

Clearing a common misconception

cuz I have had enough

So the Ramayan brothers -

Ram, Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughan; are called in this order cuz of their importance in the story. Ram, the hero, Laxman, his companion, Bharat, who chased his brothers and begged them to return and Shatrughan who literally had 0.0001 seconds in the whole story.

But most people think this is also the order of their ages. Eldest Ram, then Laxman, then Bharat and the youngest Shatrughan. BUT THAT IS SO NOT TRUE!

Their order:

First queen, Kaushalyagave birth to eldest Ram.

Second queen, Kaikeyigave birth to second Bharat.

Third queen, Sumitra gave birth to the twins Laxman and Shatrughan, the youngest brothers.

But Laxman was closer to Ram while Shatrughan was closer to Bharat.

In scriptures it’s said, the twins were actually “devotees” of their favorite elder brother. They worshipped them.

So for that reason, the order goes like

Ram, Laxman, Bharat, Shatrughan.

But the real order is

Ram, Bharat, Laxman, Shatrughan.

Hope it helps <3

Rama and Sita, with Hanuman, and Rama’s three brothers: Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna.Hin

Rama and Sita, with Hanuman, and Rama’s three brothers: Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna.

Hindu painting by Raja Ravi Varma(1848-1906)

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