#betty crocker

Mother’s DayFrom Betty Crocker’s Party Book, 1960.Illustrations by Anne and Harlow Rockwell

Mother’s Day

FromBetty Crocker’s Party Book, 1960.
Illustrations by Anne and Harlow Rockwell

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Snow Bunny Sunday 

Bootymonster Approved

#whooty    #betty crocker    #tattoos    #reveal    

Nice wiggle

#whooty    #twerking    #betty crocker    

Last week I made Savory Beef Pie, from the 1978 edition of the Betty Crocker Cookbook. This recipe was randomly chosen from numbers provided by tumblr-ers that corresponded to which book in my library, which page of the book, and which recipe on the page. (13, 14, 1) I was exited to try this one because it had familiar flavors plus homemade biscuits covered in sesame seeds (my favorite). Also, this one would easily adapt to whatever you have in your pantry, but for the first try I wanted to make it as written (except I used butter for the guts and oil for the biscuits-I don’t really keep shortening around).

My picky kid didn’t want any, but my other kid had some at dinner, then more for breakfast and lunch the next day. It’s a new favorite, and I can’t wait to try it again but make it more of a chicken and dumplings casserole-chicken, chicken gravy, carrots and celery, etc. I’m giving this one 5/5 because it was tasty and easy and at least one kid loved it and it can easily be changed to suit different tastes. *chef’s kiss*

This week’s recipe came from the 1975 printing of the Betty Crocker Cookbook. Instead of blindly picking a recipe myself, I let my kid pick. I gave a few rules (food sensitivities, etc), but basically said, “pick whatever you want.” She picked French Onion Soup, and I gave her a high five. Potatoes are my favorite food, but soup is a close second.

I stuck to the recipe but then added gruyère and baked it. For the onions I used three small yellow, two small red, and one shallot. I think that was a pretty good blend. It would up being very savory and salty, and really very easy to make. My kid, my boyfriend and I all loved it. My other kid wouldn’t try it and my boyfriend’s kid took a bite but didn’t like it. I still give it 4 out of 5, only because it was my second bowl of French Onion Soup ever, and the first bowl was pretty hard to beat:
