


Why flexibility is important in your language studies

Being flexible so you adapt to your circumstances, unexpected changes or new goals can decrease your stress by a lot.

Making a schedule that you hope you’ll follow can sometimes create useless pressure. Taking into consideration how you feel or what you should focus on, will work better in the long run.

Being flexible also allows you to improve faster in a language. If you notice that your listening skills are the worst, you won’t be able to improve too much with the rest. There will be limitations.

Prioritizing your enjoyment instead of your immediate progress, can make you study for longer too.

Changing your plans or goals to suit you better is 100 times better than pressuring yourself to stick to a rigid schedule.


Immersion is surrounding yourself with the language you learn. However, that doesn’t mean travelling to your target language’s country or talking only in your target language for X days/weeks/months only. 

There are also some easy ways. 

  • listen to music daily
  • watch a movie or a series, maybe cartoons, with dubs or subs
  • write your grocery list in your TL
  • change the settings of your phone or a particular site you use a lot 
  • have some books in your TL (also read them)
  • read motivational quotes in the language you learn
  • play a game
  • write in your agenda
  • keep a diary
  • learn new recipes written in your target language
  • talk to yourself in that language
  • watch videos on youtube
  • keep a blog/make posts in that language
  • read the news 
  • fanfiction
  • comics, webtoons
  • any activity you enjoy and can be found on the internet in your TL, just be consistent ^^


Tag game

Thank you @studyingpearl <3 I’m late but finally doing it!

Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with!

Favourite colour: it depends what foooor. Either blue, green, purple, or orange/yellow.

Currently reading: Wuthering Heights, Emily Brönte

Last song: Hey, Soul Sister - Train

Last movie: Addams Family (1991)

Last show: The Vampire Diaries

Sweet, spicy or savoury: savoury (hehe same here)

Craving: I don’t know… something soft… like a doughnut or a crepe

Tea or coffee: Tea!

Currently working on: uh WriMo21? Three different fics? Or working on working up the motivation to actually do my coursework.


Thank you for tagging me!!

Favourite colour: teal, turquoise

Currently reading: lecture notes from Nuclear Physics XD

Last song: survivin’ by Bastille

Last movie: Dune (in cinema)

Sweet, spicy or savoury: sweet ^-^

Craving: more time? And F1

Tea or coffee: Tea, my beloved

Currently working on: catching up with Nuclear Physics



Ways to Track Language Learning

Some people like to log their language learning time. I only sporadically track my time if I’m trying to set a certain goal for that month, but here are the different methods I have used and maybe they’ll be useful to you.


You can set a language or activity as its own color and get different charts for different time periods/tags.


This is app is somewhat similar to LingoJournal, but it has a social aspect as well since you can follow other users and congratulate them on their learning. (image not my own)

3. LingoJournal

This app is very detailed in tracking your language learning. You can track by reading/writing/speaking/listening and then break it down into even more activities. It also has goals and how you can reach them, as well as a streak. This is only one of the many graphs of your data.

4. Google Sheets

You can get a pre-made sheet to track your studying time, but I prefer to use it to track new words learned from my reading.

5. Notion

You can make a checklist for each week such as with this template.

6. Forest App

You can track each language or activity learning session in the app and then get a nice graph and forest of your activities.

7. Bullet Journal

This is my preferred way of tracking as I like to make a list of goals and then see how much of them I actually complete :)



All I can think abt is that one quote that basically just describes that you can’t be your true self in your native language bc there’s too much emotional attachment, but that second languages allow speakers to be truly free with their words

“Some things could only be written in a foreign language; they are not lost in translation, but conceived by it. Foreign verbs of motion could be the only ways of transporting the ashes of familial memory. After all, a foreign language is like art—an alternative reality, a potential world. »

- Svetlana Boym, “Estrangement as a Lifestyle: Shklovsky and Brodsky”

“Bilinguals overwhelmingly report that they feel like different people in different languages. It is often assumed that the mother tongue is the language of the true self. (…) But, it first languages are reservoirs of emotion, second languages can be rivers undammed, freeing their speakers to ride different currents.”

- Love in Translation by Lauren Collins from the New Yorker, August 8 & 15, 2016



Welcome to the “Learn the IPA with me” series, where I’ll be sharing my journey and all the information that I find useful so that if you want, you can learn along with me.


These are the resources that I’ll be using to learn the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Adding some Italian, hope you don’t mind:

Phonetic transcription online tool
vids:consonants|vowels* | spelling** 
our alphabet/pronunciation post + more post about accents and pronunciations we made in our grammar masterpost ( @sayitalianohome‘s first post )

For any question or doubt, here we are.

*sadly I noticed that bc of my area’s idiom, I pronounce some words (vowel “e”: treno/freno) differently from how he explains (despite the fact that he kind of mispronounce open vowels anyway but that’s okay to me), and I bet this is true for people all around Italy: as we always say, nobody here  (if not those who actually study for that) speaks perfect Italian, we are influenced by the way of speaking of the area in which we were born/live.

**  (you actually don’t have to double come va, dove sei and the words just before that “e poi…” )

*All verbs below are in original form(dictionary form).

존재하다 : to exist

선언하다 : to declare, proclaim

목격하다 : to witness

제안하다 : to suggest

조언하다 : to advise

개입하다 : to intervene

헌신하다 : to devote

축하하다 : to congratulate

환영하다 : to welcome

접근하다 : to approach

투자하다 : to invest

개선하다 : to improve

응원하다 : to cheer, support

설명하다 : to explain

오해하다 : to misunderstand, misconceive

해결하다 : to resolve

조절하다 : to adjust

계획하다 : to plan

보호하다 : to protect

조사하다 : to investigate

확인하다 : to check, verify, confirm

출발하다 : to depart, set off, start

도착하다 : to arrive, reach

설득하다 : to persuade

양보하다 : to yield, give way

희생하다 : to sacrifice

쟁취하다 : to achieve, win

야기하다 : to cause, bring about

실수하다 : to make a mistake

긍정하다 : to affirm

부정하다 : to deny

생산하다 : to produce

소비하다 : to consume, spend

인정하다 : to admit

소유하다 : to own, possess

봉사하다 : to serve, do volunteer work

유지하다 : to maintain

보조하다 : to assist

인용하다 : to quote, cite

대표하다 : to represent

선택하다 : to choose, select

거절하다 : to reject, refuse

촉진하다 : to promote, accelerate, boost

요구하다 : to demand, ask

사과하다 : to apologize

추측하다 : to guess, suppose

간섭하다 : to interfere

낭독하다 : to read aloud

관찰하다 : to observe

추구하다 : to pursue, seek

Written and edited by Admin Yu


눈 : snow

첫눈 : first snow of the winter

눈송이 / 눈꽃 : snowflake

결정 : crystal

서리 : frost

함박눈 : big snowflakes

진눈깨비 : sleet

눈보라 : blizzard

우박 : hail

폭설 : heavy snow

만년설 : perpetual snow

설경 : snow scenery

눈사람 : snowman

눈덩이 : snowball

눈싸움 : snowball fight

눈이 내리다 : to snow

얼다 : to freeze

녹다 : to melt, to thaw

하얗다 : white

새하얗다 : pure white

희다 : white

차갑다 : cold

춥다 : cold (weather)

(손이/귀가/코가) 시리다 : (hand/ear/nose is) cold

펑펑 : (adverb) shape of snow falling heavily (ex. 함박눈이 펑펑 내린다)

펄펄 : (adverb) shape of snow or powder blowing in the wind (ex. 흰 눈이 펄펄 내린다)

소복소복 : (adverb) shape of things piled up (ex. 길에 눈이 소복소복 쌓여 있다)

뽀드득 : (adverb) sound of stepping on a pile of snow

It’s snowing heavily in Korea!

-Written and edited by Admin Yu

Hello, this is Admin Hee. Today’s grammar will be regular conjugation.

Regular conjugation

The regular change of form of predicate in Korean grammar such as verbs and adjectives. At this point the predicate of a clause is the part of it that is not the subject and it consists of a stem and ending.

-Stem : unchanging part of the predicate

보- is the stem of the forms ‘보다’, ‘보니’, ‘보고’

-Ending : changing part

-다. -니, -고 is the ending of the forms ‘보다’, ‘보니’, ‘보고’

1. ‘ㅡ’ Elision  (’ㅡ’ 탈락)

‘ㅡ’ is elided in front of the stem ‘-아/어’, ‘-았/었-’

  • 담그- + -아 = 담가
  • 슬프- + -어 = 슬퍼
  • 아프다 + 아서/어서 = 아파서

Such verbs or adjectives like 끄다, 크다, 바쁘다, 따르다 are examples.

2. ‘ㄹ‘ Elision (’ㄹ’ 탈락)

When the last sound of the stem ‘ㄹ’ meets ‘ㄴ,ㅂ,ㅅ,오’ , it gets elided too.

  • 살- + -는 = 사는
  • 살- + -ㅂ니다 = 삽니다
  • 살- + -오 = 사오

살다, 놀다, 울다, 불다, 얼다, 멀다 and so on are the examples.

Additionally, nouns that ends up with consonant ‘ㄹ’, gets elided when it is combined with ‘ㄴ,ㅅ’ which is the first sound of the next word. This is not about the conjugation of verbs and adjectives but are also called ‘ㄹ’ 탈락.

  • 버들+나무 = 버드나무
  • 솔+나무 = 소나무
  • 딸+님 = 따님

Written by Admin Hee

Edited by Admin Yu

직업 Job

의사 Doctor

간호사 Nurse

변호사 Lawyer

검사 Prosecutor

판사 Judge

기자 Reporter

아나운서 Announcer

선생님 Teacher

소방관 Firefighter

기술자 Engineer

미용사 Hairdresser

기업인 Business person

조종사 Pilot

기사 Driver

경찰관 Police

인명구조원 Life guard

우주비행사 Astronaut

배우 Actor

작가 Writer

요리사 Chef

Written by Admin Na

Edited by Admin Yu

Hello! this is admin Do. Today I will introduce twelve months in Pure Korean words and some good pure Korean words.

- Twelve Months in Pure Korean Word

In a monthly magazine, “작은 것이 아름답다”, published by 녹색연합, a private environmental activist group, the twelve months in the pure Korean word named by 임의진 of 남녘 Church was introduced. He suggested using these names, which are meaningful and friendly, instead of dull numbers, and 12 months in Korean were created. Thus, each month is not an official name in Korean. Though the names are not official, they capture the images of each month beautifully in pure Korean!

January : 해오름달(Hae-o-reum Dal) - The month of vigorous ascent on New Year’s morning.

February : 시샘달(Sisaem Dal) - The end of winter months with cold

March : 물오름달(MuloReum Dal) - The month rising water in the mountains and fields

April : 잎새달(Ibsae Dal) - the month with its own leafy trees

May : 푸른달(Pureun Dal) - The month of every man with a hopeful heart

  • *푸른 : The basic form ‘푸르다’ means mostly blue. In literal translation, it is the month of all who are blue-hearted. But the word '푸르다’ occasionally means having big hope or ambition, or youth and vitality.

June : 누리달(Nuri Dal) - The month full of the sound of lives all over it.

July : 견우직녀달(Gyeon-woo Jing-nyuh Dal) - The beautiful month where 견우(Gyeon-woo) and 직녀(Jing-nyuh) meet

  • *견우 and 직녀 : The main characters of the legend of Chilwol Chilseok, in which Gyun-woo and Jing-nyuh meet once a year.

August : 타오름달(Taoreum Dal) - The month of passion in which the sun burns in the sky and the heart burns on the earth.

September : 열매달(Yeolmae Dal) - The month in which every branch bears fruit

October : 하늘연달(Haneulyeon Dal) - The month when the country of morning opened on Mt. Baekdu

  • *Mt. Baekdu : The mountain in Korea

November : 미틈달(Miteum Dal) - The month from autumn to winter

December : 매듭달(Maedeub Dal) - The last month of the year to compose oneself

- Other Pure Korean Words

Below are beautiful pure Korean words, sometimes found in the names of Koreans.

미리내(Mirinae) : milky way

아라(Ara) : sea

예그리나(Yegrina) : our relationship of loving each other

라온(Raon) : pleasant

사나래(Sanarae) : angel wings

나르샤(Narsya) : fly up

다솜(Dasom) : love affectionate and dear

Written by Admin Do

Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! This is Admin Hyun.

Today’s grammar I want to introduce is ‘same vowel elision’(동음 탈락). Same vowel elision is not an irregular conjugation. Under the conditions, it always happens.

A phenomenon where an ending(어미) that starts with ‘-아’ or ‘어’ follows after verb’s or adjective’s(용언) stem(어간) that end with ‘-아’ or ‘어’, and as a result, the same vowel ‘아’ or ‘어’ is repeated(comes consecutively), one of the same vowels is omitted(elision)

ㅏelision (ㅏ 탈락)

  • +서 가서(go and-)
  • +  가(go)
  • + + 다  갔다(went)
  • +서 차서(kick and-)
  • +  차(kick)
  • + + 다  찼다(kicked)

ㅓ elision (ㅓ 탈락)

  • +서 건너서(cross the street and-)
  • +  건너(cross the street)
  • + + 다   건넜다(crossed the street)
  • +서  나서서(take the lead and-)
  • + 나서(take the lead, step ahead)
  • + + 다  나섰다(took the lead)

Keep in mind that if the stem ends with a consonant, same vowel elision doesn’t take place. For example,

  • 먹 + 어  먹어(eat)
  • 먹 + 었 + 다  먹었다(ate)
  • 잡 + 아  잡아(catch)
  • 잡 + 았 + 다  잡았다(caught)

Elision of vowels is a kind of ‘elision of phoneme(음운)’. Not only vowels but also consonants are subject to elision. For example, if in 딸(daughter)+님(honorific ending), ‘ㄹ’ is omitted when it is followed by ㄴ and becomes 따님(honorific form of daughter). Elision of phoneme is one of many ‘changes in phoneme’ which include alteration, elision, addition and contraction.

Written by Admin Hyun

Edited by Admin Yu

유행 - trend

스타일 - style

대중 - public

정장 - suit

청바지 - (blue) jeans

겉옷 - outer clothing

가디건 - cardigan

코트 - coat

스웨터 - sweater

평상복 - casual

운동복 같은 - sporty

소가죽 - cowhide

리넨, 아마 섬유 - linen

예스럽다 - vintage(빈티지)

상징 – logo(로고)

소매 - sleeve

시즌 컬러 - season color

헐렁한 - baggy

(길이가) 무릎까지 오는 - knee-length

초라한 - tacky

슬랙스 - slacks

단화 - loafers

블라우스 - blouse

액세서리 - accessory

보석 - jewel

입다 - put on

Written by Admin Hee

Edited by Admin Yu

Hello Everyone! This is Admin Sun with a survey on Korean dramas! We would really appreciate it if you could fill this out for us <3 All of us are Native Koreans, so we enjoy hearing foreigners’ opinions on Korean Culture and language! Also, if you’re learning Korean, please take the time to fill out our other survey for foreigners learning Korean <3 Thank you so much! Reblogs are very appreciated

Here’s a small vocabulary list based on words relating to dramas and surveys!

✎드라마 Drama
✎좋아하다 To like
✎주인공 Main Character
✎등장인물 Character
✎배우 Actor
✎대본 Script
✎시점 Point of view
✎촬영하다 To film
✎방송 Broadcast
✎영상 Video clip
✎보다 To see / watch
✎한국어 Korean (language)
✎대중 문화 Pop culture
✎대중 매체 Mass Media
✎문화 Culture
✎인기 Popularity
✎인기 있다 To be Popular
✎연예인 Celebrity
✎출연하다 To appear (in smth)
✎설문조사 Survey
✎배우다 To learn
✎응답하다 To answer

My German professor: How do you say, “My friend cannot cut hair?”

Me: Meine Freundin kannst nicht Haare schlafen. (”My friend cannot sleep hair”)


Me: *manages to ace German oral midterm without slipping into Japanese or any other languages for once*

Guy next to me: *has polyglot schizo meltdown and answers in German/French/Spanish word salad*

Me and our polyglot instructor:

Everyone else with a langblr/studyblr seems to have beautiful bullet journals, cute little modern laptops, clean and cute study areas, prop coffee, 5000 pink gel pens, highlighters. Everything is organized, color-coded, and matching.

What I have: An ancient 18-inch immovable laptop covered in anime stickers and connected to gaming peripherals, a desk covered in pizza boxes and lipstick, Sharpies so I can write study notes on my arm with one hand while smoking with the other because I don’t seem to be able to keep paper in the house, and piles of empty Stacker 3 containers instead of coffee. Instead of an organizer, I have about 14 crumpled 7-11 receipts in my jacket pocket that have notes in various languages saying things like, “Do homework someday,” and “Get TP,” and “April 30 is Vicodin Pickup Day! Yay!” I just spent 4 months terrified that I’d get multi-page homework assignments because I didn’t have a fucking stapler.

I don’t know how you guys do it.

Meaning - First

Korean syllable - 선

Korean name - 먼저 선


生님 - 생님 - Teacher (님 doesn’t have Hanja)

着順 - 착순 - First come first served / order of arrival

- 우 - First, above all, preference, special treatment

