearing a guttural scream echo throughout his house he let out a startled breath, and the connection disappeared.

“Y/n” He said softly to himself.

This was not you reaching out from the Netherworld, it couldn’t be. He needed to find out what happened to you. He needed to know if he was mourning you for four years, while you were still out there. And if you were out there, why were you in such pain?


“Obi-Wan, where are you? Why can’t I see you?” You swear you had heard his voice, as though he was right there. Hearing nothing in return you called out again, desperation in your voice. “Obi-wan? Obi-Wan!”

Before you could reach out again, the torture continued, but you tried to hold the connection, you didn’t want to be alone. You had been trying for weeks now to reach out with the force. To either contact another Jedi, or get help from someone in the Netherworld. But nothing had happened, no one came.

But then you heard his voice. Obi-Wan’s, but you could’t see him. From everything you heard, you should see him. Were you not strong enough to reach out to the Netherworld?

Some time had passed since you had heard Obi-Wan’s voice. You closed your eyes and leaned back against the cold wall, a tear streaming down your face. You had been in this place for weeks now, having been captured by allies of the Empire.

You thought back on everything that had happened as you sat in the darkness. After the deaths of most of the Jedi, you ran. You barely survived being killed, but now you were alone, and lost. You tried to find out more about the remaining Jedi, but found little over the years. Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, everyone was gone.

But your questions drew attention, and now you were a captive being tortured for information. They thought you were a spy for the remaining Resistance. Even though you truly knew nothing about them anymore, they did not believe you. You were glad they had no way of knowing you had been a Jedi, but you feared they might find out somehow.

Hearing steps echoing down the corridor, closer and closer, you took a deep breath. They were coming for you, again. Maybe this time your body would finally give up.

Feeling a sudden rush of frustration wash over you, you shook away the thought of giving up. That wasn’t you. You needed to remember who you were. Obi-Wan’s voice echoed through your mind. ‘Remember who you are.’

If you were going to die here, it wouldn’t be while getting tortured. It would be while escaping. While fighting.

As the cell doors slid open, you looked up at the man in front of you. One of the guards you seemed to take a liking to hurting you. Looking down at you, he sneered, teeth showing, standing up, you let him get close, and you smiled back at him.


Obi-Wan looked down at the planet from orbit, it was small, and in the center of a large city, was a large military-like base, run by allies of the Empire.

After a few days of searching for information, he finally found a resistance spy. The spy knew nothing about you, whether you were dead or alive. The only information they had, was that recently, a supposed spy had been taken by these empire allies to be tortured for information.

There was nothing to prove that it was you, but Obi-Wan couldn’t shake this feeling in his gut that told him it was you down there. Alone, in pain, reaching out to anyone who was still around that might hear you. And the closer he got, the more the feeling increased.

So whether or not he was going to find you, or another resistance spy, there was no turning back, not now.


You crept through the corridor, staying in the darkness, as you tried to avoid being seen. You didn’t know how long it would be before a guard found that it was not you in your cell, but the guard who was supposed to watch you.

Hand gripped around a stun cane, you hid in the darkness as someone ran past. You let out a shaky breath as you began moving again, every part of your body screaming in pain. Sweat was caking your brow, your hands shaking, head aching. You could feel the warm stain of blood on your side as you moved, your wounds having opened during your fight with the guard.

Rounding the corner, you stumbled to a stop as you came face to face with one of the guards. He didn’t hesitate before lunging at you with his own stun cane.

Dodging the first blow, you swung your cane, hitting him in the leg. Yelling out in anger, he struck back, hitting you in the shoulder, the shock causing you to drop your own cane.

Striking you again, right in your wounded side, you groaned in pain before you grabbed his arm, pulling and flinging him over your shoulder. As he hit the ground, you grabbed his cane, forcing to his neck until he passed out. Rising, you stumbled into the wall, breathing heavily.

You flinched as you heard the sound of blaster fire echoing from somewhere else in the base. A moment later, the lights began flashing as an alarm started wailing. Grabbing the guard, you dragged him into a nearby storage room, taking his cloak, you put it on, hoping you could blend in.

As you got closer to the docking bay, you heard blaster fire getting closer. You jumped back as guards an past, paying you no mind, as the hood of your cloak shrouded your face.

You could see the docking bay just ahead of you, there was an intruder there, but you needed to steal a ship to get away. A sudden thought entered your mind. What if the intruder was here for you?

Quickly, doubt replaced the hope that built at the thought. No one was coming for you, you needed to get out yourself. Feeling you vision blur momentarily, you leaned against the wall. Looking back towards the docking bay as three more guards ran in, you felt panic begin to rise as the doors began to shut. Running, ignoring the pain and dizziness, you managed to barely make it as the doors shut behind you.

Hearing blaster fire just ahead of you, you dove behind a large container. Peaking out, you saw the guards firing on someone at the edge of the room. You could only see a glimpse of the person as they occasionally reached out to fire.

You watched as a guard tried to sneak up on them, and as they went behind a container, your eyes widened when you saw them fly back, and into the wall, unconscious.

'A Jedi? Did someone really hear me? Obi-Wan?’ Creeping around the edge of the room, your thoughts ran wild. 'It can’t be Obi-Wan, he’s dead. Isn’t he?’

As you peaked around another container, you felt your whole body freeze. You could see enough of him now, his face peaking out from beneath his own cloak as he fired on the guards. “Obi-Wan.” You whispered, feeling your head spin.

As a blaster shot grazed past Obi-Wan’s head, you came out of your shock, realizing he was outnumbered.

Looking around, you saw a nearby blaster, lying beside a dead guard. Taking a deep breath, and pushing past the screaming pain in your body and the weakness you felt threatening. You ran out, grabbing the blaster and firing at the guards.

Obi-Wan looked over at the sound of nearby blaster fire. He prepared to fire, but stopped as he saw the cloaked figure firing on the guards. As the figure ducked away from blaster fire, Obi-Wan rose, firing on the rest of the guards.

After the last guard finally fell, he let out a breath of relief. But jumped when a shot blew past him, spinning back, he saw a guard that had snuck up on him, fall to the ground. Turning back around, he aimed his blaster at the cloaked figure.

As Obi-Wan pointed his blaster at you, you lowered yours, and raised your hands up. Your voice was caught in your throat, though you wanted nothing more than to call out to him.

Slowly, you raised your hands towards your face, grabbing the edge of your hood, and pulling it back.

You saw Obi-Wan’s face change to surprise as he slowly lowered his gun. “Y/n.” His voice came out, barely audible.

You let out a soft breath and smiled at him. “Obi-Wan.” You took a small step forward, but felt your vision blur.

Obi-Wan ran towards you as you began to fall to the ground. Catching you in his arms before you hit the ground, he brought his hand to your face. “Y/n!” Your face was bruised, tired, and dirty. Looking down, he saw blood seeping through the cloak.

He could hear banging on the walls of the docking bay he had rigged to close. Scooping you up into his arms, he ran back the way he came, hoping he was not too late to get to you.

Your eyes fluttered open as cold metal was pressed against your back. Looking through blurred vision, you saw Obi-Wan at the head of the small ship.

Your eyes closed again.

“Y/n. Y/n?”

Obi-Wan’s voice pulled you from the darkness. As you opened your heavy eyes, you saw him leaning over you. You were still on the ship.

“It’s alright now, we’ve escaped.”

You stared into his eyes for a moment, unaware a tear was streaming down your face. As Obi-Wan wiped it away, you forced yourself to speak.

“H-how? I thought, you were dead.”

He smiled sadly as he kept his palm to your cheek. “I thought the same of you. Until the dreams.”

“So that was really you that I heard?”

He nodded his head once.

Another tear fell as you felt your eyes growing heavier again. “I-I thought that…I was alone.”

Obi-Wan felt his own eyes beginning to burn hot. “Not anymore.” He said softly.

As you met his eyes briefly, he felt his gut clench when your eyes closed, and your body went limp. Quickly grabbing what medical supplies he had, he laid you flat down on the ground.

Seeing to your wounds, he almost felt sick. It seemed that your whole body was bruised, small burns littered your side, and you had multiple wounds, the worse was on your side, which was still bleeding.

Thinking back on why you were in the docking bay, he saw your knuckles freshly red. You must have begun your own escape. But how long had you been there? Guilt rocketed through him. If only he had listened to the dreams before, when they first started.

Wipeing at your face, he stared down at you. Through the dirt and bruises, he could still tell you were just as alluring as you had been. Oh how he missed looking at you.

Turning and looking out of the ship window, he note that you’d arrive back on Tatooine in a few hours. He would take you back to his home. You would be safe there. He would have to tell you about Anakin. Padme, Luke, Leia. There was so much you weren’t there to see. And he was sure there was much you had to tell him.

Covering you with his cloak, he began to gently stroking your face. After everything he had lost, somehow, the universe brought you back to him. This time, he would not make the mistake of letting you go again.


As your eyes fluttered open, you felt a moment of panic and confusion. Sitting up you let out a small wince, as pain shot through your side. Looking around the small hut like structure, you wondered where you were.

Suddenly remembering everything that had taken place, you climbed out of the bed and walked to the door. Stepping out into the hot sun’s light, you looked around desperately.

And as Obi-Wan rounded the corner, water pale in hand, you felt an almost overwhelming mix of relief rush through you.

As his eyes landed on you, he stopped in his tracks. Slowly setting down the water pale, he watched you, seeing various emotions crossing your face.

“You’re finally awake.” He mused softly, days of worry, watching over you, fading into relief.

“I thought it was a dream.” You said softly. “When I woke up I thought I was…back there.”

He walked towards you. “It wasn’t a dream. You’re safe.”

Your eyes scanned his face, and it seemed as though he had aged much more than you’d expected. Then again, you didn’t know what these last four years had been like for him.

As he stopped in front of you, you felt overwhelmed again, and threw yourself forward, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. A moment later you felt his arms wrap around you as well.

“All this time.” You didn’t finished your thought, you knew he knew exactly what you meant.

All this time, thinking the other was dead. All this time alone. All this time, you were so close to each other, yet so far away.

Pulling away, you met his eyes again, and he smiled at you. You felt your heart quake at the sight. You had missed that smile.

Going back to grab the water, he walked back to you and took your hand in his. “Come, lets go inside. We have a lot to discuss.”

You stared at the floor, processing everything Obi-Wan had told you. About Anakin. About Padme’s death, and her two children. That one was on this very planet.

You felt a tear stream down your face, and you quickly wiped it away. Looking at Obi-Wan, you could see heavy emotion weighing over him. You were close to Anakin, but not nearly as much as Obi-Wan.

“How could he do it?” You asked softly as you shook your head.

Obi-Wan shook his head softly. “I’ve been asking myself that for years.”

“And the boy. Luke, he’s safe here?”

He nodded his head. “Yes. I check in on him every now and again.” Clearing his throat he looked at you, scanning you for a second. “Now, what happened to you? I had heard that every Jedi in that sector you were in was killed. How did you survive?”

You let out a soft scoff. “I barely did. Sometimes I still wonder how. I was injured, pretty severely. But to my luck, I had befriended some resistance members on the planet. I made it to them, and they saved me. By the time I regained my strength…it was all over. Everyone was gone.”

There was a moment of thick silence hanging in the air. Looking around the small hut, you smiled to yourself.

“What?” Obi-Wan asked.

“I just thought about you staying here, alone. You must get so restless.”

He smiled softly and shrugged his head. “I keep busy when I can. But yes, you are correct. But, I suppose that will change now.”

“How so?” You asked softly as you met his gaze.

“Well I’m not alone anymore now am I? Or did you think I was going to shoo you off on your way?”

You let out a breathy laugh. “I hadn’t really thought that far.”

“Or is it…that you have somewhere to go back to?”

He didn’t say it, but you knew the unspoken question, you felt it. Do you have someone to go back to?

You shook your head softly. “No. I have nowhere to go back to, not really. I never stayed in one place for too long.”

He nodded his head. “Then you can stay here. With me.”

You felt your hear hammering in your chest. After all these years, he still did that to you. And for some reason, you still felt like you had to run away.

You looked out the window. “Master Yoda isn’t going to show up suddenly and tell me to leave is he?”

A short laugh escaped Obi-Wan, taking him by surprise. “No. No, and if he did I would certainly not be sure what to expect from him.”

Standing suddenly, he walked over to the table before walking back to you. He sat down in font of you, and took your hand in his. You felt him press something into your palm.

Even before you opened your hand, you knew what it was. The pendant. You stared down at it, memories rushing through your mind. The day he gave it to you. Your first kiss. Your last kiss.

“We may still be Jedi, in our hearts, in our whole beings. But…”

You looked up, meeting his eyes. “But?”

“But, there is no Jedi Order anymore. I do not know how long we must remain dormant, hidden away. So until then, we should live as we wish to. Do the things we want. Be with, who we want.” Reaching out, he enclosed his hands around yours. “We must remember who we are. But that includes who we love.”

“Love?” Your whispered out.

“Yes. No matter how hard I had to push it away, it was there. And there it remains.” Taking your hand, he brought it to his chest. You could feel his heart beating heavily in his chest. “Here.”

You took in a sharp breath as you met his eyes. “All those years ago, back on that ship. We mused about, 'if only things were different’. I don’t think either of us imagined things being how they are now. But they are different.”

“Yes.” Inching forward, he brought his other hand up to your face, cupping your cheek. “So many things are different. Frightening even. But one thing that never changed, was how I feel for you. And all these years I ached with guilt at having never had the courage to act on them. Guilt for having never been with you the way I wished. But now…”

“We can be together?” You asked in a whisper, as his face inched closer, his nose brushing yours.

“Yes. We can be together now, Y/n. There is nothing that can stop it now.”

Closing you eyes as his lips pressed against yours, you pushed away your thoughts. Thoughts about what you had lost, what you would never find again. If only you had never lost your friends. If only you had not lost your home.

Instead you embraced what you were feeling. Relief at no longer being completely alone. Relief at finding Obi-Wan. Happiness of finally being with him again.

Wrapping your arms around him, he pulled your closer, deepening the kiss. He held you tightly against him, knowing that no matter what, he had you.

xx End xx

I struggled a bit with this part unfortunately, but I hope you enjoyed it!

General Taglist:@criminaly-supernatural,@caswinchester2000,@imaginesfire,@rexit-moStar Wars Taglist:@hoeforthefictional,@whimsical-daydreamsRequested Taglist:@havlindzk,@angelsandarsenic,@auryborealis,@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13,@rain-and-a-nice-nap

If Only - Part Three

Part OnePart Two

Plot: Four years after Obi-Wan goes into exile on Tatooine, he begins to dream of Y/n, someone he thought he had lost. But as these dreams begin to feel more like visions and messages, Obi-Wan begins to wonder if maybe you aren’t gone after all. Meanwhile, a very much alive Y/n is being held captive by Empire allies.

Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x GN!Reader

Warnings: Mentions of blood, injuries, torture, screaming,death. Weapons (blasters).

Words: 3.7k

Notes: Takes place four years after Revenge of the Sith movie. Angst + Whump with a happy ending. This is the last part of this short series.The “Netherworld” is in reference to where the Jedi go when they die. Sometimes you can see or contact them, as seen in some of the movies.


The dream was different this time. He was in a place he didn’t recognize. But he could hear you speaking, your voice was muffled, as if you were under water.

He began walking down the corridor, at least he thought it was a corridor. The walls seemed to be made of water, the path in front of him darkened by shadow.

He stopped as your voice called out again. No longer muffled, but distant, and sad. “If there is anyone left, please. Can anyone hear me?”

“Y/n?” He called you, is own voice seeming to echo around him.

“Obi-Wan?” Your voice returned.

He felt his heart racing. “Y/n! What is this?”

“Obi-Wan, where are you? Why can’t I see you?”

“Y/n, where are you?”

“Obi-Wan? Obi-Wan!”

Suddenly, within the darkness, a scream pierced his ears. You were screaming, you were in pain. You were dying.

As his eyes shot open, he could still hear the sound of your voice echoing in his head. Sitting up, he looked around, as though he expected you to be right there in front of him.

Rubbing his eyes he remembered your scream, piercing, horrible. Was he somehow connected to your memory through the force? Was that you dying? No. No it was just a dream.

Getting out of his bed, he looked out the window, dawn was just beginning. Looking around the room he let out a long sigh. His eyes lingered on a small chest on the floor. Walking over, he opened it, before rifling through and pulling out a cloth pouch. Dumping the contents into his hand he sat back on he bed.

Staring down at the pendant, he thought back on the last day he saw you. That last day. Though it was four years ago, he could still remember the way it felt to kiss you. And how painful it was to see you walk away from him. He thought he would see you again, but then everything changed, and everything ended, and you were gone.

There were very few Jedi left, and he was sure, at least at first, that you weren’t one of them. He had learned from Master Yoda later on where you had been stationed after he left. From what he could learn, every Jedi in that sector had been killed by the Empire. You were one. At least, that’s what he had thought these past four years.

But recently, since these dreams started, he began to wonder if that was true. What you said in the dream. “Where are you? Why can’t I see you?” What did that mean? Why would you be reaching out to him if you were dead?

He had tried to reach out before, with the force, to contact you in the Netherworld, like some could those with those who had died. But nothing happened. Was that what this was now? Him reaching out subconsiously, hearing your last moments some how?

Looking back down at the pendant, he squeezed it tight in his fist. Bringing his fist up to his face he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He felt regret and guilt building up in his gut. Regret at having never had the chance to be with you. Guilt at chasing you away.


His eyes shot open as he looked around the room. Standing up he called out. “Y/n?”

That was your voice, it sounded as though you were right there. But you sounded tired, weak, sad. Taking a deep breath he focused with the force. He could feel you, a connection surrounding him. “Y/n?”

Hearing a guttural scream echo throughout his house he let out a startled breath, and the connection disappeared.

“Y/n” He said softly to himself.

This was not you reaching out from the Netherworld, it couldn’t be. He needed to find out what happened to you. He needed to know if he was mourning you for four years, while you were still out there. And if you were out there, why were you in such pain?


“Obi-Wan, where are you? Why can’t I see you?” You swear you had heard his voice, as though he was right there. Hearing nothing in return you called out again, desperation in your voice. “Obi-wan? Obi-Wan!”

Before you could reach out again, the torture continued, but you tried to hold the connection, you didn’t want to be alone. You had been trying for weeks now to reach out with the force. To either contact another Jedi, or get help from someone in the Netherworld. But nothing had happened, no one came.

But then you heard his voice. Obi-Wan’s, but you could’t see him. From everything you heard, you should see him. Were you not strong enough to reach out to the Netherworld?

Some time had passed since you had heard Obi-Wan’s voice. You closed your eyes and leaned back against the cold wall, a tear streaming down your face. You had been in this place for weeks now, having been captured by allies of the Empire.

You thought back on everything that had happened as you sat in the darkness. After the deaths of most of the Jedi, you ran. You barely survived being killed, but now you were alone, and lost. You tried to find out more about the remaining Jedi, but found little over the years. Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, everyone was gone.

But your questions drew attention, and now you were a captive being tortured for information. They thought you were a spy for the remaining Resistance. Even though you truly knew nothing about them anymore, they did not believe you. You were glad they had no way of knowing you had been a Jedi, but you feared they might find out somehow.

Hearing steps echoing down the corridor, closer and closer, you took a deep breath. They were coming for you, again. Maybe this time your body would finally give up.

Feeling a sudden rush of frustration wash over you, you shook away the thought of giving up. That wasn’t you. You needed to remember who you were. Obi-Wan’s voice echoed through your mind. ‘Remember who you are.’

If you were going to die here, it wouldn’t be while getting tortured. It would be while escaping. While fighting.

As the cell doors slid open, you looked up at the man in front of you. One of the guards you seemed to take a liking to hurting you. Looking down at you, he sneered, teeth showing, standing up, you let him get close, and you smiled back at him.


Obi-Wan looked down at the planet from orbit, it was small, and in the center of a large city, was a large military-like base, run by allies of the Empire.

After a few days of searching for information, he finally found a resistance spy. The spy knew nothing about you, whether you were dead or alive. The only information they had, was that recently, a supposed spy had been taken by these empire allies to be tortured for information.

There was nothing to prove that it was you, but Obi-Wan couldn’t shake this feeling in his gut that told him it was you down there. Alone, in pain, reaching out to anyone who was still around that might hear you. And the closer he got, the more the feeling increased.

So whether or not he was going to find you, or another resistance spy, there was no turning back, not now.


You crept through the corridor, staying in the darkness, as you tried to avoid being seen. You didn’t know how long it would be before a guard found that it was not you in your cell, but the guard who was supposed to watch you.

Hand gripped around a stun cane, you hid in the darkness as someone ran past. You let out a shaky breath as you began moving again, every part of your body screaming in pain. Sweat was caking your brow, your hands shaking, head aching. You could feel the warm stain of blood on your side as you moved, your wounds having opened during your fight with the guard.

Rounding the corner, you stumbled to a stop as you came face to face with one of the guards. He didn’t hesitate before lunging at you with his own stun cane.

Dodging the first blow, you swung your cane, hitting him in the leg. Yelling out in anger, he struck back, hitting you in the shoulder, the shock causing you to drop your own cane.

Striking you again, right in your wounded side, you groaned in pain before you grabbed his arm, pulling and flinging him over your shoulder. As he hit the ground, you grabbed his cane, forcing to his neck until he passed out. Rising, you stumbled into the wall, breathing heavily.

You flinched as you heard the sound of blaster fire echoing from somewhere else in the base. A moment later, the lights began flashing as an alarm started wailing. Grabbing the guard, you dragged him into a nearby storage room, taking his cloak, you put it on, hoping you could blend in.

As you got closer to the docking bay, you heard blaster fire getting closer. You jumped back as guards an past, paying you no mind, as the hood of your cloak shrouded your face.

You could see the docking bay just ahead of you, there was an intruder there, but you needed to steal a ship to get away. A sudden thought entered your mind. What if the intruder was here for you?

Quickly, doubt replaced the hope that built at the thought. No one was coming for you, you needed to get out yourself. Feeling you vision blur momentarily, you leaned against the wall. Looking back towards the docking bay as three more guards ran in, you felt panic begin to rise as the doors began to shut. Running, ignoring the pain and dizziness, you managed to barely make it as the doors shut behind you.

Hearing blaster fire just ahead of you, you dove behind a large container. Peaking out, you saw the guards firing on someone at the edge of the room. You could only see a glimpse of the person as they occasionally reached out to fire.

You watched as a guard tried to sneak up on them, and as they went behind a container, your eyes widened when you saw them fly back, and into the wall, unconscious.

'A Jedi? Did someone really hear me? Obi-Wan?’ Creeping around the edge of the room, your thoughts ran wild. 'It can’t be Obi-Wan, he’s dead. Isn’t he?’

As you peaked around another container, you felt your whole body freeze. You could see enough of him now, his face peaking out from beneath his own cloak as he fired on the guards. “Obi-Wan.” You whispered, feeling your head spin.

As a blaster shot grazed past Obi-Wan’s head, you came out of your shock, realizing he was outnumbered.

Looking around, you saw a nearby blaster, lying beside a dead guard. Taking a deep breath, and pushing past the screaming pain in your body and the weakness you felt threatening. You ran out, grabbing the blaster and firing at the guards.

Obi-Wan looked over at the sound of nearby blaster fire. He prepared to fire, but stopped as he saw the cloaked figure firing on the guards. As the figure ducked away from blaster fire, Obi-Wan rose, firing on the rest of the guards.

After the last guard finally fell, he let out a breath of relief. But jumped when a shot blew past him, spinning back, he saw a guard that had snuck up on him, fall to the ground. Turning back around, he aimed his blaster at the cloaked figure.

As Obi-Wan pointed his blaster at you, you lowered yours, and raised your hands up. Your voice was caught in your throat, though you wanted nothing more than to call out to him.

Slowly, you raised your hands towards your face, grabbing the edge of your hood, and pulling it back.

You saw Obi-Wan’s face change to surprise as he slowly lowered his gun. “Y/n.” His voice came out, barely audible.

You let out a soft breath and smiled at him. “Obi-Wan.” You took a small step forward, but felt your vision blur.

Obi-Wan ran towards you as you began to fall to the ground. Catching you in his arms before you hit the ground, he brought his hand to your face. “Y/n!” Your face was bruised, tired, and dirty. Looking down, he saw blood seeping through the cloak.

He could hear banging on the walls of the docking bay he had rigged to close. Scooping you up into his arms, he ran back the way he came, hoping he was not too late to get to you.

Your eyes fluttered open as cold metal was pressed against your back. Looking through blurred vision, you saw Obi-Wan at the head of the small ship.

Your eyes closed again.

“Y/n. Y/n?”

Obi-Wan’s voice pulled you from the darkness. As you opened your heavy eyes, you saw him leaning over you. You were still on the ship.

“It’s alright now, we’ve escaped.”

You stared into his eyes for a moment, unaware a tear was streaming down your face. As Obi-Wan wiped it away, you forced yourself to speak.

“H-how? I thought, you were dead.”

He smiled sadly as he kept his palm to your cheek. “I thought the same of you. Until the dreams.”

“So that was really you that I heard?”

He nodded his head once.

Another tear fell as you felt your eyes growing heavier again. “I-I thought that…I was alone.”

Obi-Wan felt his own eyes beginning to burn hot. “Not anymore.” He said softly.

As you met his eyes briefly, he felt his gut clench when your eyes closed, and your body went limp. Quickly grabbing what medical supplies he had, he laid you flat down on the ground.

Seeing to your wounds, he almost felt sick. It seemed that your whole body was bruised, small burns littered your side, and you had multiple wounds, the worse was on your side, which was still bleeding.

Thinking back on why you were in the docking bay, he saw your knuckles freshly red. You must have begun your own escape. But how long had you been there? Guilt rocketed through him. If only he had listened to the dreams before, when they first started.

Wipeing at your face, he stared down at you. Through the dirt and bruises, he could still tell you were just as alluring as you had been. Oh how he missed looking at you.

Turning and looking out of the ship window, he note that you’d arrive back on Tatooine in a few hours. He would take you back to his home. You would be safe there. He would have to tell you about Anakin. Padme, Luke, Leia. There was so much you weren’t there to see. And he was sure there was much you had to tell him.

Covering you with his cloak, he began to gently stroking your face. After everything he had lost, somehow, the universe brought you back to him. This time, he would not make the mistake of letting you go again.


As your eyes fluttered open, you felt a moment of panic and confusion. Sitting up you let out a small wince, as pain shot through your side. Looking around the small hut like structure, you wondered where you were.

Suddenly remembering everything that had taken place, you climbed out of the bed and walked to the door. Stepping out into the hot sun’s light, you looked around desperately.

And as Obi-Wan rounded the corner, water pale in hand, you felt an almost overwhelming mix of relief rush through you.

As his eyes landed on you, he stopped in his tracks. Slowly setting down the water pale, he watched you, seeing various emotions crossing your face.

“You’re finally awake.” He mused softly, days of worry, watching over you, fading into relief.

“I thought it was a dream.” You said softly. “When I woke up I thought I was…back there.”

He walked towards you. “It wasn’t a dream. You’re safe.”

Your eyes scanned his face, and it seemed as though he had aged much more than you’d expected. Then again, you didn’t know what these last four years had been like for him.

As he stopped in front of you, you felt overwhelmed again, and threw yourself forward, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. A moment later you felt his arms wrap around you as well.

“All this time.” You didn’t finished your thought, you knew he knew exactly what you meant.

All this time, thinking the other was dead. All this time alone. All this time, you were so close to each other, yet so far away.

Pulling away, you met his eyes again, and he smiled at you. You felt your heart quake at the sight. You had missed that smile.

Going back to grab the water, he walked back to you and took your hand in his. “Come, lets go inside. We have a lot to discuss.”

You stared at the floor, processing everything Obi-Wan had told you. About Anakin. About Padme’s death, and her two children. That one was on this very planet.

You felt a tear stream down your face, and you quickly wiped it away. Looking at Obi-Wan, you could see heavy emotion weighing over him. You were close to Anakin, but not nearly as much as Obi-Wan.

“How could he do it?” You asked softly as you shook your head.

Obi-Wan shook his head softly. “I’ve been asking myself that for years.”

“And the boy. Luke, he’s safe here?”

He nodded his head. “Yes. I check in on him every now and again.” Clearing his throat he looked at you, scanning you for a second. “Now, what happened to you? I had heard that every Jedi in that sector you were in was killed. How did you survive?”

You let out a soft scoff. “I barely did. Sometimes I still wonder how. I was injured, pretty severely. But to my luck, I had befriended some resistance members on the planet. I made it to them, and they saved me. By the time I regained my strength…it was all over. Everyone was gone.”

There was a moment of thick silence hanging in the air. Looking around the small hut, you smiled to yourself.

“What?” Obi-Wan asked.

“I just thought about you staying here, alone. You must get so restless.”

He smiled softly and shrugged his head. “I keep busy when I can. But yes, you are correct. But, I suppose that will change now.”

“How so?” You asked softly as you met his gaze.

“Well I’m not alone anymore now am I? Or did you think I was going to shoo you off on your way?”

You let out a breathy laugh. “I hadn’t really thought that far.”

“Or is it…that you have somewhere to go back to?”

He didn’t say it, but you knew the unspoken question, you felt it. Do you have someone to go back to?

You shook your head softly. “No. I have nowhere to go back to, not really. I never stayed in one place for too long.”

He nodded his head. “Then you can stay here. With me.”

You felt your hear hammering in your chest. After all these years, he still did that to you. And for some reason, you still felt like you had to run away.

You looked out the window. “Master Yoda isn’t going to show up suddenly and tell me to leave is he?”

A short laugh escaped Obi-Wan, taking him by surprise. “No. No, and if he did I would certainly not be sure what to expect from him.”

Standing suddenly, he walked over to the table before walking back to you. He sat down in font of you, and took your hand in his. You felt him press something into your palm.

Even before you opened your hand, you knew what it was. The pendant. You stared down at it, memories rushing through your mind. The day he gave it to you. Your first kiss. Your last kiss.

“We may still be Jedi, in our hearts, in our whole beings. But…”

You looked up, meeting his eyes. “But?”

“But, there is no Jedi Order anymore. I do not know how long we must remain dormant, hidden away. So until then, we should live as we wish to. Do the things we want. Be with, who we want.” Reaching out, he enclosed his hands around yours. “We must remember who we are. But that includes who we love.”

“Love?” Your whispered out.

“Yes. No matter how hard I had to push it away, it was there. And there it remains.” Taking your hand, he brought it to his chest. You could feel his heart beating heavily in his chest. “Here.”

You took in a sharp breath as you met his eyes. “All those years ago, back on that ship. We mused about, 'if only things were different’. I don’t think either of us imagined things being how they are now. But they are different.”

“Yes.” Inching forward, he brought his other hand up to your face, cupping your cheek. “So many things are different. Frightening even. But one thing that never changed, was how I feel for you. And all these years I ached with guilt at having never had the courage to act on them. Guilt for having never been with you the way I wished. But now…”

“We can be together?” You asked in a whisper, as his face inched closer, his nose brushing yours.

“Yes. We can be together now, Y/n. There is nothing that can stop it now.”

Closing you eyes as his lips pressed against yours, you pushed away your thoughts. Thoughts about what you had lost, what you would never find again. If only you had never lost your friends. If only you had not lost your home.

Instead you embraced what you were feeling. Relief at no longer being completely alone. Relief at finding Obi-Wan. Happiness of finally being with him again.

Wrapping your arms around him, he pulled your closer, deepening the kiss. He held you tightly against him, knowing that no matter what, he had you.

xx End xx

I struggled a bit with this part unfortunately, but I hope you enjoyed it!

General Taglist:@criminaly-supernatural,@caswinchester2000,@imaginesfire,@rexit-moStar Wars Taglist:@hoeforthefictional,@whimsical-daydreamsRequested Taglist:@havlindzk,@angelsandarsenic,@auryborealis,@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13,@rain-and-a-nice-nap

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader

Summary:On a recon mission you and Obi-Wan must pretend to be a married couple. This brings feelings to light that neither of you realized were there.

Written for @sugared-strawberrys who was a winner of my 600 follower giveaway! I hope you enjoy this, I absolutely loved writing it. It turned out really soft and I hope you don’t mind
Also I really can’t help myself with the tropes in this one haha oops. And this is the inspiration for the dress reader wears in this.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings:Tension, kissing, mentions of sexual situations, fem reader, talks about braided hair and putting hair in an updo
Tags:@crazycatladyjenga @oneirnaut,@a-dorin,@blxwjobsforclones,@lynnie51@katrynec@mistermiraclee@theelvenvalkyrie​ ,@ifvckedurmom
Masterlist&Obi-Wan Kenobi Masterlist

You had tried to hide the terse look on your face as you sat next to Obi-Wan on your transport to a high class gala on Alderaan for your mission, but unfortunately you were never good at holding you expressions in check. You would have felt much more comfortable in your A-wing than the civilian ship you and your mission partner were travelling in. 

A short sigh left your mouth as you tried not to worry yourself about the mission, after all there wasn’t much you could do to change your circumstances. Your brief noise caught the attention of Obi-Wan and he tilted his head towards you, taking in your tense features. A small smile covered his lips as he quipped, “Come now, it’s not as if you actually had to marry me.”

You rolled your eyes at his statement and shot a facetious glare his way, “Not everything is about you Master Kenobi.”

Settling back into your seat you allowed your eyes to slide to the window in front of you watching space pass by. Though you could certainly see why he would think your little huff was directed at him considering you had been less than pleased at your mission partner when in the mission debrief. It wasn’t that you lacked respect for the Jedi General in fact you held him in the highest regard. However, your perfectionist nature and the fact that Obi-Wan seemed to be naturally gifted in most things he did led to a fiercely competitive friendship through the both of your lives. In truth you weren’t really upset that you had been paired with him, the frustration stemmed mainly from within and your worry that you would make a fool of yourself in front of the esteemed Jedi next to you. 

Apparently you missed his reply, lost in your own thoughts, and you were startled from your racing thoughts by a call of your name. Turning abruptly you met his genuinely concerned gaze and you blinked blankly at him for a second until he prompted, “Are you are alright?”

This time your huff was directed towards him and you narrowed your eyes in annoyance, this was just like him to question you like that. You knew he was truly just wanting to ensure there was nothing wrong but the part of your brain that enjoyed pushing his buttons seemed to take over as you muttered, “Fine. Just thinking about how I have to pretend that I, your wife, let you keep your hair like that.”

Obi-Wan’s mouth parted and a rather indignant noise flew from him before he glared back at you, one hand subconsciously tugging at the end of his long locks, “Yes, well at least you don’t have to deal with a partner who’s recon missions tend to go as well as falling into a sarlacc pit goes.”

An audible gasp flew from you as you spun towards him, your face heating in anger, and you spit out, “You’re lucky I don’t have my lightsaber on me Kenobi!”

A smirk covered his lips and you knew whatever was coming next would only serve to further provoke you. Your thoughts were proven absolutely correct as Obi-Wan smugly questioned, “I think rather it’s you who’s lucky that your weapon isn’t on you as we both know how embarrassing it would be for me to best you after that little quip.”

Having known Obi-Wan for so long you could pretty easily predict what was going to come out of his mouth and this time you were ready. You let out a short laugh before retorting, “I’d only hope that you’d grant me the small mercy of knocking me out so I don’t have to listen to you prattle on anymore.”

“My dear it seems that would be the most beneficial option for both of us.” Came Kenobi’s smooth reply. Crossing your arms and sinking further down into your seat you snapped back a short ‘fine’ and allowed the space craft to fall into silence. It remained that way for majority of the few hours left in flight, the quiet only disturbed by the occasional question as you went over the mission plans again.
The mission in question was to find out if a high ranking Alderaan official was secretly pushing a separatist agenda - something that Bail Organa’s wife had become suspicious of. You had questioned why this wasn’t simply a solo mission and much to your displeasure had found out that this man had a penchant for married women it seemed, thus here the two of you were.

Thanks to your rigorous study of the mission details it didn’t seem all that long until you were arriving on Alderaan and being escorted to your room within the royal palace. When you arrived you barely had time to take in your surroundings before Obi-Wan was softly muttering that he would get ready first and you could make yourself comfortable. He quickly retreated to the bathroom of the luxurious accommodations and you took a moment to take a look around. Though the room was grand it was decorated minimally, not that it mattered when a large window gave a stunning view of the snowy topped mountains.  

 You took a long breath to soak in the beauty that you didn’t often get to see within the bustling confines of the city before turning and setting your bags down. One bag was dedicated solely to the gown you were supposed to wear tonight - a truly impressive dress that made you feel like royalty and at the same time completely out of your element. Pulling it gently out of the bag you laid it across the couch, ensuring there were minimal wrinkles. Satisfied you let your eyes roam the room and then you settled your gaze on the bed in the room. Blinking for a few seconds your head quickly turned to look around the rest of the room as if you could will a second bed into existence.  A deep exhale left your mouth as you pinched the bridge of your nose already deciding that you would offer to let Obi-Wan take the bed, after all you had been the one to pick a fight with him on the ship, it seemed the least you could do. 

Settling on the couch next to your dress you pulled out a small mirror and began to undo the tight braids your hair was in to hopefully save you some time in the bathroom. It wasn’t often that you wore your hair down and your could feel your scalp thanking you as you lightly massaged any sore spots. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, once again allowing your thoughts and worries about the mission consume your thoughts despite your best efforts to simply relax, and you startled slightly when the refresher door slid open. Obi-Wan strolled out dressed in a similar style to Bail Organa and you wondered if perhaps the senator hadn’t lent him some of his clothing. Though all thoughts flew from your head as he passed the window and the sun caught on his cheekbones, highlighting his skin and lighting up his brilliant blue eyes. You could have sworn time slowed down as he offered you a gentle smile and your breath caught in your throat as you tried to regain some of your sense. It was only after a few moments that you noticed he had trimmed his hair, where the curls had fallen just past his shoulders they now just brushed them. Had he done that because of your snarky statement? Your brow furrowed slightly as you questioned why you were so caught up in his appearance in the first place and the moment was broken by your gaze snapping to the floor. 

Obi-Wan’s gaze lingered on you, a slight frown covering his face as he wondered if he had somehow upset you when you quickly gathered your belongings and practically fled into the bathroom. A small noise distracted him from your retreating form and he bent down to pick up the fake engagement and wedding rings you had been given to wear. Standing he turned to call out to you but as the refresher door slid shut he simply held onto them, figuring he could give you them before the two of you left for the gala.

Staring into the mirror you sighed deeply, shaking your head. The only reason you were distracted by Obi-Wan’s appearance was because of your nerves about the mission you had decided. Nothing more and nothing less. You had certainly never looked at Obi-Wan in that light before - though there were all the times when you found yourself captivated by his grace in combat and how his……no you definitely had never seen him like this before.  

Focusing back to the task at hand you applied your makeup and finished putting your hair into a simple updo, one that you had done before and that was elegant and yet functional at keeping your hair out of your face. And then came the dress. You disrobed rather quickly, folding your clothes into a neat pile, and stepped into the dress. Pulling it on you could admit that it truly was a beautiful dress though as your arms slid into the small off the shoulder sleeves you could tell that there was no practicality in the dress. Your arms seemed to fit into the sleeves a bit snugly and thus your movement was quite severely limited, an issue you found when attempting to reach back and lace the back of the dress. After several futile attempts you hung your head in defeat, taking a deep breath before calling out for your Jedi partner. You waited several seconds before calling out again, this time hearing several hurried footsteps before you heard your name come from the opposite side of the door. Sighing you gave in and as quietly as you could manage (while still ensuring he could hear you) asked, “Will you please come help me?”

The door slid open and you stubbornly stared at the counter as your face heated in embarrassment, “I just- I can’t get the laces and I’m not really even sure how they’re supposed to go. Please don’t laugh, I know I look completely ridiculous and I-”

You were cut off by a soft, calming call of your name and then you felt Obi-Wan’s fingers brush at your back, gathering the laces. His gentle tone caught you off guard yet again and you stilled, chancing a glance in the mirror. Blue eyes caught yours and the serious look on his face had you freezing where you stood. Deftly he laced up the back, tugging and pulling as lightly as he could, only breaking eye contact for a few moments at a time. His sureness had you feeling more calm by the second and when he finished, tucking the laces in between the layers of your dress, his gentle smile brought you back to reality. Turning your face heated for an entirely different reason as you realized how close you were, gaze dropping to the floor again. 

A warm hand captured your left hand and gently raised it, calloused fingers brushing softly over yours. Looking up at him in confusion you were met with a mischievous grin and his opposite hand procured the rings you were supposed to be wearing. You let out a small laugh as you relaxed completely in his grip, “Looks like I’m not getting out of this marriage am I Obi-Wan?”

“Most certainly not my dear.” A smile crossed your face as he slid the rings onto your finger delicately. Your other hand rose to run through the hair at the nape of his neck as you questioned, “Did you cut your hair for me?”

General Kenobi tensed slightly at your question and as your eyes met his a light pink dusted his cheeks. That was answer enough for you and an airy laugh fell from your lips, “Thank you darling, it looks wonderful.”

Purposefully you drawled out the pet name in an attempt at his accent. There was a pause and the Obi-Wan let out an equally as bright laugh before he squeezed your hand, “Well I’m glad you think so. However, I do believe it is time for us to head to the gala.”

As if sensing your nerves about to spike Obi spoke again in a teasing lilt, “And you don’t look ridiculous, you truly look absolutely ravishing.”

With that he swept out of the room, leaving you to pick your jaw up off of the floor and your hands smoothed down your dress before you followed after him - an air of confidence overtaking you.

The two of you arrived shortly after the gala had began, a steady flow of officials and ambassadors filling the room. Swallowing you took a step closer to Obi-Wan and a comforting hand met your lower back. Sharp eyes scanned the room as the two of you searched for the target. 

“I don’t see him.” You said lowly and Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, “Nor I. While we wait would your prefer to mingle with others, dance or should we make ourselves known at the bar?”

You opted for the last option, as it offered a solid vantage point of everyone entering and having a small drink never hurt. Courteously Obi-Wan guided you through the crowds and even pulled out your seat for you, ensuring you were sat comfortably before taking his own seat next to you. Ordering quickly your partner slid around on the stool to face outwards and you turned to face him, your thighs brushing together lightly. 

The contact had you taking a healthy swallow of your drink once it arrived and then you distracted yourself by keeping an eye out on the entrance. A warm palm settled on your knee and a shock shot up your spine causing you to nearly choke on your drink. Glancing at Obi-Wan you noticed his eyes trailing someone. A look towards his eyeline confirmed that he had located the target, who in a stroke of good fortune was heading directly towards the bar. Deciding it would be best to play up your false marriage you softly called out for Obi-Wan’s attention, which was promptly given. You inhaled deeply as you made eye contact and whispered, “Do you trust me?”

Obi’s eyes searched yours as he nodded and surely stated 'of course’. That gave you the courage to lean forwards, left hand coming up to cup his face, and connect your lips together. The Jedi jolted and froze for a split-second before responding to the kiss more eagerly than you had anticipated. His lips were soft and warm, moving in tandem with yours, and when his hand slid up to your thigh a small nip on your lower lip had you melting into him. In the moment everything faded away - the mission, the crowd surrounding you, the cacophony of sound - it was only you and him, that’s all that mattered. His other hand rose to cup your hand on the side of his face and he gave it a soft squeeze as he parted from you, a warmth gleaming in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. 

You felt your face heating as he gave you a sparkling smile, you pulled back slightly but he kept your hand clasped in his. A brush of his lips against the tips of his fingers sparked something in your lower stomach and you had to suppress a gasp as he then pressed a kiss to your palm, lips trailing to the pulse point on your wrist. As his lips made contact you swore you forgot how to breath, his cerulean eyes locked with yours as your lips parted in a silent exhale. With that gentle touch he slowly rose, brushed a stray hair off of your cheek, and bent to your level. Beard tickling at your cheek he whispered to you, “He’s directly behind you, I think we peaked his interest darling." 

Standing up to his full height again he made it clear that he would be right back before pressing a kiss to your forehead, seemingly leaving you alone with the target, your heart racing from the intimate touches. You knew that he wasn’t going far, the banquet hall in the palace had secret eavesdropping locations hidden behind screens and you knew he would be retreating to one of those. 

Spinning to face the bar again you caught the bartenders attention to order another drink and a gruff voice spoke up from next to you that he would be paying for your drink. A false smile coated your face as you turned to thank him and you made sure to show off the ring on your left hand as you finished the first drink. As the man gave you a smug smile you knew you had him exactly where you wanted him.

He turned out to be a ridiculously easy mark, caring more about impressing a stranger who he thought he could fuck than keeping his mouth shut about his views. It was only after you got the information you needed to relay to Senator Organa that Obi-Wan swooped back in. His arm sliding around your waist and he pulled you close to him had the stranger grumbling as the two of you excused yourselves. To keep up appearances you made your way around the ballroom once before sneaking out. You weren’t going to lie the two drinks had you speaking a bit more freely than normal which led to several bouts of unrestrained laughter from the two of you as you made your way back to your quarters, Obi-Wan’s arm never leaving the comfortable way he had it wrapped around your waist. 

When you reached the doors Obi-Wan hesitated and you tilted your head at him in confusion. There was a pause before he spoke, "I know throughout our years we’ve both strived to best each other and given that you are a fierce competitor I wouldn’t have it any other way. However, I enjoyed tonight and how easy it was with you.”

You simply smiled and entwined your hands, pulling him into your quarters for the night. Once the door slid shut you pulled him into another soft kiss, this time it was short and sweet, leaving a tender smile on both of your faces. 

It seemed there were many unspoken things left to be said but for tonight as the two of you lay on opposite sides of the bed (both of you had refused to let the other sleep on the couch) nothing else needed to be said. It wasn’t long before you had rolled over and scooted close to the center with Obi-Wan following shortly after. As he wrapped you up in a cozy embrace you nuzzled into his chest, sleep nearly overtaking you but you couldn’t let him go to sleep without a teasing reminder of, “I hope you know this won’t make me go easy on you when we spar. I’ll still have no problem beating you.”
A chuckle rumbled in Obi-Wan’s chest as he muttered something that suspiciously sounded like 'you can certainly try’.

flowers on tatooine || obi-wan kenobi

summary:you ask your new coworker out to dinner. he panics. 
contains:age gap, coworker romance, mentions of fem!reader.
a/n:wtf even is this? i’m just trying to get back into writing mode so excuse this cheesy garbage. first star wars fic so it might be a tad out of character.


you’d recently moved to a new town and met the lovely obi-wan, though he insisted you call him ben. your meeting, working alongside him harvesting, hadn’t been the most glamorous, to be sure. but seeing him every day, the smile lines that formed at your every joke, was enough to put a skip in your step on your way to work. it was after a couple of months of this that you finally mustered the courage to ask him over for dinner. 

“what?” he’d asked, as if he couldn’t have possibly heard correctly. “you want to have dinner with me?”

you’d mistaken his surprise for rejection, and quickly attempted to back out. “well, yes, i thought you might have wanted that as well but, forgive me, i-”

“i’d love to.” he said with an air of finality and a smirk. “but i’m not making you cook for little old me.” he explained that he was watching leia that night, and after a bit of haggling from his part, you finally caved. dinner at his place.


leia stifled a laugh as she watched obi-wan pace around his home. dinner was ready but he couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling that something was missing. jedi weren’t supposed to form attachments, really, which is probably why he’d never been in this situation before in his life. 

“leia, help me set the table.” he asked, his panic evident in his voice. she immediately went to help, setting down the utensils, plates and cups. 

“you need to calm down.” she said, a cheeky smile on her face. “the food smells delicious and the place looks great. she’s going to love it.”

“yes, but what if she doesn’t?” obi-wan snapped for a moment, then continued in a calmer tone. “i mean, what if she’s disappointed? i’m quite a few years her senior, i’m not what i once was. and she, she’s just so lovely and funny and i don’t know what i’d do if i ruined my chance with her.”

“you’re not going to ruin it.” leia soothed him, placing a small hand on his. “you won’t let her down, just like you’ve never let me down.”

it was hard not to be moved by the words, and obi-wan’s glassy eyes were proof of it. “thank you for the kind words, leia. truly. i just, i can’t shake the feeling i’m missing something. a detail.”

leia stood back, observing the table. “it’s missing a centerpiece, flowers.”

“flowers.” obi-wan nodded, chuckling softly. “where will i find flowers on tatooine? this place is a desert!”

it was then there was a knock at the door. “well, it’s too late now.” he stood, straightened his robes and walked up to the door. his hand hovered above the knob for a moment, hesitant, before finally pulling the door open to reveal you, a lovestruck grin on your face and a confection of flowers in hand.

“hello, darling.” he greeted you, stepping aside for you to enter. “you look wonderful.”

“thank you, ben.” you smirked. “you clean up nicely, you know.” 

you gingerly offered him the flowers you’d found. “i found these, i think they’re called funnel flowers. they’re supposed to be rare on tatooine, i thought you might like them.”

obi-wan took them, smelling them before looking back at you with those kind, blue eyes. “very rare, indeed.” he sighed, eyes drifting from the flowers to you. “and just as lovely.”

Obi-Wan Kenobi 1: Padawan (Love Story Inspiration)

Since the show has finally started I wanted to share my 3 part playlists again:
This part in my mind refers to a lovestory during his padawan time (with another padawan) up until episode 1 and him taking over the time consuming and heavy duty of looking after Anakin and OC eventually leaves to find their own path after getting knighted.


Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader

Summary:On a recon mission you and Obi-Wan must pretend to be a married couple. This brings feelings to light that neither of you realized were there.

Written for @sugared-strawberrys who was a winner of my 600 follower giveaway! I hope you enjoy this, I absolutely loved writing it. It turned out really soft and I hope you don’t mind
Also I really can’t help myself with the tropes in this one haha oops. And this is the inspiration for the dress reader wears in this.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings:Tension, kissing, mentions of sexual situations, fem reader, talks about braided hair and putting hair in an updo
Tags:@crazycatladyjenga @oneirnaut,@a-dorin,@blxwjobsforclones,@lynnie51@katrynec@mistermiraclee@theelvenvalkyrie​ ,@ifvckedurmom
Masterlist&Obi-Wan Kenobi Masterlist

You had tried to hide the terse look on your face as you sat next to Obi-Wan on your transport to a high class gala on Alderaan for your mission, but unfortunately you were never good at holding you expressions in check. You would have felt much more comfortable in your A-wing than the civilian ship you and your mission partner were travelling in. 

A short sigh left your mouth as you tried not to worry yourself about the mission, after all there wasn’t much you could do to change your circumstances. Your brief noise caught the attention of Obi-Wan and he tilted his head towards you, taking in your tense features. A small smile covered his lips as he quipped, “Come now, it’s not as if you actually had to marry me.”

Keep reading

Rereading this one and I still ❤️ it. There needs to be more Obi-wan x readers where they pretend to be married or go on missions together with fluff. Great job




summary:after a long day, obi-wan comes back home to his family

warnings/tags:fem!pregnant!reader,no major spoilers for the series, domestic fluff

Obi-Wan sighed as he collected his pay from his boss. It was just a normal day for him, he woke up and planted a kiss on your cheek as you slept, then he went to check on his sleeping son. He warmed up his breakfast and made his way to work. Now comes his favorite part of the day, coming home to his family.

Keep reading



Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader

Word Count: 1.5k

Warnings: insinuations to smut

Author’s Note: After realizing I hadn’t written for Obi-Wan yet I was appalled. Appalled I tell you. So I cranked this one out because y’all need to know my love for Ewan transcends Doctor Sleep. He is my ICON. I AM READY FOR THE TV SHOW! (I got disney plus for the star wars stuff I will admit) Also he already looks amazing in birds of prey. I am gonna die omg I hope you guys like this.

Summary: The reader and Obi-Wan have been together as long as either of them could remember. They were bound to forget to lock the door at some point.

Genre: fLUFF

(not my gif)

You fidgeted on your feet, your jedi robes flowing by your side. You were staring at Anakin, watching him work with his master, Obi-Wan on his lightsaber techniques. It wasn’t the first time you had watched the two of them work together. You often had your young padawan spar Anakin at a test of the two of their skills when you and Obi-Wan were tired.

You had been close friends since your own padawan years. You were both training to be Jedi at the same time, a wish the two of you fulfilled. Obi-Wan moved aside as Anakin fell to the ground.

“Can you tell me what you did?” he asked, looking down at his padawan. Anakin rolled his eyes, propping himself up on his elbows.

“I was to rash,” he muttered. Obi-Wan nodded, throwing his stick that they were practicing with. You laughed and walked down the few stairs that were between you and the two men. Your lightsaber was hanging on your side, ever present.

“Perhaps you should finish up for the day,” you suggested, diverting attention to Padme who was speaking with someone in the doorway. Her focus seemed more on Anakin than the person she was speaking to. Obi-Wan gave you a slight look but you shrugged.

As Jedi none of you were allowed to have attachments to anyone. It was one of the most enforced rules. Still, you saw the way Anakin was looking at the woman in the doorway. You stopped beside Obi-Wan, looking at his padawan.

“Y/N you shouldn’t encourage this,” he muttered. You shrugged and gave him a sneaky smile. With a look of approval, Anakin was gone, walking beside Padme somewhere secret.

“You haven’t said anything about it to the council either Obi,” you pointed out. He turned to the large glass wall of the room and sighed.

You and Obi-Wan had been in love since before you were ever Jedi. You had been told to follow the direct orders and told you were never able to fall in love. You weren’t a stickler for rules but your friend always had been. It was the one rule he had ever broken and he did it for you. You were still able to keep it under wraps, even all these years later. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t cause a toll on your relationship at the beginning, always hiding behind closed doors to see each other.

Now it was pretty much second nature.

“I thought if I told the council about them it would somehow find its way back to us,” he stated. You shrugged, walking forward to stand beside him. There was a foot of space between the two of you.

“That’s why I haven’t said anything either. I did warn Padme about it though. She was amazed I even knew,” you said with a laugh. He chuckled, leaning against the wall to look at you.

“Yes well, they’re doing exactly what we used to. Just badly,” he joked. You nodded and looked back at where they had once stood. It looked like another group was walking in to use the sparing room so you moved forward onto the mat, pulling out your lightsaber. He eyed you suspiciously.

“Shouldn’t you be sparing your padawan?” he asked but took out his lightsaber as well. The room lit up with blue light. The group of children who were learning the ways of the Jedi stopped at the door. Their teacher held them there but they didn’t need to be told. They were mesmerized by your lightsabers. They had seen them before, of course but rarely did they see two experienced Jedi fight one another.

“Safe word?” he asked and you rolled your eyes.

“Don’t stab me and we’ll be okay,” you said, twirling the weapon in your hand. He shrugged and circled around the center of the mat, raising his lightsaber to fight.

“That’s more than one word but ok-”

He wasn’t able to finish before you had pounced. Your lightsabers clashed many times within the second. Obi-Wan was the first person you had ever had a lightsaber fight with and you had fought many times after that. If you knew anyone better than your own it would be him, in every aspect.

It wasn’t long before he was on the ground, your lightsaber hovering above his chest.

“You’re out of practice,” you muttered, leaning down to help him stand. He jumped up and his face landed just in front of yours. It took a moment to break away but the children clapping behind you did help. A reminder that you weren’t alone.

“Thank you, thank you,” he bowed dramatically and you rolled your eyes. You grabbed his arm and started to drag him out.

“You guys need this space more than me. Have fun,” you said. You put your hand under the chin of one of the little girls and winked, leaning down. “Be smart over there. The boys tend to be a bit cocky with their sticks,” you teased, holding up your lightsaber handle. She giggled and nodded at you as you walked out. You caught up with Obi-Wan with a little jog.

“Cocky with my stick?” he asked. You smiled and sauntered beside him. The two of you said hello to people who passed on your way to his room. It was unspoken where you were going, but you both knew. You practically lived there although if anyone looked around his room they would find no trace of you. Maybe a leftover sock here and there but never anything substantial.

“Don’t pretend you aren’t love,” you said, opening his door. He slipped in beside you and with the click of the shut door his lips were on yours. Every kiss was needy yet slow and savoring. There was always a question of when you were going to kiss next with your relationship.

“Missed you,” he whispered against your lips. You tilted your neck, kissing his jawline and his neck slowly.

“Oh Maker I love you.” His hands brushed your body, moving from your back to your waist, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He brought you with him as you stumbled onto his large bed. You laughed as he landed on top of you, legs wrapped around his waist.

There was a sudden movement at the door and you shoved him off you. He fell with a thud on the floor.

“Master I-” Anakin stopped and covered his eyes like a child. You rolled your eyes and tried to ignore the blush that had creeped its way to your cheeks. Obi-Wan stumbled again as he stood up, tripping on your shoe that you had kicked off on the way in.

“Anakin what do you need?” he asked, fixing his hair. Anakin peaked between his fingers and then brought them down upon seeing all way okay.

“I..I just needed permission to go off…are you guys together?” You sighed heavily and looked at Obi-Wan to speak. You stood up and grabbed his robe which was on his chair. He put it on.


“I have to tell Padme. She thought you guys were together but I was sure you guys were just close. Man I owe her credits,” he stated. You shook your head.

“Anakin you are the only person out of our whole lives to know. You can’t tell anybody,” you demanded. He thought it over a moment and sighed.

“Fine. But you should probably lock your door,” he said. He was gone, just like that. You turned to Obi-Wan.

“He’s going to tell Padme,” he sighed. You nodded.

“You told me that they were together,” you pointed out. He let out a long sigh and then walked to the door, making a big show out of locking it. You laughed and threw your arms around him again.

“I guess she won’t tell anyone.”

“Probably not,” you concluded. He threw off his robe again.



Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader

Word Count: 1.5k

Warnings: insinuations to smut

Author’s Note: After realizing I hadn’t written for Obi-Wan yet I was appalled. Appalled I tell you. So I cranked this one out because y’all need to know my love for Ewan transcends Doctor Sleep. He is my ICON. I AM READY FOR THE TV SHOW! (I got disney plus for the star wars stuff I will admit) Also he already looks amazing in birds of prey. I am gonna die omg I hope you guys like this.

Summary: The reader and Obi-Wan have been together as long as either of them could remember. They were bound to forget to lock the door at some point.

Genre: fLUFF

(not my gif)

You fidgeted on your feet, your jedi robes flowing by your side. You were staring at Anakin, watching him work with his master, Obi-Wan on his lightsaber techniques. It wasn’t the first time you had watched the two of them work together. You often had your young padawan spar Anakin at a test of the two of their skills when you and Obi-Wan were tired.

You had been close friends since your own padawan years. You were both training to be Jedi at the same time, a wish the two of you fulfilled. Obi-Wan moved aside as Anakin fell to the ground.

“Can you tell me what you did?” he asked, looking down at his padawan. Anakin rolled his eyes, propping himself up on his elbows.

“I was to rash,” he muttered. Obi-Wan nodded, throwing his stick that they were practicing with. You laughed and walked down the few stairs that were between you and the two men. Your lightsaber was hanging on your side, ever present.

“Perhaps you should finish up for the day,” you suggested, diverting attention to Padme who was speaking with someone in the doorway. Her focus seemed more on Anakin than the person she was speaking to. Obi-Wan gave you a slight look but you shrugged.

As Jedi none of you were allowed to have attachments to anyone. It was one of the most enforced rules. Still, you saw the way Anakin was looking at the woman in the doorway. You stopped beside Obi-Wan, looking at his padawan.

“Y/N you shouldn’t encourage this,” he muttered. You shrugged and gave him a sneaky smile. With a look of approval, Anakin was gone, walking beside Padme somewhere secret.

“You haven’t said anything about it to the council either Obi,” you pointed out. He turned to the large glass wall of the room and sighed.

You and Obi-Wan had been in love since before you were ever Jedi. You had been told to follow the direct orders and told you were never able to fall in love. You weren’t a stickler for rules but your friend always had been. It was the one rule he had ever broken and he did it for you. You were still able to keep it under wraps, even all these years later. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t cause a toll on your relationship at the beginning, always hiding behind closed doors to see each other.

Now it was pretty much second nature.

“I thought if I told the council about them it would somehow find its way back to us,” he stated. You shrugged, walking forward to stand beside him. There was a foot of space between the two of you.

“That’s why I haven’t said anything either. I did warn Padme about it though. She was amazed I even knew,” you said with a laugh. He chuckled, leaning against the wall to look at you.

“Yes well, they’re doing exactly what we used to. Just badly,” he joked. You nodded and looked back at where they had once stood. It looked like another group was walking in to use the sparing room so you moved forward onto the mat, pulling out your lightsaber. He eyed you suspiciously.

“Shouldn’t you be sparing your padawan?” he asked but took out his lightsaber as well. The room lit up with blue light. The group of children who were learning the ways of the Jedi stopped at the door. Their teacher held them there but they didn’t need to be told. They were mesmerized by your lightsabers. They had seen them before, of course but rarely did they see two experienced Jedi fight one another.

“Safe word?” he asked and you rolled your eyes.

“Don’t stab me and we’ll be okay,” you said, twirling the weapon in your hand. He shrugged and circled around the center of the mat, raising his lightsaber to fight.

“That’s more than one word but ok-”

He wasn’t able to finish before you had pounced. Your lightsabers clashed many times within the second. Obi-Wan was the first person you had ever had a lightsaber fight with and you had fought many times after that. If you knew anyone better than your own it would be him, in every aspect.

It wasn’t long before he was on the ground, your lightsaber hovering above his chest.

“You’re out of practice,” you muttered, leaning down to help him stand. He jumped up and his face landed just in front of yours. It took a moment to break away but the children clapping behind you did help. A reminder that you weren’t alone.

“Thank you, thank you,” he bowed dramatically and you rolled your eyes. You grabbed his arm and started to drag him out.

“You guys need this space more than me. Have fun,” you said. You put your hand under the chin of one of the little girls and winked, leaning down. “Be smart over there. The boys tend to be a bit cocky with their sticks,” you teased, holding up your lightsaber handle. She giggled and nodded at you as you walked out. You caught up with Obi-Wan with a little jog.

“Cocky with my stick?” he asked. You smiled and sauntered beside him. The two of you said hello to people who passed on your way to his room. It was unspoken where you were going, but you both knew. You practically lived there although if anyone looked around his room they would find no trace of you. Maybe a leftover sock here and there but never anything substantial.

“Don’t pretend you aren’t love,” you said, opening his door. He slipped in beside you and with the click of the shut door his lips were on yours. Every kiss was needy yet slow and savoring. There was always a question of when you were going to kiss next with your relationship.

“Missed you,” he whispered against your lips. You tilted your neck, kissing his jawline and his neck slowly.

“Oh Maker I love you.” His hands brushed your body, moving from your back to your waist, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He brought you with him as you stumbled onto his large bed. You laughed as he landed on top of you, legs wrapped around his waist.

There was a sudden movement at the door and you shoved him off you. He fell with a thud on the floor.

“Master I-” Anakin stopped and covered his eyes like a child. You rolled your eyes and tried to ignore the blush that had creeped its way to your cheeks. Obi-Wan stumbled again as he stood up, tripping on your shoe that you had kicked off on the way in.

“Anakin what do you need?” he asked, fixing his hair. Anakin peaked between his fingers and then brought them down upon seeing all way okay.

“I..I just needed permission to go off…are you guys together?” You sighed heavily and looked at Obi-Wan to speak. You stood up and grabbed his robe which was on his chair. He put it on.


“I have to tell Padme. She thought you guys were together but I was sure you guys were just close. Man I owe her credits,” he stated. You shook your head.

“Anakin you are the only person out of our whole lives to know. You can’t tell anybody,” you demanded. He thought it over a moment and sighed.

“Fine. But you should probably lock your door,” he said. He was gone, just like that. You turned to Obi-Wan.

“He’s going to tell Padme,” he sighed. You nodded.

“You told me that they were together,” you pointed out. He let out a long sigh and then walked to the door, making a big show out of locking it. You laughed and threw your arms around him again.

“I guess she won’t tell anyone.”

“Probably not,” you concluded. He threw off his robe again.

Thinking I’ll try my hand at writing modern au’s for Obi-wan or any of the other fandoms set in different universe’s. So send them to my ask box

House Of Memories (14/?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader

Warnings: little bit of angst, otherwise nothing lol

Summary: After learning that your senses have been correct, and Obi-Wan is truly in danger, Padme, Anakin, and yourself go to rescue him from the planet Geonosis.

A/n: okay i kinda like this part but still kinda a filler, next part will be good stuff

Words: 2.1k

Anakin came back the next morning, when it was still early, and the twin suns were barely peaking over the edge of the sand on the horizon line. He came bearing nothing but his mother’s body, which to everyone’s dismay, brought an intense darkness in the atmosphere. You could feel it, the dark that coursed through his veins, branching out into the air and trying to intoxicate any being it could. It was powerful, and you nearly lost your footing for how strongly it impacted you.

There was a simple funeral, family only, with the exception to both you and Padme.

You were filled with a sorrow over the woman you didn’t think you would have. You felt connected to her in a way you couldn’t explain, like you’d known her, and her gentle motherly love and kindness. You remembered suddenly why you felt this way. All the times you helped Anakin to sleep, removing the bad dreams from his mind, usually of her, you were able to protect the good memories and thoughts he had about her, seeing them vaguely in his mind whenever your signature brushed his. She meant so much to him, and you knew instantly the for the sudden darkness in his presence. You knew Padme and the others were blind to its feeling, its power, but you weren’t. You wanted to speak with him about it at least once before you left the planet, but upon R-2’s arrival, his beeps and whistles going off in a nervous rant about getting back to the ship, you knew it would have to wait.

You sensed it again, the pull on your signature, coming from far off in the galaxy, begging for help but not letting you connect yourself to it. You ran to the ship ahead of the others, but they joined you upon seeing your haste. You immediately pulled up the transmission that R-2 had been going out about, and as sense of relief rushed over you at the sight of Obi-Wan on the hologram stand.

“Anakin, my long-range transmitter has been knocked out, retransmit this message to Coruscant,” he began, and Padme turned, pushing the button that would forward the holo-message to the Jedi temple. “I have tracked the bounty hunter Jango Fett to the droid foundries on Geonosis. The trade federation is to take delivery of a droid army, here, and it is clear that Viceroy Gunnray is behind the assassination attempts on senator Amidala. The Commerce Guilds and Corporate Alliance have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an… Wait…”

Your heart began pounding quickly and your eyes widened in fear at the sight of him activating his saber, deflecting the shots of a battle droid, which soon came into view upon the hologram. Your sense of unease returned at an alarmingly fast rate, and you gripped the arm of your seat to try and keep your composure. Padme knew with just one look like you were about to combust.

You completely blocked out anything happening around you for a moment, including Mace Windu’s instructions on what you were to do to protect the senator. Anakin answered on both of your behalf, before ending the transmission.

“They’ll never make it in time, they half to come halfway across the galaxy.”

Padme’s words did their job on filling you in for what you missed the last few seconds. You were controlled now by your feelings, and not your right mind, you wouldn’t stand for it.

“Anakin, we have to go get him, Geonosis is less than a parsec away,” you said, already moving to the pilot’s seat, next to Padme who occupied co-pilot. She would support your decision, but as you suspected, Anakin didn’t.

“If he’s still alive.”

Of course, your fellow padawan and his undying optimism would strike again.

“Ani, are you going to just sit here and let him die?” Padme furrowed her brows and turned her seat to face him as he paced the confines of the ship.

You didn’t care what would happen, you would leave them here and find Obi-Wan yourself. You prepared the ship, regardless of the orders you’d been given only moments ago. You were not a soldier, you were a Jedi, and followed the ways of the force. The force was pulling you to your master, and you were going to follow it.

“He’s your friend, your mentor, he’s-”

“He’s like my father,” Anakin replied, his voice changed, and you sensed a small bit of that darkness you’d felt in him earlier from his anger. Anger leads to hate, and hate leads to destruction. “But you heard Master Windu, he gave me strict orders to stay here.”

“Anakin if you refuse to come, I suggest to you that you take Padme back to the Lars home and keep her safe there, but I’m taking this ship, and I’m going to Geonosis. With, or without you. Your choice,” you said to him, not mean, but firm in your tone. You had never been so driven in your life to put yourself in danger over another person, and though it may be due to attachment, you felt pride in how confident you were right now. You hardly ever were.

Anakin didn’t speak, just looked down, and so you turned back around, preparing the controls and such before it was time for him to make a final decision.

“Master Windu gave you strict orders to protect me,” Padme said, looking at you before looking at him. “And I’m going with her, to help Obi-Wan.”

“If you’re planning on protecting her, you’ll just have to come along,” you said in addition to her statement.

Padme had also turned around, helping you to get the ship in the air, while Anakin smirked behind the two of you. He’d be damned not to admit it, but the women he’d met in this galaxy were some of the strongest beings ever known. He was always so empowered by watching yours and Padme’s strength, though both of you were strong in different ways, with Padme being more resilient as a politician, and you being physically more of a worthy opponent. You both did your duties with strength and pure will.

Once the ship was in the air, and heading towards the correct destination, you handed over the controls to Anakin, knowing he was a far better pilot than you were. That was something you would need to work on in the future if you were to ever go on a starfighter mission with your master. Of course, you need a master to go on missions with, and if you were unable to save Obi-Wan, you were unsure of what you would do.

You sat in one of the small chambers of the ship, leaning your head against the wall and closing your eyes for only a moment. You’d thought that maybe that would bring you peace, and your head would dull out the noise that echoed loudly in the force. You shot your eyes open the very next second, realizing that, no, it did not make it better, only worse. The noise and pressure that weighed on you was heavy, and you supposed your deep connection to the force, and its way of using you as an instrument were the reason for that. Jedi were the force made living beings, but consulars were always known to be deeply connected to it in ways the other Jedi weren’t as gifted with.

“Hey,” Padme sat beside you in the confined space, and though there was little room, you couldn’t seem to mind her company. Her presence was soothing. “This must be the reason for your-”

“Yes,” you cut her off, but not to be rude. You didn’t want to hear another person say it when you had been feeling and thinking about it all day and yesterday. It plagued you to no end and you wished it away, but that wouldn’t happen until you knew Obi-Wan’s fate was secure on the safe side of things. “I hate admitting when I’m afraid, but right now it’s the only feeling I can seem to have.”

“It’s perfectly normal to be afraid. It’s our human nature to be scared when someone we love is in danger.”

She picked up your hand, which was nervously fidgeting by your robes beside you. She squeezed it and smiled at you reassuringly, and you let out a deep breath, trying to remember how to combat this feeling that swarmed in your stomach. Obi-Wan had taught you many ways, in fact, to sure yourself of the ache that your anxiety caused you in situations like this… but truthfully there had never been a situation like this. The time when you were captured, and tortured in the grasp of Count Dooku, it had been you going through the pain and suffering. You couldn’t bear to let Obi-Wan endure that. It would hurt you far worse than anything you had to deal with yourself.

“If I can’t save him, I will never forgive myself,” you looked up at her with eyes full of tears, yet to be spilled onto your cheeks, which were growing red by the second. “If he dies-”

“We will find that before that happens. We have to believe that he is still alive.”

“I know he’s alive, I can feel it,” you told her, and she breathed a breath of relief. It was a tricky thing, yours and Obi-Wan’s force bond. It was something that could either bring peace to you, or alternatively, anguish. It would only be a matter of time, and you’d hoped that you would not fail to arrive before they tried to kill him. “My biggest fear has always been that I would fail him, and now that his life is on the line, I can’t seem to control myself anymore. Using my feelings has always been a useful tool in battle, but now I sense they have taken me over, and are using me instead.”

Padme listened to the words with great focus, trying her hardest to come up with a wise piece of advice, but she had never been one to use the force, or even know much about it. She could only offer you her encouragement, which is what she did.

“You are stronger than almost anyone I’ve met, and I know you will make the right decisions when the time comes. I’m sure by the end, Obi-Wan will be back by your side where he belongs.”

You smiled and nodded in thanks. As young as she was, she was wise beyond her years, as you’d hoped to be by the time you became a Jedi Knight.


Geonosis was a drab planet, not drabber than Tatooine, thank the maker. It was still not a most wonderful placed for your usual Jedi attire. Any place where the suns shined onto a desert was a place you likely did not want to be, but under the current circumstances, you’d do your time here.

The base on this planet was not just a base, but a factory, which you’d vaguely remembered about from Obi-Wan’s message.

“Where are you going?” Anakin asked you, trying to make his own way through the place, with the droids and Padme following close on his tracks.

“Wherever the force takes me,” you raised an eyebrow, about to go down a pathway which seemed like the way to a trap, but you felt a pull coming from that direction. “Go ahead without me, if it’s a dead end, I’ll catch up.”

You knew it wasn’t going to be a dead end, and so did Anakin, but he nodded anyway, continuing on his own path. Dead ends were rare among the Jedi, because as a Jedi, you can use your lightsaber to simply create another path with seconds. There was no such thing as a permanent dead end.

You felt the pull get stronger as you went, but before you knew it, you were backing away out of sight. Droids were pacing the hallway, and it was a wonder you went unnoticed just now. You were hoping to make a diversion somehow and looked around to find some sort of object. There were processing units with manning droids at the end of the hall, and you tried, as discretely as possible, to make it malfunction. You should have known, in all of your years of training, you were never discrete. The droid’s mechanical arms went failing about, and within seconds they were distracting the other droids in the hall. You snuck passed them and soon gained access to a doorway, which of course was sealed shut and there was no way in without an access code.

“Kriff,” you said, feeling the presence you’d been looking for this whole time. It was right on the other side of this door. He was on the other side of this door. You closed your eyes and tried to focus, but you were quickly interrupted with a hand on your shoulder.

“Lovely to see you again, young Padawan.”

Count Dooku.




House Of Memories (13/?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader

Warnings: bad dreams, angst, confessions?? kinda idk

Summary: You travel with Anakin and Padme to the planet of Tatooine, hoping to find Anakin’s mother before something bad happens. You begin to feel more anxiety about Obi-Wan’s position, wanting to leave your station to help him.

A/n: i hate this chapter, it’s kind of a filler to move along the plot, anyways literally don’t even read it, disregard it completely.

Words: 2k

Anakin had mediated that morning, feeling a horrible feeling about his mother, outside of the world of his dreams. It was a reality, she was going through something awful, and he needed to get to her. Anakin had insisted to Padme that she should stay on Naboo, with you as her security until he could return, but she protested, her true feelings showing through when she told him she would come with him.

That’s how you came to be here, after a long flight, sitting in the home of the Lars family farm. Owen, Anakin’s step sibling as it would come to be, was a very good and gentle man, you quite liked being in his and his girlfriend’s presence. They led a much simpler life than you, not one you quite envied, but one you could see yourself one day settling into upon leaving the Order. You swore you never would, but seeing the galaxy in full, you began to wonder if maybe it could be a possibility, to explore, and to settle, eventually.

Cliegg, the man who had married Anakin’s mother, was sitting at the head of the table, telling Anakin what had happened to the very person he had come so far for. The natives, the sand people in the desert, making homes out of the dun sea among other places on Tatooine, had capture her, held her hostage in their camps. Anakin seemed outraged, but he was of course too sensitive to take it out on the poor family who had actually been around her when it happened.

“Where are you going?” Owen asked, his head tilting up in a curious manner. You knew exactly where he was going.

“To find my mother.”

“No, Ani,” Padme tried to stop him, knowing it was dangerous, and that he was treading out to meet an unknown enemy. You knew he would be fine; you just hope that he didn’t massacre an entire race because they kidnapped his mother. Perhaps you should go with him?

“Your mother is dead, son. Accept it,” Cliegg tried his best to keep the young Skywalker from going out alone, and you didn’t have the guts to tell him he shouldn’t, but you were slightly concerned for him should he not find what he’s looking for.

“I can feel her pain, and I will find her. I know she’s alive.”

With his last word, you knew you had to let him go. You understood what it was to feel the pain of someone you love and be expected to shut it out for the cause of the mission. You were trying your absolute best to hold out on hope that Obi-Wan was alright, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was hunting him.

“Thank you for letting us into your home, you’ve been very gracious,” you thanked them, seeing that Anakin and Padme had abruptly left the room, no other words being said.

“Of course, anyone who was connected to Shmi is welcome with us.”

You stood up, nodding to the three that were left around the table before making your exit also, offering as warm smile as you left, heading out to one of the ledges that overlooked the sandy dunes. Anakin was mounting a speeder-bike, ready to ride away at a moment’s notice. Of course, he wouldn’t leave without an encouraging embrace from Padme, whom you suspected got over her intense argument with him over their relationship.

You crossed your legs, placing your hands over your knees. You closed your eyes and inhaled deep breaths, the way Obi-Wan had taught you to meditate. He’d taught you so well, and it was the very reason you were able to reach out to him right now, trying to find out if he was alright. You searched the far corners of the galaxy, other signatures coming in and out of your range, but none of them being familiar enough for you to hold onto. You finally reached the space that you’d found his presence lurking in last time, but it wasn’t there. It wasn’t even close. You kept searching, brows furrowing as the vast expanse kept blowing past around your mind. It was like his signature no longer existed on an ethereal plane. You knew it wasn’t gone, because part of it was still calling out to you, from where, you had no idea, but it had to be alive and strong for him to project it that far away. Perhaps the danger was past, and now that he felt safe, he tried to find your signature again. You were trying your best, but every attempt seemed to only be getting you further away from success.

You huffed, trying to focus, and let the force guide you, rather than you use the force to guide yourself.

You felt a flicker of light, and a feeling of warmth, but it wasn’t physical, it was purely in your mental state. surrounding you, making you glow from the inside. You thought that maybe you’d found him, and were about to hold tight to his signature, branching your own out to perhaps get a feeling back from him, something, anything to indicate that he was alright. You extended your presence to him like a hand pulling someone away from trouble, but as soon as you made contact with the signature, it spit you back out like the days before.

You opened your eyes, feeling you heart rate climb and your hands begin to shake. He really was in trouble. You hoped Anakin would not take too long, because you wanted nothing more than to leave this planet and go find wherever Obi-Wan was.

“Pardon me, Jedi?” you heard a soft voice beside you, and you jolted at the sudden interruption of your mind. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

It was that sweet girlfriend of Owen, her name was Beru, you think. She smiled timidly in your presence; her hands folded like she was carefully contemplating something to say.

“It’s alright,” you shook your head a little, hoping she didn’t get the idea that you were a rude Jedi. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, I hate to bother you, but we seem to be having trouble with our heater… Owen’s father said that perhaps you wouldn’t mind using your abilities to help us get it working.”

“Of course, I’ll see what I can do.”

When she led you inside, she pointed to the stove burner, which had completely been turned to the highest level it could be, without a single flame protruding.

You walked up, and upon closer inspection, the connecter to the gas lighter was broken horribly. You weren’t very good at fixing things like Anakin was, your mechanic abilities were rather underdeveloped, as Obi-Wan so kindly put it. Truth be told, he didn’t want you to focus on the more technical things, for he believed a consular of your class would excel to assignments far greater than mending a broken stove burner… but, here you were, wishing you’d taken Anakin up on his offer to learn at least a few simple things.

“I’m not sure I could fix it for you,” you told them, a little embarrassed at being a Jedi learner, standing in the kitchen of another family and looking like a complete idiot. “What is it you need heated?”

“Just this kettle,” Owen showed you, holding up the large metal caldron that was hanging over the heater before it had broken.

“That’s not too bad,” you said, taking it from his hands and hanging it back on the hook above the stove. You closed your eyes again, hoping you hadn’t exhausted your force abilities by trying to find Obi-Wan.

“What are you going to do?” Beru asked, very excitedly coming over to witness. She had never met a Jedi before today, and by now she’d had the pleasure of bringing two into their home.

“Something I had to learn to do when Anakin took all the hot water from the ‘fresher,” you joked, raising your hand and closing your eyes. That was technically the exact reason why you’d learned you could do this but figured it best to remain as a joke. You inhaled, focus, and exhaled, heating the inner contents of the kettle without having used any help from the heater.

They all looked on in amazement, thankful for the help they had received. You lowered your hand and shook your head a few times to snap out of it. You were definitely pushing your limits with how many needless uses of the force you were making yourself endure.

You politely excused yourself, going to the room they’d assigned for you and Padme. She was still awake, but lying down in one of the small cots, looking as sleepy as you supposed you were.

“You seem to be popular among our hosts,” she said, looking up and resting her head on her elbow.

You really didn’t want to talk, because you knew you would probably make no sense in your dreary state, so you just smiled, rolling your eyes playfully at her in response and then laid down in the cot across from her.

“You’ve been thinking about him today, haven’t you?” She asked, picking up on your subtle clues but deciphering them slightly wrong. It was technically the reason you were so tired; the strength was drained from you by your overuse of the force, and what you were using it to find.

“Yes,” you turned to face her, though your eyes were falling fast with every minute passed. “I think he need’s my help, I don’t want anything to happen to him.”

“I understand. You feel greatly for him, it must cause you pain to feel what he feels,” she paused, laying back down and looking at the ceiling, which was purely drab compared to what she was used to. It was simple though, and humble. “How does it work?”

“How does what work?” You kept on, knowing that the moment you fell asleep it would probably be into a nightmare about Obi-Wan.

“Your bond to him, how you can feel him when he’s not even there?” She was so curious, and she held a childlike innocence in the way she asked you these things.

“I’m not really sure. It’s been there since I met him, so I’ve never been without it. I haven’t really asked him about it, either. It always just seemed so natural, I guess it never crossed my mind that there was a reason for it.”

It seemed to fascinate her, how you had used this ability all your life, but didn’t know much of it, and didn’t realize how much of a gift it is.

“I just know it’s always been a comfort to me; he’s always been a comfort to me,” you fell deep into the feelings you held for him, the love, and the admiration. They embraced you, and helped you feel a little at ease, though it was hard to keep that sense of calm when the next moment you were raking your mind of why these thoughts were so important. “That’s why I feel that something is badly wrong. I can’t lose him, Padme.”

“He’s your Anakin,” she summed it up, finally admitting to herself, and out loud to you about her strong feelings for your fellow padawan, while addressing your love for your Jedi Master.

“He’s everything.”




House Of Memories (12/?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader

Warnings: bad dreams, angst, confessions?? kinda idk

Summary: You tell Padme what has been weighing on your mind since your meditation, and later that night Anakin dreams of his mother

A/n: okay this is the second update, you all have been fed, now let me sleep… zzZZ

Words: 2.8k

Anakin had earlier today expressed to you some feelings about how things were going with Padme, claiming that he had, and I quote, ‘Warmed her up to the idea of being together, but can’t get her to commit to it.’

He told you about the kiss on the balcony, though you’d already seen that when it happened. You were sympathetic with him and wanted to help in any way you could. The way he described her to you, you knew he was deeply in love. He had told you that nothing was worse than a love you knew was reciprocated yet you could not act on it. You could think of one thing worse. Unrequited love. A love so unconditional, that it would never waiver, and never leave you. A love that would torment you as long as you lived because you would know the other person your heart was meant for did not feel the same for you. You knew that it was your fate, and you’d accepted it a while ago. Now, you swore you would make it your business to ensure that Anakin did not feel the same pain you did every day.

You had organized a picnic with her kitchen staff, that very night, letting Anakin surprise her with the romantic outing the next day, just the two of them. Anakin was more than capable of keeping her safe, and you needed some time, uninterrupted, to meditate.

As well as you were handling this first mission on your own, even with Anakin by your side, you felt homesick. Home is where the heart is, so no, you did not yearn to be back on Coruscant. Quite the opposite, actually. This planet was so graceful in so many ways, you loved the atmosphere, and the beauty in everything you saw. Your heart was aching for another reason. Home is where the heart is, and your heart, whether he’d accepted it or not, was with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

You meditated in the bright sun of the afternoon, connecting yourself to the force and letting it become one with you. You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, reaching out across the expanse of the universe and trying to find it, the signature that kept you calm.

The council saw it when you were very young, the force bond you had with a certain at-the-time padawan learner. They knew he was the only one who could get through to you when you were scared, or when you were having a hard time behaving with the other children. Others might say it was just because you were fond of each other, but it went much deeper than that. It went to a place that was now a bit rare in the order. You could find each other’s presence, even when one of you was off-world, and you could grab hold of the other’s signature. It was a gift that most Jedi never received, and you were grateful to have it be a part of you. You didn’t know what you would do without the constant comfort of Obi-Wan’s force presence.

You reached out further into the vast expanse, in a timeless place, where silence ruled the outer space. The heat of the sun was belting down onto your skin, but not a burn it left, only warmth, and a few drops of sweat to your brow. It was accommodated by the fresh breeze, blowing into your face and picking up a few strands of hair, lifting them around with a small gust each time.

You finally found it, the familiar signature, and reached out to grab hold of it, but something was blocking you from doing so. You hesitated, then reached out again, trying your best to subdue any doubts that may have caused you to fail the first time. You didn’t think that had been the problem, though, and it wasn’t. He was blocking you out. On purpose. He never did that. Even when he had been fairly annoyed with you, he always welcomed your signature, claiming that it soothed him, the vibrant nature of it.

“Obi?” you whispered, mostly to yourself, attempting one more time to grab hold and keep it tightly. Again, you were spat back out on the other side, but there was fear in the rejection. There was pain, and there was fear. There was an immense amount of weight you felt on top of you, and you opened your eyes, disconnecting from your time of meditation to realize what the situation must be. Obi-Wan was in trouble, and from what you could feel, it was most likely a mortal danger.

You stood up, trying to settle your breathing before you started walking around the grounds to see if Padme and Anakin had returned yet. It appeared that they had, and you went to see if you could sneak a conversation with Anakin.

“How was your picnic?” Your cheerful voice entering the room would have led them to believe that nothing was the matter with you. You could put on a facade if you needed to.

“Absolutely wonderful. Your fellow padawan was very good company, I thank you for organizing it for us,” she said, standing up from her seat to greet you. Her politeness was ever so strong, you wished you could be that polite. Obi-Wan was that polite, too.

“No need to thank me, though I made the arrangements, it was originally his idea.”

“Well, either way, I thank you for assisting. If you both will excuse me, I will go and get changed for dinner, then we may discuss more,” she told you both, walking out to meet her hand maid that had been waiting at the door since they both arrived back.

You waited until they had gone out of earshot, peeking around the corner to be sure that they had left, then you turned back to Anakin, the worried look coming across your eyes very quickly.

“Anakin, something has happened,” you told him, but he seemed to be off in wonderland, smiling as he laid his head against the large chair.

“Yes, it has, she’s finally starting to consider me as a real option, and I think I’m going to tell her tonight.”

“Tell her what?” you allowed the conversation to take a slight detour on account of your curiosity.

“That I love her,” he said, the dopiest look upon his features, but it suited him well. Perhaps you wouldn’t tell Anakin about your meditation just yet. Though at times he claimed that your shared master slowed him down, he cared for Obi-Wan dearly, as if they were family, and he would give up his chance at happiness to save him if something were really wrong.

“That’s wonderful, Anakin.”

“It is… I know you don’t understand it, but love lifts you higher than any place in the galaxy. It’s made me realize things about myself that I never thought could be true,” he stated, his voice so full of admiration, not even for Padme at the moment, but just the feelings he had for her.

You knew exactly what he meant, and contrary to his belief, you did understand it. You hadn’t been able to share one on one moments with Obi-Wan like he had with Padme, but you believed that if it were ever a thing to happen, you would cherish the moments and keep them close to you all the days of your life. The best days you’ve had have been by his side. You supposed you had some alone time after you’d been kidnapped. You were in the med unit for two days, constantly being pumped full of substances like bacta and magsol for the pain. He’d sat by your bed for as many hours a day as they would allow him to, and he would hold your hand, or read you a book from the archives. You weren’t even conscious the whole time those moments happened, but you stored away every memory you could keep, and brought them to the surface some nights when you felt lonely.

“I hope one day I can experience a love like yours and Padme’s,” and you spoke it with the truth. It was all you’d ever wanted.

You hoped that perhaps after dinner you would be able to tell him, or maybe even Padme about what you felt was wrong, but for now, you left the room, readying yourself to have a meal with the both of them.


After dinner, they seemed to have held a rather tension filled conversation, for they split apart, and you couldn’t seem to talk to one about the other without them trying desperately to change the subject.

You supposed you would do just that, as you sat in Padme’s bed quarters, helping her into her nighttime attire as she sent home her handmaid early. She’d told you that she was sorry to ask of your assistance, but that the maid had a sick daughter she had only then warned Padme of. You loved to hear of her kindness and had no problem of helping her with the things she needed it.

“I didn’t want to spoil the mood earlier; I know you and-” You cut yourself off, wondering if you should even mention him, but decided that they would have to get over themselves eventually. “I know you and Anakin had a lovely time this afternoon.”

“That’s alright, what troubles you?”

You took in a deep breath, unsure of how to phrase it to her. It was sometimes hard to explain your force bond with Obi-Wan to others you weren’t well acquainted with the force, but she was intelligent, and you knew she would catch on rather quickly.

“I meditated today, for the first time since arriving. I always try and find my master’s presence when I do. His signature calms me,” you paused, seeing that she had already taken to your words with understanding, awaiting you to continue. “I found it, but it seemed to be blocked, like he was keeping me out. I felt anguish with it, and I think he’s in trouble.”

“Master Kenobi is a capable man, I’m sure if there was any danger, he probably only blocked you out as a precaution to keep you safe.”

You nodded, knowing that perhaps she was right, and perhaps you were being horribly paranoid over nothing… but maybe you weren’t. You knew your master like no one in this galaxy. You’d known him longer than Anakin even did, and paid close attention to every little detail of his being… something just felt off.

“You could be right, I could be worrying over nothing,” your eyebrows furrowed, and you took a deep breath in with closed eyes before admitting what you’d only ever told to one more person, who just so happened to be a Sith Lord, “I just feel connected to him, and I can sometimes feel what he feels. I think…”

You hesitated. Did you really want to tell her? Not that you didn’t trust her, but you weren’t sure if you wanted someone you knew closer to you to have this information. That would make it real. It was already real, but it was a mystery, yet to be unwrapped. This would present itself as an open book, telling her would.

You almost wanted it to be real. You wished it was. Maybe telling someone with experience in that area could help you to understand the depth of your love, and what you were willing to do to keep it.

“I think I feel the same way for Obi-Wan that Anakin feels about you,” you sighed out the rest of the air in your lungs after you let out your words. Your heart raced at the confession, even to someone who wasn’t him. You were happier having said it out loud. “I love him.”

“Oh,” she said, processing everything this brought to the table. She had just had this conversation with Anakin, about how they would be forced to live secret lives, hiding their love in the shrouds of darkness if they were to let it continue. Of course, perhaps being within the same order could help things. “I see.”

“If I have brought discomfort to you upon sharing these things-”

“No, you haven’t. I just wonder,” she wanted to be kind, but having known the age and status of Master Kenobi, she doubted it was a possibility of the two of you sharing the same feeling. She didn’t want to encourage something that could only hurt you in the future, she liked you far too much for that. “Does Obi-Wan know of your feelings?”

“No, I could never tell him. I don’t believe I should tell Anakin either. He would only become more aggressive towards Obi-Wan.”

“I understand. I want you to know you have my strictest confidence in what you have shared with me,” she stood, facing you and reaching out for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to ensure you she was telling the truth.

“Thank you, really you have no idea what it means to me to have a friend in you.”

With that, you helped ready her for bed, then left, going back to the shared room you’d been keeping with Anakin for the time you’d been here. He had made a joke about you waking up one morning and he’d be gone, probably in the senator’s room, but it had yet to happen, so you refrained from joking about it further.

You settled onto the bed across from his, ready to sleep with the exhaustion the day had given you, but as soon as your head hit the pillow, you heard it. The soft words from Anakin’s mouth as he slept.

“No,” he got louder, beginning to move around.

He was having a nightmare. You sensed it upon the intensity of it growing in the confines of his mind. It was his mother again. She was in danger.

“Please, no,” he cried, probably loud enough to reach the other rooms on the other side of the walls.

You climbed out of bed, going to his and kneeling down gently next to him, you tried not to wake him, because waking Anakin in the middle of the night, nightmare or not, was a dangerous action.

“Shhh,” you tried to calm him, placing both hands at the side of his head, and focusing your energy on his mind.

Normally it was quite easy to draw away any bad things that swirled around in there, pulling them all out and replacing them with only good things. It had become rather hard this time, and when you locked onto the nightmare, it stuck to you, like your tunic to your back when you were sweaty from training, it would not peel away from you, and you began to see the horrors that he did. You started to panic, unable to leave the nightmare, or even his mind for that matter.

You freaked out, sending a jolt through the both of you, waking him as he sat up straight, and causing you to fall back into the headboard. He turned to you, breathing rapidly, checking his surroundings for anything irregular and settling on the fact that you were there with him.

“What happened?” he wasn’t asking about the nightmare; you knew that much. You were there experiencing it with him, and it was brutal.

“I tried to take it away… It wouldn’t leave you, and it tried to hold me in with it.”

You’d heard of visions through the force, small scenes from the future. You hated to admit it, but they were impenetrable, unlike dreams, which you could easily take away or alter to your liking. If this was truly one of those visions, then that meant…

“It felt so real,” he let out, and you nodded.

It was a good few minutes before he even tried to sleep again, only on your offer that you would try and guide his mind to a state of unconsciousness.

There were several failed attempts before it became so late that the sun was peaking over the ridge of the far most lake you could see. You weren’t going to give up on him, he needed his rest, but you feared your efforts were making you more tired and causing you to fail.

“You should probably get to bed; I’m going to meditate for a while,” he said, sitting up next to you and patting your shoulder. You could barely keep your eyes open, but you’d be damned if you’d let him tell you what to do when it wasn’t mission related.

“I’m fine, I don’t want you to have to stay up,” you muttered through a yawn, proving his point and dismissing your own completely.

“Thank you, but no. You always take care of me, it’s time I do the same for you.”

He picked you up up off of his bed and carried you to your own, where you weren’t even able to adjust to a more comfortable position before you were out like a light.



