


Steve finds the envelope shoved under the kickstand of his bike. It’s a normal, white envelope but it’s a bit lumpier than a normal envelope would be. Steve gently pulls it from where it’s under the kickstand and tears it open.

Inside he finds several pictures.

Of you.

You’d been his secret, for a while now, that only Bucky had known about. You lived two towns over, only a twenty minute ride if Steve went the speed limit, which he sometimes did.

He absolutely isn’t going the speed limit now, not as he races toward your home. The photos are shoved into the pocket on the side of his motorcycle.

His saddle bags as you tease him. If they’ve laid a hand on you he’s gonna rip the fuckers in half. He pulls up to the door of the bank you work at, driving his motorcycle up onto the sidewalk. He stalks inside, not removing the gun from the middle of his back despite the sign that asks him to do so. Hydra won’t, so neither will he.

He ignores the woman at the front who looks up to greet him, her smile freezing on her face when she sees the look on his. He growls your name then moves to where your desk is. Where you should be but aren’t.

“Becca. Where is she?” He asks Bucky’s sister and your favorite coworker.

“Bathroom? What’s wrong?”

“He throws the envelope on her desk and a couple of the photos fall out. The bright red x over your body still makes him a little sick to his stomach.

“Oh. Oh my god. I’ll go get her.”

“Quickly.” He snaps and she nods scurrying away. He gathers up the photos and shoves them back inside his jacket pocket. He can feel eyes on him, not surprising because he’s never come to your work. Why would he? He’d wanted to keep you safe and a secret. When your round the corner in front of Becca your worried gaze immediately snaps to his.

“Steve?” God you look so pretty, you’ve got a blue floral dress on with a pair of nude heels that make your legs look so long.

“Hi Sweetheart. Family emergency.” He says glancing down at Becca’s desk. He thought he’d gotten them all cleaned up before you’d gotten here, looks like he missed one. Your eyes follow his gaze and your mouth drops into a surprised little ‘o’

“Steve?” You breathe, the horror evident in your voice.

“It’s okay Sweetheart,” he says as you round the desk and wrap your arms around him. He holds you tightly to him, “we need to go.”


“I need to get you somewhere safe.” He says softly, before dropping a kiss to your head.

“I can’t just leave.” You whisper and Steve hums lowly.

“Sweetheart, you know that you don’t need this job. You know that I can provide for you. Why can’t you leave?”

“I- I just can’t.” You say lamely but Steve knows that you know he’s right. He can, quite easily, provide for you and you know this. But you’ve always balked, enjoying the freedom that your own job provides, enjoying the work you do with the coworkers you get along with so well.

“Sweetheart. They know about you. Hydra isn’t like The Irons or The Howlies. I gotta get you to the clubhouse. You’ll be safe there.”

“Not home?”

“No Sweetheart,” his grip tightens on you as a man comes stalking over.

“What’s going on here?”

“Oh,” you move slightly back from Steve, he’s reluctant to let you go but he does. “Mr. Quill, this is Steve.”

“Her husband.”

“Husband?” This Mr. Quill repeats, “She doesn’t wear a ring.”

“I have a dangerous job.” Steve says with a frown at the other man. “Besides, what’s it to you?” He feels you tense, when he looks down at you it suddenly clicks who this asshole is. “Sweetheart?”

“Yea.” You affirm his unanswered question.

“I’m taking my wife, we have a family emergency. I’m also taking Becca.”

“You don’t get to make that decision.”

“Actually, I do.” Steve growls moving his leather jacket just slightly over so that Quill sees the butt of his gun. You, thank god, don’t seem to notice the move but Quill does, and so does Becca who narrows her eyes at Steve.

“Fine. You’re both fired.” He snaps before storming away and you blink after him in shock.

“What the fuck Steve!” Becca cries, “I need this job!”

“No you don’t.” Steve growls, “Get your shit. We gotta go.” He says not letting go of your hand, you grab the couple of things off of your desk that are yours and Becca grabs them and your purse from you.

“I’ll take them. I’ll drive.” She offers, Steve nods wanting to keep you close until he can get you safe. You go outside with him and freeze when you hear a bike on it’s way toward you.

“Shit.” Steve swears softly, “Baby get in the car and get down.”

“That’s Bucky.” Becca says, “I know his bike anywhere.” Sure enough a few moments later Bucky comes rolling into the parking lot.

“Glad you’re already here. Thought I’d come lend a hand.” Bucky says and Steve nods, he swings one of his legs over his bike and then holds out a hand to help you on too. Once your arms are wrapped around his waist Steve pulls out of the parking lot, it’s only about a fifteen minute drive to the club house.

He goes faster than he should but with a hit out on you he doesn’t give a fuck. Hell, if the cops were to try and pull him over now he’d let them chase you all the way to the club house. When he pulls into the club house’s garage he closes the garage and once you’re both off the bike he pulls you to him again. He’ll never, ever, get over the feeling of your softer body against his, and how right it feels.

“You gonna tell me what that is about?” You ask him before his lips drop to yours.

“You’ve been threatened.” He tells you softly, “I needed to get you safe until I can figure out who is after you.”

“Sam knows who. He saw who put the envelope under your stand and followed them.” Bucky says stalking over and passing his phone to Steve.

“That fucker,” Steve sneers, “is a dead man.” John Walker has been a pain in his ass since day one. “Is Sam?”


“Get him.”

“Yep.” Steve doesn’t even have to finish his thoughts with Bucky, as usual they’re on the same page.

“I’ll be there eventually.” He tells Bucky glancing down at where you’re buried in his side.

“Kay.” Becca goes inside and Bucky climbs back on his bike then roars off, the garage door closing behind him.

“Sweetheart. You okay?”

“What the fuck is going on Steve? You know who it is?”

“Yea, John Walker. That new guy that was irritating the fuck outta you at the last family gathering.”

“Why would he-?”

“Don’t worry.” Steve says cutting you off, “He’s a dead man walking.” You look up at him, worry in your eyes and Steve sighs softly. “I’ll be safe Baby.”

“You better be, or I’ll kill you myself.” You warn him and he gives you a soft smile before kissing you again.

“Stay in the house with Becca. She’s got her conceal and carry if she needs to use it she will.” He’s still not thrilled that you won’t let him get you a gun but he’s not gonna fight it right now.

“Come home to me.” You whisper clinging to the lapels of his coat, “come back safe.”

“Always Sweetheart.” He tells you kissing you one last time before opening the garage, straddling his bike and heading out. He glances over his shoulder at the garage and sees it closing as he rides down the street.

He beats Walker within an inch of his life. Then he kills him and leaves the body for Bucky and Sam to take care of. He wants to get home to you but he’s got one more thing to take care of before he does.

He waits. He’s going to be here when that fucking bastard comes home and he’s going to make him pay, maybe not with his life it’ll depend on how pissed off Steve gets. The car pulls into the driveway, Steve slips into the garage without being seen and when Peter Quill gets out of his car Steve moves slamming the smaller man up against the wall.

“You thought I wouldn’t find out huh?” He growls and Quill has the decency to pale under Steve’s furious glare. “Thought you could threaten my wife and then act like you didn’t know who her protector is?”

“I-I don’t-” he whimpers and Steve growls,

“Lie to me again. I fucking dare you.” Quill doesn’t say anything. “Run. And don’t come back or I’ll kill you.” When Quill doesn’t move Steve asks, “Do you doubt me?”


“Then fucking go. You threatened my life, Walker doesn’t get a second chance. Do not mistake this for weakness or mercy. It’s a threat, come back and die.” Quill practically sprints into the house and Steve stalks back to his bike.

“Tony. If he’s not gone in two hours, kill him.”

“Yup.” Tony agrees sounding bored but his eyes are locked on the house. Steve makes his way back to the clubhouse and to you.

You’re in his arms before he’s even got the door closed.

“Bucky was back three hours ago! Where have you been?”

“Taking care of a loose end Baby. It’s all good. It’s over.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yea, positive.” He murmurs then presses a kiss to your lips, “I got you Baby.”

“I know.” You murmur before kissing him and Steve knows, without a doubt, that he’d do whatever it takes to keep you safe.

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