#imagine steve rogers au


A Wedding

It had been a crazy day. You’d agreed to be the personal attendant for your friend’s wedding and honestly were regretting it.

The morning had started off with you dropping your can of Diet Coke and having it roll under your roommate’s car. Then when you tried to stop for one the place you went was out, so on your third try you’d finally been able to get your caffeine fix.

You’d arrived at the venue with a minute to spare then when it was time to do your hair you’d been told you needed to know what you wanted done. Which, was a complete surprise to you, and the hair stylist was little help.

Then you’d changed, followed the bride around during her four hour photo session with her family, wedding party, and fiancé.

“Oh shit, this is the wrong thing!” One of the groomsmen says looking down at the corsage pinned to his lapel. “Can you go get me the right one?” He asks and you nod biting back a groan at the nearly half mile walk back to the clubhouse.

You start for the clubhouse when a shout stops you.

Steve and Bucky like to spend Saturday’s on the golf course. And Sunday’s, and pretty much any other time that they can when the golf course is open in the summer.

Sometimes there are weddings at the clubhouse, the members know it’s a possibility but honestly it’s so nice when they do because less people come out and play so he and Bucky can take their time.

“Wanna start on the back nine?” Bucky asks as he throws his bag onto the back of the golf cart.

“Why the hell not?” Steve says adding his bag to his own cart. Then he climbs onto the cart and takes off, Bucky following closely behind him. They get to the tenth hole and that’s when Steve sees you. You’re in a navy blue dress, it’s higher in the front and lower in the back just barely above the ground. You’ve got sandal heels on and you’re on your way back toward the clubhouse. He doesn’t know what causes him to do it but he calls out,

“Hey!” You look up and his heart stops.

“Oh, sorry.” You tell him stopping before you cross the path.

“You wanna ride?”


“A ride. To the clubhouse?” You blink at him for a moment then your face breaks into a smile.

“I would love that.” You climb onto the cart and Steve waves Bucky by. His friend gives him a strange look but you don’t seem to notice.

“Here for the wedding I assume?” He asks and you nod.

“Personal servant. I mean attendant.” You amend and he laughs. “I’m being kinda bitchy about it, sorry.”

“Long day?” You nod,

“Yea, we started at seven and clean up is at 11:45 so we’ve got a way to go.”

“Damn.” He mutters and you laugh, he grins over at you.

“Yea, this is the fourth time I’ve been up to the clubhouse.”


“Yea. Thank you for the rescue, um, sorry I didn’t get your name.”

“Steve.” You tell him your name in return.

“Thank you for the rescue Steve.”

“I’ll be here when you’re done getting whatever it is you need.”

“Oh, you don’t have to.”

“Darlin’ I’m not doing a half assed rescue.” He says quirking up one side of his mouth, you give him a grateful smile then hurry inside to find the right flower for the groomsman. When you hurry back out you’re pleased to see Steve waiting, he’s standing next to the golf cart and he offers you a hand,

“M’lady.” You laugh and allow him to mock help you onto the golf cart. He drives you back and when he stops he stops you with a gentle hand on yours. “Could I get your number?” You’d normally say no but he’s drop dead gorgeous and seems really sweet so you nod and give it to him.

“Thank you again for the ride Steve. I really appreciate it.”

“Of course, oh and you look real pretty.” You give him a soft smile.

“Maybe, before you leave you could join me for a drink later?” You ask and he gives you that little half smile.

“I’ll text ya.”

“Sounds great.” You head back to the wedding party and the bride is grinning at you.

“Make a new friend?” She teases and when you glance back at Steve you see him smile and give you a wave before driving off.

“God I hope that’s not all he is.” You tell her and she laughs loudly. You give her a grin then go pin the correct flower on the groomsman and the show continues.

Four hours later you’re sitting at the back of the ceremony, you wanted to be able to pick your seat and since you’re alone you’re not willing to take a front seat. The ceremony finishes, it’s beautiful and your friend can’t stop smiling. You’re just about to follow the crowd out of the space when a shadow blocks the sun. You glance up and smile widely when you see Steve.

“You free for that drink?” He asks and you nod,

“I’ve got at least fifteen minutes before I’m needed to bustle the bride’s dress.”

“I’ll take it.” He offers you his arm and you take it as he leads you to the downstairs of the clubhouse, the door says members only.

“You’re not going to get into trouble for having a nonmember down here right?”

“As long as you’re with a member you’re okay.” He tells you pulling open the door and ushering you inside, he guides you with a hand on the small of your back to a bar where he gets himself a captain and coke. You order a Diet Coke, and then Steve brings you to the most plush looking couch you’ve ever seen.

“This alright?”

“I could sleep on this couch.” You tell him and he laughs softly.

“Understandable. Is there anything I can do?”

“This, this little break is so so nice. I can’t thank you enough.”

“If you wanna get away for a while feel free to text me, I live about five minutes from here.”



“I live about twenty. I’d hate to get to know an amazing guy and then have to just text all the time.” You say your heart in your throat.

“Oh, right. Very good point.” He says with a little smile at you. “I’d hate to not see you again.” He takes your hand and you smile at him before relaxing back into the couch with a soft sigh. “How late will you be here?”

“Probably about one. Last dance is at midnight then I need to help clean up.”

“I’ll stay awake then, until you’re home safe.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I know.” He says with a small smile. “I think it’d be fun.”

“Come join the party? A wedding crasher? Is that your thing?”

“Only when the personal attendants are as pretty as the bride.” He flirts and you let out a surprised laugh. You glance down at your watch,

“I have a few minutes.” You tell him, “then I have to go bustle the dress so things can keep moving.” When you stand he stands too, god he’s tall and handsome and you’re so glad your friend decided to get married here.

Steve walks you to the bottom of the stairs when you linger there he gives you a soft smile. “Thank you for the drink. And the break.” You tell him giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek and you smile up at him before heading up the stairs.

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Steve finds the envelope shoved under the kickstand of his bike. It’s a normal, white envelope but it’s a bit lumpier than a normal envelope would be. Steve gently pulls it from where it’s under the kickstand and tears it open.

Inside he finds several pictures.

Of you.

You’d been his secret, for a while now, that only Bucky had known about. You lived two towns over, only a twenty minute ride if Steve went the speed limit, which he sometimes did.

He absolutely isn’t going the speed limit now, not as he races toward your home. The photos are shoved into the pocket on the side of his motorcycle.

His saddle bags as you tease him. If they’ve laid a hand on you he’s gonna rip the fuckers in half. He pulls up to the door of the bank you work at, driving his motorcycle up onto the sidewalk. He stalks inside, not removing the gun from the middle of his back despite the sign that asks him to do so. Hydra won’t, so neither will he.

He ignores the woman at the front who looks up to greet him, her smile freezing on her face when she sees the look on his. He growls your name then moves to where your desk is. Where you should be but aren’t.

“Becca. Where is she?” He asks Bucky’s sister and your favorite coworker.

“Bathroom? What’s wrong?”

“He throws the envelope on her desk and a couple of the photos fall out. The bright red x over your body still makes him a little sick to his stomach.

“Oh. Oh my god. I’ll go get her.”

“Quickly.” He snaps and she nods scurrying away. He gathers up the photos and shoves them back inside his jacket pocket. He can feel eyes on him, not surprising because he’s never come to your work. Why would he? He’d wanted to keep you safe and a secret. When your round the corner in front of Becca your worried gaze immediately snaps to his.

“Steve?” God you look so pretty, you’ve got a blue floral dress on with a pair of nude heels that make your legs look so long.

“Hi Sweetheart. Family emergency.” He says glancing down at Becca’s desk. He thought he’d gotten them all cleaned up before you’d gotten here, looks like he missed one. Your eyes follow his gaze and your mouth drops into a surprised little ‘o’

“Steve?” You breathe, the horror evident in your voice.

“It’s okay Sweetheart,” he says as you round the desk and wrap your arms around him. He holds you tightly to him, “we need to go.”


“I need to get you somewhere safe.” He says softly, before dropping a kiss to your head.

“I can’t just leave.” You whisper and Steve hums lowly.

“Sweetheart, you know that you don’t need this job. You know that I can provide for you. Why can’t you leave?”

“I- I just can’t.” You say lamely but Steve knows that you know he’s right. He can, quite easily, provide for you and you know this. But you’ve always balked, enjoying the freedom that your own job provides, enjoying the work you do with the coworkers you get along with so well.

“Sweetheart. They know about you. Hydra isn’t like The Irons or The Howlies. I gotta get you to the clubhouse. You’ll be safe there.”

“Not home?”

“No Sweetheart,” his grip tightens on you as a man comes stalking over.

“What’s going on here?”

“Oh,” you move slightly back from Steve, he’s reluctant to let you go but he does. “Mr. Quill, this is Steve.”

“Her husband.”

“Husband?” This Mr. Quill repeats, “She doesn’t wear a ring.”

“I have a dangerous job.” Steve says with a frown at the other man. “Besides, what’s it to you?” He feels you tense, when he looks down at you it suddenly clicks who this asshole is. “Sweetheart?”

“Yea.” You affirm his unanswered question.

“I’m taking my wife, we have a family emergency. I’m also taking Becca.”

“You don’t get to make that decision.”

“Actually, I do.” Steve growls moving his leather jacket just slightly over so that Quill sees the butt of his gun. You, thank god, don’t seem to notice the move but Quill does, and so does Becca who narrows her eyes at Steve.

“Fine. You’re both fired.” He snaps before storming away and you blink after him in shock.

“What the fuck Steve!” Becca cries, “I need this job!”

“No you don’t.” Steve growls, “Get your shit. We gotta go.” He says not letting go of your hand, you grab the couple of things off of your desk that are yours and Becca grabs them and your purse from you.

“I’ll take them. I’ll drive.” She offers, Steve nods wanting to keep you close until he can get you safe. You go outside with him and freeze when you hear a bike on it’s way toward you.

“Shit.” Steve swears softly, “Baby get in the car and get down.”

“That’s Bucky.” Becca says, “I know his bike anywhere.” Sure enough a few moments later Bucky comes rolling into the parking lot.

“Glad you’re already here. Thought I’d come lend a hand.” Bucky says and Steve nods, he swings one of his legs over his bike and then holds out a hand to help you on too. Once your arms are wrapped around his waist Steve pulls out of the parking lot, it’s only about a fifteen minute drive to the club house.

He goes faster than he should but with a hit out on you he doesn’t give a fuck. Hell, if the cops were to try and pull him over now he’d let them chase you all the way to the club house. When he pulls into the club house’s garage he closes the garage and once you’re both off the bike he pulls you to him again. He’ll never, ever, get over the feeling of your softer body against his, and how right it feels.

“You gonna tell me what that is about?” You ask him before his lips drop to yours.

“You’ve been threatened.” He tells you softly, “I needed to get you safe until I can figure out who is after you.”

“Sam knows who. He saw who put the envelope under your stand and followed them.” Bucky says stalking over and passing his phone to Steve.

“That fucker,” Steve sneers, “is a dead man.” John Walker has been a pain in his ass since day one. “Is Sam?”


“Get him.”

“Yep.” Steve doesn’t even have to finish his thoughts with Bucky, as usual they’re on the same page.

“I’ll be there eventually.” He tells Bucky glancing down at where you’re buried in his side.

“Kay.” Becca goes inside and Bucky climbs back on his bike then roars off, the garage door closing behind him.

“Sweetheart. You okay?”

“What the fuck is going on Steve? You know who it is?”

“Yea, John Walker. That new guy that was irritating the fuck outta you at the last family gathering.”

“Why would he-?”

“Don’t worry.” Steve says cutting you off, “He’s a dead man walking.” You look up at him, worry in your eyes and Steve sighs softly. “I’ll be safe Baby.”

“You better be, or I’ll kill you myself.” You warn him and he gives you a soft smile before kissing you again.

“Stay in the house with Becca. She’s got her conceal and carry if she needs to use it she will.” He’s still not thrilled that you won’t let him get you a gun but he’s not gonna fight it right now.

“Come home to me.” You whisper clinging to the lapels of his coat, “come back safe.”

“Always Sweetheart.” He tells you kissing you one last time before opening the garage, straddling his bike and heading out. He glances over his shoulder at the garage and sees it closing as he rides down the street.

He beats Walker within an inch of his life. Then he kills him and leaves the body for Bucky and Sam to take care of. He wants to get home to you but he’s got one more thing to take care of before he does.

He waits. He’s going to be here when that fucking bastard comes home and he’s going to make him pay, maybe not with his life it’ll depend on how pissed off Steve gets. The car pulls into the driveway, Steve slips into the garage without being seen and when Peter Quill gets out of his car Steve moves slamming the smaller man up against the wall.

“You thought I wouldn’t find out huh?” He growls and Quill has the decency to pale under Steve’s furious glare. “Thought you could threaten my wife and then act like you didn’t know who her protector is?”

“I-I don’t-” he whimpers and Steve growls,

“Lie to me again. I fucking dare you.” Quill doesn’t say anything. “Run. And don’t come back or I’ll kill you.” When Quill doesn’t move Steve asks, “Do you doubt me?”


“Then fucking go. You threatened my life, Walker doesn’t get a second chance. Do not mistake this for weakness or mercy. It’s a threat, come back and die.” Quill practically sprints into the house and Steve stalks back to his bike.

“Tony. If he’s not gone in two hours, kill him.”

“Yup.” Tony agrees sounding bored but his eyes are locked on the house. Steve makes his way back to the clubhouse and to you.

You’re in his arms before he’s even got the door closed.

“Bucky was back three hours ago! Where have you been?”

“Taking care of a loose end Baby. It’s all good. It’s over.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yea, positive.” He murmurs then presses a kiss to your lips, “I got you Baby.”

“I know.” You murmur before kissing him and Steve knows, without a doubt, that he’d do whatever it takes to keep you safe.

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Sidelines: Phone Call

You’d thought about going to the game, watching from a box with some of the other partners of the team but at the end of the day watching the Super Bowl with your family sounded more fun. You’re on a commercial when your phone rings, it’s not a number you recognize but when the location catches your eye your brows furrow.

“Hello?” You ask into the phone.

“Hey Sweetheart.” You’d know his voice anywhere.

“Steve? What? Where are you calling me from?” You ask as Daisy stares at you.

“The phone on the sidelines.” He says, “I was thinking Sweetheart, should we do a fake Statue of Liberty or Hidden Ball play?”

“You’re asking me? Why aren’t you asking the coaches?”

“You’re a coach.”

“For kids! This is the Super Bowl Steve!” This seems to get your families attention, the commercials are muted and they’re all staring at you now. “You’re insane.”

“Just call it Sweetheart.” How is he being so calm about this?

“Hidden ball. Hydra’s defense isn’t known for being the most observant.” You tell him with a sigh, earning an approving nod from Frank.

“Sounds good Sweetheart, if we score I’m taking you to Disneyland.” He promises and you laugh.

“Stay focused Rogers.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Now get your head in the game.” He laughs before you hang up.

“You weren’t really talking to Uncle Steve were you?” Foggy asks and you nod your head.

“Bullshit.” Danny says before a sip of his beer.

“How much you wanna bet?” You ask raising an eyebrow at your brother.


“Deal. I told him to run a hidden ball. If he does you owe me $50.”

“Deal.” Danny agrees and now all you have to do is wait to hope Steve does the play. Sure enough they get the first down and a gain of almost fifteen yards, with a hidden ball. You smirk over at Danny who has a small scowl on his face,

“Pure chance.” He says and Karen scoffs,

“You’re just mad you lost $50.”

“Call another one Cat.” Danny challenges digging into his pocket for his wallet,

“If he calls again I will.” You offer with a little shrug as you take the wad of bills from him.

“Do you think he will?” Trish asks looking up at you in surprise.

“I don’t know,” you tell her sorting your money into bill order, “My advise was pretty good.” You offer and your family whoops as the Avengers score another touchdown.

This time when the phone rings you answer it on speaker.

“Hi, you’re on speaker.”

“Hey Sweetheart, hi everyone.” There’s a choirs of hi’s from your family before he continues, “Nice call on the Hidden ball play.” You smirk over at Danny who rolls his eyes, “What next?”

“What’s next? I can’t keep calling plays Steve.” You say with a laugh.

“Why not?” He asks just before Foggy says,

“Why not?” You sigh softly,

“Okay, um how about a reverse flea flicker?”

“You just love those tricky ones huh.” He teases and you laugh again, “Is everyone there?”


“So, Cat told me a couple years ago that if I won the Super Bowl you’d all probably let me marry her. Since this will be the third time I’ve won the Super Bowl I’d like ask your permission to marry Cat. Not that I need your permission but I think she’d rather I have it.”

“Steve. What are you doing?” You ask him as your family stares at the phone in your hand,

“Asking your family for permission to marry you.” He says like you’re the silly one for not knowing.

“In the middle of a football game?”

“You’re a hard group to get together sometimes. I figure might as well take advantage of the moment.”

“You, are insane.”

“Only for you Sweetheart.”

“Yes!” Foggy yells, “Uncle Steve is gonna be our real uncle!”

“So does that mean I’ve got permission?” The rest of your family chime in with shouts of yes and you can’t help the disbelieving laugh that passes your lips.

“Alright Sweetheart, you heard ‘em. Don’t worry, I’ll ask you proper when I get home okay?”

“Okay. Go play some football you nut job.”

“She’s so sweet to me.” He says and your family laughs, “Love you Sweetheart.”

“Love you Steve.”

They win the game, it’s not quite the blowout you’d hoped for but you’re never terrified they’re going to lose. You don’t think he’s going to drop down on one knee the moment he gets home but your stomach does flips with the thought,

He’s going to ask you to marry him. And you’re going to say yes.

This is a series of one shots, the series isn’t posted in order. If you have ideas for Steve and Cat please let me know.

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Sidelines: Adoption

Thanks for the prompt @loving-life-my-way

You didn’t realize how lonely it would get. For the last two years whenever Steve was gone you were too. Now that you’re teaching you stay home and watch the games with your family. It’s still fun but you do miss it.

Steve was coming home today, thank god, it’s been a long road trip, four games in a row. He’d sounded exhausted when you’d talked on the phone earlier, you try to talk to him every night no matter the time. Since he was on his way he’d called before the plane had taken off, you had dinner ready and when he texted you that they’d landed. It was your new routine after only a half season, he’d call before they took off, text when they landed, eat when he got home before a shower, often one you took together, then bed where you’d lay in the darkness and talk or other things, until you fell asleep.

You get the text, watch the clock and when it’s time you put his food into the microwave. The alarm beeps when Steve opens the door, he turns the actual alarm on then you hear his bag hit the floor with a thud.

“Hey Sweetheart!” He calls as his shoes clatter onto the floor.

“Hi,” you say as he comes around the corner. You can’t help the way your heart pounds when you see him. God you love him so much. “Welcome home.” He curls an arm around your shoulders and presses a kiss to your lips. You hum happily, your own hands falling to his sides.

“It’s nice being back.” He tells you not letting you go quite yet.

“It’s kinda lonely without you here.” You admit, “I like spending time with my family and Becca and I did dinner but it’s not the same.”

“You could come with you know. Nat still comes with Clint.”

“Nat can do her job from anywhere.” You point out and he gives a little nod.

“True, if you ever wanna take time off and come with I have no complaints.”

“I’ll think about it.” You promise, “Are you hungry?”

“Starved.” He says with a grin as you move into the kitchen.

You chat as he eats then you clean up while he unpacks, you join him in the shower a new fresh bruise is on his right abdomen and you frown at it.

“Is this from that cheap shot Brock took at you?”


“That fucking asshole.” You growl and Steve chuckles softly. “I hate him.”

“I know. I do too, but let’s not talk about him.” Steve says with a small smile, “there are more important things to talk about.”


“I was thinking about how you get lonely.” He says turning off the shower, you pop open the shower door and grab his towel and pass it to him. You wrap your own towel around yourself before stepping out of the shower.


“I may have a solution.” He tells you while you walk into the bedroom. “I’ve actually been thinking about it for a while.” You wrap your hair up then look over at him. “Why don’t we get a dog?” Your jaw drops, you’ve always wanted a dog but with four kids in several different sports on several different teams it was too hard to have a dog.

“Really?” You breathe and he nods, when his eyes meet yours he looks worried.

“Sweetheart, you okay?”

“I’ve always wanted a dog.” You tell him blinking back tears.

“Oh, Sweetheart,” he soothes pulling you into him. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

“I know. I’m just so excited.” He laughs softly and presses a kiss to your cheek.

“Do you want a puppy or a rescue?”

“I’d rather do a rescue, during the school year a puppy might be too much.”

“Okay, but for now I’ve got some plans for you.” He says before kissing you soundly.

The next morning you find Steve already looking at one of the local shelter websites.

“Why don’t we just go visit?” You ask wrapping your arms around his neck as you look over his shoulder.

“You don’t have any other plans?”


“Okay, why don’t we go out for breakfast then go visit the shelters.”

“I love this plan.” You tell him kissing his cheek.

You go to breakfast and discuss what kind of dog you want, on the bigger side not like a Great Dane but like a lab. On the younger side, two to five, and it’d be good if the dog was known to be good with kids.

The first place doesn’t have what you’re looking for, they have plenty of beautiful dogs but none of them super click with either you or Steve.

The second place is much the same. Plenty of sweet dogs just not yours. You’re starting to get disappointed.

“Sweetheart? You wanna keep going or call it a day?”

“Can we do the one that matches you up with a dog? Like we tell them what we’re looking for and they find the match for you?”

“Yea, then maybe we take a break? I’m having a hard time seeing you so sad.” You take his hand and give it a soft squeeze.

“It’s just harder than I thought it would be. I thought it’d be like, boom, instant connection you know?”

“Yea, I get it.” He agrees giving your hand a squeeze back. “Let’s do this last one and if we don’t find anything we can take a break.” You nod in agreement, you’ll need a break if this one isn’t it.

When you go inside you meet with a smiling woman named Skye who asks you what you’re looking for. You tell her you’d like a friendly dog, one that can keep up with Steve on a run but will also snuggle up on the couch with you. You want a dog that will be a good family dog, that will get along with your nieces and nephew and though you don’t say it out loud any kids you and Steve might have.

“I think we have just the dog for you. Why don’t you go with Mack and I’ll go get her.” You and Steve follow Mack to an enclosed space where he directs you to sit on a bench. Your leg bounces anxiously and Steve puts a gentle hand on your knee, his thumb slides along your leg.

“Take a breath Sweetheart.” He says pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head. They come back with a medium sized dog, about the size of a golden retriever with black and white fur. When she sees you she perks up and charges toward you with a happily wagging tail.

Before you know what to do she’s in your and Steve’s laps. You laugh and she tries to lick your face,

“No, no face licks.” You tell her gently as you pet her face.

“So clearly she likes you guys. Her name is Goose.” Mack says with a broad smile as he watches Goose interact with you.

“I actually kinda like that.” Steve says as she attempts to lick his face. “No, face licks.” He commands softly, “Down.” She hops off the couch and he tosses a ball, she takes off after it.

“I’m going to leave you three for a while.”

“Okay thank you.” You drop down onto the floor and when Goose comes back she curls into your lap before dropping the ball at Steve’s feet.

“What do you think Sweetheart?”

“I think I love her. But we should see if she listens to both of us, what do you think?”

“I think that’s a good idea. She seems cuddly enough for you.”

“And energetic enough to keep up on a run.” You add and he hums,

“Goose, sit.” She does, her tail still wagging wildly.

“Good girl Goose. Lay.” You tell her and she does. You give Steve a wide smile, “I think I love her.”

“I do too,” he says with a grin back at you. “What do you think Goose? Wanna come home with us?” He asks and it’s like she understands him when she gives an excited bark.

You sign the paperwork then the shelter asks if they can post your and Steve’s picture on their social media and maybe get autographs on the photo to put on their wall. You both agree, it’s funny that even though you’re not still an Avengers cheerleader people are more than interested in you and your autograph.

You end up leaving her name as Goose, she rides patiently in the car and is so good at the store when you to get her a bowl, leash, collar, bed, too many toys, food and treats. Then the three of you go home, you let her outside first, thankful that your yard is fenced in. Steve plays fetch with her for a good half hour while you look up a vet in the area and send your friends and family a million snapchats of her. After a good half hour of sniffing around the house she settles down, you let her up on the couch and she lays with her head on your lap and falls asleep.

“Thank you.” You tell Steve as you stroke one of Goose’s ears, “I just, thank you.”

“I’m so glad we found one.” He tells you joining you on the couch, you settle into him and Goose wakes up only to move her head to a different spot on your leg.

You didn’t know that you could be happier but between your dog and the love of your life, you’re the happiest you can remember being.

This is a series of one shots, the series isn’t posted in order. If you have ideas for Steve and Cat please let me know.

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