#billy russo fluff


As promised, a Billy Russo x Krista Dumont spanking scenario.


“Did you take your sleeping pills, Billy?”

The unconscious trembling in Russo’s knee stopped. His wide black eyes flitted to the woman sitting in front of him.

Plastic smile, neat clothes, a kind glint in her brown eyes. Was that genuine, at least?

He couldn’t understand if he felt more pissed or intimidated by the way she wanted to appear perfect. It made him shook his head in a coy, child-like fashion, and tighten the grip of his tapering fingers on his sweatpants.

Doctor Dumont leaned back in her chair, and he could sense she wasn’t happy about him.

“We talked about this, Billy,” she said, not unkindly, “You need to sleep.”

“I told you,” he growled behind his mask, “I don’t-need-the-pills to sleep.”

Pissed. He definitely felt pissed. That was the right sensation.

“Evidently you do, Billy.”

“You don’t know what I need.”

“My job consists exactly of that. I know what you need. I’m trying to guide you, so that you can see it too.”

That made Billy’s head whip up, and his hands freeze on his thighs. Maybe she was right, he thought, and by the way those bottomless black eyes were staring back at her behind the slits of his mask, Krista knew he was seeing reason too.

He nodded twice, then broke eye contact.

“Okay…” he said tentatively.

From the corner of his eye, Billy saw Krista lace her hands together on her notepad.

“Can you tell me what you do with your pills, Billy?” she tried again, same tone, maybe even sweeter.

He shook his head, thumb touching the other thumb, lips pinched.

“What about privileges?” she asked after a long, exhausted sigh.

At first, Billy seemed to perk up at that, then a hollow, dry laughter rippled through the air and Krista looked back at him perplexed.

“What? What do you mean? You mean some pudding shit, or… some poor nurse is going to pluck all the peas from my salad? No, thank you.”

“That’s not what I meant Billy,” she replied without losing the smile, and was satisfied when, after the umpteenth time trying to avoid her gaze, Russo’s eyes flew back to her.

“Do you want to use the gym? I can let you have that, if… you take the pills. And sleep.”

Billy exhaled sharply through his nose as he pondered that possibility and sat back in his chair. His leg started twitching again.

“You can… You can ask the doctors to let me use the gym?”

Krista’s smile widened.

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do, Billy. But you will have to take those pills. Do you think you can do that?”

“Sure,” came the sharp, unwavering reply.

They just stared at each other: Doctor Dumont smile seemed glued to her fucking lips.

( * )

That night, Billy laid in bed without closing his eyes at all: he didn’t want to go through those nightmares again, and mostly he was filled with a sort of restless energy due to Krista’s promise.

He was really eager to use the gym.

It was only when blades of the palest, coldest yellow painted the floor that he realised it was morning already.


He tossed his legs off the edge of the bed and scrambled to his feet, fingers erratically searching for the pills on his nightstand.

They simply weren’t there, and he begun scraping his head with his fingertips, trying to remember if he’d took them at all.

“Shit. Shit. Shit.”

He twined his slim hands behind the nape of his neck, then the door opened and his arms fell loosely as he snapped his head in that direction.

“Good morning, Billy,” said Krista, her eyes thinning as she smiled at him.

He felt paralysed for a moment, then he blinked and looked away, fingers clenching and unclenching by his sides.

“Morning,” he muttered back.

“Did you get any sleep?” she asked with a cheery note in her tone that made him curl in himself.

Billy just nodded, looking at her from the corner of his eye as she sat down in her usual chair by the window.

She thrust out one of her hands to ask him to sit down too and, for once, Billy just obeyed without hesitating.

He kept his head down, his blunt nails digging into the soft fabric of his sweatpants.

“Did you dream of The Skull again?”

He shook his head.

“No,” he said flatly.

“You didn’t dream at all, Billy? Did the pills work?” Doctor Dumont sounded hopeful.

“I guess so, I don’t know,” he replied tartly, giving a shrug of his shoulders.

“You’re still irritable. Do you remember how many hours you could sleep?”

He shook his head, feeling very close to an outburst if she kept prodding at him like that.

“Can you look at me, Billy? Please?”

Seething, he obliged, and slowly leaned back in his chair.


“Why are you lying to me, Billy?”

“I’m… I’m not. I didn’t dream any skull!”

“Did you take the pills?”

“Yes, yes I did. It ain’t my fault that shit doesn’t w—”

“There weren’t any pills there to take, Billy,” interrupted Krista, and for the first time, he noticed, she sounded nettled.

He felt his fingers go numb around the fabric of his pants.

“How do you know that?” he asked slowly, his voice muffled behind the mask.

“I asked the nurses not to give them to you. I was trying to see if you could be honest with me. And apparently you still don’t, do you, Billy?”

Something swelled inside his stomach. Confusion first, then irritation. He felt manipulated.

“Why did you… YOU BITCH!”

He’d yelled the last two words without even realising he’d sprang back to his feet, his chest heaving with every breath.

Krista looked surprised only for a moment, then she outspread her hand.

“It’s perfectly normal to feel like you feel right now, Billy. Why don’t you sit down?”

In response, he only leaped forward and kicked out of the way the small table dividing their chairs.

He closed the distance between them, towering over her scared, little, pathetic figure, his head slightly titled to the side.

“Billy,” she said, her voice sounding very weak, “Billy, please, sit down.”

A slap to her hands made Doctor Dumont’s notepad fly on the floor, and the many sheets inside scattered around on the tiles.


She was clutching the edges of the chair, and he spotted a pen between her fingers. For some reasons, he went after it, bending with a snarl to snatch it off her grip.

Only, he never made it to it.

Doctor Dumont had seized his arm into an iron grip when he’d tried to reach for her hand, and used his muscles as purchase to hoist herself up.

He didn’t have the time to react, he was too surprised by what came next: her face flushed with anger, Krista spun him around, and while holding his arm still tight in her left hand, brought down the other one in a very loud, very painful slap on his clad backside.

There had been a hitch in his breath, and his hips had bucked forward, but apart from that, and the way he’d fisted his hands into balls, he made no effort to set himself free or react. His muscles felt deadlock.

“You - have - very - disappointed me - Billy.”

Each word that left Krista’s lips was spaced with another slap, her hand dancing from one cheek of his ass to the other, swatting all the way through his sweatpants.

The door bursted open, and a very flabbergasted guard rushed inside, obviously failing to understand the situation he’d just stepped into.

“Is everything all right here, Doctor Dumont?”

“Perfectly,” she replied through gritted teeth, her hand cracking unrelenting on tender flesh.

Billy’s eyes were pressed shut behind his mask, his brain focused only on the sting she was procuring, on the way he’d started shifting to avoid it, only to be rewarded by sharper smacks when she found out.

“Do you need any help, Doctor Dumont?” said the guard uncertainly.

Billy felt his face burning in shame, perfectly aware of the way his ass bounced with each slap, and at how pathetic and powerless he must’ve looked, as she held him like a five years old who’d just tried to run away after a mischief.

“Does it look like I do?” came Krista, brusque reply, and the agent stepped back, closing the door behind him discretely.

She’d stopped when talking this time, but as soon as the guard had left, she swatted him again, so hard on each buttock that the sound echoed in the room like a gunshot.

“Doc, please…” he finally said, and to his surprise, Krista let him go.

He slowly reached back for his rear, kneading it softly through his sweatpants, and a low, keening sound scratched his throat when he felt the throbbing pain left by her punishment. His skin was scorching hot, even through the layer of clothes.

“Did you calm down?” she asked sternly.

He nodded rapidly, slightly turning his head around to watch her.

“Yes… Yes.”

She left his arm, and exhaled a sharp sigh.

“I want you to get into your bed, Billy.”

He was facing her now, although he seemed to struggle to hold her stare.

“Why?” he asked cautiously, “Our therapy session…”

“This is our therapy session, Billy. And I’m asking you to get into your bed. Okay?”

To his surprise, she smiled at him, and he felt his brows furrowing behind the mask.

He dragged his feet to the bed and sat down on it gingerly. It was uncomfortable, but nothing he couldn’t survive. His long fingers curled around the mattress lips, and he looked down at the floor, suddenly feeling very empty and very tired.

“I want you to take these pills, Billy,” said Doctor Dumont, and her tiny hand appeared out of nowhere, with two tabs in it.

Billy glanced across the red skin of her palm, knowing very well it matched his smarting backside.

“Okay,” he said quietly.

She grabbed a glass of water from his nightstand and just when she was thinking that it would’ve been pretty hard to guess if he’d swallowed them while he was wearing a mask, Billy had surprisingly peeled that mask away from his face.

It was the first time she had seen him without it, and she remembered holding her breath, not because of the scars, they were— Krista didn’t know how else to put it— insignificant.

It was because of his eyes, that she’d felt like all the air had been kicked out from her chest. The darkest, sweetest eyes she’d ever seen. They looked different, when she wasn’t trying to stare at them through the slits of his mask.

Billy nodded to himself when he noticed she was staring and made a gesture as if to pull the mask back on.

Krista held his wrist, stopping him.

“Don’t,” she said softly.

“It upsets you. I… I know it does.”

“It doesn’t,” she insisted, and those black wide-eyes flitted back to her face.

“Besides,” she said, holding out the hand with the pills, “If I had eyes like that, I’d make sure all the world saw them, Billy.”

He stared back at her, surprised, for a long time, long enough for her to notice the small dot below his right eye.

Then he smiled to himself, his brows twitching, and delicately grabbed the pills from her palm.

He pushed them into his mouth, and Krista saw with satisfaction the work of his throat as he swallowed them down.

“Very good, Billy,” he pressed out with a fond smile, and bent to help him get under the bedsheets.

It didn’t obtain the reaction she had expected. Her fingers had touched the straitjacket the doctors tucked him in when he was making too grand of a fuss.

“Don’t… Please don’t put that on me.”

Krista shot the straitjacket a nasty glance and pushed it on the floor.

“I would never put that thing on you, Billy,” she said, and then she beckoned him over.

“Lay down. Get some sleep. Come on.”

Her eyes were sweet, and Billy looked from her open arms to her face and nodded again, doing as he was told.

His dark irises moved rapidly under his inky lashes, his brain whirring as the woman dragged the sheets over his body.

“I know…” he said all of a sudden, making Krista’s eyes snap back in his direction, “That I don’t deserve anything,” he continued, and his nose twitched at the last word, “But can I please still… get that permission to use the gym?”

Doctor Dumont stared back at him, a sort of determination in her eyes, in her tightly pursed lips.

“Billy,” she said firmly, “You deserve everything. I want you to never forget that.”

Billy’s eyes grew even wider with hope when she spoke, and he willed himself to nod again as he clutched his pillow in his blunt nails.

“You will go to the gym, first thing when you wake up. I’ll go with you.”

“Okay, um… thank you.”

Krista didn’t add anything else, just sat down on the bed next to him, and ran a soothing hand down his back.

He didn’t flinch away.

“I’m going to get sure you don’t have any bad dreams before leaving, okay?”


After a moment, his dark eyes landed on her features.

“I’m sorry, you know?”

She looked down at him, tearing her gaze away from the window that seemed to have hypnotised her. She flashed him a smile as sweet as honey. And he was too sleep deprived to remember that honey was a trap.

“Please, don’t act like that again.”

“I wo… I won’t,” he stammered, and closed his eyes.

The last thing he felt before falling asleep was the touch of Krista’s smooth knuckles across his sharp cheekbone. Almost a possessive caress.

Mamma Mia AU

(small drabble under the cut)

“Hang on a second.” Billy says, his voice clear as he stands from his chair at the back of the small church and makes his way towards the front where you’re standing at the altar. “So, Sophie may be mine, but she may be Matt or Frank’s?”

You nod, holding your head high as Billy stands in front of you.

“Yeah that’s right, and you needn’t sound so self righteous about it. You have no one but yourself to blame.”

Your daughter, Sophie, throws her veil back, revealing her dark eyes that are narrowed at Billy.

“Yeah, if you hadn’t dumped my mom and married someone else…”

It’s been years since you had seen Billy. Years since his departure had hurt you. But you’re glad Sophie is expressing the same frustration you felt when Billy had left you.

“Hey hey, wait a minute.” Billy interrupts. “I had to go back to New York. I was engaged. But I told Dinah I couldn’t marry her, and I came right back.”

Your face falls, shock filling your features.

“You came back?” You ask in a small voice. Billy nods. “Why didn’t you call me?”

He stares at you, shrugging slightly with a depreciating laugh.

“Because I was crazy enough to think you’d be waiting for me.” His eyes meet yours, as he sighs quietly. “Only when I arrived they told me you were off with some other guy.”

Guilt washes over your face, warming your cheeks as you glance slightly at where Frank and Matt are sitting.

“Dinah called me an idiot, and married me to prove it.”

There’s sadness in his eyes as he looks at you, no doubt imagining the life the two of you could have had together. Raising Sophie together. Founding the hotel you now own. He shakes his head slightly.

“I should have looked for you.”

“I don’t think that would have changed anything.”

“Then I shouldn’t have left in the first place.”

“I wouldn’t have let you stay.” He breathes out a tiny laugh, and you remark quietly, “I guess we’re both idiots?”

“Not much has changed then.” He says with a small grin. A fond smile tugs at your lips,

“Speak for yourself Russo.”

His own smile softens - into something you never thought you would see again. He takes a tentative step towards you. His gaze trailing from your eyes to your lips. Even after all these years, you recognise the glint in his eyes, and the corner of your mouth quirks into a smirk as you step forward to meet him.

His head dips down, and your fingers curl around the front of his shirt as you pull him into the last few inches between you both. Then Billy’s lips meet yours, and the years melt away.


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes@blanchedelioncourt@chickensarentcheap@katedrexel@stardust-danvers

Marvel Tag List: @mugi-chwan95

Boutique Owner!Fem!Reader x CEO!Single Dad!Billy Russo

(small drabble under the cut)

You’ve known Billy Russo for several years now. You were the one who sold him his first suit, and the one who pressed it to perfection on the day he visited the bank - the day he secured the loan which allowed him to open Anvil. You think you had a very minor impact on these events, believing that Billy’s passion and determination would have carried him through regardless. Billy, however, owes a small piece of his success to you, even though he’s never mentioned it to you.

You’re also very fond of his daughter, Ava. Whenever Billy visits your store, Ava always insists on helping you pick out Billy’s outfits. Meaning that, you usually point Billy in the direction of your newest collections whilst you scoop Ava up into your arms and together you pick out a new tie for Billy.

One day, Billy is telling you all about his celebratory gala in honour of five successful years of business for Anvil. As usual, you help him pick out a suit.

“Will that be all Mr Russo?” You ask with a smile. He glances around at the racks of clothes surrounding you both, before asking,

“You sell dresses don’t you?” You nod in confirmation, before you ask him,

“Anything in particular?” He looks down before holding up the tie he’s planning on wearing for the gala.

“Something to match this?” You nod quickly and head towards the back of the store, with Billy following behind you. Looking through the dresses, you try to ignore the thought of Billy taking a date to his gala. The two of you had been friends for years - it would never be anything more.

“There’s this?” You say, pulling one of the dresses out to show Billy. The colour is a perfect match for his tie. He looks the dress up and down, then grins.

“It’s perfect. What sizes do you do?”

“What size are you after?” You ask, fingers skimming over the hangers as you take in the different sizes available.

“Whatever your size is.” You freeze at his words, turning to look at him.

His smile is almost shy as he adds,

“That was my attempt at asking you out smoothly.” His lips quirk into a small grin, “Did it work?”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes@blanchedelioncourt@chickensarentcheap@katedrexel@stardust-danvers

Dress To Impress

Part of the Guilty of Love AU

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: Together, you and Billy tackle one of the biggest parts of wedding planning - the outfits.

Word Count:

My Masterlist

“Alright, what’s wrong?” Billy sighs, pulling the cover back to settle into bed bedside you. You look up from your fingers that you had been fiddling with to frown at him.

“What?” He slots one of his hands over yours, and squeezes your fingers gently as he leans closer.

“Somethin is goin on in that sweet little head of yours.” He remarks, pressing a kiss to your temple as he looks at you questioningly. Your mouth parts as you consider your answer.

“Nothing.” You tell him, and you know he’s raising a brow at you, so you add quickly, “I mean, there’s nothing wrong.” You begin to fiddle with his fingers, smoothing your fingertips over each of his knuckles. He moves one of his fingers to trace around the stone of your engagement ring.

Billy watches your brow crease as you think, and he waits patiently for you to continue. Drawing in a small breath, you ask him,

“Will you come dress shopping with me?” There’s a pause before you add, “Wedding dress shopping.”

His heart nearly bursts out his chest, at the thought of you wanting him with you when you pick out your dress. He shifts slightly, propping himself onto his side with his elbow.

“You’re sure?” You nod,

“Absolutely. I mean, the idea of it being a surprise is nice,” you look down at your intertwined fingers again before adding quietly, “but I want you to love it.”

“Sweetheart, I will love you in anything.” He assures you softly. Then he smirks, “I’d also love you in nothin at all, but I don’t think that’d be appropriate.” You laugh softly.

“Billy, I’m being serious.”

“So am I.” His teasing expression fades as he regards you fondly. “You want me there, I’ll be there. You want me to drop you off at the door with some friends, I’ll do it. Whatever you want.” You slide your arms around his waist, tucking yourself against his chest. He rests a hand on your head, smoothing his thumb over your hair.

“I want you there.” An excited smile spreads over his face.

“Then I’ll be there.”


“Okay, first order of business, we find the most expensive dress in the store and try that on first.” Billy informs you with a wide smile, and you shake your head at him.

“Absolutely not.” His brow crinkles, before he asks,

“Why not?”

“Well, what if I fall in love with it?” He shrugs lightly.

“Then I’ll buy it.”

“You will not.” He sighs, raising a hand in surrender. His other hand is clasped tightly in yours as the two of you walk along the pavement towards the wedding dress shop.

You and Billy aren’t planning on doing the big, traditional wedding. Because of this, you had spent quite some time contemplating whether you would ask Billy to come dress shopping with you. After all, he was the person who knew you best, and you’d be able to have a fun day with him. It would be a lot different from when you went shopping with Tessa for her wedding dress a few years ago. Her mother and mother-in-law had been invited and she spent the majority of the time hiding in the dressing room.

It feels liberating, having just Billy with you.

He ends up convincing you to try on the store’s most expensive dress. It has a colossal hoop skirt accompanied by a mountain of tulle. Huge chunky jewels adorn the bodice, and you can feel the weight of the entire dress when you walk.

Billy laughs at the sight of your unimpressed face as you pull back the curtain.

“I’m starting to regret asking you to come with me.” He stands up from his chair, making his way towards you with a smile.

“Too late I’m here to stay.”

“I look like a cupcake.” You insist with a sigh, as you cross your arms.

“A very beautiful cupcake.” He reasons, looking you up and down. “But I’m guessing this is a no?”

“A definite no.”

He nods in agreement, holding out his hand to help you walk back behind the changing curtain. He surveys the options the two of you had gathered during your wander around the store.

“Would you try this one on next?” He asks, pulling one of the dresses to the edge of the rail. You smile at his eager expression, and you nod. His brow furrows as he takes in the sight of you struggling to reach the zipper of your current dress. “Need a hand?”

A small smile tugs at your lips, before you nod again. He smiles fondly at you, and closes the curtain behind the two of you. He helps you out of the ridiculously expensive dress, and complains about the weight of it, which makes you laugh. Once you’ve hung up the previous dress, Billy is standing waiting with the next one. He helps you step into it, and you watch in the mirror as he ensures the straps are sitting perfectly on your shoulders before you feel his hands securing the zipper.

Billy’s jaw nearly drops when he takes in the sight of you. His chin hovers just over your shoulder with an astounded smile on his face. Your eyes are fixed on the dress, studying the intricate lace flowers that adorn the bodice, and trail down to taper off once the soft silk skirt begins. There’s a slit in the fabric of the skirt, revealing a sliver of your legs, which you can tell Billy is a fan of. Just looking at the dress, you can’t help but smile.

Billy turns his head to watch your face as your eyes widen and you breathe out softly,

“Billy it’s beautiful.” He hums in agreement, his nose brushing against your cheek as he corrects you,

You’re beautiful.” You turn to meet his eyes, delight shining on your face.

Billy wraps his arms around your waist, feeling the soft fabric beneath his fingers. He presses a kiss to your cheek with a wide smile on his face. He leans in to kiss your other cheek and you giggle at his antics. He pulls back, admiring the sight of you looking so happy in such a beautiful dress.

“You wanna try on some more?” You turn back to the mirror, staring longingly at the dress you’re currently wearing. Billy watches as you run your hands down over the material, turning this way and that. He can’t stop smiling, seeing you look so pleased with yourself. You look back at him, shaking your head.

“This is the one.”


The sun shines on Billy’s face as the two of you place your lunch order at a diner around the corner from the dress shop. The waitress scribbles down your requests before leaving you and Billy to wait for your food. You watch Billy as his eyes scan over the few people already gathered in the diner.

“Do you want to wear your dress uniform?” You ask, and Billy frowns, his eyes falling back to you. You tilt your head aside, as you watch his expression, before adding, “What?”

“I didn’t even consider it.” He looks away, his brow creasing. You allow him a moment to think, and he tilts his head aside. “Frank wore his, but he was still in the service then.”

“You could wear yours.” He nods absentmindedly.

“Not sure if I’d want to.” You nod casually, not wanting to pressure him into making a decision.

“There’s plenty of rules you’d have to follow. You wouldn’t be able to wear a flower on your lapel. You’d need to be clean shaven too.”

“You looked into it?” He asks, with a small smile pulling at his lips. You duck your head lightly as you return his smile.

“I was looking up wedding traditions and saw something about military weddings. I know what being in the marines meant to you, so I wanted to ask you about it.” His eyes soften as he regards you.

“It did mean a lot to me. But, to be honest, there’s more bad than good that came from it.”

He rests his elbows against the table, holding a hand out to you, and you take it.

“This,” he starts, gesturing between you both. “And you. You’re my fresh start. I wanna move on from all that.” You smile at him, feeling so glad that Billy wants to leave his past behind, both for his sake and yours. He rubs a hand over his chin, sliding down over his neck. “Don’t like the idea of me bein clean shaven either.” He remarks with a smirk. You laugh softly.

“Me neither.” He grins at you.

“Oh really?” You roll your eyes at his teasing tone. Scoffing lightly, you raise your eyebrows at him as he continues to grin mischievously.

“Stop it.” He shakes his head.

“Oh no, I think I wanna hear more about this obvious preference of yours.” You drop your flushed cheeks into your hands and you hear Billy laugh. There’s a tugging on your wrists, as his fingers curl around your arms to pry your hands away from your face. “Ah ah, no hidin sweetheart.” He teases and you pout as he manages to reveal your face.

Billy leans forward, pressing a kiss to your pouting lips, and you can’t resist smiling at him.

“Will you come with me when I get my suit then?” He asks, his head tilted aside. Your smile softens as you nod, before repeating his words back to him.

“You want me there, I’ll be there.”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless

Guilty of Love Tag List: @earthfairytale@xxcastleloverxx@strange-person16@cafenoir22@blueearmufs@sunflowerlamb

Paper Rings

Part of the Guilty of Love AU

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: You and Billy break the important news to the people in your life.

Word Count:

My Masterlist

Billy smiles widely at the sight of you, bustling away in the kitchen. He’s perched on one of the bar stools, watching you nod your head along with the tune playing from your phone. His eyes follow the motion of your mouth as you murmur the lyrics under your breath. You duck your head lightly when you notice how much of his attention has been on you. A smile tugs at your lips, and you ask him to pick out a wine for dinner.

You’re both reminded of the night you met. When you had found Billy cooking dinner for you both, and he had asked you to pick a wine for you both. The very first time you put your trust in him.

So much has changed since then. Tonight you’re cooking dinner for four, rather than your usual two. Billy has invited Frank and Karen over to share the news of your engagement. You stare down at the glistening ring on your finger, and Billy follows your gaze as he wraps an arm around you to reach for the corkscrew. He presses a kiss to your forehead, before he pulls away to open up the wine.

“How long do you think it’ll take before they notice?” He asks, nodding towards your ring.

“Within the first five minutes.” He raises a brow at you.


“It’s a rather sparkly rock, Billy.” He grins, curling his arms around you as he looks down at the ring again.

“It sure is.” You turn in his arms and press a kiss to his cheek, bringing a bright smile to his face. You breathe out a soft laugh when you recognise the song that’s playing, and Billy frowns lightly at the expression on your face.

I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings.” You sing along softly, tapping your finger against Billy’s nose, and he beams at you. “That’s right, you’re the one I want.”

Billy tightens his grip on you, lifting you up into his arms and twirling you both around. You squeal when your feet leave the floor, and you cling tightly onto Billy’s shirt.

“We better start practicing our dancin sweetheart.” You laugh at the excited look on his face. He sets your feet back down on the floor, and you hold a hand out to him. He raises a brow at you, as you ask,

“Mr Russo, may I have this dance?” He grins at you.

“Why of course, future Mrs Russo.” A giddy rush floods through you every time he calls you that. The song certainly isn’t slow enough for any romantic swaying, and Billy grasps onto you tightly, pulling you against his body as the two of you begin to rock enthusiastically to the rhythm of the song. Billy twirls you around, and you beam at him.

It’s moments like these that Billy truly treasures. He’s never even allowed himself to dream of such things. A loving home, a family of his own. Things other people had always had, but never him. There were times were he thought he wasn’t built for this - for a love like yours. Now, whenever that thought crosses his mind, your presence alone drives it away.

You notice the shift in his eyes, and lean forward to press your lips against his, as a physical reminder of your love for him. He returns the kiss instantly, meeting your lips with increasing enthusiasm. Your hip nudges against the kitchen counter, and you know Billy is tempted by the thought of picking you up and placing you on the counter. If Frank and Karen weren’t coming over soon, you know Billy would have absolutely no qualms about spoiling your dinner in favour of making out on the countertop.

There’s a knock at the front door, but Billy ignores it, preferring to continue working his lips against yours. You tilt your head back, attempting to free your mouth to scold him, though Billy takes this as an opportunity to trail his lips down your neck. You grip a hand into his hair, and there’s a moment where you can’t decide whether you want to tug him away or hold him closer.

“Billy.” You say warningly.

“Yes,” he mumbles through his kisses against your skin. “Sweetheart?”

“There’s someone at the door.”

“Uh huh.” He doesn’t remove his lips as he speaks, and you can feel his grin against your neck. “I noticed.”

“Billy.” You insist, pushing your fingertips against his chest. His body moves with your push, but his lips don’t stray far from you.

“Alright, alright.” He sighs, pulling away from you, only to lean back in to press a hurried series of kisses against your lips. He smiles widely at the sound of your giggles.

“Billy - the door.”

“I’m goin.” He says, curling his fingers around your forearm to steady you as you slide down from the countertop. He presses a kiss to your forehead, before disappearing into the hallway. You can’t shake the smile from your face as you continue the preparations for dinner.

You can hear the sound of Billy opening the front door, and greeting Frank and Karen as they make their way inside. Frank and Billy exchange a few words with one another, though you can’t hear what they’re saying.

Karen ducks her head around the doorway, before making her way over to you with a bottle of wine in her hand. You smile brightly at her, trying to suppress your excitement.

“Hi Karen, how are you?” She smiles back at you as she sets her bottle down on the counter beside you.

“I’m good thanks. Busy as always. How are- What is that?” She reaches out to grasp your hand, and you laugh immediately. She looks up at your face, her mouth parted in delighted shock. Billy and Frank appear in the doorway and you call out,

“Billy she’s noticed already.” Billy smiles widely at you, as Karen turns her head to look between you both as she attempts to process what’s happening. Frank frowns in confusion, but understanding dawns on him when he spots the ring. He grins, slapping a hand over Billy’s back.

“Finally. I’d almost forgotten, with how long you took.” You frown at Frank,

“Wait, you knew Billy was going to propose?”

“Course I did. Who d’you think helped him pick that out?” He remarks, nodding towards your ring. Your heart warms at the thought of Frank and Billy visiting the jewellers to pick out the perfect ring for you. And it is perfect.

“Thank you Frank.” You say, stepping into his arms. He freezes for a moment, as he feels your arms wrap around his middle, but his arms soon curl around you, and he squeezes you affectionately. You know how deep Frank and Billy’s friendship runs. Billy looks up to Frank like an older brother. When you turn around Billy is leaning his hip against the kitchen counter, regarding you with a wide smile, affection shining in his eyes. You smile back at him, as you cherish a brief moment together holding each other’s gaze.

You glance back at Frank and Karen, before asking with a smile,

“Has Billy shown you his new car yet?”


You’re busy reading something on your phone when you hear the front door open. There’s the jingle of Billy’s keys as he discard them on the cabinet in the hallway. You look up from your phone when he appears in the doorway. He leans his shoulder against the frame, meeting your eyes from where you’re sitting on the couch. You offer him a small smile, which he returns, but you can see there’s something on his mind. He crosses the room to join you on the couch.

“Hey.” You say softly, as he lifts up your legs and places them over his lap.

“Hey.” He echoes, resting his hands on your legs as he gets comfortable beside you. You’re both quiet for a moment, as Billy keeps his gaze on the floor. You wait for him to mention whatever it is that is playing on his mind. It doesn’t take long for him to tell you. “Went to see my mom today.” He squeezes his palm over your knee, before rubbing up and down over your calf as he stares down at the floor. He moves his gaze up to your face, finding you regarding him with a gentle expression.

“How was she?” You ask quietly, and he shrugs lightly.

“Same as usual.” He pauses for a long moment, his eyes still on you as he adds, “I told her about you.” You swallow hard, trying to suppress the emotion welling in your throat.

Shifting slightly on the couch, you drape your arm on the back of the couch, your fingers rubbing gently over his shoulder. With your touch, some of the tension melts from him and a small smile tugs at his lips.

“I told her all about the beautiful girl I was plannin on makin my wife.” You smile softly at him. His gaze becomes unfocused again, as he continues, “I told her how I wish she could meet you, wish she could be there on our day. I wish she’d given me the chance to show her everything I’ve done - everything I am.”

“Billy-“ you start, sensing the direction his thoughts are heading in, but he continues.

“I just wish she’d given me the chance to show her that I was worth it. You know?” You can see the pain in his eyes. He acts nonchalant about his parents, but deep down you know that the fact that his mother abandoned him still hurts. You smooth your fingers over the fabric of his suit jacket. He always dresses up to go on his visits to the hospital, as if he has to prove himself.

“It’s not my place to assume, and no one will ever know exactly why she did what she did.” You begin, conscious of Billy listening to your every word.

Watching his body language carefully, you shift closer to him. You don’t meet his eyes, knowing that he needs some time to process what you’re saying without any pressure. So, you smooth over the nonexistent creases in his suit, knowing that he’s studying every inch of your face in an attempt to decipher the meaning each of your words.

“But I like to think that she wanted you to have a better life than what she could have given you.” His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, and his hold on your knee tightens. “And yeah, it was pretty shitty. And I wish that you could have grown up differently, and had everything you deserved.”

His eyes slide up to meet yours briefly, and your heart aches at the sight of the tears welling there. You look away as you continue speaking,

“But as rough as it was, it made you the Billy Russo that I fell in love with. So whilst it wasn’t good, something incredibly good came out of it all.” You tap your finger against his chest for emphasis, the soft fabric of his navy blue tie beneath your skin. When you lift your eyes up to his, you find a tear making its way down his cheek. Your expression softens, and you wipe it away tenderly. His fingers curl around your wrist, holding your hand against his cheek, and you brush your thumb delicately over his skin.

He removes his hand from your knee to cup your face. His doesn’t meet your eyes, keeping his focus on the motion of his thumb over your cheek as he mimics your actions. Billy leans forward, wrapping his arms around you, to pull your body flush against his chest. You rest your head on his shoulder, melting into his touch. His hands don’t stop moving. They smooth over your thighs, squeeze your hips, and run up your spine. As if he’s simultaneously trying to ground himself, and memorise every inch of you.

Billy shivers when he feels your nose brush against his cheek, the movement drawing him out his thoughts.

“Thank you.” He breathes out, as he rests his forehead against your temple.

“You don’t have to thank me.” You remind him softly. “Never for this.” He sniffles slightly, before shifting you in his arms to meet your eyes. He presses a kiss to the side of your face, and you meet his eyes, relieved to find the sadness has faded from their depths. His nose brushes against your cheek, before he asks,

“What were you up to this morning?” A small smile creeps over your face, and Billy is soon smiling too.

“You know how we were thinking of choosing a wedding song each?” He nods, encouraging you to continue. “Well, I found some vinyls that you can personalise, with twenty minutes worth of space on each each side. So, I was thinking we could each fill a side with songs and we could play it on your record player for our first dance.” Billy plays with a strand of your hair as you talk, his eyes shining at the sight of you looking so eager. He kisses the tip of your nose, before smiling at you.

“That sounds perfect, sweetheart.”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless

Guilty of Love Tag List: @earthfairytale@xxcastleloverxx@strange-person16@cafenoir22@blueearmufs@sunflowerlamb

Sleepy Mornings

Part of the Guilty of Love AU

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: You and Billy spend a morning in to celebrate your engagement.

Warnings [18+]: smut, hand job (both female and male receiving)

Word Count:1.4K

My Masterlist

A soft smile tugs at your lips as you nuzzle your face into the crook of Billy’s neck. The diamond ring on your finger twinkles in the morning light as you slide your hand over his chest. His breathing shifts slightly, and he hums happily in response to your touch. His lashes flutter open and his dark eyes land on your face.

“Good morning Mr Russo.” You coo softly. A sleepy smile spreads over his face.

“Good mornin, soon to be Mrs Russo.”

Your hand trails up his chest to ruffle through his bedhead. He wraps one of his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush against his. His lips are soft against yours as he holds you tight. Billy slides his hands down your body, squeezing your hips as they rock against his. Your hand grasps a fistful of his hair and he moans into your kiss. He presses his hand against the small of your back, as you grind your hips down on him. His teeth tug down on your lower lip, drawing a moan from the back of your throat.

“You’re so beautiful.” He breathes out, hands sliding down to squeeze at your cheeks. You nuzzle your nose against the side of his neck and press a trail of kisses along his throat. One of his hands slips through the hair at the back of your neck, keeping your lips in place against his skin. You nip lightly at his collarbone, and he groans, grasping at your panties.

Withdrawing your hands from him, you hook your fingers under the edge of your shirt - Billy’s shirt - and tug it over your head before casting it aside. His eyes widen with awe, as he takes in the sight of you. A sight he’s more than familiar with, but he reacts the same every time. He lifts your hips up, sliding your panties down, and you do the same to him, tugging at his boxers.

“Can’t wait to call you my wife.” He rasps, his voice still thick with sleep.

His hand snakes down your body, and you rock your hips against his fingers. His finger circles your clit and you press your forehead against his shoulder as you gasp.

“You know what I’m gonna do, sweetheart?” You shake your head heavily, your hands grasping at his biceps as you grind against his fingers. His smiles at the blissful look on your face, as you melt into his touch. “Gonna make my beautiful fiancée cum all over my fingers.” You gasp again as he presses harder against your clit, increasing the pressure of his circles. “You like the sound of that baby?” You nod several times before a whine escapes your lips. He hushes you gently, pressing a kiss to your forehead. The pace of his finger speeds up, as does your breathing. He watches your face as you gasp and writhe, your body pressed hard against his.

He dips his head down to brush his lips against your neck, nipping lightly at the warm skin there as he murmurs,

“Y’know you were whinin in your sleep last night, sweetheart.” Blood rushes to your face as you register his words. “Havin sweet dreams about your future husband?” Your nails bite into the skin of his biceps as you cling to him, another wave of pleasure rolling through your body.

“Billy please.” You whisper. With his free hand, he hooks a finger under your chin, guiding your eyes to meet his. He takes in every inch of your face, eyes wide in pleasure, parted lips ready to cry out his name.

“Go on sweetheart, I’ve got you.” Your head drops back down to press against his shoulder as you approach your climax. Whispered gasps of his name reach his ears and he speeds up his motions, pushing you over the edge. A broken moan spills from your lips, and Billy helps to work your body through the aftershocks. You’re panting against his skin as the cozy gaze of pleasure clouds over your mind and body.

Billy leans down to kiss you, and you meet his lips eagerly with a soft moan.

“I love you.” He whispers, and you smile widely at him.

“Love you too.” You echo softly, your left hand smoothing over his bicep, rubbing carefully at the crescent prints left by your nails. Billy shivers at your touch, your tender motions warming his heart, and the chill of your engagement ring against his flushed skin. Your hand moves up to his shoulder, squeezing lightly at the muscles there. He raises a brow at you, but you ignore it, keeping your focus on your hand as it slides over his chest. Your fingers brush delicately over his stomach, and his breathing hitches.

It’s only when your fingers curl around his cock, do your eyes finally lift up to meet his. Billy’s eyes are always dark, with hidden depths buried in them. But as you begin to move your hand, his gaze darkens even further, his pupils blown wide with pleasure.

You watch as he throws his head back against the pillows with a groan, followed by a whisper of your name. With his throat bared, you take the opportunity to trail your lips over his skin. As you suck marks into the tender skin of his throat, you alternate the speed of your thrusts, drawing loud moans from his lips as he bucks his hips into your hand.

His fingers curl around your wrist, not seeking to control your motions, just needing something to hold onto. His other hand grasps the back of your head, tightening in your hair when you speed up. His entire body shudders as you run your tongue along the column of his throat.

“Sweetheart please.” He begs, his voice breaking slightly. You shush him tenderly, pressing a kiss to his cheek before sucking lightly on his earlobe. He moans at the feeling of your hot mouth on his skin. “Please.”

You nuzzle your nose against the side of his face and he gasps as you tighten your fingers around his cock. You continue to kiss over his neck and face, stopping for a moment to murmur against his ear,

“I’ve got you honey. Let me take care of my future husband.” He swears under his breath at your words, clenching his jaw hard. You kiss along his jawline, encouraging him to relax under your touch. His breathing shifts into erratic gasps as he approaches his own climax. His hand tightens in your hair, tugging your lips to meet his. You increase the pace of your hand, swallowing each of his moans with the kiss. He squeezes the back of your neck hard and you moan alongside him. You’re both gasping, foreheads pressed together as he nears the edge. You continue to press firm kisses against his lips, until his head tips back and he spills into your hand with a cry of your name. After ensuring he feels every last second of pleasure, you withdraw your hand, leaving him with his chest still heaving as he comes down from his high.

When Billy finds the strength to lift his head up, he sees you cleaning your hand with your tongue, lapping at his release. He can see the mischief in your eyes - you know exactly what you’re doing to him. A mixture between a laugh and a groan escapes his throat, as he meets your eyes, before he flops his head back against his pillow. It’s only a brief moment before your body is sliding over his, and your lips meet in an affectionate kiss. You both smile at one another.

“I love you.” You whisper against his lips. Billy wraps his arms around you, pressing your body firmly against his.

“Love you too sweetheart.” You rest your head in the crook of his neck, tracing small patterns over his shoulder with your fingertips. He smiles down at you softly as you trace over the scars there carefully. You press a soft kiss there and Billy tightens his hold on you.

“We planning on staying here all day?” You remark lightly and Billy nods with a soft grin.

“Absolutely.” Your own smile widens as you settle down beside him with a shrug.

“Okay then.” Billy laughs softly, and leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. With a contented sigh, you rest your head against his chest, your eyes fluttering closed to enjoy this quiet moment with your fiancé.


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless

Guilty of Love Tag List: @earthfairytale@xxcastleloverxx@strange-person16@cafenoir22@blueearmufs@sunflowerlamb

Night to Remember

Part of the Guilty of Love AU

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: Now a successful businessman, Billy has plans to take you out on a romantic date to a very expensive restaurant.

Word Count:1.4K

My Masterlist

Billy tugs at the collar of his shirt for the third time in the last half an hour. He’s been to the bathroom twice already, and you have a feeling he’ll be up there again soon. You lean against the wall of the hallway, waiting patiently for him. Part of you is worried that you’ll miss your reservation, but the majority of you is more concerned by Billy’s behaviour.

He adjusts his tie again, his brows creased in worry as he stares at his reflection in the mirror that hangs over the cabinet.

“What’s wrong?” You ask, and he frowns. His mouth parts, though no words come out. He can’t tell you that it’s nothing, but he certainly can’t tell you what it is that’s making him so nervous. You watch him falter and step closer, resting your hand against his forearm in reassurance. “We don’t have to go out tonight. You know I’d be happy with you anywhere.”

His eyes soften, and his throat bobs as he takes in your words. He shakes his head,

“No I still wanna go, it’s just…” He trails off, his hand running through his hair as he looks away from you again. He hadn’t looked at you often this evening. You raise your brows questioningly at him, waiting for him to continue.

He draws in a shaky breath, and you hold onto his arm tighter. His nerves are most definitely being picked up by you. Very few things actually manage to shake Billy, and you can’t imagine what’s going on in his head. You can only hope that he’s willing to tell you. He swallows hard, before muttering a soft,

“Fuck it.” Your frown deepens as he moves towards the coat stand, rummaging through the pockets of his coat. He pulls something out, holding it tightly in his hand before he turns back to you.

Confusion is written all over your face. Understanding hits you when Billy gets down on one knee in front of you. Tears well in your eyes, and you press your hand to your mouth when he opens up the box, revealing a beautiful ring that sparkles despite the tears blurring your vision.

“Sweetheart,” he says softly at the sight of your tears. He hates it when you cry. He breathes out a small laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood despite the pounding in his chest. “I haven’t even asked you yet.”

“Just ignore it.” You insist, gesturing to the tears on your cheeks. “Carry on.” He holds his hand out for you, and you take it. He gives you a reassuring squeeze, ignoring the fact that you’re both shaking.

His smile is wobbly, full of emotion, as he clears his throat.

“I’ve never actually been to a wedding.” He admits. “Frank was already married when I met him, and I’ve never had any close friends or family to invite me to one. So, I’ve never really given the whole thing much thought in my life.” He pauses, looking up at you. “But for the last few months it’s been all I can think about.”

Your breathing catches at the thought of Billy dreaming about marrying you. Of course you imagined him in your future. But the thought of it being on Billy’s mind makes you love him even more.

“Been thinkin about how beautiful you’d look walkin down the aisle. Of tryin out cake flavours, and pickin flowers, and lookin at venues with you.” His fingers tighten their hold on yours, as he stares up at you. “Thinkin about havin you as my wife. Showin you off at the reception. Dancin all night, and makin love to you until the morning.”

Love and affection blooms in your chest, as you imagine everything Billy is describing. Your heart longs for it. His smile widens as he says,

“Wakin up beside my Mrs Russo. Cause there’s nothin in the world that would make me happier than bein your husband.” He adjusts his hold on the box slightly, and your eyes slide from his face to the glistening ring in his hand. “Will you marry me?”

You nod hurriedly through your tears, before managing to say,

“Yes I will, Billy.” He beams at you, taking the ring out of the box and sliding it shakily onto your finger. “I love you so much.” You choke out, and Billy stands up, immediately pulling you against his chest.

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

His hands smooth over your sides, and you press your cheek against his chest as you wrap your arms around his waist. After a moment of holding you, he steps back. You look up at him as the two of you beam at one another. He cups your face in his hands, kissing away the tear stains from your cheeks. His thumbs swipe the remainder of your tears as he stares down adoringly at you.

“You still wanna go out tonight?” He asks you gently. “I’d be happy with you anywhere.” He adds, echoing your words from earlier. You nod, smiling up at Billy as you wrap your fingers around each of his wrists as he holds your face. You lean forward, pressing your lips against his. He tugs you forward, and you rest your hands against his chest. You smooth one hand up to curl into his hair. He hums contentedly as your fingers squeeze lightly over the muscles at the nape of his neck. One of Billy’s arms wraps around your waist, and he tugs you closer, pressing your chest against his.

“We might have missed our reservation.” You remark lightly and Billy breathes out a laugh.


Billy holds the door of the restaurant open for you and you smile at him as you walk through the entrance. Turning back to wait for Billy, he’s by your side in an instant, looping an arm around your waist to pull you against him. He nudges your side with his hip, nodding towards the host. You smile widely and say,

“Reservation under Russo.” Billy beams beside you. After checking through his list, the host smiles at you with a nod.

“Right this way Mr and Mrs Russo.” You both share a delighted look as you follow the host to your table. The host picks up on the excitement between you both.

“Newlyweds?” He asks. Billy regards you with a proud smile before saying,

“Newly engaged.”

“Very recently.” You add with a small laugh.

“Congratulations.” You both thank him, as you reach your table.

Billy pulls out your chair for you immediately. The host offers you a complimentary bottle of champagne, pouring you both a glass before leaving you to read through the menu. Meaning that you and Billy are alone again. You can’t shake the excitement from your expression and Billy smiles again at the sight of you so happy - all because of him.

“You wanna talk about it?” He asks, referring to the wedding. You nod eagerly.

“Yes. Absolutely. Will it be soon?” You ask, and he nods taking a drink of his champagne.

“As soon as you want it sweetheart.” You smile widely, adding softly,

“I can’t wait to marry you.” He regards you fondly.

“Can’t wait to marry you too.” You look down at your menu and Billy follows suit. “I was thinkin of askin you here.” He says casually. He’s a lot more relaxed now that he’s asked you - and that you’ve said yes. You look around at the fancy restaurant smiling at the thought of Billy wanting to take you somewhere special for tonight. “But then I got worried.” You frown lightly,


“We hadn’t talked about marriage. Well, we did but that was a while ago, and it wasn’t about us gettin married.” You feel a little surprised that Billy remembered such a casual conversation between the two of you. “I thought, if I asked you at home, you wouldn’t feel pressured. We could talk about it, if it was something you didn’t want right now, or ever.”

Your smile fades a little as your affection for Billy tugs at your heartstrings. He watches your eyes soften as you look at him, and he’s overwhelmed by the fact that you’re all his.

“You really are perfect, you know that?” You say earnestly. He shakes his head.

“Far from it.” You raise your brows at him, and he gives you a sheepish smile. Neither of you will ever stand for the other putting the self down.

“Well you’re perfect for me.” You concede, and Billy rests his upturned hand on the table, waiting for yours. You link your fingers together, and Billy squeezes them gently before his thumb begins to trace patterns over the top of your hand. He tugs your hand up to meet his lips, pressing a tender kiss against each of your knuckles. You can see the emotion welling in his eyes, knowing how much your show of love means to him.

“You’re perfect for me too.”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless

Guilty of Love Tag List: @earthfairytale@xxcastleloverxx@strange-person16@cafenoir22@blueearmufs@sunflowerlamb
