#bhna bakugou


Random Bakugo HC

Bakugo knows you’re having a bad day. He’s waiting for you once you get home with all your favorite snacks and food. You have a nice dinner and he sets up the living room while your in the shower.

You come back clean with your pjs to a movie night set up in the living room. Fluffy pillows and soft blankets spread on the floor. Bakugo sets up your favorite movie while you have a self care day.

Favorite movie on, Bakugo painting your nails while he fed you your favorite snacks and mochi was EXACTLY what you needed. Even though he was a grump, and his usual self, he still made sure his Teddy Bear got nothing but the best.

You wake up to a still world. There’s nothing going on. No animals, no wind, no sounds of the night. You wake to a still world with the things you feel. Warm, safe, loved, hearing his slow breath and feeling his warmth around you. His arms tighten around your waist and he takes a deep breath. You feel him stir awake behind you. You feel him drag you closer digging his face into your neck. Warm puffs of air send tingles down your spine. He wakes up, “ Go to sleep baby. I got you.” He kisses your neck and you nestle in his warmth. Once more surrounded by warmth and love in a bubble in time. Everything comes together and you drift off to sleep in the arms of the one you love. 


I’ve never written a MHA fanfiction before so go easy on me. 

word count; 1844


“I have to ask,” you said with a sigh, not sure if you wanted to know the answer, “Why do you compliment all the other girls and not me?" 

Throughout your time at UA, you had gotten really close with Denki. The two of you were like brother and sister from day one. So you understood why he wouldn’t talk about you, but it was the fact Mineta had never bothered you that confused you. Of course you’re very glad Mineta doesn’t bother you, but it kinda hit your self-esteem. If the most desperate person in the world wasn’t interested in you, who would be? 

Mineta visibly gulped, looking up at Denki for help. When you looked over to Denki, you see him rubbing his face in frustration. For a moment he sits there with his eyes closed, but then he looks up at you with a strained smile, "Look, we would tell you but-”

Mineta cut him off, “-we really can’t. It’s nothing personal, really. I would love to gush about how sc-”

Denki placed a finger on Mineta’s neck, a small shock of electricity zapping the perverted boy. You watched with an amused smile as he fell over from the attack. Before he could get up and cause a scene with Denki, Denki began to speak to you, “We promise it’s nothing against you, we just don’t want to piss a certain someone off.” He gave you a quick wink before standing up from the arm of the chair. 

“Who would you piss off?” you asked with a confused expression. 

“Telling you would also piss off that person, so I guess you’ll have to figure out on your own,” he smiled at you, ruffling your hair a little. Mineta finally stood up from the ground, muttering angry words at your best friend. He didn’t seem to bothered by him, instead walking down the halls of the dorms towards his room. Mineta angrily followed him, yelling at him the entire way. 

“What was that all about?” Mina asked you as she plopped herself across your lap. You laughed at the girl, looking down at her as she stretched out her back and placed her arms behind her head. She looked at you expectantly, waiting for an answer.

“I asked Mineta and Denki why they don’t talk about me like they do the others,” you explained to her. She nodded, telling you to continue, “And they said that someone scared them into not messing with me." 

Mina nodded, her brows furrowing in concentration, "It’s probably Bakugo." 

You burst out laughing, small tears forming in your eyes. The mere thought of Bakugo looking out for you? Not possible. You would believe that Todoroki liked you more than you would believe Bakugo does. But when you looked down at Mina, you saw no hints of humor in her expression. 

"Wait,” you snorted, trying to calm yourself down. But it just kept getting funnier, “You actually think that Bakugo has a crush on me? Bakugo? Angry Pomeranian Bakugo? You think that he likes me?”

“Yeah probably,” Mina said with a steady tone. You looked at her in disbelief. 

“Mina,” you said in a level tone, “you seriously think that the boy who calls us all ‘side characters’ has a crush on me? I mean, every single conversation we have ends in an argument. Why in the world do you think that he likes me?" 

Mina shrugged, looking away from you and onto the ceiling, "He smiles with you.”

A twinge set off in your chest at her words. He smiles with you. The feeling was a little unsettling. It made you feel restless, made your brain think just a little faster than you could comprehend. But Mina was right. He does smile with you a lot. Part of the reason you pick fights with him in the first place. 

“He smiles with Kirishima too,” you argued uselessly, causing Mina to laugh at you. 

“That’s true,” she giggles, “I guess I was just reading into things.”

If you were honest with yourself. you were slightly worried that she would be wrong. 

“Yeah…” you said in a slightly deflated tone, “maybe." 

"What if it’s Sero? I could see the two of you together,” Mina comments, pointing at Sero with her foot, “Seems more your type." 

You laughed at her, "Oh really? What is my type exactly?" 

"Affectionate ones, I’d assume. Someone you get along with, who doesn’t question you." 

"Doesn’t question me?" 

"Yeah, like someone who would just immediately take your side on things. Someone who trusts you and your opinion completely. That’s why you and Bakugo would never work out. He’d challenge you too much. Be hopeful it isn’t him. Don’t know how you’d approach that mess." 

You scoffed, "Yeah. Just the thought of Bakugo liking me is weird. I can’t believe I thought about it for a moment there." 

The two of you laughed for a second, but unlike Mina’s, your laughter was fake. You didn’t want someone who followed you blindly. You want challenging. You want someone who is a partner. Not a follower. But how could you tell her that? 

You heard someone clearing their throat behind you, causing you to turn to them. When you realized who it was, your entire body went cold. It was Bakugo. He stood there with a completely blank expression, but you knew it was fake. You saw past the mask, you saw the pain your words caused. And it broke your heart. 

"I-” you started in attempt to explain, but Bakugo just looked away from you and turned around. For a moment you just watched him walk away. You didn’t know what to do. But you could tell that you didn’t have much time to think about it. So you pushed Mina from your lap and took off running after the boy. Bakugo walked faster, getting into the elevator and rapidly pressing the button for his floor. You almost didn’t make it, but at the last second you managed to get into the elevator right before it closed completely. 

“Let me explain,” you begged him, but he just stepped away from you, unable to look into your eyes. 

“Bakugo,” you plead with the boy, a strain in your voice. Any second now the elevator would make it to his floor and he would be able to get away. If he got away, you’d never get to explain. You would never fix this. So instead, you stopped the elevator. 

“Hey!” Bakugo yelled, reaching for the button. You stood in front of it, blocking him from hitting the button. 

“Listen to me,” you cried out, “Please just hear me out! I swear if you just listen to me and let me explain everything, I will let you go. Bakugo, just please give me a chance, okay?" 

Bakugo stared you down for a moment, his guards slowly building themselves back up. Finally he just stepped away from you and nodded. 

"Fine,” he gave in, “I’m actually interested in what you wanna say." 

He spoke in such a sour tone, causing your heart to race. You gulped, trying to figure out how you wanted to say this.

"Mina, she was wrong,” you said slowly, “You probably heard her saying that we, l-like me and you, wouldn’t work out because you were too challenging. But she was wrong. I really like it when I’m challenged. I like it when someone checks for flaws in my plans, someone who doesn’t just follow me, but one that helps me suceed further by questioning me. Someone who makes me think, someone who really tests my morals." 

"Yeah and? Why are you telling me this?" 

"Because I lied earlier. I-It’s not weird to think that you like me. It’s actually something I think about a lot. A lot more than I should honestly. You annoy me. So much. But you just-” you stopped speaking whenever you saw that Bakugo wasn’t even looking at you. He just stood there, leaned back onto the wall of the elevator. His hands were tucked away in his pockets and his eyes were to the ground. It was like he wasn’t even listening anymore. You sighed, realizing that there was no fixing this. He wasn’t interested. You were just a little too late. 

“Just what?” Bakugo asked quietly, still unable to look up at you. 

You sighed, turning towards the elevator buttons, “You make me smile." 

The moment your hand reached forward to start the elevator, Bakugo’s hand gripped onto your wrist, spinning you around to face him. He quickly backed you up to the elevator doors, his lips staying centimeters away from yours. One hand rested on the door of the elevator while the other firmly gripped your waist, keeping you held to him. Your hands were rested against his chest, greedily holding onto his shirt. 

There were no words said between the two of you, but that was perfectly fine. You didn’t need to hear his voice to understand what he was wanting to tell you, the look in his eyes was enough. The way his eyes looked so deeply into yours, as if he had never seen a shade more beautiful than the ones he was seeing then. The way his eyes would slowly fall, how life began to play in pink when his gaze fell upon your lips. Words had no worth in this moment. 

You leaned forward slightly, your eyes never once straying from Bakugo’s. He hesitated a moment, looking down towards your lips and pulling away slightly. But when he looked back up into your eyes, every guard broke down for a milisecond. But it was enough time for you. You saw it. You got to see Bakugo. The real one. The one who is a little vulnerable. The one who wants to be loved. The one who wants to be told that he’s good enough. The broken boy that he spends his entire life hiding. 

“Hey,” you whispered to him, lifting your hand up to cradle the side of his face, “You’ll feel safe again one day.”
“I do right now,” he muttered, finally pressing his lips to yours. Your breath caught in your throat and your entire body sets on fire. Bakugo’s grip tightened around you, removing his hand from the wall and pressing you completely against it. His spare hand held your face gently, When the kiss finally came apart, Bakugo continued holding you, a small smile on his face. 

“We really should get out of the elevator,” you whispered with a chuckle. Bakugo just rolled his eyes and slightly pulled away from you, keeping his grip on your waist. He leaned over and pressed the button, letting the elevator continue to his floor. 

When the doors open, you go to step forward. However Bakugo holds you back, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“Are we not getting off?” 

Bakugo shook his head, “Nope, we’re going downstairs to show Pinky that she was wrong.” 
