#bey updates


Quick question for my babes~

How would you loves feel if I posted works with my OC?

I have a few that I’d love to finish and share with someone, but I’ve been hesitant since I wasn’t sure if they would get as much love as my ‘x reader’ fics.

I’m still at such a loss for writing actual fics and hcs like I used to. Not to mention my time has gone from all of it in the world to practically none at all. Any time alone now is heaven to me.

Even when I have ideas if they don’t get written down they get lost. Either that or they simply never get written altogether.

I miss the interactions I used to have thanks to my writing. I truly do. Its almost heartbreaking to have gone from posting almost daily to never really posting at all.

Perhaps one day I’ll have the time and energy to write the way I used to. I miss being part of the fandom and being well known for making people smile or at very least feel something. That’s why I created this blog in the first place.

For now however, I’ve only been able to squeeze in self indulgent works here and there, and I know its not what I usually post but its something.
