#the punisher au


Speak No Evil - Chapter One

Pairing: Priest!Billy Russo x Reader

Summary:You think that moving to New York with your husband will help with your marital problems. However, things take a much darker turn and you are forced to find refuge in two priests.

Warnings:fluff, swearing, mentions of death, lil bit of angst, complete au, not canon in anyway!


Disclaimer: I know nothing of the priesthood apart from how it’s represented in movies and TV shows (specifically, The Exorcist TV Show) so I apologise if anything is wrong!

A/N: Again guys, sorry for the silence! I hope you guys enjoy this I feel like it’s kind of a weird concept, please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx

Chapter I - In The Beginning

The gentle movement of the car was finally lulling you to sleep as your eyelids grew heavy and you let your head fall against the glass of the window with a resounding thunk. It sounded irrational and completely ridiculous but you had been scared to sleep on the plane but while your husband, Simon was driving the car you felt a lot safer knowing he was occupied. It was a terrible feeling to be scared of your husband when you loved him so much and you knew that he loved you too.

However, you wouldn’t dwell on it if you could help it because New York was supposed to be a fresh start and an end to your marital issues. A sharp pain in your left thigh woke you up with a jolt, it felt like long finger nails were digging into your skin. Rubbing your eyes, you looked down to see Simon’s hand on your thigh but he didn’t have the nails to cause you pain, they were too short but you could still feel the lingering pain.

You looked up at Simon, who was smiling at you and it was only then that you’d realised that the car had stopped, “sorry, Y/N sweetheart. I didn’t want to wake you up but we’re here.”

You looked out of the car window at the towering apartment building, you’d feel a lot safer in an apartment complex where there were many other people residing. You felt a strong sense of relief when you saw just how busy the city was, busier than Chicago.

The apartment was as beautiful as you remembered it from the viewing, it had marble worktops with high ceilings and huge windows. Simon yawned as the both of you dragged the bags into the hallway and he made his way to the bedroom, glancing over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow when you didn’t follow him.

You arranged your face into a smile, “you go ahead, I slept in the car. I’m gonna check out the neighbourhood.”

“Fine,” he nodded carelessly, “but don’t be long,” his warning sounded ominous and it sent chills up your spine.

Once you were finally out in the cold morning air you felt free, everything had been fine, great even until you went to Egypt on vacation about 4 months ago and Simon just seemed to change. He hadn’t done anything to hurt you but he still scared you, it was like you were walking on eggshells around him. You had been together since high school and in all that time he’d never done anything to physically hurt you. You were just so worried about him, maybe it was depression.

You walked past a pretty church with cherry blossom trees in the churchyard and you quickly remembered that it was Sunday when you saw people filing out of it. You had never been religious, you’d never even gone to church apart from your wedding and the times that your grandmother had dragged you along with her.

But, now you decided you needed all the help you could get, if doctors couldn’t help Simon, then maybe God could, though you had never been a believer. You looked at the priest who was saying goodbye to everyone, expecting to see a withering old man in a priest’s collar. However, what you actually saw was an entirely different thing.

The priest was a very handsome man who looked to be a few years older than you with dark hair and dark eyes, and a beaming smile. He looked like a Hollywood star, it was easy to understand why most of his congregation were women. As everyone left, he looked at you lingering outside.

“Are you comin’ in? It’s freezin’ out here,” he gestured for you to come into the church.

You smiled at him in thanks as you followed him into the church, you might not have been religious but you were certainly awe struck at the beauty of the church.

“Coffee?” the priest asked as he loosened his collar a little.

“Sure, thank you, Father…” you trailed off with a raised eyebrow.

“Just call me Billy,” he chuckled as he took you into the rectory to make your coffee.

“You’ve got a beautiful church, Billy.”

“Thank you,” he grinned, “so, who are you?”

“Y/N,” you smiled as you sat down at the little wooden table.

Billy nodded as he glanced at you, “cream and sugar, Y/N?” he asked with a smile that made his eyes crinkle at the edges.

“Please,” there was a comfortable silence as Billy made your coffee before he turned round and handed it to you, “thank you.”

“So, what can I do for you?”

You couldn’t tell him why you were there because you had no clue, really now, what would you say? “I’m new in the city, I um was just looking for a church,” you stammered, twisting your wedding ring nervously and Billy’s eyes followed your movements. It was plain to see the slight concern in the priest’s eyes so you turned the subject in him, “you don’t seem like a priest.”

“Yeah, that’s what everyone says,” a deep voice filled with laughter came from the doorway and you turned to see a tall man standing there, along with a pretty woman and two teenagers.

“Frankie!” Billy laughed as he got to his feet and hugged the newcomer, “thought, you’d left,” he gestured at you, “this is Y/N, she’s new to the city. Y/N, this is Frank, Maria, Lisa, and little Frankie,” he smirked at the boy who pulled a tongue at him, “Frank sometimes takes the services in Brooklyn, most of the time he lectures.”

Frank nodded at you with a small smile, “nice to meet ya.”

You smiled as you got to your feet, “nice to meet you too.”

Maria smiled at you, “where have you moved from, Y/N?”

“Chicago, my husband and I needed a fresh start,” you had no idea why you were suddenly blurting out the truth to complete strangers. But, Maria had such a kind face that you couldn’t help yourself.

“I like Chicago, what do you do?” she asked as she accepted a cup from Billy.

“Well, I’m in the process of writing a screenplay but for the moment I’ll be teaching at Midtown High.”

“We go to that school!” Lisa exclaimed excitedly but her brother looked you up and down, almost as if he was sizing you up.

“What’s your screenplay about?” he mumbled.

“Uh,” you laughed, you weren’t sure whether it was an appropriate subject for the children of a priest, “kind of about the supernatural, like ghosts and witches.”

Frankie’s eyes lit up as he grinned, “cool!”

You smiled as you drank your coffee and spent a bit of time with the Castle’s and Billy, they all seemed to be good people, Frank looked real terrifying at first but beneath the gruff exterior he was a real sweetheart. Almost as if you were in a daze, you checked the time and your heart lurched in your chest, you had completely lost track of time and you quickly got to your feet.

“I should get going,” you forced a smile, gnawing on your lip, it seemed that your forced smile didn’t fool Maria because she looked at you with polite alarm on her face.

“Is everything alright, Y/N?” she asked and you nodded reassuringly but it did nothing to quell the fear in your heart.

“Of course! Everything is completely fine, just if I don’t get home soon, my husband will have burned the apartment down with his awful cooking,” you laughed but it sounded hollow to your ears.

You bade goodbye to everyone, your eyes lingering on Billy for a second, you were nearly over the church’s threshold when Maria caught up with you, a white piece of paper in her hand, “Y/N,” she laughed breathlessly, “I know we’ve just met but I think we could be friends, I want you to take my number and you can give me a call anytime.”

You smiled – a genuine one this time – as you took her number, “thank you so much, Maria,” you were grateful to at least have one friend.

Thankfully, when you got back to the apartment, Simon was still sleeping so you concentrated on making something to eat as you listened to the city that was roaring to life. You were just plating up the food when you noticed Simon lingering in the dark hallway, you were so startled that you jumped and you sloshed your hot coffee all down your front.

“Jesus, Si! You scared me,” you forced a nervous grin which dropped a second later when your husband spoke in a monotone voice, his face in shadow.

“I think this damn apartment has rats.”


“Yeah, rats! In the walls, I can hear the fucking scratching!” he sound agitated.

You seriously doubted that the apartment had rats but you held your tongue to appease him, “I’ll call a guy in the morning.”


Frank smirked over at Billy who scowled at him as he sat back in his chair as he took a swig of his beer as he pushed his food around his plate.

“So,” Frank began with a chuckle, “what did you think of Y/N?”

Billy opened his mouth to insist that he had no particular feelings about Y/N – which would have been a lie – but the words soon died in his throat.

“You like her, huh? I saw where your eyes were goin.’”

“My dad checking someone out? What a complete shocker,” Billy’s daughter, Ana laughed as she walked through the door, “sorry I’m late for dinner,” she muttered, pressing a kiss to Billy’s cheek.

Billy grinned at his daughter, 15 years old and she was already a carbon copy of her mother, “I wasn’t checking anyone out!” Billy defended himself as he held up his hands in defence, “and, even if I was, she’s married.”

Ana gasped as she stole a fry off Billy’s plate, “so unbecoming of a priest,” she smirked, making Lisa and Frankie laugh.

Billy rolled his eyes as he looked over at his daughter fondly, he was young when Ana was born, twenty to be exact. He was in his final year of university, dead set on starting his own security company, those plans took a complete nose dive when Ana’s mom died under impossible circumstances which forced him into the priesthood, everyone had been so shocked.

“If everyone has finished picking on me,” he laughed as he collected everyone’s empty plates and took them through to the kitchen.

Ana followed him through to the kitchen and pushed herself up on a kitchen counter causing Billy to raise an eyebrow at her, she knew he hated it when she did that. She smiled at him sheepishly but didn’t get down, “how was your grandmother’s?”

Ana rolled her eyes, “grandmother thinks that I need a female role model, I don’t think she approves solely of the church.”

Billy bit his lip as he glanced at his daughter, Ana’s grandmother had never really liked Billy, even less since Ana’s mom died, “we’re alright though, aren’t we? Just me and you.”

Ana smiled, “of course dad, but I think she could be right, not in the sense that I need a female role model but I think you should find someone, you haven’t dated in years. I’m sure there are plenty of women in your congregation would jump at the chance. I know that Dinah Madani only goes because she likes you,” Ava smirked.

Billy sighed as he got a can of soda from the fridge and threw it over to Ava who caught it with one hand, he tried to avoid Dinah if he could help it. She was an exceptionally beautiful woman but she was too forward with her intentions, “maybe you’re right.”

“I’m always right,” that was the air of self-confidence that she’d inherited from Billy, “so what is this married woman like?” she smirked.

Billy rolled his eyes, she really was insufferable sometimes, “she’s a new teacher at your school.”

Almost instantly, Ana’s face twisted with disgust, “it’s a good job she is married then, because you’re not dating one of my teachers.”



Speak No Evil - Masterlist

Pairing: Priest!Billy Russo x Reader

Summary: You think that moving to New York with your husband will help with your marital problems. However, things take a much darker turn and you are forced to find refuge in two priests.

Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, religious undertones, mentions of sex, mentions of death

A/N: Rach starting another fic? More likely than you think! Buuut, I was watching ‘The Exorcist’ TV show and I felt inspired! I know nothing about the priesthood - apart from how it’s represented in that show - so I apologise if I get anything very wrong! Let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx

Chapter I - In The Beginning - coming soon




A Billy Russo x Fem!Reader AU Idea

When the sigil of the Castle Clan appears on the skin just below your collarbone, you know your days of freedom are limited.

Every year marked humans are gathered together and released into the Terrain - a large area of woodland sacred to the Clans. Each Clan leader selects a member from their Clan, who will hunt down the human bearing the mark of their Clan, claiming them as their own.

This year, the leader of the Castle’s - Frank - is finally selecting his second in command. Lieutenant Billy Russo. As Billy has already rejected every proposed match, Frank hopes that the connection between a marked human and their hunter will allow Billy to find his mate - as Frank did when Maria was marked all those years ago.

The members of the Clans are elite warriors, trained to shift their form into apex predators. Most marked humans don’t even attempt to run, settling down in the woodland to wait for their hunter. But you’re not going down without a fight. Luckily for Billy, he’s always loved the chase.

Oke… Fuck it….

I had about 2K words for this but then tumblr decided to fuck me over so here is the rewritten version
I also probably made this far more serious than you intended it to be but here we are

Keep reading

Oh wow, YES OMG

This is exactly the vibe I was planning on going for, and you’ve given me the motivation to properly start on this fic (probably just a really long oneshot)

I love this so much

Mamma Mia AU

(small drabble under the cut)

“Hang on a second.” Billy says, his voice clear as he stands from his chair at the back of the small church and makes his way towards the front where you’re standing at the altar. “So, Sophie may be mine, but she may be Matt or Frank’s?”

You nod, holding your head high as Billy stands in front of you.

“Yeah that’s right, and you needn’t sound so self righteous about it. You have no one but yourself to blame.”

Your daughter, Sophie, throws her veil back, revealing her dark eyes that are narrowed at Billy.

“Yeah, if you hadn’t dumped my mom and married someone else…”

It’s been years since you had seen Billy. Years since his departure had hurt you. But you’re glad Sophie is expressing the same frustration you felt when Billy had left you.

“Hey hey, wait a minute.” Billy interrupts. “I had to go back to New York. I was engaged. But I told Dinah I couldn’t marry her, and I came right back.”

Your face falls, shock filling your features.

“You came back?” You ask in a small voice. Billy nods. “Why didn’t you call me?”

He stares at you, shrugging slightly with a depreciating laugh.

“Because I was crazy enough to think you’d be waiting for me.” His eyes meet yours, as he sighs quietly. “Only when I arrived they told me you were off with some other guy.”

Guilt washes over your face, warming your cheeks as you glance slightly at where Frank and Matt are sitting.

“Dinah called me an idiot, and married me to prove it.”

There’s sadness in his eyes as he looks at you, no doubt imagining the life the two of you could have had together. Raising Sophie together. Founding the hotel you now own. He shakes his head slightly.

“I should have looked for you.”

“I don’t think that would have changed anything.”

“Then I shouldn’t have left in the first place.”

“I wouldn’t have let you stay.” He breathes out a tiny laugh, and you remark quietly, “I guess we’re both idiots?”

“Not much has changed then.” He says with a small grin. A fond smile tugs at your lips,

“Speak for yourself Russo.”

His own smile softens - into something you never thought you would see again. He takes a tentative step towards you. His gaze trailing from your eyes to your lips. Even after all these years, you recognise the glint in his eyes, and the corner of your mouth quirks into a smirk as you step forward to meet him.

His head dips down, and your fingers curl around the front of his shirt as you pull him into the last few inches between you both. Then Billy’s lips meet yours, and the years melt away.


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes@blanchedelioncourt@chickensarentcheap@katedrexel@stardust-danvers

Marvel Tag List: @mugi-chwan95

Boutique Owner!Fem!Reader x CEO!Single Dad!Billy Russo

(small drabble under the cut)

You’ve known Billy Russo for several years now. You were the one who sold him his first suit, and the one who pressed it to perfection on the day he visited the bank - the day he secured the loan which allowed him to open Anvil. You think you had a very minor impact on these events, believing that Billy’s passion and determination would have carried him through regardless. Billy, however, owes a small piece of his success to you, even though he’s never mentioned it to you.

You’re also very fond of his daughter, Ava. Whenever Billy visits your store, Ava always insists on helping you pick out Billy’s outfits. Meaning that, you usually point Billy in the direction of your newest collections whilst you scoop Ava up into your arms and together you pick out a new tie for Billy.

One day, Billy is telling you all about his celebratory gala in honour of five successful years of business for Anvil. As usual, you help him pick out a suit.

“Will that be all Mr Russo?” You ask with a smile. He glances around at the racks of clothes surrounding you both, before asking,

“You sell dresses don’t you?” You nod in confirmation, before you ask him,

“Anything in particular?” He looks down before holding up the tie he’s planning on wearing for the gala.

“Something to match this?” You nod quickly and head towards the back of the store, with Billy following behind you. Looking through the dresses, you try to ignore the thought of Billy taking a date to his gala. The two of you had been friends for years - it would never be anything more.

“There’s this?” You say, pulling one of the dresses out to show Billy. The colour is a perfect match for his tie. He looks the dress up and down, then grins.

“It’s perfect. What sizes do you do?”

“What size are you after?” You ask, fingers skimming over the hangers as you take in the different sizes available.

“Whatever your size is.” You freeze at his words, turning to look at him.

His smile is almost shy as he adds,

“That was my attempt at asking you out smoothly.” His lips quirk into a small grin, “Did it work?”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes@blanchedelioncourt@chickensarentcheap@katedrexel@stardust-danvers

Off to the Races

A follow up to His Best Kept Secret,Duplicate, and Ineptitude

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: Anvil hosts a work party at the races, though you appear to be a source of distraction for the company’s CEO.

Warnings [18+]: smut, unprotected sex, smidge of public sexual activity, degradation, lots of dirty talk, daddy kink, dumbification, praise kink, some oral fixation kinda?

A/N: This is fully intended to be a part of the smutty little universe me and Chelsea (@becauseicantthinkwritings) have somehow created together, I started writing this as soon as I read Ineptitude and I swear I’m done now.


Over the years, you’ve managed to master the art of looking like you understand what’s going on. Unfortunately for you, Billy knows better than to believe the attentive look you’re giving his accountant, David. Billy knows that if he were the one explaining the betting odds to you there’s no way you would understand.

Sweet eyes wide with confusion, your attention would drift from Billy’s words to his lips, or his fingers. If you got distracted enough, your eyes might even fall onto his dress pants that hide his cock, which is now hardening at the mere thought of you looking so clueless.

Billy had planned a visit to the races, booking a private room for himself and a number of his employees at Anvil to celebrate his latest contract. He had also invited you as his plus one, knowing you’d be thrilled at the opportunity to dress up for him.

You smile politely at David as he steps away, before he leaves to talk to a few of the other Anvil employees. A smirk curls at Billy’s lips as he observes the thinly veiled puzzlement in your eyes. Billy approaches you, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull your back flush against his chest. He drops his head down to talk into your ear,

“Hello princess.” You turn slightly, and say in a small voice,

“Hi daddy.” His smirk widens,

“You being a good girl?” You pout lightly before you remark teasingly,

“Of course.”

“I heard David was teaching you about the betting odds.” You look down at the list of horses and their riders on the piece of paper in your hand.


“Which horse you betting on?”

“That one.” You say, tapping the name with your freshly done nails. Billy looks down at the name, before a frown creases at his brows. The horse you’ve picked doesn’t have very good odds.

“Why’s that baby?” You shift your feet slightly, and look down at your shoes - the new Jimmy Choo’s that Billy had bought you.

“It’s the prettiest jersey.” You admit, and Billy breathes out a laugh before he presses an affectionate kiss to your cheek.

“My stupid little girl.” He purrs, squeezing you in his arms as your cheeks warm with the dizzying mixture of embarrassment and arousal that only Billy could draw out from you.

He tugs you backwards lightly, guiding you both towards a table in the corner of the room. He nuzzles his face against your cheek, his smile wide when he feels how flushed your skin is already.

“Come sit in daddy’s lap.” You sit down on one of Billy’s thighs, with your legs draped over his other thigh. He wraps one arm around you, pulling your side against his chest. Taking his tie between your fingers, you fiddle with it as your eyes look over the crowd, smoothing your fingertips over the small ridges in the fabric.

Billy’s other hand settles on your bare thigh, the warmth of his palm heating your skin in a manner that has you struggling to keep your attention away from him.

You point out some of the clothes and shoes you see some of the people wearing, as well as naming the designers. Billy nods along to your words, taking a mental note of the styles and designs that you mention for a later date. He also bounces his thigh lightly, which has you shifting every couple of seconds to prevent the friction against your core.

Billy feeds you a few bites of food from the buffet, swiping his thumb over your lips when you get chocolate smeared on them.

“Need daddy to do everything for you, don’t you?” He teases, picking up a glass of wine and holding it to your lips. After you take a sip, Billy replaces the glass with his mouth, tasting the wine from your lips. His smirk is wide as he places the glass down.

Biting down on your lip, you squirm again, and Billy tilts his head as he looks down at you.

“Everything alright baby?” You nod. He traces his finger up your spine, drawing a shiver from you. A smug expression fills Billy’s face, and he says, “You know you can’t lie to me.”

He dips his head lower, to murmur directly into your ear.

“Daddy knows every inch of that sweet body of yours. And I know that right now you’re soaking through your panties.”

The hazy look that had been filling your eyes suddenly shifts as your expression brightens. Billy tilts his head in confusion, he hadn’t expected the wide smile currently on your face. Or the giggle you let out as you smooth his tie back into place.

“Don’t be silly daddy. I’m not wearing any.”

Billy’s eyes darken. With a tug, his lips are on yours, and your small whimper of surprise is muffled by his mouth. He squeezes the back of your neck, holding you in place as his other hand dips under the skirt of your dress. Your lips part as Billy traces his finger along your entrance, smothering the needy sounds from your throat with his mouth on yours. He pushes his finger inside you, curling it for a moment before pulling out again.

Billy tuts as he eyes his glistening finger.

“Better clean that up baby, before someone wants to shake my hand.”

Warmth floods through your body, and your eyes flicker to watch the rest of the room. When your gaze falls back onto Billy he raises his finger towards your lips with a questioning look in his eyes. Not breaking his gaze, you take his finger into your mouth.

“All those expensive lingerie sets daddy buys you, and on his special day out you go and wear nothing underneath your dress.” He berates you in a low voice.

You hum at the feeling of Billy’s finger in your mouth as you run your tongue over his digit to remove the wetness from your pussy. The combined taste of Billy’s skin and your arousal has your hips rocking needily.

When you go to pull your mouth away from Billy’s finger, he grasps firmly at your chin, keeping your lips wrapped around his finger. Your eyes flicker to the rest of the room, but no one is paying the two of you any attention. There’s a small whine of protest at the back of your throat, and Billy regards you sternly.

“You didn’t want to act like a grown up and wear panties, so I’ll treat you like the dumb little girl you are.”

He slides his finger between your lips, stroking your tongue with his fingertip.

“You know, I was gonna reward you for being such a good girl for me today.” You whine again, as drool begins to slip down your chin, your face burning with embarrassment. Billy smooths his thumb over your chin, cleaning up the mess you’re making of yourself.

Looking down at his thumb, Billy sighs.

“You just had to act up didn’t you?” You whine again, shaking your head at him. Billy raises a brow at you. “You think good girls walk around with no panties on?”

He pulls his finger from your mouth, allowing you to answer him.

“Did it for you daddy.” You protest with a small pout on your lips.

“For me?” You nod, leaning your body closer to his to hide your face in the crook of his neck.

“Wanted to keep your cock warm on the drive home.”

His hand tightens on your waist in response to your words, squeezing at your hip which has you squirming slightly. He was already hard at the thought of punishing you. Now his priority has changed - he needs to have you now.

Billy hooks a finger under your chin, tilting your face up to meet his lips. The kiss is surprisingly tender, until he nibbles on your lower lip. When your eyes flutter open, they’re filled with confusion.

Taking hold of your chin, Billy turns your head to look at the far end of the room.

“You see that door over there?” The confusion doesn’t leave your eyes as you answer him,

“Yes daddy.”

“Want you to go sit in the room next door and I’ll join you in a few minutes. Think you can do that for me baby?”

Billy hears your breathing quicken as you realise he has something already planned. Then you nod.

“Yes daddy.”

“Good girl.”

The two of you stand up, and Billy gives your ass a light squeeze which has you whining. He chuckles before nudging you gently,

“Go on baby, daddy’ll be right behind you.”

When you turn to look at him, he gives you a reassuring smile, his hand warm as he presses it against the small of your back.

As soon as Billy’s hand is removed from your back, you miss the warmth of it, a small shiver running through you as you weave your way through the crowd of Billy’s colleagues. You offer a polite smile to anyone who looks your way, but no one pays too much attention to you.

You close the door softly behind you, and step into the room. It’s not too dissimilar from the room you’ve just left, the same size, and same furniture. The right hand wall is made up entirely of glass, allowing you to look down at the people gathered at the edge of the racecourse.

There’s a couch in the centre of the room, and you walk over to it, leaning your lower back against the arm of the couch. You stare out of the window, watching the people mill about as you wait for Billy. Once you hear the door open, you glance over.

Billy’s eyes are dark, raking over your form as he shuts the door behind him. The look in his eyes has you clenching with need, and your fingers press into the fabric of the couch as Billy advances towards you.

Once he’s close enough, his lips are on yours in a hungry kiss. He hooks his hands under your knees, lifting you up to sit on the arm of the couch.

“Billy!” You gasp in surprise, eyeing the wall of glass that overlooks the racecourse. Billy notices your apprehension, and grins,

“Glass is tinted baby, no one can see us up here. Door’s locked too. So, it’s just a case of you staying quiet.”

He tugs at his tie, pulling it from around his collar to loop around your head. He ties a knot in the fabric and holds it up to your lips.

“Be a good girl and bite down on this for daddy.” With a small whine of protest, you part your lips, and Billy pushes the knot into your mouth. Billy clicks his tongue. “Don’t whine baby. I wouldn’t have to gag you like this if you’d been wearing your panties.”

When you whimper in response to his words, the tie muffles the sound perfectly, and Billy smiles proudly at the sight of you so desperate already. He picks you up, setting you down on the couch and spreading your legs. The short skirt of your dress rides up, and Billy pushes it up to bunch the fabric around your waist.

“There she is.” He muses appreciatively as he observes the slick mess between your legs. “There’s my sweet little pussy. Looking so pretty for me.”

You moan at his words, shifting your hips slightly and whining when there’s a dissatisfying amount of friction. Billy traces a singular fingertip along your dripping entrance, teasing your aching pussy.

“Daddy please.” You beg, your voice muffled by Billy’s tie, and he chuckles at you as he removes his finger.

“Silly little girl.” He says as he slips the straps of your dress down your shoulders. “Daddy can’t understand you with his tie in your mouth.”

He tugs at the dress, pulling the top half down to meet the rest of the dress at your waist. Meaning that you’re now practically bare in front of him. His hands cup your breasts, squeezing them lightly as he stares appreciatively down at your body. He pinches at both of your nipples, drawing a muffled whimper from your throat which makes him chuckle darkly as your back arches towards his touch.

His palms smooth over your body, rubbing against your skin, and squeezing whatever he can wrap his hands around - your thighs, your ass, your breasts. You writhe and moan beneath his touch, bucking your hips towards him in a desperate attempt to gain some friction. Billy leans forward, tugging your earlobe between his teeth. Your fingers curl into the fabric of his jacket, until Billy steps back and pulls it off his shoulders. He folds it, before setting it down on the coffee table to his right.

His belt clinks as he undoes it, then he slides his zipper down, and pushes his pants to his calves, along with his boxers. Your mouth waters around his tie as your eyes fixate on his cock, already hard and leaking. You reach for his cock, only for him to slap your hands away.

“Such an eager little thing.” He remarks with a smirk. “Hands on the couch princess.”

There’s a small groan of frustration from you, but you do as you’re told, watching with eager eyes as Billy begins to stroke his cock.

“Imagine,” he starts with a grin. “If I came right here on your thighs, leaving you a filthy mess for the rest of the day.” You whine with need, nails digging into the material of the couch. “Would you like that baby? Like me to get off on the sight of you, and leave you dripping and desperate?”

You whimper, shaking your head hurriedly and Billy breathes out a sharp laugh as he raises a brow,

“You wouldn’t?” You shake your head again, unable to tear your eyes away from the sight of his cock. “Then spread your legs for me baby.”

You do as he says, spreading your legs wide open for him. He shakes his head, hooking his hands under your knees and folding your legs. Your heels dig into the plush seat of the couch as Billy holds your legs open properly.

“There we are.” He murmurs as his hips slide against yours, his hard cock rubbing over your soaked pussy. You whimper at the sudden attention, almost overwhelmed by the contact but desperate for more.

“Please.” You beg, your words still impeded by his tie. He traces his finger around your entrance, then pushes his cock inside you. You gasp, eyes squeezing shut which prompts tears to gather behind your eyelids. Billy groans as he ducks his head into the crook of your neck, nipping at the skin there with his teeth.

“Such a sweet, warm little cunt. All for me.” He slides out, before driving himself back into you, setting a rhythm that has your toes curling. You nod your head hurriedly in agreement, before your fists grasp at his shirt.

He shifts your hips, adjusting your position so that he can go even deeper with his thrusts, which has tears rolling down your cheeks. Ever since you woke up this morning, Billy has been riling you up both intentionally and by accident. Now that the tension is being addressed, you find yourself hurtling towards your orgasm at an alarming rate.

Billy grasps at your legs, hoisting them up to rest against his chest. Your ankles hang over his shoulders, and you instantly curl them around the back of his head. He grins, he’s willing to bet there isn’t a thought in your head, but instinct still takes over enough for your ankles to lock around his head as he continues his thrusts.

It’s only when the sharpness of your heels digs lightly into the top of his shoulder, that Billy breathes out another laugh.

“I told you princess.” Confusion flickers in your eyes as you attempt to understand the reason for his amusement. “Didn’t daddy tell you how gorgeous these shoes would look on my shoulders?” You clench hard around his cock, and you can only nod your head, tears running down your cheeks as he continues to pound into you. The shoes do look ridiculously pretty on Billy’s shoulders, but the man himself looks far better.

A few stray strands have fallen from his perfectly styled hair, hanging over his forehead as he looks down at you with his dark eyes. His pupils are wide as he takes in every inch of you, consumed by the pleasure he’s giving you. He groans, feeling himself near the edge. He slips a hand down, rubbing firm circles over your clit, which has you clenching even harder around him.

“Go on baby. Play with your tits for me. Cum around daddy’s cock like a good girl.”

You let go of his shirt, dropping your hands to squeeze at your breasts, before tugging at your nipples. Billy moans at the sight of you, your breathing ragged as you approach your climax. Your teeth dig into the fabric of his tie, and you cry out as you orgasm. It’s mere seconds before Billy follows, spilling his cum inside you.

He holds his hips still against yours, keeping his cock snug inside you as his lips trace their way down your neck, nipping and sucking at your skin as you both come down from your highs. His breath is warm against your flushed skin, as are his lips.

He tugs his tie out from between your lips, immediately replacing the fabric with his mouth. You both moan into the kiss, and you’re gasping when Billy pulls away. He smooths your hair away from your face, watching you as you attempt to catch your breath.

A small sound of protest escapes your throat as Billy pulls his cock out of you, and he chuckles softly. He plucks up a box of tissues from the nearby coffee table, tugging a few tissues out to clean you both up with.

Soon enough, you’re smoothing your dress down, adjusting the straps as you attempt to return your appearance to normality. Billy grins at the sight of the marks over your neck, the ones that you’re still unaware of. He shoves his ruined tie into the pocket of jacket, tugging lightly at the collar of his shirt. He’s definitely breaking some sort of social rule by not wearing a tie at the races - but then again fucking his girl in an empty reception room is definitely against social protocol.

You notice his grin, and smile sheepishly back. Similar thoughts are running through your mind, and your cheeks are burning at the thought of everyone in the room next door knowing what you had been doing.

Billy cups your face in his hands, brushing his thumbs over your cheeks to ensure your makeup is still intact. You turn your head, pressing a kiss to his palm, and Billy smiles widely at you.

He leans closer to kiss your forehead, before he tucks you into his side with his arm around your waist.

“Now let’s go bet on that horse.”

A laugh escapes your lips as Billy opens the door for you both, and he smiles down at you, feeling unbelievably lucky to have you in his life.


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes@blanchedelioncourt@chickensarentcheap@katedrexel@stardust-danvers

Accidentally on Purpose

moodboard inspired by @becauseicantthinkwritings ‘s series Accidentally On Purpose which you can (and definitely should if you haven’t already)readhere

I had a few edits of Billy with his tattoo from the series in my camera roll and thought I really should do something with them so here we are

In the Dark

Pairing: Dark Elf!Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary:You wake in a strange bed, in a strange room, and are startled to find a pair of dark eyes watching you.

My Masterlist

There’s a throbbing behind your eyes, and your side aches as you shift beneath the soft silk covers. Then you frown. Silk covers? Where are you?

Then you remember. Climbing through the pillars of stone that support the foundations of the Cavern of Stygia - known for its pitch black tunnels and the low survival rate of explorers who dare to brave the darkness. Your torch had gone out, and you had squeezed your way through a large fissure in the rock after catching a glimpse of light. Feeling your way through the dark, you thought you could hear voices in the distance.

There was a sickening crack, and the floor seemed to dissolve beneath you. You must have lost consciousness. But that still doesn’t explain the silk sheets.

You open your eyes slowly, though the low light in the room helps with your aching head. As you tilt your head to survey your surroundings, you hear a voice remark softly,

“You’re awake.” You sit up hurriedly in alarm, ignoring the searing pain as your body protests against the sudden motion. A cushioned headboard presses into your spine as you back away from the figure standing at the end of the bed. A pair of impossibly dark eyes meet your frantic ones. A shiver runs through you as you note his lack of irises.

You swallow hard, trying to keep your breathing steady as you come to the realisation that you are in the company of a Dark Elf - meaning that you are in a colossal amount of trouble.

If the pitch black eyes weren’t indication enough, as your eyes adjust to the low light more of his features become clear to you. Pale skin, with deep scars that trace their way over his cheeks and forehead. There’s some dark facial hair surrounding his lips that creeps over his jawline. His hair looks thick, though it’s currently slicked back, and it’s just as dark as his eyes.

Your eyes flicker briefly over the room, taking note of the contents. Everything looks ornate and luxurious - all in varying shades of black with shimmering silver accents threaded throughout the room.

“You’re a clever little thing aren’t you?” He muses, and you raise your eyebrows questioningly, hardly daring to voice your thoughts. “Awake for barely a minute and you’ve already picked up on three exits.”

You swallow hard, your eyes fixed on him.

“I hope I don’t have to tell you not to bother. You won’t get passed me.”

He’s right. There’s no chance of you fighting him off. Out of all the species of Elves, Dark Elves are the most dangerous. They pride themselves on their ruthlessness, and are trained to kill from infancy. His smile twists dangerously,

“Though I wouldn’t mind if you tried.”

They’re also known for their sadistic nature.

You remain still, every muscle in your body tensed in wary anticipation. The elf in front of you is still watching you with his dark eyes, a spark of curiosity dancing in their depths.

“You know what I am?” He asks, and you nod slowly. There’s a small crease of confusion that crinkles his forehead, making the scars there shift slightly. “And you’re not screaming?”

Your voice is a little hoarse as you remark quietly,

“I doubt screaming would help me.” He laughs, and it’s a clear, chilling sound.

“So clever.” He remarks in a sigh, before asking in a small voice, “Will you say it?”

“A Dark Elf.” He grins, leaning closer, his hands press onto the obsidian covers at the foot of the bed.

“Would the clever little human like to share their knowledge?” He phrases it like a question, but you scour your memory quickly.

“Dark Elves live deep underground. They rarely visit the world above, and are known for their efficiency with weapons and fighting.” Your voice is unsteady, and you trail off at the end. His gaze is far too direct and you don’t know whether you should meet his eyes or look away.

“Anything else?” He prompts, knowing that there’s one fact in particular that’s been burning bright in your thoughts. After a shaky breath you add,

“Dark Elves enjoy torturing humans.” He shrugs lightly as he moves slowly around the bed.

“That’s actually a common misconception.” You frown before asking tentatively,

“You don’t like torturing humans?”

“I didn’t say that.” He says with a smirk. “It’s usually more of a personal preference.” You decide not to ask what his preference is, not certain whether you’ll like the answer.

He leans his hip against the bed, his eyes still fixed on you.

“Did you know we have a matriarchal society?” He asks, his head tilted to watch your reaction. You shake your head, and he continues. “Meaning that, whilst I have value as a Lieutenant, my standing in society will always be lesser - without a wife.” The corner of his mouth curls when he catches the confusion in your eyes, and he shifts closer.

“Humans are quite the rarity for us. Every elf dreams of having a human spouse.” His eyes roam appreciatively over you, and your cheeks warm instinctively. “Soft and warm, where we are cold and hard.” There’s an edge of longing in his voice, before he sits down on the bed beside your legs, and he remarks offhandedly, “You have no idea how many people I had to fight off to bring you home with me.” Your eyes widen when you realise what he means. That he had most likely killed the other elves that had tried to take you for themselves.

He reaches out, tracing a finger over your cheek delicately. His fingers are pale and cold, and a shiver runs through you at the feeling of his skin brushing so tenderly against yours. His voice is quiet as he purrs,

“With a little treasure like you for a wife, I’d be practically royalty.”

You retreat, shaking your head as your heart hammers in your chest. Your fingers curl tight in the pillow beneath you, and the elf in front of you tilts his head as he watches your reaction.

“No?” He asks softly, and you swallow hard.

“I can’t marry you.” He pushes himself off the bed, crossing over to the drawn curtains. You narrow your eyes in expectation, waiting for the room to be bathed in light. Instead, the level of light barely increases.

“You think you’d survive out there on your own?”

The smooth wooden floor is cold against your bare feet as you cross the room, you eye the man beside you warily, before you turn to look out from behind the glass. You can feel his gaze on you, as you stare out of the window, but you’re too shocked to care.

You’re in an underground cavern, dark rock enclosed around you for as far as you can see. Roads and pathways have been carved into the stone, which allow elves to wind their way along the streets. Strange, pale lanterns provide the only light, as well as the low light from the windows of houses. You’re surprised by how beautiful the buildings are, all made of stone with intricate carvings that include mixtures of precious stones and metals which simmer in the muted glow of the lanterns.

His voice is low, and he’s closer than you realised as he speaks.

“There’s countless elves that would see you as their own personal toy. Your only purpose would be a pretty thing for them to break.”

“And you don’t?”

“I won’t hurt you.” He insists, his voice serious. Then he smirks. “Not unless you ask me to.”

“How can I trust you?” You reason, and he shrugs lightly.

“You can’t. But I have an offer for you.” You eye him cautiously as he continues, “You can’t go back to your own world yet.” You frown at him, alarmed by his assurance.


“The only way out is through climbing the Starless Steps.” Your frown deepens, and he continues. “The only time the Steps are visible is during the height of the Full Moon, meaning that you have a whole month until you can leave.”

The Starless Steps. The moon must have been at its height when you climbed down, and it must have shifted when you were plunged into darkness. Which was how you had ended up falling down and losing consciousness.

“What’s your offer?” You ask warily.

“Spend the month with me.” Your eyes widen, and he hurries to continue his explanation. “If, by the day before the next Full Moon, you don’t want to marry me then I will personally take you to the Steps.”

“And if I try to leave now?”

“I’d say that’s a waste of a good opportunity - for us both.”

“For us both?” You remark, with doubt in your voice. He nods,

“Yes. I get granted the social status I want, and you get to live a life of luxury.”

“Who says I want that?”

“Everybody wants that.” He looks around the room. “All of this could be yours, clothes, jewels, the house itself.”

“I don’t even know your name.” You say softly, and he turns back to study you with his dark eyes. There’s a crease between his brows for a moment, then his expression softens,

“It’s Billy.” Such a normal name - you’re rather taken aback by it. You look down at the floor briefly.

“Just Billy?” He shakes his head lightly, with a soft grin,

“Billy Russo.”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes

Birds of a Feather AU

Tattoo Artist!Billy Russo x Coffee Shop Owner!Reader

My Masterlist

Billy opens up Blackbird Studios, the tattoo shop, buying the space next door to your cafe - The Bird’s Nest. Due to the similarity of the names of your businesses, people often comment on how cute of a couple you are, even though you and Billy have never actually met. Though in the few months since Billy opened up shop, you have met Billy’s friend Frank, and his wife Maria, as they often let their kids stay in your cafe while Frank gets a new tattoo from Billy.


Assassin!Billy Russo x Assassin!Reader

(kinda inspired by the John Wick Universe - there’s also a little hint that the reader is bi but it’s only a sentence or so)

drabble under the cut

“Business or pleasure?” A familiar voice asks you. A smile tugs at your lips, and against your best efforts, your heart skips a beat. You tilt your head aside, looking at the man beside you. Billy Russo smoothes down the front of his perfectly pressed suit as he leans his back against the bar. The bartender places your drink down in front of you.

“You know the rules Russo, no business on hotel grounds.”

“And you’re such a stickler for the rules, aren’t you darlin?” You shake your head at him with a small sigh, trying to ignore the warmth blooming over your cheeks. He smiles teasingly as he leans closer to you, speaking in a low voice, “You know a little birdie told me, that you might be in line to take over this place after good old Alfred kicks the bucket.”

“Oh really?” You remark coyly, narrowing your eyes at him. “Can I guess which little birdie?” He shrugs, rolling his shoulder lightly,

“Feel free.” You hum in thought, looking down at your glass.

“Angela? No, wait no. She’s not your type.” You tap your finger against your lips, your brows creased in thought. You don’t notice Billy’s eyes fixed on your lips. “Lucy.”

He tilts his head aside with a tiny frown.

“How do you know what my type is?”

“Was it Lucy?” He nods, his frown still evident. A victorious smile tugs at your lips, and you take another sip of your drink. Noticing Billy’s frown hasn’t softened, you add an explanation, “We have the same type.” He takes a drink, his eyes never leaving your face.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He says, his voice deepening slightly which makes you shiver. “You didn’t answer my question earlier. Business or pleasure?”

“Pleasure.” You respond, taking a sip of your drink with a small hum of satisfaction. “These are the only drinks in the city I can trust.” Billy signals to the bartender, a silent request for his usual. “What about you - business or pleasure?”

A wicked grin spreads across Billy’s face, his eyes dark in the low light of the bar.

“Both.” You laugh lightly, shaking your head at him. He nods in thanks to the bartender as his drink is placed down in front of him.

“Isn’t it always with you?” You remark teasingly. His mouth parts in faux shock, before he mumbles into his drink.

“Not sure if I should be offended by that.” You shrug lightly before explaining,

“If you’re here on business you usually find a good looking someone to spend the night with.” Mischief fills Billy’s eyes in response to your words, and he leans one arm against the bar as he looks at you. “And if you’re here for pleasure, your buddy Frank usually ends up pulling you onto one of his jobs.”

“You’re very observant.” He says earnestly, then a smirk tugs at his lips. “Should I be concerned?”

“I told you. I’m not here on business.”

“Would you be open to somethin’?” You mull it over briefly, it wouldn’t be the first time you and Billy worked a job together.

“Depends.” You say, and Billy’s smile widens. “What’s the job description?” His tongue darts out, licking a line over his teeth and he grins when he notices your eyes following the motion. His dark eyes look you up and down as he takes another drink, before he sets his glass down in front of you.

“A good lookin’ someone to spend the night with.”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes


Part of the The Other Side AU

Pairing: Mob Boss!Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: You wake up in your new home, and receive your punishment from Billy.

Warnings [18+]: spanking, fingering, sir kink, praise kink, kinda creepy vibes from Billy if you think really hard about it

My Masterlist

Soft sunlight glows through the curtains, and you feel a gentle breeze over your face as your eyes flutter open. You shift slightly, feeling a plush mattress and smooth sheets against your body. You lift your head up, looking around the room. It’s large, and very clearly lived in. Everything is neat and tidy, but there’s belongings dotted around the room. The sheets are slightly crumpled in the space beside you, and shock runs through you at the realisation that Billy must have slept beside you last night.

You look down at what you’re wearing - a soft silk nightdress - and you’re bare underneath it. The last thing you remember from the night before is falling asleep in Billy’s car. The thought of Billy carrying you up to bed, and undressing you, before sleeping at your side makes you shiver.

There’s a tray of food on the bedside table at your side of the bed, along with a note from Billy encouraging you to eat and get dressed, before meeting with him in his office - along with directions to his office. You take your time eating from the tray, before you decide to take a look around the room.

As you examine the contents of the dressing table, you’re shocked to find your things. Well, they’re not your things. Everything is sealed, brand new. But it’s all what you would use, as well as the things you have always wanted but never dreamed of actually buying. The little sample bottle of perfume that you had been trying to make do with until you could save up for a bottle. Now, you’re looking at a full sized bottle, accompanied by a matching lotion and travel spray. Everything looks like they’re straight from an expensive gift box - the kind you would look at during Christmas time and dream of buying for yourself. The shades and styles of makeup that you use - you’re looking at them, but all from designer brands.

You open up the closet, and are greeted by the sight of Billy’s clothes. You had your suspicions before, but now you’re certain that this is his room. Which means you’ll be sharing this space with him, for however long you’ll be here.

Moving onto the next closet, you open the doors to reveal a rail full of clothes. T-shirts, pretty bralettes, stunning dresses. You open up the drawers beneath them, and find formal trousers, jeans, and skirts. Opening more drawers you see delicate underwear sets, and silky nightdresses. Everything is your size. Exactly. It looks like every different brand, and fit style has been taken into account. Some of the trousers even look tailored. You’re baffled by how he’s done all this.

Once you make sure the bathroom door locks properly, you decide to have a shower. Your mind is still reeling from the events of yesterday and everything you’ve seen since waking up. It’s one of the most luxurious showers you’ve ever had in your life, but you struggle to appreciate it fully with Billy clouding your thoughts. Despite the perfect room, and the breakfast, you can’t forget his promise of punishment.


Billy is alone in his office when you arrive. He glances up momentarily, his eyes locking on you for a moment. Then he looks back down at the papers on his desk.

“Lock the door behind you.” He instructs you without looking up at you. Swallowing hard, you do as he says. “Take your clothes off, fold them neatly, and place them here.” He says, gesturing to the end of his desk. You were expecting your punishment when he had asked you to come to his office.

Billy doesn’t look over as you begin to remove your clothing, though he desperately wants to admire every inch of you. His shoulders are tense, he’s still not happy about what happened yesterday. Whilst it plays into his hands perfectly, giving him the perfect excuse to make you his, he hates that you were in danger even for a brief moment. You place your folded clothes on his desk and he glances over at you.

“Hand me your panties.” He orders and you pick up your panties, before handing them to him. He folds them over several times before gesturing for you to stand between his thighs. “Open your mouth.” You do as he says, parting your lips for him to press the fabric into your mouth. You bite down on the material, effectively gagging yourself.

“Good girl. Now bend over my lap.” You’re about to drape yourself over his thighs when he grasps hold of your chin firmly, “Three taps on my thigh if you need to stop.” You nod in acknowledgement and he releases your chin. You bend over his lap, resting your elbows on one side of his chair, leaving your ass exposed to the air. Your toes dangle, brushing lightly against the floor. Billy runs a finger down your spine, admiring the shiver that runs through you in response to his touch.

You tense lightly when his hand ghosts over your ass cheek, but all he does is rub soothing circles over the skin there. He shifts his chair forward, and you hear the click of a computer mouse. Frowning, you lift your head up, but Billy removes his hand from your skin to push at the base of your neck. He presses your head back into place, and you shudder at his simple display of control over you.

His hand returns to your cheek, rubbing circles over your skin, before squeezing lightly which draws a small moan from your lips. Unknown to you, a smirk plays on Billy’s lips.

Then you feel a light tap against your ass. It barely stings, and it wasn’t what you were expecting from him. You thought he would be the kind to spank you hard, and make you count every smack.

Billy keeps the majority of his attention on the contract open on his computer screen as another tap lands on your ass. You bite down hard on your panties, trying not to squirm. But being in such a position, draped over his lap, with the warm of his thighs beneath you, has you desperate for him already.

He gets himself comfortable, resting his hand against your skin. The heel of his palm remains on your ass, it’s only his fingers that move up and down to swat at your cheek.

Every tap warms the skin of your ass, jostling the exposed flesh and sending a flood of need straight to your core. It’s not nearly enough to satisfy you, though it thoroughly frustrates you.

It takes him just under an hour to read through his contract. At this point, a thin sheen of sweat glosses over your skin and you’re trembling with need. Your ass stings with every gentle swat, and you’ve been whining and keening every few minutes. Over the last ten minutes or so, he’s slowed down, rubbing your tender skin after every few taps. He pulls your panties from your mouth, leaving a string of salvia trailing down your chin.

“After I went to so much effort to keep you safe, you go and put yourself in danger.” He says quietly, increasing the frequency of his swats which has you squirming.

“I know, I’m sorry.” You gasp out, your voice already thoroughly wrecked.

“Are you? Or do you just want my attention?” He asks, his fingers following the curve of your ass, nearing your dripping pussy. You whine at the thought of having his fingers inside you again. You’re clenching around nothing, and you’re certain that you’re ruining his dress pants beneath you. He squeezes your sore cheek lightly, and you bite down on your lip in an attempt to put a stop to your sounds of desperation. Somehow, Billy knows what you’re doing.

“Don’t bite your lip. You’ll end up hurtin’ yourself once I actually start punishin’ you.” A shocked whine slips between your lips - this isn’t your punishment. How is this not your punishment?

He hums lightly, enjoying having you completely at his mercy. His fingers trace over your spine, providing you with a moment of reprieve.

“How many spanks do you think you deserve?” He asks you and you tremble. Your voice is unsteady as you suggest,

“Ten?” He chuckles softly.

“What a brave girl. But I don’t think you could handle ten in this state. Let’s start with five.” You whimper at his words, desperate for a sensation that isn’t the teasing tap of his fingers against your cheek. He pets your head gently, smoothing back the stray hairs, and you try not to writhe from the lack of attention where you need it. “You can stop whenever you want.” He reminds you. You know he would stop if you asked. But you need it. You had put yourself in danger. You shouldn’t have done that. You deserve this punishment.

“Please sir.” He decides to tease a little more, he knows how close you are to cracking beneath him. He rubs gentle circles over your shoulders as your chest heaves with every breath you take.

“Please what darlin?” You frown, not understanding what he wants you to say. “Please stop?” You whimper at the thought of him stopping. “Or please spank my ass until I’m a good girl again?”

“Please punish me sir. Wanna be a good girl.” He grins at your obedience, at the sound of you telling him exactly what to do to you.

After the first spank a wounded cry falls from your lips. He waits a moment, letting the sting flood through your skin to tease at your aching pussy. There’s another whimper as the pleasure begins to flood through you.

The next spank is when it starts to hurt. The pain blooms over your skin, and the shock of the first spank dissolves, which has tears pooling in your eyes as you gasp. Billy is in awe at the sight of you. He’s certain you’ve never been this wet in your life. Your arousal is coating your thighs, and he knows that he’ll need to change his pants when he’s finished with you.

You cry out again at the feeling of the next spank. He was right, there was no way you could have handled ten of these. The pleasure and pain has your mind swimming, a dizzying haze clouding over your thoughts. Billy can feel every shuddering breath you take. He wants to hear your sobs.

You’re clinging tight onto the fabric of his pants, your nails digging into the material. If you wanted to stop, you could have easily tapped against his thigh. Instead, you press your forehead hard against the arm of his chair as your body shakes. Tears stream down your cheeks, dripping onto his leather seat as the next smack lands against your cheek.

“One more, darlin.” He murmurs, though you can hardly hear him. After the last spank your body shudders and you choke on a sob. He rubs his hand over your back as the pain settles into your cheek. His hands are gentle as he helps you sit up, in his lap. “All done, sweet girl.”

You’re shaking as you cling to him, fingers curled tightly into the fabric of his suit. You press your forehead hard against his shoulder as he holds you against his chest. As his knee brushes against your bare ass, you whimper.

“Sit up on your knees darlin.” He tells you, ensuring that you’re straddling his lap to prevent your sore cheeks from rubbing against the fabric of his dress pants. A sob catches in your throat, and a fresh bout of tears flood down your face.

“I’m so sorry.” You manage to gasp out between your tears. He brushes your tears away.

“I’m not mad at you darlin, not mad at all.” He insists, cupping your face tenderly and pressing soft kisses along your tear stains. “Been such a good girl for me. So brave, takin’ her punishment so well.” He holds you tight as your tears begin to slow, hardly believing that you’re holding onto him just as tight.

His hands stroke their way down your sides, feeling every curve and ridge as your breathing settles. Once you’re more relaxed, Billy lets his hands rest on your stretched out thighs and you hum softly as they warm your skin. Your forehead is pressed against his, though your eyes are very nearly closed - you hardly have the strength to keep them open. Billy let’s his eyes roam over your body, before they fixate on your dripping pussy.

“Look at that sweet little pussy.” He says with admiration in his tone. You’re aching for his touch, already breathless in anticipation as his fingers hover above your folds. “You want your reward, sweet girl?” You nod weakly, your voice a whisper as you respond.

“Please sir.”

He slides one finger between your folds, coating his digit with your slick before slipping it inside you. You gasp, your nails digging into his blazer as he curls his finger, hitting your most sensitive areas. A flood of pleasure rushes over you as his thumb circles your clit. Your breathing picks up, as you gasp and whimper, and you find yourself inching closer to your climax at an unfamiliar speed. He’s going to make you come undone in under a minute, and he knows it. Billy can feel your pussy clench tighter around his finger. You whine at the intensity, and Billy hushes your panicked gasps. His lips are tender against your neck, and he murmurs softly,

“Just let it all go, sweet girl. I’ve got you.” Your moans increase as your mind completely slips away from you. The only thing you’re conscious of is the feeling of his fingers in your pussy and against your clit. A whimper tears it’s way from your lips as your orgasm hits you, and you slump hard against Billy’s chest as you writhe in pleasure. “There we go. There’s my sweet girl.”

You don’t even have the strength to cling to him, your fingers unfurling from the fabric of his blazer. Billy looks down at you, your eyes fluttering closed in pure bliss as you continue to feel the effects of your orgasm. He removes his fingers from your pussy, taking them into his mouth to lick clean. Your eyes are still closed, but you can hear the hum of approval in his throat in response to your taste.

The hint of an idea crosses Billy’s mind - to set you down on his chair, drop to his knees, and bury his face between your thighs - but he pushes those thoughts away. You would probably pass out if he did that, and whilst that wouldn’t impede Billy, it’s only your first day home. He wants to take his time breaking you in.

He brushes his thumb over your cheek, and you lean blindly into his touch. You really are perfect. You stay curled up on Billy’s lap for quite some time, as he rewards you with some affectionate touches. Billy notices how you’re fighting to keep your eyes open.

“I think you need a nap, sweet girl.” You nod in agreement, though it takes quite some time for his words to sink in fully. But a nap does sound nice. Billy lifts you into his arms, which you’re grateful of - you doubt your legs would be able to support you and you’re too tired to concentrate on something like walking.

When he reaches the bed, Billy sets you down on your side. He moves away, and you hear a drawer opening. You lift your head a little, and spot him walking to the bathroom. The water runs for a moment, and then Billy returns with a damp cloth. The bed dips as he sits at your side. He wipes over your face, cleaning up your remaining tear stains. Then he pats the cloth over your warm, tender ass. There’s a small whimper from your lips and Billy shushes you gently.

“This’ll be a little cold, sweet girl.” He warns you, as he rubs some lotion over his palms before he smooths it carefully over your skin. You shiver at his touch, and Billy continues to spread moisturiser over your cheeks. He wipes his hands with the cloth, before standing and moving over to your closet.

He picks out a very short camisole, so that the fabric won’t brush against your sore ass, and he helps to slip it over your head.

“Lie on your front, sweet girl.” He instructs you, and you do as he says, sliding under the covers. You whimper a little when the quilt settles over your bare ass.

“Will you stay?” You ask in a small voice. He nods,

“I’ll stay.”

Billy toes his shoes off, sliding them under the bed. He shrugs off his jacket and loosens his tie before settling down beside you. He has work he needs to do, but his phone is still in his pocket so he can continue working once you’re asleep. But he can’t deny you his company. Not when you ask so sweetly. There’s been very few people in Billy’s life who will admit so easily that they want him. You shift closer, seeking his warmth. Settling your head against Billy’s shoulder, you rest a hand on his chest, feeling the smooth cotton beneath your fingers. It takes mere seconds for you to fall asleep, and Billy smiles fondly once your breathing evens out.


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes

The Plan

Part of the The Other Side AU

Pairing: Mob Boss!Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: As a part of an undercover operation to gain inside access to Russo’s illegal activity, you end up getting more than you bargained for.

Warnings [18+]: public sex, fingering, dirty talk, sir kink, bit of praise kink, smidge of humiliation, tiny bit of pussy slapping, Billy technically ends up owning the reader so that’s a little dodgy (but it’s a mafia!au so it could be a lot worse)

My Masterlist

“There’s no way Russo would fall for that.” You insist, your hands on your hips as you hear Jim talk you through his latest plan.

“Our behaviourists have picked up on the fact that he generally tends to protect vulnerable women.” He reasons with a shrug as he spins his chair around to face you.

“Well it’s nice to know he’s not a complete asshole.” You remark.

“We think it’ll work.”

“Didn’t he murder his last girlfriend?”

“That was an abnormality.”

“Let’s hope it wasn’t a common abnormality - for the sake of the poor girl who’s subjecting herself to your crazy ideas.”

“Collins has already put your name forward.” Your mouth drops open.

“Me? I can’t do it.”

“Why not? You’ve got experience working undercover, you know plenty about his business already, and - the most important part - he won’t recognise you.” You frown at him, as he continues to explain. “The majority of us have had altercations with either Russo or his men - you haven’t for some reason.”

You hope that you manage to look surprised by this revelation of his. Though you’re not surprised at all - Billy somehow always knows which ops you’re on, and clears out his men before you even arrive.

But Jim’s plan relies solely on the fact that Billy won’t know the chosen agent. The story he’s manufactured is actually rather good - you will admit that.

You would be visiting one of Billy’s clubs with a small group of female agents who would be acting as your friends, and one male agent who would be your fake boyfriend. You would be playing the classic, innocent girl dragged to a club by her friends, and her thoroughly dissatisfying boyfriend.

Your boyfriend would be tasked with racking up a large amount of debt by losing as many games as possible. When he fails to pay up, the plan is for him to offer you to his opponent as compensation. Jim is certain that Russo would step in, either claiming you for himself or simply throwing your group out of the club.

The only problem is, Billy knows what you look like, and he certainly knows what your voice sounds like. You’re positive he would know you anywhere. But, of course, you can’t tell Jim that. You can’t tell anyone that you regularly chat - amongst lots of other things - to the infamous mobster.

A small, hopeful, part of you believes that the plan would still work out. That Billy would try and protect you. But the rational part of you insists that he’ll see through the act, and he’ll send his men after you - he might even kill you himself. Whilst you want to feel assured by your somewhat unusual relationship with him, you’re not. Actually meeting him in person seems surreal. What if he sees you in person and decides you’re actually not worth pursuing anymore? What if he’s only interested in you at a distance?


This is a bad idea. It’s a terrible, terrible idea. Yet somehow you are sipping on a drink that is approximately 95 percent fruit juice, in a white dress. You had protested against the white dress, no one ever actually falls for the innocent girl in a white dress act. But Jim insisted, so here you are. It’s a nice club, you will admit. Somehow, your group had managed to get into the more upscale area which suits you just fine.

You haven’t seen Billy yet, and whilst you don’t know exactly what he looks like, you’re certain you’ll recognise him. Your mind drifts back to a conversation between the two of you.

“Do you know what I look like?” He asks. You’re lying down on your bed, your phone tucked into the crook of your shoulder as you talk to Billy.

“I know you’re 6 feet tall. Black hair, brown eyes, white Caucasian.” You say, recounting the facts from his file. “I’ve seen a grainy photo of you, but your face was practically a pinprick. So I have an idea, but not really.”

“Does that bother you?”

“On the list of things that bother me, that’s at the very bottom.”

Now you’re nervous at the thought of not recognising him - you’re also nervous at the thought of him actually recognising you. Would he just walk up to you? Would he ignore you completely?

You’re so wrapped up in your thoughts that you lose focus of the game in front of you. David - your fake boyfriend - has already lost a lot of money. Then the unexpected happens. The agent tasked with opposing David gets interrupted.

“Mind if I cut in?” A familiar voice asks smoothly. You look up, meeting a pair of dark eyes. Your breath catches in your throat. It’s him. It’s finally him. Billy Russo. His eyes are still locked on yours as he unbuttons his suit jacket, and takes the seat across from you. The agent in front of you casts you an apologetic look before he hurries away - not wanting to fall onto Russo’s bad side. But you haven’t looked away from Billy’s eyes. They’re so dark. You’re hardly breathing, far too captivated by him to notice the lack of oxygen, though you do feel a little dizzy. His dark hair is slicked back perfectly, and you can’t help but wonder how disheveled it would look after running your hands through it. There’s a few thin scars over his forehead, but the largest ones curl over both of his cheeks in jagged patterns. There’s two scars over the bridge of his nose as well. Your eyes merely ghost over the scars, not paying too much attention to them. Your gaze shifts to his lips, and the dark stubble surrounding them before drifting down his neck to look at the immaculate, tailored suit that hugs his body perfectly.

He knows you’re eyeing him, and he smirks, running his tongue over his teeth. The sight of his tongue pushes the last of your thoughts from your head. A thrill runs through Billy at the sight of your eyes darkening to match his own hungry gaze. Your dress doesn’t reveal too much of your body, which Billy appreciates. He doesn’t want anyone else looking at you the way he is currently looking at you.

You’re so distracted by Billy’s sudden appearance that you forget why you’re even here. That is until David’s hand settles on your thigh. You jump a little at the contact, and you shift slightly away from him. His hand is a little too close for comfort, and since it’s beneath the table you know it isn’t a part of the act. Your eyes flicker to his as he takes a drink, a grin on his face. There’s thinly veiled disgust in your eyes. The two of you have never got along with one another - you were surprised when you were partnered on this op.

Luckily, one of the female agents asks you to join on a visit to the restroom. You nod, but David’s hand wraps around your wrist as you stand.

“Where are you going?” He asks with a frown.

“Restroom.” You inform him, hoping that your tone conveys how many lines he is currently crossing. Your expression softens dangerously, “That okay darling?” He returns your smile, releasing his hold on you.

“Course it is.” Billy watches your fists clench and unclench as you walk away. A small smile curls at his lips at the thought of you punching David in the face. Though, Billy has some far more extensive plans for David’s fate.

You’re not gone for long. You spend a little time checking your makeup and complaining about David and his audacity. You frown when you see Billy and David still playing.

“Why is he still playing against Russo?” The agent beside you murmurs. A small sigh of frustration falls from your lips before you reply,

“I don’t know.”

You look uncertain as you make your way back to the table. The majority of the women who visit Billy’s clubs wear black, red, or some other dark colour. Dressed in white, you look like a lost little lamb. Billy knows that quick mind of yours is trying to figure out what he’s up to, but from the looks of that sweet confusion in your eyes you don’t know what’s going on.

David doesn’t look at you as you sit back down beside him. He doesn’t move to touch you either, which you appreciate, but it confuses you. Billy smiles amicably at you, and you know something is wrong.

“Your boyfriend here has racked up quite the debt.”

“Cards clearly isn’t his strong suit.” Billy’s eyes glitter in amusement. “But whatever it is, he can pay it.” Billy assumes that your statement is meant to sound like innocent optimism, but he hears the prompting in your tone as you look at David. There’s a company credit card in his wallet, one to use in emergencies like this. Yes, your department will lose a large chunk of their budget, but none of their agents end up in the hands of dangerous criminals.

David meets your eyes warily, and your expression falls. You turn to face him harshly, rummaging your hands through the pockets of his blazer to search for the card. Finding nothing, you pull out his wallet. Opening it up, you scour the contents frantically.

“You don’t have it.”

“I thought I wouldn’t need it.” He argues, and you’re tempted to throttle him. You breathe out slowly, trying to find some way to ensure that none of your team dies for David’s mistake.

“Mr Russo, I’m so sorry-“ He waves away your apology.

“Don’t you worry your sweet little head about it. Your boyfriend and I have come to an agreement.” You swallow hard, not sure if you like how pleased Billy looks.

“You have?” Billy finds himself enjoying the uncertainty in your eyes, especially when he knows what the endgame of tonight will be.

“His debt has been settled. Him and your friends are free to go.”

“But?” He tilts his head, pleased that you picked up on the catch.

“But you’ll be stayin’ with me.” A few of the agents exchange looks, not wanting to leave you behind, but they certainly didn’t want to argue with Billy Russo of all people. When Jim had first walked you through the plan, you had considered something like this happening. Never in your wildest dreams had you thought Billy would actually be willing to take you for himself. You nod faintly at them, assuring them that you would be fine. Slowly, they gather themselves together and Billy’s men escort them out.

You keep your gaze on the table separating the two of you, afraid of losing yourself in his eyes again. Once you do find the courage to lift your head, you find his eyes already on you.

“So,” you say in a timid voice. “What now?”


Your body thuds against the cold wall behind you, and you feel the chill of it through your thin dress. Billy’s mouth is on yours and you melt against his lips. He grips the back of your neck hard, squeezing the muscles there, which pulls a moan from your lips. His all encompassing kiss muffles the sound of it, but Billy feels it in your chest, pressed tightly against his own.

Billy had walked you out to the deserted lobby, where the two of you were waiting for the valet to bring his car around. His arm around your waist, the two of you had exchanged several heated looks before Billy’s mouth was on yours, pressing you against a wall.

“You’re not thinkin’ straight.” Billy says against your lips, his mouth moving against yours as his other hand grasps at your hip. A frown creases at your brows as you struggle to understand his words. “You’re in shock.” He catches your lower lip between his, and sucks on it gently, drawing another moan from you. “Poor thing.” You whimper at his almost sympathetic tone. “Abandoned by her friends, throwin’ herself at the only person who’ll make her feel safe.” You know his words are most likely correct. You’re probably an idiot for feeling safe around him of all people. But you’ve also wanted to kiss him for months now.

“Please.” You whine.

“So desperate.” He remarks lowly with a smirk. Both of his hands dip lower, one squeezes at your ass, the other pawing lightly at your breast. “I bet you’d let me fuck you right here in the lobby.” His words remind you of how public your little display would be. You shake your head, your cheeks warming in embarrassment. He breathes out a sharp laugh. “No? You wouldn’t?” You shake your head again, your desperation leaking into your movements.

“No.” You insist, but your voice is shaky and filled with need. “I wouldn’t.” He hums in acknowledgement, as if he doesn’t really believe you and is only agreeing to pacify you. He sucks at the exposed skin of your shoulder, his teeth scraping lightly over your collarbone. You tip your head back, knocking it lightly against the wall behind you. He trails his lips up your neck so murmur against your ear,

“I’m sure it won’t be long before you’ll let me fuck you anywhere.” Your mind unhelpfully supplies you with a number of different places he could have his way with you. You whimper at the thought of your legs wound tightly around his waist, your back arched over different pieces of furniture as he fucks you.

He takes your earlobe into his mouth and your hips shift forwards in an attempt at finding some friction. Billy’s hands grasp at your hips, holding your hard against the wall.

“I wonder,” he whispers softly against your ear. “If I slip my fingers into those lace panties of yours, will that little pussy be wet already?”

“How- how do you know they’re lace?” You ask with a gasp.

“The whole good little girl act, you’re definitely wearing lace under this.” He remarks, smoothing the fabric of your skirt between his fingers. Then he slides both his hands under your skirt, stroking your bare thighs and you keen into his touch. Your hands are still grasping tightly at his arms, fingers curled into the fabric of his blazer. You’re not sure whether you’re ready to pull him closer or push him away, but you don’t have the strength to do either.

When his fingers trace the edge of your panties, his face breaks into a grin.

“Now look at that.” He ducks his head down to look under your skirt. “White lace panties.”

His thumbs dig into the flesh of your thighs and you rut your hips further into his touch. He tuts at you.

“No movin’ darlin. You get what I give you.” You let go of his arms, pressing your hands against the cold wall behind you, you lean your entire body against it, hoping that it’ll keep you steady. Billy squeezes your thighs, before sliding his hand to to cup against your clothed pussy. His eyes drink in every inch of you as you try your hardest to obey him and not buck against his hand. There’s an adorable crease in your brows, and your chest heaves as he begins to rub his hand against your pussy. He groans when he feels your wetness seeping through the fabric. He’ll be able to smell you on his hand for the rest of the night. He takes a step closer, pressing his entire body against yours.

“You know you’ve been a very bad girl this evening.” He says sternly against your ear and he feels you tremble. “Puttin’ yourself in danger like that.” He speeds up the motion of his hand, before stopping to gently rub against your clit. Your toes curl in your shoes, as sparks of pleasure course through your body. “That idiot coulda been playin’ against any old criminal. Would he have sold you to them?” He muses darkly. Billy would never have let that happen. You were his, and his alone. “You’re lucky I was there. Least now you’ve got an owner that’ll take care of you.”

As always, his words have you nearly falling to pieces, and his fingers press harder against your clothed clit which prompts you to choke on a moan. He hooks a finger under your chin, guiding your wide eyes to his, and once again you’re drowning in their depths.

“I will have to punish you for this. You understand that don’t you, sweet girl?” He asks you in such a soft voice that you nearly melt.

“Yes sir.” You agree, tilting your head back against the wall again. “Oh please.”

“Please? You wanna cum darlin?” You nod hurriedly, gasping erratically against his touch. “You really think you deserve it?” You whine, shaking your head.

“Words, darlin.”

“No sir. I don’t deserve it.” He grins, you’re so perfect already. He can’t wait to break you in properly. His grin turns wicked as he swats lightly against your sensitive clit. A startled yelp is ripped from your throat, and you begin to plead. “Oh please sir.”

He rubs a few soothing circles over your mound before he gives you another gentle swat, which has you whimpering in need. He tilts his head aside, you seem to be enjoying his harsher treatment.

“How about a deal?” He proposes. “I let you cum here and now, ruinin’ those sweet little panties.” You whine at the mere thought of being granted an orgasm. “In return, you come home with me.” You stare up at him with wide eyes. “No fightin’, no runnin’, just you bein’ a good girl for me.”

You don’t hesitate for as long as you should. As soon as you nod, Billy props your legs apart with his own.

“Words, darlin.”

“Yes sir. I’ll come home with you.” A growl hums in his throat at your submission, at allowing him to take you to his house, where you will be at his complete mercy whenever he wants you.

He pulls your panties aside, sliding one finger inside your dripping pussy. You cry out at the unexpected intrusion, clenching tightly around his finger. With his other hand he works at your clit, rubbing firm circles that have you gasping. His mouth returns to your neck, dragging the soft skin there between his teeth. You squeeze your eyes closed tightly as you climax, slumping your body against Billy’s. He slows his motions, drawing out your pleasure. There’s a beautiful glaze over your eyes as Billy looks down at you. Your breathing is beginning to even out as you come down from your high, leaving you with shaky legs as you cling to Billy. He smiles at the sight of you looking so dependent on him, fucked out of your head by his fingers, curling yourself against his chest. He withdraws his fingers from your panties, and he marvels at how wet they look as he traces them over your lips. You mindlessly open your mouth to accept his fingers, humming at the taste of your release. Billy’s eyes nearly roll back in his head as your tongue laps at his digits. Fuck, you really are perfect for him.

He wraps his arms around you, keeping you against his chest for a few moments longer. The warmth of his body is comforting, as the chill of the lobby has you shivering lightly. Billy tugs his blazer off, before settling it on your shoulders. His warmth and scent envelopes you, and you shudder at the sudden sense of comfort. You still cling to the front of his shirt, and he keeps an arm around you.

“Think you can walk to the car, sweet girl?” He asks teasingly, but it’s a genuine question. Billy would gladly carry you to the car, and you’re not one hundred percent certain your legs will hold. But you nod, and he presses a kiss to your forehead. He keeps you tucked against his side as you walk through the rest of the lobby.

Billy opens the passenger door of his car, and you sit down.

A small huff leaves your lips as you pull at the seatbelt. Billy leans over, taking the buckle from your hands and securing it around you. Your wide eyes meet his, and he smiles gently at you before he reaches down to slide your shoes off, casting them down into the footwell. Once he’s done, he traces his fingers over your cheek.

“Feel free to get some sleep, sweet girl.” He withdraws from you, shutting the car door behind him. Billy walks around the car, and opens the drivers door before sitting down. The keys slide into the ignition and the car hums to life.

Practically speaking, you should stay awake and see where he takes you since he is sort of kidnapping you. But you’re going willingly? So is it kidnapping? Billy watches as your brows crease, and he smiles at the sight of your pout. You fold your legs underneath you and settle your face against the side of the chair. Billy turns the heat on, and you’re soon feeling cosy with the scent of his cologne filling the small space.

Billy can sense the moment you drift off to sleep, and he drives as smoothly as possible, ensuring that you remain asleep the entire drive home.


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes

Wake Up Call

Part of the The Other Side AU

Pairing: Mob Boss!Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: After his phone call the day before, Billy decides to check up on you.

Warnings [18+]: phone sex, mutual masturbation, praise kink, sir kink, very soft dom!Billy, dirty talk, brief reference to somnophilia

My Masterlist

Tugging your phone from your nightstand, you open up the alarm app to prevent it from going off. You had done as Billy asked you, spending your Friday night relaxing. As a result, you had just woken from one of the deepest night’s sleep you had been able to have in quite some time.

Just as your mind drifts to him, your phone buzzes with a call from the man himself.

A soft, sleepy hum is the only greeting you can offer him, and Billy smiles widely at the thought of you lying half asleep in bed.

“Sweet dreams darlin?” He hears the sound of your sheets rustling as you nestle yourself back under the covers. You frown when you hear the clicking of computer keys.

“Are you working already?” He breathes out a laugh at your scandalised tone, imagining the pout on your lips at the thought of leaving your bed so early.

“No rest for the wicked, sweet girl.” Your cheeks warm at his teasing tone. “Were you a good girl last night?”

You hum in reply, which doesn’t satisfy Billy.

“I can’t see you darlin. Need to hear your words.” You squirm against your mattress, glad that he can’t see you though it’s likely he already knows how flustered you are.

“Yes sir.” A smirk spreads over his face. He’s never asked you for address him as sir, it’s just been something you’ve picked up on - and he certainly won’t stop you.

“What did you do?” He asks. You pull your lower lip between your teeth as you consider your words, wondering whether you would survive admitting to him that you did exactly as you were told.

“Had a bath. Thank you for the oils, they were really nice.” Billy grins at the thought of you using the oils he bought you. A few times a week, Billy would order something as a treat for you, by now you were used to arriving home to a package by your door.

“Which one did you use?” He asks, his voice low, which has a shiver running down your spine as you reply,

“Lavender.” You hear him draw in a breath, as if he’s imagining the scent of it. Which he is. He’s also imagining you in his bathtub. Soft candlelight glowing against your dewy skin, his hands caressing every inch of your body, kissing down your neck towards your breasts.

He shifts slightly in his chair, and you hear the leather creak beneath him. He tilts his head aside - it’s a Saturday morning, he should have enough time to take the next step with you. He hears you yawn quietly, and he smiles at the thought of you blinking sleepily in the morning light.

“Still feelin’ sleepy, sweet girl?”

“A little.” You admit.

“Could you put me on speakerphone?” There’s the rusting of your sheets, before you reply with a small,


“Good girl.” In your warm, half asleep state you can’t stop the contented hum in your throat at the sound of his praise. “Think you can do somethin else for me?” He hears you hum again, but he needs you to hear you. “Words, darlin.” He reminds you.

“Yes sir.”

“What’re you wearin’?”

“Camisole and panties.” After a night of relaxing, you had wanted to wear something nice to bed. He hums in approval, and warmth floods through you at the thought of him being enticed by the sight of you.

“The silk one?” Despite the fact that he can’t see you, you nod your face into your pillow.


“Yes what?” He prompts sternly. You whine at the shift in his tone, pressing your thighs hard together.

“Yes sir.”

“Run your hands over the silk, sweet girl.” He hears your breathing shift as you begin to realise what he might be planning. A soft moan falls from your lips as you hands smooth over the silk, firm against your warm body. “You can stop whenever you want darlin.” Billy reminds you.

“I know.” You assure him, your hands trailing down your sides as you add, “Want this.”

“Good girl. Now just follow my voice, and do as you’re told. Close your eyes for me.” You do as he says, pressing your face into the soft plush of your pillow. “Want you to be nice and gentle sweet girl, can you do that for me?”

“Yes sir.”

“Can you rub your clit for me?” Your trail your hand down your body, and a whine tears it’s way from your throat as your fingers trace around your clothed clit. “Nice and slow, sweet girl.” He encourages you, and you follow his directions. He clenches his jaw as the sound of your moans reach him, and you hear the sound of a zipper. Warm blood rushes through your body at the thought of Billy touching himself whilst making you come undone with his words. “You soakin’ through your panties yet, darlin?” You bite down hard on your lip.

“Yes sir.” You hear him groan softly over the phone.

“Such a good girl.” At the sound of another whine from your lips, Billy adds, “You need a little more, sweet girl?” You nod hurriedly against your pillow, before gasping out,

“Please, sir.”

“Pull your panties aside and pet that little pussy for me.” A broken moan escapes your throat as your finger slides easily between your folds to trace against your sopping pussy. “How wet are you, sweet girl?”

“So wet, sir.”

“Yeah?” He breathes out harshly. “That sweet little pussy’s so desperate isn’t she?” You whimper at his words, continuing to rock your hips against your finger. Billy can hear your breathing shift into desperate little pants. You’re lost on a cloud of pleasure, the only thing you can focus on is the sound of his voice on the line. “God, you’ve made my cock so hard, sweet girl.” Your sleepy, lust fuelled mind drifts to thoughts of his hand around his cock, of him sliding his cock into you. You’re dreaming of him filling you to the brim, of his cum coating your thighs. “If you were mine, I’d have fucked you awake this morning. Woulda taken that sweet little pussy while you were still soft and sleepy.” Your cry is muffled against your pillow, but Billy hears it, even over the sound of the blood rushing through his ears as his own pleasure increases. “You like the sound of that darlin?”

“Oh god yes.”

He swears with a groan when he hears the sound of your slick covered fingers moving against your pussy. Blood rushes to your face as the sound of your arousal fills the room, embarrassed that he can hear how worked up he’s got you, but you’re far too caught up in pleasure to stop yourself. Your pace is slow and determined, and you moan every time your fingertip traces your clit. Every nerve in your body begins to tingle in anticipation.

“You gonna cum for me darlin? Gonna be a sweet little girl for me that cums when she’s told?”

“Yes.” You gasp out as your climax approaches. “Oh yes, please.” Your focus is solely on the sound of Billy’s breathing, hearing it catch and shudder as he reaches his own peak. It doesn’t take much for you to imagine it against your ear as he presses his body over yours. You squeeze your eyes closed tightly as a series of moans pour from your lips. Your fingers are soaked as your pussy clenches hard around nothing, sparks flooding through your body as you cum. A deep moan is ripped from Billy’s throat, muffled by his gritted teeth, but it helps you to work yourself through the aftershocks of pleasure.

As you slow the gentle petting of your pussy, a few soft moans reach Billy’s ears which nearly has him hard again at the thought of fucking your cum back into you.

He picks up a wad of tissues from his desk, taking some time to clean himself up, whilst giving you the opportunity to recover from your high. After a minute or so he decides to check on you.

“You alright there darlin?” He asks, and you breathe out a soft laugh before remarking airily,

“Yeah.” Billy chuckles lightly at your tone.

“As pretty as you must look with cum drippin’ outta you, want you to clean yourself up sweet girl.” You shift your hips as his words register in your mind. “And get some breakfast in you, you think you can do that for me?” Your heart flips at his thoughtfulness, deciding to push away the usual spiral of thoughts that accompany such actions from him.

“Yes sir.” He smiles - what a perfect start to his day.

“Good girl.”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes

The Other Side

A Mob Boss!Billy Russo (Jigsaw) x Fem!Reader AU

The Masterlist

My Masterlist

Series Warnings [18+]: canon level violence, sub/dom themes, soft dom!Billy, lots of praise kink and sir kink, dirty talk, spanking, public sex, generally a lot of smut (will add to this as the series progresses)

After the events of The Punisher (season one) Billy Russo stakes his claim on New York, quickly establishing himself as a force to be reckoned with amongst the city’s criminal underworld. When you get assigned to an undercover operation that seeks to take down Russo, a conflict of interest occurs. You may or may not be falling for him?

An Overview

Part 1: Counter Offer

You receive an early morning phone call at work.

Part 2: Wake Up Call

After his phone call the day before, Billy decides to check up on you.

Part 3: The Plan

As a part of an undercover operation to gain inside access to Russo’s illegal activity, you end up getting more than you bargained for.

Part 4: Punishment

You wake up in your new home, and receive your punishment from Billy.

Dress To Impress

Part of the Guilty of Love AU

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: Together, you and Billy tackle one of the biggest parts of wedding planning - the outfits.

Word Count:

My Masterlist

“Alright, what’s wrong?” Billy sighs, pulling the cover back to settle into bed bedside you. You look up from your fingers that you had been fiddling with to frown at him.

“What?” He slots one of his hands over yours, and squeezes your fingers gently as he leans closer.

“Somethin is goin on in that sweet little head of yours.” He remarks, pressing a kiss to your temple as he looks at you questioningly. Your mouth parts as you consider your answer.

“Nothing.” You tell him, and you know he’s raising a brow at you, so you add quickly, “I mean, there’s nothing wrong.” You begin to fiddle with his fingers, smoothing your fingertips over each of his knuckles. He moves one of his fingers to trace around the stone of your engagement ring.

Billy watches your brow crease as you think, and he waits patiently for you to continue. Drawing in a small breath, you ask him,

“Will you come dress shopping with me?” There’s a pause before you add, “Wedding dress shopping.”

His heart nearly bursts out his chest, at the thought of you wanting him with you when you pick out your dress. He shifts slightly, propping himself onto his side with his elbow.

“You’re sure?” You nod,

“Absolutely. I mean, the idea of it being a surprise is nice,” you look down at your intertwined fingers again before adding quietly, “but I want you to love it.”

“Sweetheart, I will love you in anything.” He assures you softly. Then he smirks, “I’d also love you in nothin at all, but I don’t think that’d be appropriate.” You laugh softly.

“Billy, I’m being serious.”

“So am I.” His teasing expression fades as he regards you fondly. “You want me there, I’ll be there. You want me to drop you off at the door with some friends, I’ll do it. Whatever you want.” You slide your arms around his waist, tucking yourself against his chest. He rests a hand on your head, smoothing his thumb over your hair.

“I want you there.” An excited smile spreads over his face.

“Then I’ll be there.”


“Okay, first order of business, we find the most expensive dress in the store and try that on first.” Billy informs you with a wide smile, and you shake your head at him.

“Absolutely not.” His brow crinkles, before he asks,

“Why not?”

“Well, what if I fall in love with it?” He shrugs lightly.

“Then I’ll buy it.”

“You will not.” He sighs, raising a hand in surrender. His other hand is clasped tightly in yours as the two of you walk along the pavement towards the wedding dress shop.

You and Billy aren’t planning on doing the big, traditional wedding. Because of this, you had spent quite some time contemplating whether you would ask Billy to come dress shopping with you. After all, he was the person who knew you best, and you’d be able to have a fun day with him. It would be a lot different from when you went shopping with Tessa for her wedding dress a few years ago. Her mother and mother-in-law had been invited and she spent the majority of the time hiding in the dressing room.

It feels liberating, having just Billy with you.

He ends up convincing you to try on the store’s most expensive dress. It has a colossal hoop skirt accompanied by a mountain of tulle. Huge chunky jewels adorn the bodice, and you can feel the weight of the entire dress when you walk.

Billy laughs at the sight of your unimpressed face as you pull back the curtain.

“I’m starting to regret asking you to come with me.” He stands up from his chair, making his way towards you with a smile.

“Too late I’m here to stay.”

“I look like a cupcake.” You insist with a sigh, as you cross your arms.

“A very beautiful cupcake.” He reasons, looking you up and down. “But I’m guessing this is a no?”

“A definite no.”

He nods in agreement, holding out his hand to help you walk back behind the changing curtain. He surveys the options the two of you had gathered during your wander around the store.

“Would you try this one on next?” He asks, pulling one of the dresses to the edge of the rail. You smile at his eager expression, and you nod. His brow furrows as he takes in the sight of you struggling to reach the zipper of your current dress. “Need a hand?”

A small smile tugs at your lips, before you nod again. He smiles fondly at you, and closes the curtain behind the two of you. He helps you out of the ridiculously expensive dress, and complains about the weight of it, which makes you laugh. Once you’ve hung up the previous dress, Billy is standing waiting with the next one. He helps you step into it, and you watch in the mirror as he ensures the straps are sitting perfectly on your shoulders before you feel his hands securing the zipper.

Billy’s jaw nearly drops when he takes in the sight of you. His chin hovers just over your shoulder with an astounded smile on his face. Your eyes are fixed on the dress, studying the intricate lace flowers that adorn the bodice, and trail down to taper off once the soft silk skirt begins. There’s a slit in the fabric of the skirt, revealing a sliver of your legs, which you can tell Billy is a fan of. Just looking at the dress, you can’t help but smile.

Billy turns his head to watch your face as your eyes widen and you breathe out softly,

“Billy it’s beautiful.” He hums in agreement, his nose brushing against your cheek as he corrects you,

You’re beautiful.” You turn to meet his eyes, delight shining on your face.

Billy wraps his arms around your waist, feeling the soft fabric beneath his fingers. He presses a kiss to your cheek with a wide smile on his face. He leans in to kiss your other cheek and you giggle at his antics. He pulls back, admiring the sight of you looking so happy in such a beautiful dress.

“You wanna try on some more?” You turn back to the mirror, staring longingly at the dress you’re currently wearing. Billy watches as you run your hands down over the material, turning this way and that. He can’t stop smiling, seeing you look so pleased with yourself. You look back at him, shaking your head.

“This is the one.”


The sun shines on Billy’s face as the two of you place your lunch order at a diner around the corner from the dress shop. The waitress scribbles down your requests before leaving you and Billy to wait for your food. You watch Billy as his eyes scan over the few people already gathered in the diner.

“Do you want to wear your dress uniform?” You ask, and Billy frowns, his eyes falling back to you. You tilt your head aside, as you watch his expression, before adding, “What?”

“I didn’t even consider it.” He looks away, his brow creasing. You allow him a moment to think, and he tilts his head aside. “Frank wore his, but he was still in the service then.”

“You could wear yours.” He nods absentmindedly.

“Not sure if I’d want to.” You nod casually, not wanting to pressure him into making a decision.

“There’s plenty of rules you’d have to follow. You wouldn’t be able to wear a flower on your lapel. You’d need to be clean shaven too.”

“You looked into it?” He asks, with a small smile pulling at his lips. You duck your head lightly as you return his smile.

“I was looking up wedding traditions and saw something about military weddings. I know what being in the marines meant to you, so I wanted to ask you about it.” His eyes soften as he regards you.

“It did mean a lot to me. But, to be honest, there’s more bad than good that came from it.”

He rests his elbows against the table, holding a hand out to you, and you take it.

“This,” he starts, gesturing between you both. “And you. You’re my fresh start. I wanna move on from all that.” You smile at him, feeling so glad that Billy wants to leave his past behind, both for his sake and yours. He rubs a hand over his chin, sliding down over his neck. “Don’t like the idea of me bein clean shaven either.” He remarks with a smirk. You laugh softly.

“Me neither.” He grins at you.

“Oh really?” You roll your eyes at his teasing tone. Scoffing lightly, you raise your eyebrows at him as he continues to grin mischievously.

“Stop it.” He shakes his head.

“Oh no, I think I wanna hear more about this obvious preference of yours.” You drop your flushed cheeks into your hands and you hear Billy laugh. There’s a tugging on your wrists, as his fingers curl around your arms to pry your hands away from your face. “Ah ah, no hidin sweetheart.” He teases and you pout as he manages to reveal your face.

Billy leans forward, pressing a kiss to your pouting lips, and you can’t resist smiling at him.

“Will you come with me when I get my suit then?” He asks, his head tilted aside. Your smile softens as you nod, before repeating his words back to him.

“You want me there, I’ll be there.”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless

Guilty of Love Tag List: @earthfairytale@xxcastleloverxx@strange-person16@cafenoir22@blueearmufs@sunflowerlamb

Counter Offer

Part of the The Other Side AU

Pairing: Mob Boss!Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: You receive an early morning phone call at work.

Warnings: s/d themes, casual dominance

My Masterlist

A sigh heaves at your chest when you hear your phone ringing. Having only just sat down at your desk, you’ve deemed it far too early to be receiving any sort of human interaction. Although when you recognise the familiar eleven digits staring up at you, you feel more eager to answer.

“Good morning Mr Russo.” You say, every syllable pronounced in a professional tone, but Billy can hear the teasing underneath. He stifles a groan under his breath. Only you can rile him up with a few words.

“Mornin darlin.” He drawls, and he can almost hear the catch in your breath as the sound of his voice reaches your ear. A thrill always runs through Billy at the thought of you being just as caught up by him, as he is by you. “Busy day?”

You hum lightly as you look down at your schedule. Your department has been planning a raid on one of Russo’s warehouses, though it will likely end up a dead end. Billy would never let you near one of his business deals without his knowledge.

“You’d know all about that wouldn’t you?” You can picture the smirk on his lips.

“Can neither confirm or deny.” A soft laugh falls from your lips, which Billy plays over in his mind, cherishing each second of pleasure that he’s managed to give you. Perhaps one day he’ll find the courage to be able to see you in person.

“Well you certainly keep me busy.” You remark with a distracted sigh. You were intending for that to be a joke, but Billy can hear the exhaustion behind your words. He runs his tongue over the top of his teeth, feeling the ridge of the scar over his left cheek.

“Come work for me. You know I’d look after you darlin.” You stare down at your desk, mulling over his words. This isn’t the first time Billy has offered you a job. He’s right as well. Russo’s employees are loyal, the kind of loyalty only gained through looking after people. You can’t deny that being looked after by Billy sounds appealing. You can practically hear his smile widening as he adds, “And what I wouldn’t pay to hear you wish me good morning in person.”

You don’t reply, but a smile tugs at your lips as warmth blooms over your cheeks. You hear him breathe out a soft chuckle, no doubt deducing your reaction.

Over the last few months you’ve gone from outright denying him, to simply ignoring his offers. You don’t know why, but this morning you’re hesitant to give any sort of response.

“Can you do something for me, darlin?” He asks, his voice smooth and enticing.

“That depends.” Billy ignores the suspicion in your voice. He knows it’s a result of your chosen profession, not a reflection on your thoughts regarding him.

“When you go home tonight, I want you to draw yourself a bath. Hm?” You blink in surprise, and Billy decides to continue. “Remember those oils I bought you? I know you’ve still got them, hidden them away somewhere. Want you to use them tonight, get yourself nice and relaxed.” He can hear the shift in your breathing, and Billy knows that every word he says is drawing you further in. “Want you to pour yourself a drink, and soak in the tub for as long as you need to.” You might continue to push back regarding his job offer, but you could never refuse him when he talks to you in this tone. “Want you to turn your phone off - switch that sweet mind of yours off too - and take care of yourself.”

As the sound of his voice rolls around your head, you can’t stop yourself from imagining him there with you. Of his hands smoothing over your bare skin, rubbing firm circles into your tight, aching muscles. His nails scraping lightly over your scalp as he washes your hair.

“You think you can do all that for me, darlin?” He asks gently, pulling you out of your thoughts. You blink hurriedly, and through the haze in your mind the only response you can muster is a,

“Yes sir.” There’s a hum of approval down the line, and warmth blooms in your chest at the thought of pleasing him.

“Good girl.” You clench your jaw hard to suppress a whimper at his praise.

You shift slightly in your seat, and with the accompanying friction you realise how desperate he’s made you in just a few minutes. You bite down on your lower lip in frustration and you can hear him breathe out a laugh.

“Bet you’re regrettin wearin that skirt today, hm?” He teases, and heat floods through your entire body. You look around in confusion.

“There’s no cameras in my office.”

“No there isn’t.” He agrees. “But one of your walls is glass, and there’s a camera in the hallway.”

You lean forward, looking out through the glass wall of your office to glance at the camera nestled in the corner of the hallway. You can hear the grin in his voice as he drawls,

“Hello darlin.” You spin your chair around to face the opposite direction and Billy laughs. You try to ignore how good his laugh makes you feel. His laughter fades, and you hear him move his phone away to address someone in his office. His voice is stern, and you tune out whatever he’s saying. There was a time were you would strain to hear word of any of his business deals. Now you just wait patiently for him to deal with whatever has been brought to his attention.

There’s the faint sound of a door closing, and you hear him sigh.

“Busy day?” You phrase tentatively, echoing his earlier question to you. A smile tugs at Billy’s lips despite the fact that he has end your conversation so quickly.

“Looks like it. I’ve got to go darlin.”

“Have a nice day Mr Russo.” He breathes out a soft laugh at your tone, as he watches the coy smile play on your lips. You always sound so sweet, but you love to tease just as much as Billy does.

“You too, darlin.”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless

Paper Rings

Part of the Guilty of Love AU

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: You and Billy break the important news to the people in your life.

Word Count:

My Masterlist

Billy smiles widely at the sight of you, bustling away in the kitchen. He’s perched on one of the bar stools, watching you nod your head along with the tune playing from your phone. His eyes follow the motion of your mouth as you murmur the lyrics under your breath. You duck your head lightly when you notice how much of his attention has been on you. A smile tugs at your lips, and you ask him to pick out a wine for dinner.

You’re both reminded of the night you met. When you had found Billy cooking dinner for you both, and he had asked you to pick a wine for you both. The very first time you put your trust in him.

So much has changed since then. Tonight you’re cooking dinner for four, rather than your usual two. Billy has invited Frank and Karen over to share the news of your engagement. You stare down at the glistening ring on your finger, and Billy follows your gaze as he wraps an arm around you to reach for the corkscrew. He presses a kiss to your forehead, before he pulls away to open up the wine.

“How long do you think it’ll take before they notice?” He asks, nodding towards your ring.

“Within the first five minutes.” He raises a brow at you.


“It’s a rather sparkly rock, Billy.” He grins, curling his arms around you as he looks down at the ring again.

“It sure is.” You turn in his arms and press a kiss to his cheek, bringing a bright smile to his face. You breathe out a soft laugh when you recognise the song that’s playing, and Billy frowns lightly at the expression on your face.

I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings.” You sing along softly, tapping your finger against Billy’s nose, and he beams at you. “That’s right, you’re the one I want.”

Billy tightens his grip on you, lifting you up into his arms and twirling you both around. You squeal when your feet leave the floor, and you cling tightly onto Billy’s shirt.

“We better start practicing our dancin sweetheart.” You laugh at the excited look on his face. He sets your feet back down on the floor, and you hold a hand out to him. He raises a brow at you, as you ask,

“Mr Russo, may I have this dance?” He grins at you.

“Why of course, future Mrs Russo.” A giddy rush floods through you every time he calls you that. The song certainly isn’t slow enough for any romantic swaying, and Billy grasps onto you tightly, pulling you against his body as the two of you begin to rock enthusiastically to the rhythm of the song. Billy twirls you around, and you beam at him.

It’s moments like these that Billy truly treasures. He’s never even allowed himself to dream of such things. A loving home, a family of his own. Things other people had always had, but never him. There were times were he thought he wasn’t built for this - for a love like yours. Now, whenever that thought crosses his mind, your presence alone drives it away.

You notice the shift in his eyes, and lean forward to press your lips against his, as a physical reminder of your love for him. He returns the kiss instantly, meeting your lips with increasing enthusiasm. Your hip nudges against the kitchen counter, and you know Billy is tempted by the thought of picking you up and placing you on the counter. If Frank and Karen weren’t coming over soon, you know Billy would have absolutely no qualms about spoiling your dinner in favour of making out on the countertop.

There’s a knock at the front door, but Billy ignores it, preferring to continue working his lips against yours. You tilt your head back, attempting to free your mouth to scold him, though Billy takes this as an opportunity to trail his lips down your neck. You grip a hand into his hair, and there’s a moment where you can’t decide whether you want to tug him away or hold him closer.

“Billy.” You say warningly.

“Yes,” he mumbles through his kisses against your skin. “Sweetheart?”

“There’s someone at the door.”

“Uh huh.” He doesn’t remove his lips as he speaks, and you can feel his grin against your neck. “I noticed.”

“Billy.” You insist, pushing your fingertips against his chest. His body moves with your push, but his lips don’t stray far from you.

“Alright, alright.” He sighs, pulling away from you, only to lean back in to press a hurried series of kisses against your lips. He smiles widely at the sound of your giggles.

“Billy - the door.”

“I’m goin.” He says, curling his fingers around your forearm to steady you as you slide down from the countertop. He presses a kiss to your forehead, before disappearing into the hallway. You can’t shake the smile from your face as you continue the preparations for dinner.

You can hear the sound of Billy opening the front door, and greeting Frank and Karen as they make their way inside. Frank and Billy exchange a few words with one another, though you can’t hear what they’re saying.

Karen ducks her head around the doorway, before making her way over to you with a bottle of wine in her hand. You smile brightly at her, trying to suppress your excitement.

“Hi Karen, how are you?” She smiles back at you as she sets her bottle down on the counter beside you.

“I’m good thanks. Busy as always. How are- What is that?” She reaches out to grasp your hand, and you laugh immediately. She looks up at your face, her mouth parted in delighted shock. Billy and Frank appear in the doorway and you call out,

“Billy she’s noticed already.” Billy smiles widely at you, as Karen turns her head to look between you both as she attempts to process what’s happening. Frank frowns in confusion, but understanding dawns on him when he spots the ring. He grins, slapping a hand over Billy’s back.

“Finally. I’d almost forgotten, with how long you took.” You frown at Frank,

“Wait, you knew Billy was going to propose?”

“Course I did. Who d’you think helped him pick that out?” He remarks, nodding towards your ring. Your heart warms at the thought of Frank and Billy visiting the jewellers to pick out the perfect ring for you. And it is perfect.

“Thank you Frank.” You say, stepping into his arms. He freezes for a moment, as he feels your arms wrap around his middle, but his arms soon curl around you, and he squeezes you affectionately. You know how deep Frank and Billy’s friendship runs. Billy looks up to Frank like an older brother. When you turn around Billy is leaning his hip against the kitchen counter, regarding you with a wide smile, affection shining in his eyes. You smile back at him, as you cherish a brief moment together holding each other’s gaze.

You glance back at Frank and Karen, before asking with a smile,

“Has Billy shown you his new car yet?”


You’re busy reading something on your phone when you hear the front door open. There’s the jingle of Billy’s keys as he discard them on the cabinet in the hallway. You look up from your phone when he appears in the doorway. He leans his shoulder against the frame, meeting your eyes from where you’re sitting on the couch. You offer him a small smile, which he returns, but you can see there’s something on his mind. He crosses the room to join you on the couch.

“Hey.” You say softly, as he lifts up your legs and places them over his lap.

“Hey.” He echoes, resting his hands on your legs as he gets comfortable beside you. You’re both quiet for a moment, as Billy keeps his gaze on the floor. You wait for him to mention whatever it is that is playing on his mind. It doesn’t take long for him to tell you. “Went to see my mom today.” He squeezes his palm over your knee, before rubbing up and down over your calf as he stares down at the floor. He moves his gaze up to your face, finding you regarding him with a gentle expression.

“How was she?” You ask quietly, and he shrugs lightly.

“Same as usual.” He pauses for a long moment, his eyes still on you as he adds, “I told her about you.” You swallow hard, trying to suppress the emotion welling in your throat.

Shifting slightly on the couch, you drape your arm on the back of the couch, your fingers rubbing gently over his shoulder. With your touch, some of the tension melts from him and a small smile tugs at his lips.

“I told her all about the beautiful girl I was plannin on makin my wife.” You smile softly at him. His gaze becomes unfocused again, as he continues, “I told her how I wish she could meet you, wish she could be there on our day. I wish she’d given me the chance to show her everything I’ve done - everything I am.”

“Billy-“ you start, sensing the direction his thoughts are heading in, but he continues.

“I just wish she’d given me the chance to show her that I was worth it. You know?” You can see the pain in his eyes. He acts nonchalant about his parents, but deep down you know that the fact that his mother abandoned him still hurts. You smooth your fingers over the fabric of his suit jacket. He always dresses up to go on his visits to the hospital, as if he has to prove himself.

“It’s not my place to assume, and no one will ever know exactly why she did what she did.” You begin, conscious of Billy listening to your every word.

Watching his body language carefully, you shift closer to him. You don’t meet his eyes, knowing that he needs some time to process what you’re saying without any pressure. So, you smooth over the nonexistent creases in his suit, knowing that he’s studying every inch of your face in an attempt to decipher the meaning each of your words.

“But I like to think that she wanted you to have a better life than what she could have given you.” His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, and his hold on your knee tightens. “And yeah, it was pretty shitty. And I wish that you could have grown up differently, and had everything you deserved.”

His eyes slide up to meet yours briefly, and your heart aches at the sight of the tears welling there. You look away as you continue speaking,

“But as rough as it was, it made you the Billy Russo that I fell in love with. So whilst it wasn’t good, something incredibly good came out of it all.” You tap your finger against his chest for emphasis, the soft fabric of his navy blue tie beneath your skin. When you lift your eyes up to his, you find a tear making its way down his cheek. Your expression softens, and you wipe it away tenderly. His fingers curl around your wrist, holding your hand against his cheek, and you brush your thumb delicately over his skin.

He removes his hand from your knee to cup your face. His doesn’t meet your eyes, keeping his focus on the motion of his thumb over your cheek as he mimics your actions. Billy leans forward, wrapping his arms around you, to pull your body flush against his chest. You rest your head on his shoulder, melting into his touch. His hands don’t stop moving. They smooth over your thighs, squeeze your hips, and run up your spine. As if he’s simultaneously trying to ground himself, and memorise every inch of you.

Billy shivers when he feels your nose brush against his cheek, the movement drawing him out his thoughts.

“Thank you.” He breathes out, as he rests his forehead against your temple.

“You don’t have to thank me.” You remind him softly. “Never for this.” He sniffles slightly, before shifting you in his arms to meet your eyes. He presses a kiss to the side of your face, and you meet his eyes, relieved to find the sadness has faded from their depths. His nose brushes against your cheek, before he asks,

“What were you up to this morning?” A small smile creeps over your face, and Billy is soon smiling too.

“You know how we were thinking of choosing a wedding song each?” He nods, encouraging you to continue. “Well, I found some vinyls that you can personalise, with twenty minutes worth of space on each each side. So, I was thinking we could each fill a side with songs and we could play it on your record player for our first dance.” Billy plays with a strand of your hair as you talk, his eyes shining at the sight of you looking so eager. He kisses the tip of your nose, before smiling at you.

“That sounds perfect, sweetheart.”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless

Guilty of Love Tag List: @earthfairytale@xxcastleloverxx@strange-person16@cafenoir22@blueearmufs@sunflowerlamb

The Other Side

Mob Boss!Billy Russo (Jigsaw) x Fem!Reader AU Overview

A/N: I’ve got a few ideas for some little drabbles for this AU but I wanted to post a bit of background first.

My Masterlist

  • The events of the Punisher season one are the same, with Billy betraying Frank, and the showdown at the carousel which leaves Billy scarred.
  • When he wakes up, the majority of his memories are intact though he feigns amnesia to manipulate his therapist - Dr Durmont.
  • He’s familiar with people using him to achieve their own means, and he can see that Durmont is slowly becoming infatuated with him.
  • So, once he’s broken out of the hospital he seeks out Durmont who provides him with a place to stay, and access to a number of other former soldiers which he recruits into his business.
  • From there, Billy rebuilds his empire.
  • He picks up contacts he knew through Rawlins, establishing himself as a name in the weapons smuggling business.
  • He makes his money, buying more and more of the city, until he owns a number of clubs and hotels, establishing his territory clearly.
  • Durmont was a means to an end, though there were times where Billy believed her words. That she was the only one who would ever look out for him.
  • He kills her himself. As a statement to her, and himself, that he doesn’t need anyone to look out for him.
  • Then you appear.
  • You work for the FBI or some other government agency.
  • You had heard about the nickname he had earned from the scars on his face - Jigsaw. No one ever called him Billy. It was Mr Russo, or Jigsaw. He had any images of him wiped from as many databases as possible. Aside from an old grainy photo from his time in Afghanistan, you didn’t know what he looked like.
  • You were impressed by how quickly he had established himself in the city’s underground activity. Of course, that meant your workload increased, so you weren’t too impressed.
  • It was after yet another fruitless raid on a warehouse by the docks, when you receive the first phone call from him.
  • At first, you’re terrified. He’s remarkably casual as you talk - though in truth he does the majority of the talking - his voice is smooth and light and you find yourself still reeling hours later. You’re wary as you walk home that night, constantly looking over your shoulder.
  • In his next phone call, he assures you that he doesn’t mean you any harm. Which only proves that he was watching you the other night. You’re not sure whether you’re actually reassured by that.
  • The next time you’re tired and stressed when he calls, and you end up snapping at him. As soon as the words leave your mouth, you’re frozen in fear. But then he laughs softly, a genuine laugh that you’ve never heard from him before.
  • From that point onwards, you accept that he’s too clever for you to actually catch him, and he certainly isn’t going to stop his phone calls, so you might as well enjoy the company.
  • Billy grows attached to you quite quickly. He ensures your safety, buying your apartment building through a few of his subsidiary companies. He keeps tabs on you, sometimes even tailing you himself just to make sure you’re safe.
  • Part of him wants to keep you at a distance. He doesn’t want to rely on anyone. Now that he’s finally fought his way to the top again, he can’t afford to have a weakness. Even though he won’t admit it, he’s also afraid of your rejection. Whilst you seem to be warming up to him, you haven’t seen his face. He’s convinced himself that, should you see his face, your interest in him will turn to disgust.
  • Whilst you’re curious about his scars, you’re far too occupied by the fact that you might be falling for this incredibly dangerous criminal. Which will put your career, and entire life in jeopardy.


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless

Sleepy Mornings

Part of the Guilty of Love AU

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: You and Billy spend a morning in to celebrate your engagement.

Warnings [18+]: smut, hand job (both female and male receiving)

Word Count:1.4K

My Masterlist

A soft smile tugs at your lips as you nuzzle your face into the crook of Billy’s neck. The diamond ring on your finger twinkles in the morning light as you slide your hand over his chest. His breathing shifts slightly, and he hums happily in response to your touch. His lashes flutter open and his dark eyes land on your face.

“Good morning Mr Russo.” You coo softly. A sleepy smile spreads over his face.

“Good mornin, soon to be Mrs Russo.”

Your hand trails up his chest to ruffle through his bedhead. He wraps one of his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush against his. His lips are soft against yours as he holds you tight. Billy slides his hands down your body, squeezing your hips as they rock against his. Your hand grasps a fistful of his hair and he moans into your kiss. He presses his hand against the small of your back, as you grind your hips down on him. His teeth tug down on your lower lip, drawing a moan from the back of your throat.

“You’re so beautiful.” He breathes out, hands sliding down to squeeze at your cheeks. You nuzzle your nose against the side of his neck and press a trail of kisses along his throat. One of his hands slips through the hair at the back of your neck, keeping your lips in place against his skin. You nip lightly at his collarbone, and he groans, grasping at your panties.

Withdrawing your hands from him, you hook your fingers under the edge of your shirt - Billy’s shirt - and tug it over your head before casting it aside. His eyes widen with awe, as he takes in the sight of you. A sight he’s more than familiar with, but he reacts the same every time. He lifts your hips up, sliding your panties down, and you do the same to him, tugging at his boxers.

“Can’t wait to call you my wife.” He rasps, his voice still thick with sleep.

His hand snakes down your body, and you rock your hips against his fingers. His finger circles your clit and you press your forehead against his shoulder as you gasp.

“You know what I’m gonna do, sweetheart?” You shake your head heavily, your hands grasping at his biceps as you grind against his fingers. His smiles at the blissful look on your face, as you melt into his touch. “Gonna make my beautiful fiancée cum all over my fingers.” You gasp again as he presses harder against your clit, increasing the pressure of his circles. “You like the sound of that baby?” You nod several times before a whine escapes your lips. He hushes you gently, pressing a kiss to your forehead. The pace of his finger speeds up, as does your breathing. He watches your face as you gasp and writhe, your body pressed hard against his.

He dips his head down to brush his lips against your neck, nipping lightly at the warm skin there as he murmurs,

“Y’know you were whinin in your sleep last night, sweetheart.” Blood rushes to your face as you register his words. “Havin sweet dreams about your future husband?” Your nails bite into the skin of his biceps as you cling to him, another wave of pleasure rolling through your body.

“Billy please.” You whisper. With his free hand, he hooks a finger under your chin, guiding your eyes to meet his. He takes in every inch of your face, eyes wide in pleasure, parted lips ready to cry out his name.

“Go on sweetheart, I’ve got you.” Your head drops back down to press against his shoulder as you approach your climax. Whispered gasps of his name reach his ears and he speeds up his motions, pushing you over the edge. A broken moan spills from your lips, and Billy helps to work your body through the aftershocks. You’re panting against his skin as the cozy gaze of pleasure clouds over your mind and body.

Billy leans down to kiss you, and you meet his lips eagerly with a soft moan.

“I love you.” He whispers, and you smile widely at him.

“Love you too.” You echo softly, your left hand smoothing over his bicep, rubbing carefully at the crescent prints left by your nails. Billy shivers at your touch, your tender motions warming his heart, and the chill of your engagement ring against his flushed skin. Your hand moves up to his shoulder, squeezing lightly at the muscles there. He raises a brow at you, but you ignore it, keeping your focus on your hand as it slides over his chest. Your fingers brush delicately over his stomach, and his breathing hitches.

It’s only when your fingers curl around his cock, do your eyes finally lift up to meet his. Billy’s eyes are always dark, with hidden depths buried in them. But as you begin to move your hand, his gaze darkens even further, his pupils blown wide with pleasure.

You watch as he throws his head back against the pillows with a groan, followed by a whisper of your name. With his throat bared, you take the opportunity to trail your lips over his skin. As you suck marks into the tender skin of his throat, you alternate the speed of your thrusts, drawing loud moans from his lips as he bucks his hips into your hand.

His fingers curl around your wrist, not seeking to control your motions, just needing something to hold onto. His other hand grasps the back of your head, tightening in your hair when you speed up. His entire body shudders as you run your tongue along the column of his throat.

“Sweetheart please.” He begs, his voice breaking slightly. You shush him tenderly, pressing a kiss to his cheek before sucking lightly on his earlobe. He moans at the feeling of your hot mouth on his skin. “Please.”

You nuzzle your nose against the side of his face and he gasps as you tighten your fingers around his cock. You continue to kiss over his neck and face, stopping for a moment to murmur against his ear,

“I’ve got you honey. Let me take care of my future husband.” He swears under his breath at your words, clenching his jaw hard. You kiss along his jawline, encouraging him to relax under your touch. His breathing shifts into erratic gasps as he approaches his own climax. His hand tightens in your hair, tugging your lips to meet his. You increase the pace of your hand, swallowing each of his moans with the kiss. He squeezes the back of your neck hard and you moan alongside him. You’re both gasping, foreheads pressed together as he nears the edge. You continue to press firm kisses against his lips, until his head tips back and he spills into your hand with a cry of your name. After ensuring he feels every last second of pleasure, you withdraw your hand, leaving him with his chest still heaving as he comes down from his high.

When Billy finds the strength to lift his head up, he sees you cleaning your hand with your tongue, lapping at his release. He can see the mischief in your eyes - you know exactly what you’re doing to him. A mixture between a laugh and a groan escapes his throat, as he meets your eyes, before he flops his head back against his pillow. It’s only a brief moment before your body is sliding over his, and your lips meet in an affectionate kiss. You both smile at one another.

“I love you.” You whisper against his lips. Billy wraps his arms around you, pressing your body firmly against his.

“Love you too sweetheart.” You rest your head in the crook of his neck, tracing small patterns over his shoulder with your fingertips. He smiles down at you softly as you trace over the scars there carefully. You press a soft kiss there and Billy tightens his hold on you.

“We planning on staying here all day?” You remark lightly and Billy nods with a soft grin.

“Absolutely.” Your own smile widens as you settle down beside him with a shrug.

“Okay then.” Billy laughs softly, and leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. With a contented sigh, you rest your head against his chest, your eyes fluttering closed to enjoy this quiet moment with your fiancé.


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless

Guilty of Love Tag List: @earthfairytale@xxcastleloverxx@strange-person16@cafenoir22@blueearmufs@sunflowerlamb

Night to Remember

Part of the Guilty of Love AU

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader

Summary: Now a successful businessman, Billy has plans to take you out on a romantic date to a very expensive restaurant.

Word Count:1.4K

My Masterlist

Billy tugs at the collar of his shirt for the third time in the last half an hour. He’s been to the bathroom twice already, and you have a feeling he’ll be up there again soon. You lean against the wall of the hallway, waiting patiently for him. Part of you is worried that you’ll miss your reservation, but the majority of you is more concerned by Billy’s behaviour.

He adjusts his tie again, his brows creased in worry as he stares at his reflection in the mirror that hangs over the cabinet.

“What’s wrong?” You ask, and he frowns. His mouth parts, though no words come out. He can’t tell you that it’s nothing, but he certainly can’t tell you what it is that’s making him so nervous. You watch him falter and step closer, resting your hand against his forearm in reassurance. “We don’t have to go out tonight. You know I’d be happy with you anywhere.”

His eyes soften, and his throat bobs as he takes in your words. He shakes his head,

“No I still wanna go, it’s just…” He trails off, his hand running through his hair as he looks away from you again. He hadn’t looked at you often this evening. You raise your brows questioningly at him, waiting for him to continue.

He draws in a shaky breath, and you hold onto his arm tighter. His nerves are most definitely being picked up by you. Very few things actually manage to shake Billy, and you can’t imagine what’s going on in his head. You can only hope that he’s willing to tell you. He swallows hard, before muttering a soft,

“Fuck it.” Your frown deepens as he moves towards the coat stand, rummaging through the pockets of his coat. He pulls something out, holding it tightly in his hand before he turns back to you.

Confusion is written all over your face. Understanding hits you when Billy gets down on one knee in front of you. Tears well in your eyes, and you press your hand to your mouth when he opens up the box, revealing a beautiful ring that sparkles despite the tears blurring your vision.

“Sweetheart,” he says softly at the sight of your tears. He hates it when you cry. He breathes out a small laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood despite the pounding in his chest. “I haven’t even asked you yet.”

“Just ignore it.” You insist, gesturing to the tears on your cheeks. “Carry on.” He holds his hand out for you, and you take it. He gives you a reassuring squeeze, ignoring the fact that you’re both shaking.

His smile is wobbly, full of emotion, as he clears his throat.

“I’ve never actually been to a wedding.” He admits. “Frank was already married when I met him, and I’ve never had any close friends or family to invite me to one. So, I’ve never really given the whole thing much thought in my life.” He pauses, looking up at you. “But for the last few months it’s been all I can think about.”

Your breathing catches at the thought of Billy dreaming about marrying you. Of course you imagined him in your future. But the thought of it being on Billy’s mind makes you love him even more.

“Been thinkin about how beautiful you’d look walkin down the aisle. Of tryin out cake flavours, and pickin flowers, and lookin at venues with you.” His fingers tighten their hold on yours, as he stares up at you. “Thinkin about havin you as my wife. Showin you off at the reception. Dancin all night, and makin love to you until the morning.”

Love and affection blooms in your chest, as you imagine everything Billy is describing. Your heart longs for it. His smile widens as he says,

“Wakin up beside my Mrs Russo. Cause there’s nothin in the world that would make me happier than bein your husband.” He adjusts his hold on the box slightly, and your eyes slide from his face to the glistening ring in his hand. “Will you marry me?”

You nod hurriedly through your tears, before managing to say,

“Yes I will, Billy.” He beams at you, taking the ring out of the box and sliding it shakily onto your finger. “I love you so much.” You choke out, and Billy stands up, immediately pulling you against his chest.

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

His hands smooth over your sides, and you press your cheek against his chest as you wrap your arms around his waist. After a moment of holding you, he steps back. You look up at him as the two of you beam at one another. He cups your face in his hands, kissing away the tear stains from your cheeks. His thumbs swipe the remainder of your tears as he stares down adoringly at you.

“You still wanna go out tonight?” He asks you gently. “I’d be happy with you anywhere.” He adds, echoing your words from earlier. You nod, smiling up at Billy as you wrap your fingers around each of his wrists as he holds your face. You lean forward, pressing your lips against his. He tugs you forward, and you rest your hands against his chest. You smooth one hand up to curl into his hair. He hums contentedly as your fingers squeeze lightly over the muscles at the nape of his neck. One of Billy’s arms wraps around your waist, and he tugs you closer, pressing your chest against his.

“We might have missed our reservation.” You remark lightly and Billy breathes out a laugh.


Billy holds the door of the restaurant open for you and you smile at him as you walk through the entrance. Turning back to wait for Billy, he’s by your side in an instant, looping an arm around your waist to pull you against him. He nudges your side with his hip, nodding towards the host. You smile widely and say,

“Reservation under Russo.” Billy beams beside you. After checking through his list, the host smiles at you with a nod.

“Right this way Mr and Mrs Russo.” You both share a delighted look as you follow the host to your table. The host picks up on the excitement between you both.

“Newlyweds?” He asks. Billy regards you with a proud smile before saying,

“Newly engaged.”

“Very recently.” You add with a small laugh.

“Congratulations.” You both thank him, as you reach your table.

Billy pulls out your chair for you immediately. The host offers you a complimentary bottle of champagne, pouring you both a glass before leaving you to read through the menu. Meaning that you and Billy are alone again. You can’t shake the excitement from your expression and Billy smiles again at the sight of you so happy - all because of him.

“You wanna talk about it?” He asks, referring to the wedding. You nod eagerly.

“Yes. Absolutely. Will it be soon?” You ask, and he nods taking a drink of his champagne.

“As soon as you want it sweetheart.” You smile widely, adding softly,

“I can’t wait to marry you.” He regards you fondly.

“Can’t wait to marry you too.” You look down at your menu and Billy follows suit. “I was thinkin of askin you here.” He says casually. He’s a lot more relaxed now that he’s asked you - and that you’ve said yes. You look around at the fancy restaurant smiling at the thought of Billy wanting to take you somewhere special for tonight. “But then I got worried.” You frown lightly,


“We hadn’t talked about marriage. Well, we did but that was a while ago, and it wasn’t about us gettin married.” You feel a little surprised that Billy remembered such a casual conversation between the two of you. “I thought, if I asked you at home, you wouldn’t feel pressured. We could talk about it, if it was something you didn’t want right now, or ever.”

Your smile fades a little as your affection for Billy tugs at your heartstrings. He watches your eyes soften as you look at him, and he’s overwhelmed by the fact that you’re all his.

“You really are perfect, you know that?” You say earnestly. He shakes his head.

“Far from it.” You raise your brows at him, and he gives you a sheepish smile. Neither of you will ever stand for the other putting the self down.

“Well you’re perfect for me.” You concede, and Billy rests his upturned hand on the table, waiting for yours. You link your fingers together, and Billy squeezes them gently before his thumb begins to trace patterns over the top of your hand. He tugs your hand up to meet his lips, pressing a tender kiss against each of your knuckles. You can see the emotion welling in his eyes, knowing how much your show of love means to him.

“You’re perfect for me too.”


Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23@restingbitchsblog@tiredbeebo@rafaelakelley@theysayitscrazy@hummelmi@nyx2021@skybridgerton@dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless

Guilty of Love Tag List: @earthfairytale@xxcastleloverxx@strange-person16@cafenoir22@blueearmufs@sunflowerlamb
