#bill skarsgård fanfiction



• You’re not a person, you’re a monster •

Characters:Dean Winchester x (Male Upir)Reader; Roman Godfrey x Peter Rumancek ; Sam Winchester ; Castiel ; Miranda ; Nadia.

Summary: (Y/N) Godfrey is an Upir who ran away from his family after his cousin died and his family ended broken apart, being by himself he became friend of the Winchester’s brothers and started to hunt with them, but when weird things start to happen on his hometown and people start to being murder he have to come back and face his past and fight agains his feels for Dean Winchester.

A/N: This is a little crossover between Hemlock Grove and Supernatural where the Reader is Roman’s twin.I will make a Tag list with the people who want to be tagged in the chapters. (Comment or sendme and DM with the user you want to be tagged)

Warnings: Spoilers from Hemlock Grove Season 2

You remember the day you ran away from your home, from the safety of Hemlock Grove comunity. You still feeling bad for leaved the family after what happened with your cousin Letha, but there weren’t another choises for you. You needed to be by your own, you need to had your place and your work and everything you wanted without have to scared as hell the people just with your name. Because being a Godfrey means you have all Hemlock Grove at your hands, and you hate it.

You twin brother Roman was the type of guy everyone wants to be, the rich guy who fucks with every girls or guys of the whole comunity, you in the other way you always be the shy one. You hated the way your brother Roman used his powers over girls to made them more ‘easy to take on his bed’. Well its not like he always used it, many of the girls of the town wanted to fuck with him just because he is he. In the other side of that weird Upir shit was your little sister Sherlly, you never knew what the hell exactly she was but for you that didnt matter, because she’s the most sweet person in the world and you always thinks she didn’t deserved what happened with her when she was a baby, but there wasn’t anything you could do for that, you were just a little boy of four years old when your father killed her before to shot himself. (or maybe we should say -tried to kill her but Doctor Price take her back to life after her funeral-?). Welll it doenst really matter now, how the hell or what the hell she is, she is your little sister and you love her.  

Oh man, you miss her, you really do. You miss Sherlly and Roman, but you have your own life outside Hemlock Grove and you can’t just go back without any explication to your new friends, The Infamus Winchester brothers.

You want to go back to Hemlock Grove, but it will be a great idea bring with you two hunters? 

“Obviously its not a good idea, they barely know me.”

You has been hunting with Sam and Dean since you almost end killed by a Werewofl in a small town on Kansas, they save your life and you insisted to go with them. Being an Upir, a kind of vampire, wanst easy to hide from them, they were hunters, they were training to find things like you and kill them, but fortunality for you they never heared or saw a monster of your kind and they never could knew it by themselves. Sam had his suspicious about you, and when your “vampire stuff” coming afloat you ended telling him everything about you, begging for you own life, Sam doesnt seemed botering about what you are, but he and Castiel agreed with you to hide for more time what you are from Dean.

You secretly love him, and you know how Dean can be mad with you if he find out you have keeping secrets for him.

Would he hate you if he find out you are a monster?

That question didn’t let you sleep in the night, and now that fear of being hated by the person you got a crush on became more bigger, because you have not more options than go back to Hemlock Grove.

'Guys, I need you help. People has been murder in my hometown, my sister has disappeared and my brother said he had a vision where people with masks slaughter a family, and it happened last night.’
