#i miss you guys


I feel like I haven’t talked to y’all in ages so send asks?? If you want?? I want to be more active on here again

idk what the fuck the entitled young twerps are saying is too old to be on tumblr anymore, but double it and that’s today for me. I’ve been in fandom for over 20 years. I’m not going anywhere even though I am now fifty fucking years old and salty about it. Now. If you will excuse me I have web comics to read. *swirls cape and shashays away*

Anyone else having a really tough time right now??

  29/07/2012 (Argentina, Teatro Flores)

 29/07/2012 (Argentina, Teatro Flores)

Post link



I said I’d make maybe one post more about this whole Pillowfort thing, so here it is.

They’ve got about 2 days roughly left on their Kickstarter, and although they’ve now made their target the only way you’re going to be getting a registration key (unless gifted one) is by donating $5 dollars to the cause, otherwise you’re waiting until some time mid-next year I believe when it finally comes out of beta.

Why am I going on about this still? Well, because I don’t like the way Tumblr works. I want the ability to lock certain posts to a select audience and keep others public. I want to get to know people in long form without worrying about who the hell’s looking over my digital shoulder. I want it to be easy to post pictures, gif-sets and art, but I also want to be able to journal. I want the format of Tumblr and the features of Livejournal. Pillowfort appears to offer this.

Thing is, the only way places like this get off the ground is if people actually go there and use them. Hence why I’m banging on about it still. I remember the various LJ-exoduses, and I remember the sites like InsaneJournal and Dreamwidth and they were great buuuut we’ll all still sat on Tumblr.

Do I think PF will work? Maybe. Like I said, I’ve seen a few people make the attempt over the years, and some of them have been real good attempts that have still, ultimately, not won the dubious prize of being “fandom’s new home”. I certainly don’t think that’s what PF’s about ultimately, but it would be nice if fandom had somewhere popular that’s bloggish to meet up other than Tumblr.

Of course, if it does get popular only time will tell in terms of seeing if the admins, the coders, and the hardware cope with the stresses. They seem like decent enough folk with an admirable outlook, so I wish them well.

Anyway, that’s it. That’s all I’m saying now until I get my registration code, then I’ll be setting up shop over there. I’d be amazed if it’s popular enough that I immediately leave Tumblr behind, but I’ll certainly be using it for a somewhat different manner of posting.

If you want in, go here. 

If you want to play around with the demo account, go here. 

Yes to all of this. pfio has some features that make getting to know people, having conversations, and sharing interests easier and more enjoyable than any other platform I’m on. 

Take this past week for example. I’ve had roughly 2 dozen comments/reblog with comments on tumblr. Meanwhile on pfio…

around 20 people managed to hold cohesive conversations on multiple topics over the course of the day. i learned how many guinea pigs will fit in a 747 using math. i found a bunch of knitters. learned some history. i got to KNOW people. 

i’m not an artist or a writer or someone who came to the platform with any particular skillset or group of friends. i just showed up, took an interest in other people, and started building. 

$5 gets you in the door and pays for site developers

come find me here and say hello

Hey y'all, I know this is basically all I’ve been posting lately but I really really want it to work in the long run. I’m super pumped to get my registration keys and I’m looking forward to the chance to start over with a new and improved blogging experience. They’re actually pretty close to the first stretch goal which would be awesome! Check it out! :)

To my Vancouver friends,Come by MUJI Robson St. this September 1-2 (tomorrow and sunday!!) and get yTo my Vancouver friends,Come by MUJI Robson St. this September 1-2 (tomorrow and sunday!!) and get yTo my Vancouver friends,Come by MUJI Robson St. this September 1-2 (tomorrow and sunday!!) and get yTo my Vancouver friends,Come by MUJI Robson St. this September 1-2 (tomorrow and sunday!!) and get y

To my Vancouver friends,

Come by MUJI Robson St. this September 1-2 (tomorrow and sunday!!) and get your hands on a free tote-bag I designed for Muji! It will only be available during these two days at the downtown location. 

I’ll also be around the store so come say hi :) I’d love to meet you!

Post link

Quick question for my babes~

How would you loves feel if I posted works with my OC?

I have a few that I’d love to finish and share with someone, but I’ve been hesitant since I wasn’t sure if they would get as much love as my ‘x reader’ fics.

I’m still at such a loss for writing actual fics and hcs like I used to. Not to mention my time has gone from all of it in the world to practically none at all. Any time alone now is heaven to me.

Even when I have ideas if they don’t get written down they get lost. Either that or they simply never get written altogether.

I miss the interactions I used to have thanks to my writing. I truly do. Its almost heartbreaking to have gone from posting almost daily to never really posting at all.

Perhaps one day I’ll have the time and energy to write the way I used to. I miss being part of the fandom and being well known for making people smile or at very least feel something. That’s why I created this blog in the first place.

For now however, I’ve only been able to squeeze in self indulgent works here and there, and I know its not what I usually post but its something.



full rules are here 

in short, it’s a creative collaboration for kingdom hearts fans. if you’re an artist you get to work with a writer, if you’re a writer you get to work with an artist, if you’ve got something else going on entirely, let us know and we’ll figure something out. tell us what you’d like (or wouldn’t like) to work on and we’ll get you going on it and support you throughout.

no adult/minor ships, no NSFW, no exceptions. if you join please consider reblogging this to get the word out!

join ushere

hello everyone! its me mod  aka the idiot who made this blog aka @succubused 

you might be thinking, “wow, this dumb blog hasn’t posted in months and now they come back plugging some random event that isn’t even associated with the original premise! i would be sending anon hate right now if their asks were enabled!” and you would be right about that! (if you want to send anon hate, just send it to me directly, it’s more efficient.)

by way of explaining ourselves, the mods would like to first disclaim that we do still share one brain cell between all of us and we can only use it for one thing at a time, and right now we are using it to mod this project. we even use the same emoji signatures, so 1. if you miss us and 2. are a fan of or content creator for kingdom hearts (and i KNOW there are some of you reading this those kh braincell posts got a lot of notes), this post is an invitation to come join the project! if you just enjoy smashing reblog without reading the post first, that’s fine too and i still love you. 

(also, i know we kind of vanished suddenly, we all got caught up in kh3 and then personal lives and got overwhelmed and blah blah blah excuses excuses. if you reblog this and you want a limited edition no-longer-in-production brain cell flag, DM me on my main up there and ill see what i can do for you since i still have all the files.)

Hello again guys! Feels like ages since I’ve been gone. I am doing much better emotionally, but I’m swamped with university. I have started working on my thesis and it’s kicking my butt. But I should be more free soon. I have no more classes after next week and then I only gotta work on my investigation, so I will be able to decide my own schedule, which should be fun. Anyway, just checking in for now. I plan on coming back at some point, but I haven’t been able to do anything sims-creative in weeks. Been making gifs tho, and obsessing over our flag means death (which, if you like gay pirates, I highly recomend). It’s been a weird month. Hope you guys are ok. If anyone wants to catch me up with what’s been happening here, any fun gossip or anything, please do. Love ya’ll!
