#big hugs



Here’s a hug to anyone who’s having a bad day ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

x i n f i n i t y ! x

Happy Valentines Day! My apologies to my vegetarian friends, but this is what my husband really wanted: a heart-shaped ribeye & a latté. May your day be filled with warm hearts & warm hugs!

most of bandom twitter is a dumpster fire, but here is an amazing, lovely, cute, sweet, fun, often cuddly &/or funny… thread of b with fans :D https://mobile.twitter.com/worldmarooner/status/1343627035529404417

Mega blogs that don’t credit or link.

Mega blogs that don’t credit or link.

Post link

Power, Freedom and Rights to all my lovely and wonderful sex worker friends!
