#billy hargrove stranger things



An Open Window - Billy Hargrove, Part One


Summary: Reader likes Steve and is friends with Billy. Billy wants to be “helpful” and teach virgin!reader a little about the anatomy of a guy. Obviously he’s only doing it for himself ‘cause he’s a selfish prick. 

Word Count:4.9k

Warnings: Manipulative Billy, talk of virginity, and handjob. 

A/N: o.O I feel like I made the man excessively douchey, but it’s kinda hot tho.

Part two!


You stood in line at Scoops Ahoy while digging around in your purse to make sure you had your Lactaid. Whenever your fingers wrapped around the bottle, you exhaled a relieved sigh.

But then it was your turn to order and your nerves went into overdrive.

“Hey, Y/N.” Steve grinned. “Here for your usual?”

You nodded your head pretty quickly with a blush. Robin glanced over at you and gave a sly, but knowing little smirk.

As Steve was scooping out your preferred ice cream, he said, “You know, you’re probably our best customer.”

You felt your face warm up drastically. It felt kinda embarrassing to be called out on how much you frequented the store…because, yeah, it was a lot. But you liked Steve, you liked him a whole bunch. It’s just that you had yet to tell him, and you weren’t sure if you were going to. You’d be mortified beyond belief if he rejected you, so you just stuck to visiting the store every Wednesday and Friday evening. You hoped that maybe Steve would grow interested somehow, by some means. Maybe he’d be impressed with your faithfulness and ice cream choice.

You were still waiting for that day, though.

“I’m happy to keep this place afloat.” You smiled, but then looked around at the busy and packed parlor. “Not that you guys need it, obviously. It’s just…I mean, it’s a joke.” You said while gesturing to his outfit. “…’Cause sailors.”

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