#bigger is better




poor guy just couldn’t help himself could he?


Can you spot the difference?

8 years. 220 lbs



Didn’t realize how much I let myself go…


I’m still kind of shocked how much my face has fattened up over the past 2 years

Major glow up.


Sometimes you just need a good shave



Just a little before & after

Aim for this and be happy.


Proof that eating your feelings works.


A long time ago I used to be thin

We were all younger and foolish once.


140 lb jock blew up over 300 lbs

Right move bro.


Transformation Tuesday love this 3 year comparison.

I used to hate having such a big chest… but now I’ve got the fat bod to go along with it and I want my tits even bigger

Want to see more progress?


A lot can change in just a few years.


His diet went well. Tried to lose twenty extra pounds, only has forty of it to go.


Man I’m in great shape. I’ve been hitting the gym and maintaining good eating habits. So why don’t I feel good about how I look

Maybe I should stop hyperfocusing on maintaining a slim body and ignore what the consensus world wants me to believe is good looking. I’ve always preferred to be a bigger guy..you know what? I’m going to start eating what I want. A few donuts here and there won’t hurt…

This lil pudge aint nothin. I’m enjoying all of this great food. Plus I could always just stop and lose any weight I gain. My metabolism is still pretty quick..

Oof ok maybe I’m getting a little carried away here. I’m feeling kinda big. My belly is starting to bulge…and my clothes are a little too tight

Ok ok enough is enough. I’m going back to the gym! Time to get back in shape. I’ve gotten a little carried away with all of this good food. These delicious cakes. All of this fried tasty goodness. The pizza, the burgers. That’s…damn…that looks so good ah fuck it


Mmf what do you mean I’m fat? I’m not that fat! Look I still have my muscles, see!

Oops excuse me..ok so I’m kinda fat. I’ll go to the gym tomorrow or next week or something. I’m totally in control.

*eats a donut in one bite*

*checks scale* damn…I’ve gained almost 70 pounds
