#billy tyson


I feel like that episode of 9-1-1 was 90% perfection. I honestly was 100% invested in both storylines and at no point was I wanting to see more of one than the other. I may be alone in this but I actually enjoy Billy a lot. I love that Grace could go through labor and still constantly put Billy in his place. She is a queen and Charlie has the 2 best parents a girl could ask for.

Ah Tarlos. Carlos I love you, you are probably the best partner a person can have but as an amazing as a gesture as it is, you can’t go buying houses and putting  people names in it, and TK baby, you cant just run away when things get hard. Yeah Carlos went a little to big but you broke the poor guys heart instead of having the difficult converations. I honeslty believe that for Carlos money doesn’t matter as long as they are togther so the break up would have broken him seeing he was thinking they where gonna spend the rest of thier lives together. He has every right to be mad.

My biggest problem with the episode blends into the problem with the show in general and that is to much happens off screen. Almost all of Grace’s pregnancy, how the 126 split after Owen left. I want to see how they left one by one till it was just my girl Marjan fighting the good fight.

Watching Rafa kill these scenes was a treat (He is just so talented) but I feel kind of ripped off in this Tarlos storyline. We had them break up off screen, months of them apart off screen. I would have liked to see them both dealing with not being together as much as it would hurt to watch. Then we see how hurt Carlos is with the break up and the anger he holds. Then TK wakes up and we time skip again to seeing them back together and happy. I would kill to see that path back to being a couple because I think there is a story of TK getting Carlos’s trust and forgiveness and for Carlos to underatand where he went wrong. (Also kind of want to see Andrea give TK a piece of her mind, tough love) I kind of felt like this whole storyline outside of this single episode really showed no growth for TK or Carlos. The reason for the break up deserved more time to be explored.

Then we jump to the 126 being completly rebuilt and back together. Tim said he likes to show the road back to being togther but as far as I can tell 90% of that road was all of screen and in time jumps, we missed a lot of opportunity to see these characthers journeys. I may be alone in this but I dont undersatnd why they feel they have to run in current time just because you go on hiatus doesnt mean you need to time jump with the time that has passed. It feels like we have never spent any real time with these charcathers without weeks passing between episodes.

I know it seems like I only have negatives to say but I do love this show and this was a great, amazing episode just the last few minutes disappointed me.


my current 2 emotions are i want to be kissed & i am so fucking horrible
