#biblical marriage


I would like to change the name ‘housewife’ to ‘home maker.’ ‘Housewife’ has such a commercial sound, but ‘home maker’ - there is all the love of home, of happiness, of family and neighborliness in its meaning.

I have found that there is something more important than running the home itself. It is that a woman has her husband’s temperament to consider as well as her own, and also, later on, the temperament of each child.

The woman who can make every member of her family feel that his or her personality matters in all home affairs, and that a little bit of home specially belongs to each one, will surely succeed as a home maker.

Rose Buckner’s Book of Homemaking

In a world where women do not say ‘no,’ the man is never forced to settle down and make serious choices. His sex drive - the most powerful compulsion on his life - is never used to make him part of civilization as the supporter of a family. If a woman does not force him to make a long-term commitment- to marry - in general, he doesn’t. It is maternity that requires commitment. His sex drive only demands conquest, driving him from body to body in an unsettling hunt for variety and excitement in which much of the thrill is in the chase itself.

The man still needs to be tamed. His problem is that many young women think they have better things to do than socialize men.

George Gilder

Although some observers believe that feminism and sexual liberalism no longer threaten family values, little in fact has changed. Contemporary sexual liberals are merely less honest than earlier feminists in facing the inevitable anti-family consequences of their beliefs. They continue to maintain that differences between men and women, such as man’s greater drive to produce in the workplace, are somehow artificial and dispensable. They still insist that men and women can generally share and reverse roles without jeopardizing marriage. They still encourage a young woman to sacrifice her twenties in intense rivalry with men, leaving her to clutch desperately for marriage as her youthfulness and fertility pass. Although they declare themselves supporters of the family, they are scarcely willing to define it.

George Gilder

To declare enthusiasm for feminist ideals is almost a new mode of macho, a way to flaunt an invulnerable virility. Many will dismiss feminism as merely a matter of domestic logistics… .

Mention procreation, and they talk about the population explosion. They believe it is just as well that many women indicate disinterest in having children.

George Gilder

Obviously the most enduring way to make this commitment is through marriage. Yet because sexual liberals deny the differences between the sexes, their explanations of why there are marriages and why marriage is needed and desired ignore the central truth of marriage: that it is built on sex roles. Pressed to explain the institution, they respond vaguely that human beings want “structure” or desire “intimacy.” But however desirable in marriage, these values are not essential causes or explanations of it.

In many cultures, the wife and husband share very few one-to-one intimacies. Ties with others of the same sex- or even the opposite sex- often offer deeper companionship. The most intimate connections are between mothers and their children. In all societies, male groups provide men with some of their most emotionally gratifying associations. Indeed, intimacy can deter or undermine wedlock. In the kibbutz, for example, where unrelated boys and girls are brought up together and achieve a profound degree of companionate feeling, they never marry members of the same child-rearing group. In the many cultures where marriages are arranged, the desire for intimacy is subversive of marriage.

Similarly, man’s “innate need for structure” can be satisfied in hundreds of forms of organization. The need for structure may explain all of them or none of them, but it does not tell us why, of all possible arrangements, marriage is the one most prevalent. It does not tell us why, in most societies, marriage alone is consecrated in a religious ceremony and entails a permanent commitment.

As most anthropologists see it, however, the reason is simple. The very essence of marriage, Bronislaw Malinowski wrote, is not structure and intimacy; it is “parenthood and above all maternity.” The male role in marriage, as Margaret Mead maintained, “in every known human society, is to provide for women and children.” In order to marry, in fact, Malinowski says that almost every human society requires the man “to prove his capacity to maintain the woman.”

Marriage is not simply a ratification of an existing love. It is the conversion of that love into a biological and social continuity… . Regardless of what reasons particular couples may give for getting married, the deeper evolutionary and sexual propensities explain the persistence of the institution. All sorts of superficial variations- from homosexual marriage to companionate partnership- may be played on the primal themes of human life. But the themes remain. The natural fulfillment of love is a child; the fantasies and projects of the childless couple may well be considered as surrogate children.

George Gilder

This is what sexual liberation chiefly accomplishes - it liberates young women to pursue married men.

George Gilder

But so-called feminism has not been able to devise a personality for women other than by imitating the male personality, so that the woman’s “claims” conceal a fundamental lack of distrust in herself as well as her inability to be and function as a real woman and not as a man.

Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World

Indeed, feminism is above all a form of masculinism. To imitate men, to become a man, not only socially but also sexually: such is the unthinkable idea of feminism, which is stronger still than their desire to feminise men. The unisex androgyn of feminist dreams is, at best, more masculine than feminine.

Guillaume Faye, Sex and Deviance

The idea of woman’s emancipation is based upon a profound enmity between the sexes, upon envy and imitation. Woman becomes a mere caricature, a pseudo-being.

Berdyaev, Russian philosopher

Intimacy is an essential ingredient for continuing romance and deep relationships. In fact, I will be so bold as to say: For true love and romance to exist in a relationship, intimacy must be present! Communication is the vehicle for creating and maintaining intimacy.

Dr. H. Norman Wright, Holding On To Romance: Keeping Your Marriage Alive and Passionate After the Honeymoon Years Are Over
