#glow up



Usagi hair ~ remake

I’m so excited to post this special remake of my favorite hairstyle in the entire world ~ everyone’s beloved crybaby bun-head⭐ Inspired by the one and only Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon, of course ⭐

Available for early access [free Feb 17, 2022]
Extra long version available for patrons ♡

$2 tier: exclusive CC versions, Reshade presets & more
$3.50 tier: all of the above + early access

Read more about tiers

USAGI HAIR (early access version)
USAGI HAIR (patrons’ version)

old versionvs.remake


Chris Evans feat. thermometers.

Fantastic Four (2005) / Red Sea Diving Resort (2019)

[Bottom gif credit to @forchrisevans]

Not any fan art (sorry!) But still something I am proud of. I redrew a 9 year old original drawing I did when I first started experimenting with a tablet. Now the one on the left shows my improvement! (And switch from tablet to drawing on my phone lol)

(the fan art will come soon again, I promise)

Some things I wanna do to get my life together in 2020:

•I wanna clean out and decorate my room. It’s literally just a bed and mirror right now. I wanna get rid off the popcorn ceiling and add some cool decorations and plants to make it aesthetically pleasing.

•I wanna get my wardrobe together and put together a fashion sense. I’ve sort of been wearing whatever’s comfortable and I can’t dress like Billie Eilish Walmart Version forever. I’d probably be more confident in my looks if I dressed better.

•Get a skin care routine. I know I posted skin tips but I never took my advice and I sort of let myself go. I’m thinking of looking into curology but honestly I just wanna treat my skin well again (I’ve literally only been using water rip)

•Stop sleeping so much so I can get everything done and have more energy.

•learn to do some makeup! Not to cover up but to express myself and gain more art skills!! (Might come in handy for photos too)

This list might sound dumb to some but it really does make a big difference in your life. I’m posting this just to hold myself accountable and maybe inspire anyone reading this. If anyone makes their own list good luck!

If you scroll through tumblr when your an anxious mess like me stop scrolling and take a moment to breath.

More skin care tips:

- Excersize daily

- eat lots of fruits and veggies

- limit caffeine

-stay hydrated

- look for clay masks with witch hazel in them

- Tea Tree oil helps with acne scars, you can get some for your face from Burt’s bees.

- NEVER get one size fits all face wash/moisturizer. Get the appropriate ones for your skin types.

- Keep your skin care routine consistent.

- Don’t use pore strips it’s bad for your skin.

- Buy natural makeup.

Hope these were helpful. Good luck❤️

I’m 25% Asian so maybe it counts? Happy Asian American month! (When telling people about this I almost called it Asian awareness month lol)

I’m getting close to a thousand followers so I might do a Q/A. Thoughts?

Repaint of a drawing from 2018. Nott really deserved a proper glow up.

Repaint of a drawing from 2018. Nott really deserved a proper glow up.

Post link


A lot can change in just a few years.

Lucia goe Junius redraw

2019 —-> 2022

Losing friends on your level-up journey

If you began to notice that you’re keeping regular contact with fewer people than you did prior to your level up, there’s nothing to worry about. Losing friends while growing older is probably a good thing.

Here are some things you might experience as you get older and begin your level-up journey..

Keep reading

Ways to Overcome Low self esteem Part 2

Hey loves! You are viewing part 2 of my “How to fix low self-esteem series” CLICK HERE to view part 1!

What is low self Esteem..?

Low self-esteem is caused by feelings of unworthiness or the feeling that we are far behind where we are supposed to be in life. How did we come to decide that we are not good enough? How did we come up with the “ideal self” that we do not seem to attain?

4.Practice Gratitude

Be grateful for what you already have, be it your health, your family and friends, your home, the food you eat every day. Don’t take these things for granted.

5.Make time for yourself

Time is the most valuable thing we have because it is the only thing that no money on earth could buy. Do not spend with the wrong people! Time is better spent alone than with people who don’t appreciate and value your company.

6.Do not tolerate mediocrity from anyone!

The main reasons people tolerate mediocrity & bad behaviour. Is either because they view themselves as inferior based on superficialities or because they need validation from that person. People will only treat you the way you allow them to, so the way people treat you is your responsibility.

What’s stopping you from becoming the woman of your dreams? The It Girl, that girl, your own dreamgirl? All of those excuses that just went through your head right now, darling why do you cling to them? Does the idea of finally embodying your highest self terrify you so much, and if so why? She should divinely inspire you. She’s unstoppable, she’s anything you want her to be. Let her out. Embody her, manifest her. She is ready. You are ready.

A mistake that you can do in your level up journey is waiting around for another person (friend, partner, family) to accompany you in achieving various goals, whether it’s fitness, taking a course, or creating new habits. You can’t wait around forever until other people decide to do the same things you do. Your path is miraculously unique. Decide what you want and go for it! It’s one of the single most empowering acts you can do, having the go-getter mindset of deciding and then going for it. For as long as you rely on other people or factors outside your control, you & your level up journey will always depend on others. Take ownership over your goals and celebrate your ambition and independence.

Making choices based on love, on sustainability, on healing, on peace, on mutual respect, on happiness, on joy, on everything that supports me in becoming a fulfilled woman. A fulfilled woman on my ownterms.

Ladies, build your foundation first.

  • visiting a derm/investing in skincare > buying tons of make-up to pile unto problematic skin to hide the issue
  • investing in quality (and yes, potentially expensive) shoes > hoarding piles of cheap shoes that last a few months or a season
  • intentional therapy sessions to take accountability over your self > dating anyone who comes along and victimizing yourself/blaming others over the bad relationships you attract (aka accept)
  • acting (intentionally choosing the life you wish to have) > reacting (only responding to whatever life throws your way).

In conclusion, quality over quantity. Focus on building a strong and healthy foundation first, and focus on the rest later, otherwise you’re repeating the same cycle to your own detriment (financial or health wise).

I’ll go first…

- I started the gym and began saying affirmations.

- I learned that everyone is gonna die in the end so why waste my life and worry what others think when in the end all they’ll be worrying about is when they’re gonna die and not what I did or did not? (Kinda dark i know)

- Mostly yes.

- I learned what my pet peeve is and how to stop clinging on to people who don’t deserve me.

Gonna rate it a 9. I did learn quite a few things but I did lose self-control once or twice so not really proud of that. But I’m learning.


there is something very romantic about sitting around sighing and having a rich fantasy life but —you know — it is much more satisfying to pursue the life you want to have and take it


What’s stopping you from becoming the woman of your dreams? The It Girl, that girl, your own dreamgirl? All of those excuses that just went through your head right now, darling why do you cling to them? Does the idea of finally embodying your highest self terrify you so much, and if so why? She should divinely inspire you. She’s unstoppable, she’s anything you want her to be. Let her out. Embody her, manifest her. She is ready. You are ready.

achieving the babydoll makeup look

It’s all in the eyes

• finding the perfect eyelashes and liner is a big part of the baby doll look. when you think of dolls you think of their eyes and long fluffy lashes! my favs are kiss chiffon and v luxe millennial pink lashes!

the face

• you’ll want a foundation that’s full coverage but not too cakey! my favorite is the dior skin glow! and i use the milk hydro grip primer!

• you’ll also want a good concealer! my favorites are the LA GIRL pro conceal and the nars creamy concealer!

• personally i don’t like to make my brows to over done, never have, so i just follow my natural brow shape and fill and make them longer! i also rarely ever conceal them!

• now comes my favorite part! BLUSH!

my favorite blushes are mac lovejoy, nars orgasm, and too faced tutti frutti peach and strawberry!!!


i actually am not that good at contouring! so i just use bronzer on the tip and sides of my nose with fenty island ting or nars laguna! i’ll also do my cheeks and chin!

- after contouring i use laura mercier or beauty bakerie setting powder and then the glam glow setting spray! and then highlight and add blush to my nose! i still love fenty trophy wife or mac soft n gentle!


GLOSS GLOSS GLOSS!!! i always go for clear, nudes, pinks, or a nudey pink! i already have naturally full lips so i don’t usually over line or line in general! if i do i use dervish by mac or nude by milani and go under my bottom lip only!

some my favorite glosses

- any victoria’s secret lip gloss

- the broadway lip glosses

- too faced lip injection extreme

- lancôme juicy tubes in birthday confetti and clear

- mac deelight

Whenever I wear makeup/ post selfies i always get told i look like a doll so just trust me with this post!

Let’s all have some fun,in the sun, who knows how much time we have left //

Instagram // Snapchat ~ Nataliaamay

24/10/21 (12:58 am)

Acostada en una cómoda cama, hace frío afuera pero mis frazadas me mantienen calentita, acabo de cenar y en mis pies siento es peso de mi perrita que cómicamente se siente reconfortante pero no se identificar si algo me falta o en realidad me sobra.

Hace muchos días que vengo soñando contigo, hace muchos días que ya no estamos juntos, se siente como si tu ausencia este día hiciera más ruido de lo normal. La cama se siente distinta, las frazadas ya no son tan calentitas, el vacío que dejaste grita cada noche haciéndose notar.

Ya no se quien sos, ni estoy segura de si en algún momento lo supe pero cada vez que veo una foto tuya no te reconozco por la sencilla razón de que estaba/estoy enamorada de alguien que no sos, ni eras, enamorada de la figura que creó mi mente, aquella sin imperfecciones, sin problemas, una figura tuya que está enamorado de mi y me ama.

Esta noche vacía, con un silencio particular se vuelve cálida, acogedora, la cama ya no es tan grande y fría, ya no siento tu ausencia porque el verdadero vos no es la persona de la cual estuve enamorada y una vez que entendí eso toda la calma vino a mi como un enorme abrazo.

Ya no te necesito, ahora estoy encontrandome a mi misma y siento que brillo como una estrella en el cielo, rodeada de personas que brillan con su luz propia pero sintiéndome única y especial porque aprendí a brillar
