#bibi zhou


It feels like half my posts are about music…apologies for those of you who aren’t as interested in Mandopop content. It is not going anywhere.


I had Spotify premium for a good chunk of the year, so now I really feel like I got my money’s worth! So yay for that.

I am not surprised to see 鱼罐头 at #1. I listened to that album a lot, and with 鱼罐头 being the first song on the album, it just makes sense. 密友 and 透 are a little more surprising to see. I remember not loving them earlier in the year, but as I heard them more and more, they grew on me a lot. I was a little surprised that no Tanya Chua songs made it into the top 5 because I’ve listened to her a lot throughout the 2nd half of the year.


At first I was so surprised to see kpop! I used to be into kpop before I started listening to Chinese music. But I realized that I still sometimes listen to kpop with my friend who likes it.

The middle is a little hard to read, so I’ll type it out:

Truth: The artist you binge-listened to the most was Bibi Zhou.
Lie: Your #1 Spotify playlist of the year was Release Radar.
Truth: The artist who appeared most in your playlists was Tanya Chua.

The lie was pretty obvious seeing as I rarely look at Release Radar.

Bibi Zhou doesn’t actually have that many monthly Spotify listeners, so I don’t think being in the top 0.01% of listeners is that impressive.


6,857 minutes ~ 114 hours :-O

I was surprised by my top 3-5. I would probably have guessed Sandy Lam over A-Mei. Karen Mok makes sense now that I’m thinking about it because I get her songs stuck in my head all the time. I would have thought 孙盛希 or 林宥嘉 would be #5 also.

Below are some of my other top songs from the personal playlist Spotify put together. I’ll list them out under the cut for your convenience. 


I observed that my top songs playlist really mirrors what I was listening to during the first half of the year. This checks out because 1) Spotify Wrapped apparently only includes through October and 2) I spent a lot more time listening to music in the first 6 months of 2021.

  1. 周笔畅 - 鱼罐头
  2. 周笔畅 - 密友
  3. 周笔畅 - 时光机与流浪者
  4. 周笔畅 - 透
  5. 周笔畅 - 对嘴
  6. 林忆莲 - 归零
  7. A-Mei - 装醉
  8. 陶喆 - 黑色柳丁
  9. 周笔畅 - 嫉妒
  10. 林忆莲 - 灰
  11. 蔡健雅 - 下一次爱情来的时候
  12. 张韶涵 - 作势装腔
  13. 周笔畅 - 牡蛎
  14. 林忆莲 - 盖亚
  15. 蔡健雅 - 遗书
  16. 田馥甄 - 讽刺的情书
  17. 周笔畅 - 500万个灵魂和每一条皱纹
  18. 林忆莲 - 爱笑了
  19. 蔡健雅 - 原谅
  20. 徐佳莹 - 理想人生
  21. 周笔畅 - 别忘了
  22. 陶喆 - Dear God
  23. 蔡健雅 - 坐立不安
  24. 戴佩妮 - 你要的爱
  25. 周笔畅 - 隔墙花
  26. 谭维维 - 钱夫人

This is a simple yet lovely song by Super Girl and Sisters Who Make Waves alum Bibi Zhou (who is also one of my favorite singers). This song came out in 2018 and became one of her biggest hits, thus earning its spot in my iconic/popular Mandopop songs series. I’ll admit, I didn’t really notice this song at first just because nothing about it stood out to me. But it grew on me over time. The lyrics are also relatively simple and repetitive, so it’s easy to sing along. Sadly, this song isn’t on US Spotify. The lyric video below has an impressive 19 million views though!

周笔畅 (Bibi Zhou) - 最美的期待

我有一个梦 像雨后彩虹
你的呼吸 越靠越近 将我抱紧

彩虹 cǎihóng - rainbow
穿越 chuānyuè - to pass through / to traverse / to cross
拾 shí - to pick up / to collate or arrange

我睁开双眼 想你在身边
静闭上了眼 你却又浮现

浮现 fúxiàn - to appear before one’s eyes / to come into view / to float into appearance / to come back (of images from the past) / to emerge / it emerges / it occurs (to me that..)
远离 yuǎnlí - to be far from / to keep away from
边缘 biānyuán - edge / fringe / verge / brink / periphery / marginal / borderline
是非 shìfēi - right and wrong / quarrel
无怨无悔 wúyuànwúhuǐ - no complaints / to have no regrets

我拥抱着爱 当从梦中醒来
执着地等待 却不曾离开
舍不得分开 在每一次醒来

执着 zhízhuó - to be strongly attached to / to be dedicated / to cling to
徘徊 páihuái - to dither / to hesitate / to pace back and forth / to hover around / to linger

我睁开双眼 想你在身边
静闭上了眼 你却又浮现
忘了是非 没有伤悲 无怨无悔

我拥抱着爱 当从梦中醒来
你执着的等待 却不曾离开
舍不得分开 在每一次醒来
不用再徘徊 你就是我最美的期待

我拥抱着爱 当从梦中醒来
你执着地等待 却不曾离开
舍不得分开 在每一次醒来
不用再徘徊 你就是我最美的期待
