#benjanun sriduangkaew


Context of current drama embroiling all of science fiction:

  • Genre’s self-exiled asshole trickster-god Nick Mamatasreveals that promising up-and-comer Benjanun Sriduangkaew (who has a story in an upcoming anthology of his) is also notoriously harsh and divisive critic Requires Hate/Winterfox/A Cracked Moon.

  • Sf/f loses its shit.

  • e_e

  • To be coldly cynical for a moment: I’m sure more moderate and civil POC, many of whom have been on the receiving end of her ire, are horrified. But I think that if Sriduangkaew/RH did not exist, we would have to invent her. Every minority needs an angry, scary radical to point to and say “see, I’m not like that, I’m reasonable” in order to legitimize their opinions; and nothing ingratiates you with the old white hegemony like condemning a fellow queer/POC/woman/etc. Call it Solanas’ Law.

  • Conversely, if you secretly agree with her, you now know who will flip out and who will be more receptive to your criticisms.

  • ¯_(ツ)_/¯
